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Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha No. of Items

.948 35

Cronbach’s alpha is used to measure the internal consistency of the data. By running reliability to
the data, Cronbach Alpha was 0.948 which shows that the scale has high internal consistency


This chapter deals with the analysis of primary data collected from the respondents and the
demographic features of the respondents are analyzed for its frequencies and percentage analysis
as follows;

TABLE 4.1.1


Age Frequency Percent

Below 20 18 10
20-25 141 79
More than 25 19 11
Total 178 100.0

CHART 4.1.1

The above table shows the age distribution of the respondents. Among the respondents 79%
belong to the age group between 20 and 25 years, 11% belong to the age group more than 25
years, and 10% belongs to the age group below 20. Hence, majority of the respondents
participated in the study belong to the age group between 20 and 25 years.
TABLE 4.1.2


Gender Frequency Percent

Male 69 39
Female 109 61
Total 178 100.0

CHART 4.1.2

From the above shows that, it is evident that 39% of the respondents are male and 61% of the
respondents are Female. Hence, it is interpreted that majority of the respondents of the study is
TABLE 4.1.3


Place Of Residence Frequency Percent

Rural 57 32
Urban 95 53
Semi urban 26 15
Total 178 100.0

CHART 4.1.3

The above table shows residence of the respondents. Among the respondents 53 belong to urban,
32 % belongs to the rural, and 15% belongs to the semi urban. Hence, majority of the
respondents participated in the study belong to the urban.
TABLE 4.1.4


Marital Status Frequency Percent

Married 15 8
Unmarried 163 92
Total 178 100.0

CHART 4.1.4

From the above shows that, it is evident that 8% of the respondents are unmarried and 92% of
the respondents are married. Hence, it is interpreted that majority of the respondents of the study
is unmarried.
TABLE 4.1.5


Stream Frequency Valid Percent

Arts & Science 89 50
Engineering 89 50
Total 178 100.0

CHART 4.1.5

The above table shows stream of the students. Among the respondents 50% belong to Arts &
science, 50 % belongs to the Engineering. Hence both the stream having equal respondents.
TABLE 4.1.6


Course Frequency Percent

BA 14 13
B.Sc. 23 17
B.Com 52 20
B. E 89 50.0
Total 178 100.0

CHART 4.1.6

From the above table shows that 13% of Arts students, 20% of Commerce students, 17% of
science students, and 50% of Engineering students. Hence it has a greater number of Engineering
TABLE 4.1.7

Academic Sessions Frequency Percent

Less than 25 55 31
Between 25-50 96 54
More than 50 27 15
Total 178 100

CHART 4.1.7

The above table shows the hours of academic sessions per week. Among 54% belong to the
between 25 to 50 hours, 31% belong to less than 25 hours, and 15% belongs to more than 50
hours. Hence, majority of the respondents participated in the study belong to the between 25 and
50 hours.
TABLE 4.1.8


Examinations Frequency Percent

Every week 33 19
Once in a month 70 39
1-2 times in a semester 66 37
Once in a semester 9 5
Total 178 100.0

CHART 4.1.8

The above table shows that examinations held in the college. it is evident that 39% students
having examination once in a month,37% having 1-2 times in a semester,19% of the students
having every week examinations, only 5% of the students having once in a semester. Hence the
majority of the students having examinations once in a month.


Table 4.2.1 Chi-Square Test between the Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-awareness.

Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant association between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-awareness. Demographic variables χ2 value Significance Result

1 Age 72.603 0.000 Reject

2 Gender 28.320 0.041 Reject
3 Place of residence 48.292 0.053 Accept
4 Marital Status 47.871 0.000 Reject
5 Name of the stream 36.057 0.005 Reject
6 Name of the course 63.311 0.116 Accept
Hours of academic sessions 50.875
7 0.031 Reject
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 63.919 0.106 Accept

It is obvious from the above Table 4.2.1 that the variables Age (p=0.000), Gender (p=0.041),
Marital status (p=0.000), stream(p=0.005), academic Sessions (p=0.031) which is lower than the
commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the
alternate hypothesis i.e. There is significant association between demographic variables of Arts,
Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-awareness. Further, it
can be affirmed that the variables Place of Residence (p=0.053), course(p=0.116) Examination
held in college (p=0.106) which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have
to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association between demographic
variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-
Table 4.2.2 Chi-Square Test between the Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-motivation.

Hypothesis (H0) : There is no significant association between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-motivation. Demographic variables χ2 value Significance Result

1 Age 62.369 0.001 Reject

2 Gender 25.454 0.062 Accept
3 Place of residence 39.711 0.164 Accept
4 Marital Status 11.278 0.792 Accept
5 Name of the stream 20.928 0.181 Accept
6 Name of the course 45.936 0.558 Accept
Hours of academic sessions 45.709
7 0.055 Accept
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 61.101 0.097 Accept

It is obvious from the above Table 4.2.2 that the variables Age (p=0.001) which is lower than the
commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the
alternate hypothesis i.e. There is significant association between demographic variables of Arts,
Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self motivation. Further, it
can be affirmed that the variables Gender (p=0.062),Place of Residence (p=0.053), Marital status
(p=0.792), stream(p=0.181), course(p=0.558) academic Sessions (p=0.055) ,Examination held in
college (p=0.0.097) which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to
accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association between demographic
variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-
Table 4.2.3 Chi-Square Test between the Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and Empathy level.

Hypothesis (H0) : There is no significant association between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of Empathy. Demographic variables χ2 value Significance Result

1 Age 55.994 0.018 Reject

2 Gender 37.512 0.004 Reject
3 Place of residence 48.352 0.082 Accept
4 Marital Status 15.866 0.602 Accept
5 Name of the stream 30.414 0.034 Reject
6 Name of the course 55.936 0.000 Reject
Hours of academic sessions 43.486
7 0.183 Accept
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 72.205 0.050 Reject

It is obvious from the above Table 4.2.3 that the variables Age (p=0.018), Gender (p=0.004),
Stream(p=0.034), Course(p=0.000), Examination held in college (p=0.050) which is lower than
the commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the
alternate hypothesis i.e. There is significant association between demographic variables of Arts,
Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of Empathy. Further, it can be
affirmed that the variables Place of Residence (p=0.082) Marital status (p=0.602), academic
Sessions (p=0.183), which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to
accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association between demographic
variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of Empathy.
Table 4.2.4 Chi-Square Test between the Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of Self-control.

Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant association between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-control. Demographic variables χ2 value Significance Result

1 Age 89.501 0.000 Reject

2 Gender 23.787 0.204 Accept
3 Place of residence 41.913 0.305 Accept
4 Marital Status 32.182 0.030 Reject
5 Name of the stream 19.411 0.431 Accept
6 Name of the course 74.034 0.064 Accept
Hours of academic sessions
7 48.416 0.120 Accept
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 75.521 0.051 Accept

It is obvious from the above Table 4.2.4 that the variables Age (p=0.000), Marital status
(p=0.030) which is lower than the commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the
null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis i.e. There is significant association between
demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level
of self control. Further, it can be affirmed that the variables Gender (p=0.204),Place of Residence
(p=0.305), stream(p=0.431), course(p=0.064) academic Sessions (p=0.120) ,Examination held in
college (p=0.051) which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to
accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association between demographic
variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-
Table 4.2.5 Chi-Square Test between the Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of stress management.

Hypothesis (H0) : There is no significant association between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of stress management. Demographic variables χ2 value Significance Result

1 Age 65.331 0.001 Reject

2 Gender 25.805 0.078 Accept
3 Place of residence 48.302 0.053 Accept
4 Marital Status 32.246 0.014 Reject
5 Name of the stream 20.538 0.248 Accept
6 Name of the course 65.006 0.090 Accept
Hours of academic sessions 40.324
7 0.211 Accept
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 83.198 0.003 Reject

It is obvious from the above Table 4.2.5 that the variables Age (p=0.001), Marital status
(p=0.014), Examination held in college (p=0.003) which is lower than the commonly accepted
value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis i.e.
There is significant association between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering
students in Thanjavur district and level of stress management. Further, it can be affirmed that the
variables Gender (p=0.078),Place of Residence (p=0.053), stream(p=0.248), course(p=0.090)
academic Sessions (p=0.211) , which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we
have to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association between
demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level
of stress management.
Table 4.2.6 Chi-Square Test between the Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of managing relationship.

Hypothesis (H0) : There is no significant association between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of managing relationship. Demographic variables χ2 value Significance Result

1 Age 49.289 0.069 Accept

2 Gender 39.229 0.003 Reject
3 Place of residence 40.018 0.296 Accept
4 Marital Status 18.570 0.419 Accept
5 Name of the stream 26.791 0.083 Accept
6 Name of the course 79.578 0.013 Reject
Hours of academic sessions 58.376
7 0.011 Reject
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 73.253 0.042 Reject

It is obvious from the above Table 4.2.6 that the variables Gender (p=0.003), Course(p=0.013),
academic Sessions (p=0.011), Examination held in college (p=0.042) which is lower than the
commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the
alternate hypothesis i.e. There is significant association between demographic variables of Arts,
Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of managing relationship.
Further, it can be affirmed that the variables Age (p=0.069), Place of Residence (p=0.296)
Marital status (p=0.419), Stream(p=0.083) which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05
therefore we have to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association
between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district
and level of managing relationship.
Table 4.2.7 Chi-Square Test between the Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and Student’s academic performance.

Hypothesis (H0) : There is no significant association between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and Student’s academic performance. Demographic variables χ2 value Significance Result

1 Age 74.451 0.000 Reject

2 Gender 34.989 0.009 Reject
3 Place of residence 53.450 0.031 Reject
4 Marital Status 44.010 0.001 Reject
5 Name of the stream 24.648 0.135 Accept
6 Name of the course 95.404 0.000 Reject
Hours of academic sessions
7 75.565 0.000 Reject
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 75.459 0.028 Reject

It is obvious from the above Table 4.2.7 that the variables Age (p=0.000), Gender (p=0.009),
Place of Residence (p=0.031), Marital status (p=0.001), course(p=0.000), academic Sessions
(p=0.000) Examination held in college (p=0.028), which is lower than the commonly accepted
value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis i.e.
There is significant association between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering
students in Thanjavur district and students’ academic performance. Further, it can be affirmed
that the variables stream(p=0.135) which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore
we have to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association between
demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and
students’ academic performance.

Table 4.3.1 ONE WAY ANOVA for Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and self-awareness

Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-awareness. Demographic variables F value Significance Result

1 Age 1.552 0.083 Accept

2 Gender 1.781 0.035 Reject
3 Place of residence 1.462 0.115 Accept
4 Marital Status 3.462 0.000 Reject
5 Name of the stream 2.391 0.003 Reject
6 Name of the course 1.565 0.079 Accept
Hours of academic sessions
7 1.635 0.061 Accept
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 1.161 0.303 Accept

From the above Table 4.3.1 it is inferred that the variables, Gender (p=0.035), Marital status
(p=0.000), stream(p=0.003) which is lower than the commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we
have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis i.e. There is significant
association between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in
Thanjavur district and level of self-awareness. Further, it can be affirmed that the variables Age
(p=0.083), Place of Residence(p=0.115), course(p=0.079), academic Sessions(p=0.061)
Examination held in college (p=0.303), which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05
therefore we have to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association
between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district
and level of self-awareness.
Table 4.3.2 ONE WAY ANOVA for Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and self-motivation

Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-motivation. Demographic variables F value Significance Result

1 Age 1.967 0.018 Reject

2 Gender 1.679 0.055 Accept
3 Place of residence 1.505 0.104 Accept
4 Marital Status 0.681 0.810 Accept
5 Name of the stream 1.341 0.179 Accept
6 Name of the course 0.926 0.540 Accept
Hours of academic sessions
7 2.236 0.006 Reject
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 1.075 0.383 Accept

From the above Table 4.3.2 it is inferred that the variables, Age (p=0.018), academic
Sessions(p=0.006), which is lower than the commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to
reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis i.e. There is significant association
between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district
and level of self-motivation. Further, it can be affirmed that the variables, Gender (p=0.055),
Place of Residence (p=0.104), Marital status (p=0.810), stream(p=0.179),course(p=0.540),
Examination held in college (p=0.383), which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05
therefore we have to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association
between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district
and level of self-motivation.
Table 4.3.3 ONE WAY ANOVA for Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and Empathy

Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of Empathy. Demographic variables F value Significance Result

1 Age 1.887 0.020 Reject

2 Gender 2.359 0.002 Reject
3 Place of residence 1.760 0.035 Reject
4 Marital Status 0.864 0.622 Accept
5 Name of the stream 1.820 0.027 Reject
6 Name of the course 2.045 0.010 Reject
Hours of academic sessions
7 1.496 0.098 Accept
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 1.356 0.161 Accept

From the above Table 4.3.3 it is inferred that the variables, Age (p=0.020), Gender (p=0.002),
Place of Residence (p=0.035), stream(p=0.027), course(p=0.010), which is lower than the
commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the
alternate hypothesis i.e. There is significant association between demographic variables of Arts,
Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of Empathy. Further, it can be
affirmed that the variables, Marital status (p=0.622), academic Sessions(p=0.098), Examination
held in college (p=0.161), which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we
have to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association between
demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level
of Empathy.
Table 4.3.4 ONE WAY ANOVA for Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and Self-control

Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of self-control. Demographic variables F Significance Result

1 Age 2.332 0.002 Reject

2 Gender 1.283 0.202 Accept
3 Place of residence 0.638 0.872 Accept
4 Marital Status 1.835 0.023 Reject
5 Name of the stream 1.018 0.444 Accept
6 Name of the course 0.779 0.729 Accept
Hours of academic sessions
7 1.636 0.054 Accept
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 0.772 0.737 Accept

From the above Table 4.3.4 it is inferred that the variables, Age (p=0.002), Marital status
(p=0.023), which is lower than the commonly accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the
null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis i.e. There is significant association between
demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level
of self-control. Further, it can be affirmed that the variables, Gender (p=0.202), Place of
Residence (p=0.872), stream(p=0.444), course(p=0.729), academic Sessions(p=0.054),
Examination held in college (p=0.737), which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05
therefore we have to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association
between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district
and level of self-control.
Table 4.3.5 ONE WAY ANOVA for Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and Stress management.

Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and level of stress management. Demographic variables F Significance Result

1 Age 2.645 0.001 Reject

2 Gender 1.596 0.071 Accept
3 Place of residence 1.690 0.049 Reject
4 Marital Status 2.082 0.010 Reject
5 Name of the stream 1.228 0.249 Accept
6 Name of the course 0.413 0.981 Accept
Hours of academic sessions
7 1.095 0.363 Accept
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 1.569 0.078 Accept

From the above Table 4.3.5 it is inferred that the variables, Age (p=0.001), Place of Residence
(p=0.049), Marital status (p=0.010), which is lower than the commonly accepted value 0.05
therefore we have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis i.e. There is
significant association between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students
in Thanjavur district and level of stress management. Further, it can be affirmed that the
variables, Gender (p=0.071), stream(p=0.249), course(p=0.981), academic Sessions(p=0.363),
Examination held in college (p=0.078), which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05
therefore we have to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association
between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district
and level of stress management.
Table 4.3.6 ONE WAY ANOVA for Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and Managing relationship.

Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and managing relationship. Demographic variables F Significance Result

1 Age 1.768 0.033 Reject

2 Gender 2.497 0.001 Reject
3 Place of residence 0.673 0.834 Accept
4 Marital Status 1.029 0.431 Accept
5 Name of the stream 1.565 0.075 Accept
6 Name of the course 1.875 0.021 Reject
Hours of academic sessions
7 1.984 0.013 Reject
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 1.261 0.221 Accept

From the above Table 4.3.6 it is inferred that the variables, Age (p=0.033), Gender (p=0.001),
course(p=0.021), academic Sessions(p=0.013), which is lower than the commonly accepted
value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis i.e.
There is significant association between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering
students in Thanjavur district and level of managing relationship. Further, it can be affirmed that
the variables, Place of Residence (p=0.834), Marital status (p=0.0431) stream(p=0.075),
Examination held in college (p=0.221), which is greater than commonly accepted value 0.05
therefore we have to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant association
between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district
and level of managing relationship.
Table 4.3.7 ONE WAY ANOVA for Demographic variables of Arts, Science and
Engineering students in Thanjavur district and students’ academic performance.

Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between demographic variables of Arts,

Science and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and student’s academic performance. Demographic variables F Significance Result

1 Age 2.457 0.002 Reject

2 Gender 2.161 0.006 Reject
3 Place of residence 1.184 0.280 Accept
4 Marital Status 2.901 0.000 Reject
5 Name of the stream 1.420 0.129 Accept
6 Name of the course 1.550 0.080 Accept
Hours of academic sessions
7 3.096 0.000 Reject
are held per week.
8 Examinations held in college 1.507 0.094 Accept

From the above Table 4.3.7 it is inferred that the variables, Age (p=0.002), Gender (p=0.006),
Marital status (p=0.000), academic Sessions(p=0.000), which is lower than the commonly
accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate
hypothesis i.e. There is significant association between demographic variables of Arts, Science
and Engineering students in Thanjavur district and students’ academic performance. Further, it
can be affirmed that the variables, Place of Residence (p=0.280), stream(p=0.129),
course(p=0.080), Examination held in college (p=0.094), which is greater than commonly
accepted value 0.05 therefore we have to accept the null hypothesis Hence There is no significant
association between demographic variables of Arts, Science and Engineering students in
Thanjavur district and students academic performance.

Table 4.4.1 Regression model between emotional intelligence elements and students’
academic performance.

H0: There is no significant impact on emotional intelligence elements and students’ academic

Independent Dependent R Adjusted Beta

R Significant Results
variables variables Square R square Coefficient
Self-awareness 0.743 0.553 0.537 0.108 0.135 Accept

Self-motivation 0.590 0.000 Reject

Empathy -0.083 0.309 Accept

Self-control , 0.278 0.019 Reject

Stress management 0.015 0.836 Accept

Managing relations 0.099 0.165 Accept

R value which is simple correlation between two factors. The correlation value in the current
study indicates a quite moderate degree of correlation between emotional intelligence elements
and students’ academic performance (r=0.743). The standardized Beta coefficients explain the
relative importance of variables in predicting the academic performance (dependent variable)
from emotional intelligence elements. Based on the Beta value, β =0.590 (p=0.000) self-
motivation, and the β = 0.278 (p=0.019) self-control seemed to have the strongest effect. It can
also be understood that the predictor namely self-motivation and self-control had a significant
impact in predicting academic performance of students.

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