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Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah
Jl. Epicentrum Tengah Lot 11 B
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta - 12940
Telp: (021) 299-12-450
Fax: (021) 299-12-451

Direktorat Jenderal Pajak

Jl. Gatot Subroto No.Kav. 40-42, RT.7/RW.1, Senayan, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus
Ibukota Jakarta 12190


Head Office
Jl. Kramat Raya No. 29
Jakarta Pusat 10450
Telp : (+6221) 31923005
Fax : (+6221) 3106804
E-mail : ptkpusat[at]ptk-shipping[dot]com
PT. PGN LNG Indonesia
Head Office:
Jl. K.H. Zainul Arifin No. 20 Jakarta 11140 Indonesia
P +6221 - 29037505 / 29073266 / 29073267
F +6221 29071133 / 29071132


Persyaratan Kerja Praktik dan Tugas Akhir
Persyaratan sebagai mahasiswa Kerja Praktik dan Tugas Akhir, mahasiswa harus memiliki IPK min
2.75. Untuk mendaftar di program ini, mahasiswa harus menyerahkan dokumen berikut;
-Curriculum Vitae (CV)
-Formulir Technical Education Assistance (TEA) yang sudah terisi (unduh disini)
Seluruh persyaratan dokumen di atas dikirimkan ke dengan
judul "Practical Work – Nama, Program Studi/Jurusan" atau "Thesis Program – Nama, Program
Studi/Jurusan" dengan ukuran maksimum 2MB. Hanya pemohon yang memenuhi syarat dan sesuai
dengan kebutuhan bisnis yang akan kami hubungi.
Internship Program
Internship or practical work is an introduction to the business program for students who will
complete their studies with occupying a particular business unit corresponding academic field for a
certain period of time. The program seeks to facilitate the students to learn and prepare themselves
before entering the real world of work. The benefit of following the practical work in the CAP
program includes:

Getting a valuable learning experience and a real understanding of the world of work as well as
expand knowledge
Getting a lot of lessons about the petrochemical industry and CAP in particular
Accompanied by an experienced mentor
Getting facility lunch in the company cafeteria
Get a lot of new friends from other universities
Obtaining certificates
As for the registration process, can be done by sending:

Practical Work proposal (topics and periods of practical work) from school/university
For high school students who has up to 3rd grade
For diploma students who has completed their IV semester
For college students who has completed their VI semester
The field of education adopted in accordance with the business unit (user) which will be occupied

Nama Perusahaan :
Perusahaan Perseroan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), berkantor pusat di Jakarta

Alamat Kantor Pusat :

Jl. Pasoso No.1 Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara, Jakarta 14310

Telepon :
(021) 6519043

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