18-38828-3 Hossain, MD Sibbir

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Teaching Assistantship at
American International University- Bangladesh

An Internship Report Presented to the

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Supervised By
Victor Stany Rozario

Assistant Professor 
Department of Computer Science 
American International University–Bangladesh 

Submitted By

Semester: Spring 2021-2022

Date of Submission: May 01, 2022
1st May, 2022
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB)
Subject: Submission of Internship Report.
It is an honor to submit my internship report on “Teaching Assistantship at American
International University - Bangladesh.” This report will provide the flavor of my great
opportunity to have experience in one of the most exciting professions.
I was assigned to help the professors in two classes as a teaching assistant, "Introduction to
Computer Studies, Sec: B1 & B12". In general, this semester's internship experience has
been remarkable. As a teaching assistant, I gained first-hand experience in online teaching
and offline teaching as well along with student management. Additionally, I possess
experience in managing student work, calculating Microsoft Teams attendance tables for
students, making list of students, solving problems of students along with in class
consultation and managing grade tables. Both of my supervisors are receptive and
accommodating. This report will discuss several facets of the prestigious teaching profession.
All of the assignments that my supervisors assigned me were closely related to what I learned
throughout my numerous courses at American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB).
All of the assignments that my supervisors assigned me were closely related to what I learned
throughout my numerous courses at American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB).
I am really grateful for the opportunity to participate in this internship program. I'd want to
express my heartfelt gratitude for providing me with this internship opportunity.
Sincerely yours,

Sibbir Hossain

Program: Computer Science & Engineering
1st May, 2022

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The Internship Affiliation Report entitled “Teaching Assistant at American International
University - Bangladesh”, has been submitted to the Office of Placement and Department of
Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Computer Science &
Engineering by MD SIBBIR HOSSAIN, 18-38828-3. This report is presented to the Internship
Defense Committee for evaluation and has been accepted.

Victor Stany Rozario Dr. Kamruddin Nur

Internship Supervisor (Academic) Internship Supervisor (Industry)
Assistant Professor Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
American International University– American International University–
Bangladesh Bangladesh

Dr. Sohidul Islam Mohaimen-Bin-Noor

Internship Supervisor (Industry) Internship Supervisor (External)
Associate Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
American International University– American International University–
Bangladesh Bangladesh

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Prof. Dr. Dip Nandi
Department of Computer Science
American International University–

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To begin, I want to convey my thanks to almighty Allah for his grace in accomplishing my timely
internship report.
I would want to show my appreciation to the Faculty of Science and Technology, requesting that
internship credit be retained in the graduating program's curriculum and providing me with an
opportunity to sample the taste of industry-oriented responsibilities and the subject of work in which I
am interested. Additionally, I am thankful to the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Office
of Placement and Alumni at AIUB for facilitating a chance to choose and finish an internship with
an organization of my choice.
I am thankful to DR. KAMRUDDIN NUR, Associate Professor of Computer Science, and American
International University – Bangladesh for allowing me to assist in his course. I am also grateful to
him from the core of my heart for his kind support, guidance, supervision, and instructions, advising
me and helping me through hands and pens, and motivating me to do my internship smoothly as his
Additionally, I am grateful to DR. SOHIDUL ISLAM, Associate Professor of Computer Science,
and American International University – Bangladesh for enabling me to help her in her lectures. I am
also grateful to her for their kind support, advice, supervision, and teaching, advising and assisting me
through hands and pens, and inspiring me to complete my internship successfully as her assistant.

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TOPICS Page no.
I. Title Page 1
II. Letter of Submittal 2
III. Letter of Endorsement 3
IV. Acknowledgement 5
V. Table of Content 6
VI. List of Tables &Figures 7
1. Introduction 8
1.1. Rationale 8
1.2. Background 8
1.3. Objectives 9
2. Activities 10
2.1. Work Load 10
2.2. Organization Wide 10
2.3. Other Relevant Activities 11
3. Constraints/Challenges 14
3.1. Identified/Observed in the Organization 14
3.2. Academic Preparation 15
3.3. Personal/Professional Skills 15
4. Acquired Knowledge 17
4.1. Consequences to Organization 17
4.2. Implications to University’s Internship Program 18
4.3. Effects on Personal/Professional Skills 19
5. Concluding Statements 21
5.1. Summary 21
5.2. Recommendations/Suggestions for future strategic actions 21
5.2.1. Organization 21
5.2.2. University 22
5.2.3. Personal/Professional 22
6. Recommendation Letters 23
7. References 25
8. Appendices 26

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TITLES Page no.
1.1 figure: Course Evaluation 11

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1.1 Rationale
This report will be beneficial for people, like me, who want to obtain practical job experience, which
internships provide. It provides excellent real-world job experience to students that will benefit them
in the future. Additionally, it shapes a person's profession and, to a significant measure, signifies a
pivotal era in his or her life. Working as an intern offered me several useful lessons that will help
define my future profession. An internship report educates teachers on the activities of a student and
their assistance to their industrial supervisor during an internship. For me, this report is critical. That
is where I keep track of my accomplishments, rewards, difficulties, and even triumphs. Additionally,
this paper details how I used multiple technologies (laptops, cellphones, and so on) to tackle real-
world issues. This report details the lessons I learned, the accomplishments I made, and the person I
developed throughout my internship. It is really useful since it enables prospective students interested
in teaching support to study and acquire new skills. This report will highlight the information I
acquired as an Intern Student(LAB).

1.2 Background
AIUB is a well-known private university in Bangladesh. American International University
Bangladesh was founded in 1994 as a joint venture between AMA Computer University in the
Philippines and local sponsor Anwarul Abedin. Academic classes on a regular basis began in 1995.
Later that year, AMA Computer University renamed itself American International University
Bangladesh. Academic programs are available via the university's four colleges. The Faculty of
Science and Information Technology is comprised of the School of Science and Information
Technology, the School of Engineering, the School of Business Administration, and the Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences. [1].

1.2.1 Vision

American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB) aspires to produce professionals and

outstanding leadership capable of meeting the country's technical advancement and development

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1.2.2 Mission

American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB) is devoted to delivering high-quality,

innovative computer-based academic programs that address contemporary issues. It is committed to
cultivating and producing competent world-class professionals who are endowed with a strong sense
of ethical principles and prepared to participate in the competitive worlds of arts, social science, and

1.2.3 Goals

• Continue to improve educational services and facilities in response to changing demands and
societal requirements.

• Instill a professional culture in management, professors, and staff to ensure the institution's vision,
purpose, and objectives are met.

• Increase research awareness in order to uncover new facets of curriculum creation and enrichment.

• Develop meaningful and relevant community outreach initiatives that reflect the university's
existing resources and expertise.

• Strengthen program networking, resource sharing, and knowledge sharing with local and worldwide
educational institutions and organizations.

• Increase alumni, students, and professionals' engagement in educational activities and the creation
of initiatives aimed at expanding and improving global academic standards.

1.3 Objectives
This internship report is mainly intended to satisfy the requirements for the Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science and Engineering degree offered by the Faculty of Science and Information
Technology (FSIT). The internship program's objective is to assist students in narrowing their
professional preferences and possibilities. The whole program is structured to provide opportunities
for participants to learn, observe, and set their own goals and objectives. At the conclusion of the
research time, they are able to compile data and write a report on their observations, knowledge, and
experience. As previously noted, the research also aids students in earning academic credit.

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2.1 Work Related
This internship report is primarily meant to complete the criteria for the Faculty of Science and
Information Technology's Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering degree (FSIT).
The internship program's goal is to help students in refining their career choices and options. The
program is arranged in such a way that participants have opportunity to learn, observe, and create
their own goals and objectives. They are able to assemble data and prepare a report on their
observations, knowledge, and experience at the completion of the study period. As said before,
research also assists students in obtaining academic credit. As a TA, my primary responsibility was to
assist my course supervisor with course administration, including verifying attendance, collecting
assignments, and assisting students with their assignments. During lab sessions, students were
assigned activities based on the lecture from the prior theory class; often, they were required to do the
tasks during class time. I assisted them by explaining the tasks, resolving different task-related
concerns, and collecting the completed tasks.

2.2 Organization-wide
My role in the computer lab was to help my supervisor. I was appointed as an intern student for the
Introduction to Computer Studies course offered at the lab. Additionally, I was responsible for
assisting and communicating with students experiencing challenges. Indeed, it was my responsibility
to look up to them regardless of their circumstances. I've been striving to help them in resolving this.
AIUB is Bangladesh's one of the prestigious university. As a prestigious school, its influence on its
internal departments is critical in offering superior support and services to its students. Different
departments within the institution are separated differently to expedite their work, including the Sales
Requirements Collection Team, Analysis, Development Team, Support Team, Marketing
Department, Accounts Department, Human Resources Department, and Infrastructure. All of these
departments are interconnected. Thus, if an intern does their duties flawlessly, they provide a
significant quantity of labor to the team. When the intern can do specifically more sophisticated tasks,
the department does not need to appoint another experienced programmer to perform the same work
as the intern. American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB) adheres to established policies
and procedures for educating and assessing students. The following sections detail the assessment

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Mid Term  CISCO Online exam 40%
 Attendance 10%
 Assignment 20%
 Quiz 10%
 Mid Term theory 20%
Total 100%

Final Term  CISCO Online exam 40%

 Attendance 10%
 Assignment 20%
 Quiz 10%
 Mid Term theory 20%
Total 100%

Grand Total  Mid Term 40%

 Final Term 60%
Total 100%

Fig 1.1: Course Evaluation

Following each of the term examinations, I was tasked with assisting the instructor in computing
the students' marks. The student assessment process is critical for justifying the instruction to
students: how much they have learned, how much information they can use in practice, and so
forth. These procedures have to be carried out perfectly.

2.3 Other Relevant Activities

I worked as a student intern. Throughout the duration of the program, I learned a great deal about
how to communicate with and connect with professors. I conversed with faculty members before
and during laboratory lectures. A Teacher Assistant (TA) works under the supervision of a
teacher to provide extra attention and teaching to children. They acquire several valued items due
to this support, which enables them to continue providing in the future. As a teacher's assistant,
I've also obtained valuable knowledge and expertise concerning the teaching profession. I

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developed the ability to manage a classroom, communicate with students, comprehend their
concerns, provide appropriate comments, and advise them appropriately.

Because my supervisors were so encouraging, I had a wonderful time working with them and had
no challenges in this demanding atmosphere. On the other hand, I've assisted my supervisors by
grading exams, providing comments to students, and reviewing their lab and homework.
Simultaneously, I have undoubtedly practiced and improved my professional abilities.

I am now focusing on the software side of things, but I have a firm grasp of the basics of an
operating system. Operating system principles are classified under the titles processes, memory
management, file systems, and input/output.

I have direct experience in classroom teaching, laboratory work, and student management as a
teacher's assistant for lab courses. Additionally, I have worked with students on several levels,
including aiding, counseling, and providing feedback. My supervisor was quite receptive and
enabled me to communicate freely with the pupils. She provided positive criticism of my public
speaking, presenting, and teaching abilities. This has been a beneficial and instructive learning
experience for me.

Understanding students' developmental processes have assisted me in my work as a co-instructor

for this course. I continued to be conscious of psychosocial development theories while dealing
with the pupils. These ideas guide my relationships with people and my work with big groups.
Additionally, my manager has urged me to consider novel teaching methods and disseminating
the content. They have an in-depth grasp of numerous theories of learning and have aided me in
using a variety of teaching approaches when presenting material to pupils. Finally, I use a range
of support abilities, both in the laboratories and with students one-on-one.

As a moderator of lab talks, I regularly employ my attending (exploration) and challenging

(insight) talents. These talents enable me to prolong the conversation and "promote" their
thoughts and logic. I typically employ attentive, challenging, and action-oriented abilities while
dealing with pupils. For instance, I nod in agreement with what they say but follow up with
another inquiry. Many of my one-on-one discussions with students conclude with developing a
plan of action, whether personal or group/assignment-related.

Without a doubt, this internship has provided me with the opportunity to develop and strengthen
my professional abilities. Due to my active participation in the course's execution, I
practiced/improved my student management, communication, leadership, mediation, and
facilitation abilities. As the principal contact for students, I've had to strengthen my verbal and

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writing communication skills through conducting lab discussions and interacting with the teacher
about student problems. Additionally, I have provided various comments to students about their
approach to the course. This has benefited my development of public speaking and counseling
skills. I've increased my ability to lead classroom/student conversations by including activities
and student discussions in most of my lesson plans. Collaboration with the teacher has been
complex in conveying information to the student. However, it has improved through time, and I
feel that my capacity to operate in a team has also increased. I've been prepared for future issues
throughout this internship.

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3.1 Identified/Observed in the Organization
I started as an intern student at American International University-Bangladesh in October 2021,
taking two Operating System Lab courses. My responsibilities included assisting students in their
computer laboratories, enforcing discipline in the classroom, and performing any additional
responsibilities delegated by my supervisor.
American International University - Bangladesh is a source of wisdom. This university generates new
information, skills, and significant experiences. To satiate the thirst of those seeking a broader scope
of learning and fresh challenges in life was AIUB's basic goal from the start. Students are groomed
and encouraged to be future leaders in their fields. It constantly converts students into active
participants in their own growth via curricular and co-curricular activities. It has developed and
maintained a reputation for excellence and leadership in the pursuit of quality. The key beneficiaries
are the students, who will profit from the university's resources and services. Under the leadership of
committed and visionary founders, active administration, competent teachers, and capable support
personnel, the institution has remained a catalyst for change and a source of leaders in a variety of
fields of endeavor.

3.1.1 Discipline
Each part has over forty replacement students, and since the lesson is conducted online, it is
challenging to maintain classroom discipline. Certain replacement pupils violate classroom rules.
They sometimes reconvene after class, and occasionally, the replacements are preoccupied with other
chores rather than concentrating on problem solving. They sometimes forget to silence the
microphone. Certain replacements are running late for class.

3.1.2 Plagiarism
Plagiarism happens when you misrepresent the work or ideas of another person like your own, with
or without their consent, by integrating them into your work without properly attributing them. This
definition encompasses every published and unpublished work, regardless of the medium it is
presented, whether manuscript, print, or electronic.

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3.1.3 Lack of Skill
Another issue I see is a degree of skill deficiency on the part of pupils. Some students did not go into
depth about their answer to the work, but just proclaimed it and finished it.

3.1.4 Time Limitation

Additionally, the time constraint is included in the assignment submission. In the majority of cases,
teachers used to inform students about submission deadlines. Certain pupils are notorious for
submitting homework late.
3.1.1 Discipline

3.2 Academic Preparation

It was quite beneficial for me to strengthen my management abilities throughout the internship.
Because I want to pursue a career in academia, this experience will benefit me in the future.

As a computer science and engineering student, the same institution, I am quite acquainted with the
disciplines allocated to me. I have successfully completed software quality assurance and testing
throughout my academic career. As a result, the subjects presented enable me to easily identify
mistakes and topological flaws. As a consequence, I am in a position to help pupils more simply.

Again, even though I passed the course with passing marks, things are not that straightforward. At the
time, I was a student. I'm now here to conduct an investigation. This is a very unique circumstance for
me. Another critical lesson is that I am only encouraged in academic courses by the course's
substance and schedule. In this instance, additional study may be conducted by replacement students
who are uneasy about me. Solving such problems is a true test of one's abilities. In any case, the
alternatives are really understanding, and I am able to easily answer the majority of their inquiries.

3.3 Personal/Professional Skills

Throughout this time span, I've developed a great deal of talent. My communication skills have
developed significantly throughout these years and continue to do so. My ability to comprehend a
specific situation has improved. I now have a better idea of how to handle difficulties of various

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My verbal communication improved as a result of the discussions I had with my supervisor to obtain
a better knowledge of the issues. Additionally, I've learnt to ask pertinent questions in order to impart
a more complete understanding of the issue to the topic.

Additionally, I've enhanced my ability to operate in a team. Although I've worked in teams on a
variety of projects throughout my undergraduate career, this is the first time I've had the opportunity
to experience it on a wider scale and fully grasp the value of collaboration. Additionally, I
comprehended how it affects the work environment.

The trend toward more initiative in resolving issues has accelerated significantly. Finding difficulties
that may result in the user not receiving the expected output has become a pleasurable activity for me,
as has resolving them via further education and improvement of my knowledge and competence.

I've been on time for workplace and university courses every day, which has improved my time
management ability.

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4.1 Consequences to Organization
Each organization's reputation is contingent upon the quality of its performance, which is contingent
upon the quality of its work and its practitioners. Thus, quality and service must be a top concern in
any business. Additionally, this is why no compromises on staff attributes are permitted. I appreciated
my internship from a learning and experience standpoint. Throughout my internship in the data
structure, I encountered various obstacles. These difficulties may be classified as learning difficulties,
dealing difficulties, programming difficulties, finishing a task within the allotted time, and testing

4.1.1 Culture

Each organization is distinct in its culture. This is also true of the School of Computer Science at the
American International University in Bangladesh. Additionally, the workplace has its own
authoritative culture. I successfully altered her lifestyle in a matter of days. My condition with regard
to self-esteem has shifted tremendously. I've increased my degree of assurance, which has
strengthened my will to collaborate with the instructors in that department. I also learned the art of
keeping track of time, working under duress, and determining how to handle a variety of individuals.

4.1.2 Working Environment

This department features an outstanding educational and learning environment. This is both
motivating and educational for instructors and students. A favorable environment results in improved
training. The two instructors' and replacement pupils' rights have been scrupulously preserved and are
so secured. It is self-evident that personal morals will improve. Teachers may instill a sense of
random urgency in their pupils. My administrator has been quite helpful in assisting me. They never
give me difficulties when I make errors; rather, they assist me in resolving my issues. Substitute
students are really beneficial and lively, and you may profit much from them.

4.1.3 Communication

It is perhaps the most critical and most crucial aspect of the complete temporary job plan that I learnt
how to express. This workplace values letters highly; in the contemporary climate, they prefer virtual
connection. Due to the nature of my employment, which is to assist students with their academics, I

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am sometimes required to communicate with students over the Internet. Additionally, I need to speak
with my boss about lab supplies and leadership difficulties.

4.1.4 Students and Faculty Members

AIUB now enrolls about 12,000 students in a variety of courses. His pupils are taught by a total of
over 300 highly successful faculty members from a variety of areas. AIUB has sent several graduates
to the nation, where they are currently employed in the highest echelons of business [2].

4.1.5 Time Management

Boarding time is one of the advantages I get from experience. I really wish to get experience in time
management, as I am now having significant difficulties supervising my job and studies. This
significantly enhances efficiency and performance and minimizes time lost. During that time period,
the board's abilities substantially aided my adaptation to large duties and critical meetings with

4.1.6 Professionalism

Working in this sector instilled in me the ability to be an expert. They are highlighted in particular in
the sound methodology. This was one of the motivations behind demand management. They are
tolerant yet capable of succeeding in the educational system. Demonstrable abilities may boost
productivity and cut down on mistakes, assuring standards and quality and helping pupils to meet the
most demanding criteria.

4.2 Implications to University’s Internship Program

I'd want to thank the Faculty of Science and Information Technology for maintaining internship credit
in the graduate program's curriculum and providing me with an opportunity to sample the taste of
industry-related chores and the sector of employment in which I'm interested. Additionally, I am
thankful to the Faculty of Science and Information Technology and the Office of Placement and
Alumni at AIUB for facilitating the chance to choose and finish an internship with a company of my
choice. Through my internship, I've understood workplace professionalism and etiquette. From a
learning and experience standpoint, I can say that I liked my internship as a Teacher's Assistant at
American International University - Bangladesh's Department of Computer Science. From the first

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day, I am convinced that this one-month internship program will undoubtedly assist me in realizing
my future career as an academician in the job market. This is insufficient to accurately quantify and
convey within this short term of my internship. However, this is an excellent chance for me to
familiarize myself with the beautiful teaching profession. I have made every effort to guarantee that
this is the case. my report has all the critical information. Throughout my internship, I've attempted to
understand the art of teaching and impart to pupils the theoretical information that I've accumulated
and will continue to gain via different courses. The following sections briefly cover the essential
components of my internship.

4.3 Effects on Personal/Professional Skills

Ability to learn

Humans may become immortal or ordinary as a result of changes. In my instance, a profound

transformation happened in me as well. Somehow, I possess the ability to do extraordinarily well at
work. I'm learning about several sorting techniques, such as binary, heapsort, and others.
Additionally, I am learning about linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs.


The term 'Dependability' has a great deal of weight in and of itself. At times, it seems as if many
businesses are unwilling to integrate interns into their primary and core tasks. They believe that
involving interns is too hazardous and time intensive, since interns typically stay for two to six
months and then leave. All of these evidences are sufficient to give witness to my trustworthiness.


Initiative is a critical attribute of every employee. Every employee in a corporation works in a group,
and each group has its own set of obligations; each employee has its own set of responsibilities. There
is no culture that forces someone to fulfill their commitments. Whenever I completed a task, I made
every effort to do it completely. When I encountered an issue, I attempted to resolve it on my own
and proceeded successfully. I'm hoping that this mentality of mine will ultimately benefit me.


Occasionally, the film will deviate significantly from the trailer. This is one of the most valuable
characteristics I've encountered throughout my time as an intern. Throughout my undergraduate
career, I was never late for any project, assignment, or document submission. Throughout my

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undergraduate studies, I had been doing it right. However, in the business sector, this timeliness
might mean a great deal. Even if a person has the necessary abilities to execute the job, his inability to
submit his work on time might lose him his employment. Similarly, if a firm has the capability to
create the needed system for a customer but is tardy in submitting it, it might be expensive for the

Relation with others

The main feature of AIUB is its friendly and helpful staff, who will ensure that your stay is both
enjoyable and productive. Whenever I encountered a difficulty, I shared it openly with my coworkers.
They made every effort to assist me. In our spare time, we would disclose everything about ourselves
to one another, just like a family would. It was a joy to collaborate with seasoned professionals and
skilled individuals. Additionally, I had a really close connection with all of my coworkers, who
assisted me in being there in their joys and sorrows.

Also the most significant is

 Communication Skills 
 Work Ethics 
 Analytical Skills 
 Problem Solving Skills 
 Creativity 
 Time Management 
 Public Speaking 
 Planning Skills 

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5.1 Summary
My view is that the internship program served as the initial stage in psychologically and physically
preparing for the corporate sector. This internship assisted me in identifying some of the
characteristics I have, including judgment, assistance to myself through times of difficulty with any
assignment, and analytical abilities. The difficulties I worked on motivated me to be more diligent,
responsible, and self-assured. The internship program has been essential in preparing me for future

Finally, it is critical to work as a team and to recognize the teammate's thoughts and proposals for
resolving situations that would have been impossible to resolve otherwise. Thus, the internship
program makes sense in terms of organizational skills; without it, a student would only have
theoretical organizational skills; but, following the internship, he or she must be able to use
theoretical knowledge in a practical way.

5.2 Recommendations/Suggestions for Future Strategic Actions

The internship opportunity as a teaching team member here enabled me to develop skills such as how
to interact with students, how to prioritize which topics to teach and which to concentrate on, and
how to ensure that the provided lecture reaches the intended audience. It would be preferable if future
interns were permitted to work on the technical side of things. This would assist students in acquiring
more skills and real-world concepts about an institution.

5.2.1 Organization

Prior to attending university, I had no concept of what it meant to be lucky. Nevertheless, I am fully
aware of it today. I will never forget the enormous support I received from my coworkers throughout
my time at university. Nonetheless, not everyone is as fortunate as I am. Thus, I would strongly urge
them that you are the one who must deal with the workplace environment and its culture. The quality
of AIUB's online instruction is adequate. However, there are occasions when the internet speed is
insufficient for instructors and pupils.

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I had a terrific time exploring the Internet as part of my pleasure, which always motivated me to work
hard. Otherwise, life would have devolved into monotony and intolerance. As a result, everyone
should carve out some time away from work to recharge.

5.2.2 University

I'd like to express my gratitude to American International University-Bangladesh for giving me the
chance to develop a better understanding of the competitive climate in my professional sector. It has
undoubtedly improved my server configuration abilities. I now look forward to confronting the
world's impending issues.

5.2.3 Personal/Professional

The internship program has been really beneficial in terms of assisting me in developing my
collaboration skills. It is critical to work as a team throughout this time and to respect your
teammates' views and comments. Team talks, such as brainstorming meetings, aided me in
identifying and resolving various challenges that would have been insurmountable otherwise.
Additionally, if someone has difficulty resolving certain significant concerns, I must immediately
inform the supervisor. It makes no difference how minor or large the challenges an intern
experiences; what matters is that they communicate them openly with the seniors. Their advice will
be very beneficial to an intern's future professional life. I have another easy tip for my dear younger
brothers: one should make a habit of reporting to his/her supervisor on a daily basis. This will greatly
assist him/her in writing this paper, as well as in the long term.

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April 18, 2022

Recommendation Letter

This is my immense pleasure to write a few lines about MD SIBBIR HOSSAIN

bearing student id: 18-38828-3. He was assigned as a Teaching Assistant (TA)
intern for the course Introduction to Computer Studies, Section [B12] lab in
Spring 2021-22 semester. His assistance in the lab was satisfactory.

I wish him every success in his life.


Dr. Kamruddin Nur

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science


Senior Member, IEEE

Member, IEEE Robotics & Automation Society
(RAS) Member, Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM) M: +88 01777 354323
E: kamruddin@aiub.edu

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This is to certify that MD SIBBIR HOSSAIN , 18-38828-3 has served as Teaching

Assistant under my supervision in the courses of ‘INTRODUCTION TO
COMPUTER STUDIES’ for ‘Spring 2021-2022’ semester, as a form of internship
offered by the Faculty of Science and Technology.

His performance was satisfactory. During this period, he adhered to all the rules
and regulation of this university and did not partake in any non-disciplinary
activities, to my knowledge.

I wish him every success in Life.


Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
American International University-Bangladesh.

408/1 (old Ka-66/1), Kuratoli Road, Kuril,

Dhaka-1229. Bangladesh Phone : +88 02
8414046-50, Fax : +88 02 841 2255
Email : info@aiub.edu, Web : www.aiub.edu

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1. AIUB 2020, American International University- Bangladesh. Retrieved from


2. AIUB 2020, American International University- Bangladesh. Retrieved from


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