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AnSci 4-C

Direction: Answer the following questions correctly.  

Terms to Remember: Find the meaning of the following;

A. FDA- Food and Drug Administration

B. BFAD- Bureau of Food and Drugs.

C. Meat inspector- A meat inspector is a food safety professional who examines meat to be
consumed by humans to guarantee their flesh and organs are free of disease, harmful bacteria and
other contaminants. He examines animals prior to their slaughter to determine they are free of
abnormalities, sickness or infection.

D. Fasting- Fasting is part of the faith life of religions old and new all over the world. In a fast, the
believer chooses, for a set time, to do without something that's hard to do without.

E. Stunning- causing or capable of causing bewilderment or shock or insensibility; "laid the poor
fellow senseless with one stunning blow"; "a stunning detonation with volumes". It is also causing
astonishment or disbelief.

F. Skinning- is the act of skin removal. The process is done with animals, mainly as a means to
prepare the muscle tissues beneath for consumption or for use of the fur or tanning of the skin. The skin
may also be used as a trophy, sold on the fur market, or, in the case of a declared pest, used as proof of
kill to obtain a bounty from a government health, agricultural, or game agency.

g. Flying-moving or capable of moving in the air. Making flight or passing through the air; that flies: a
flying insect; an unidentified flying object.

Explain the following;

1. What are the general guidelines for animal slaughter?  (5)

-The general guideline for animal slaughter are; Water should be offered to the animal before
slaughter, and it should not be slaughtered when hungry. The knife should be hidden from the animal,
and slaughtering should be done out of sight of other animals waiting to be slaughtered. Animals should
be killed in a comfortable way. Unnecessary suffering to them must be avoided. The animal must be
slaughtered by the use of a sharp knife. The knife must not kill due to its weight. If it kills due to the
impact the meat may not be permissible. The knife should be re-sharpened before slaughter.  

2. What are the animal transportation guidelines and regulations? (5)

- The animal transportation guidelines and regulations were approved by DA, Bureau of Animal
Industry (BAI), and National Veterinary Quarantine Services Division (NVQSD) through its veterinary
quarantine officers, animal quarantine officers, animal quarantine inspectors and deputized veterinary
quarantine officers shall exercise the regulatory functions as the veterinary authority under the
administration order. That, all the shipments of live animals within and between Luzon, Visayas and
Mindanao must be accompanied by; Veterinary Health Certificate (VHC) together with the Shipping
Permit (SP). And only livestock farms or establishment duly accredited by BAI or LGU veterinary services
and livestock handlers and transport carriers registered with BAI/DA-RFO shall be allowed to transport
animals, semen, and genetic materials.

3. What exactly is RA 8485? (5)

- Republic Act No. 8485       February 11, 1998


4. What is Meat Inspector and what role does it play in the livestock and poultry
industries? (5)

-A meat inspector is a food safety professional who examines meat to be consumed by humans
to guarantee their flesh and organs are free of disease, harmful bacteria and other contaminants. It’s
role is to examines animals prior to their slaughter to determine they are free of abnormalities, sickness
or infection. It also ensures that meat is safe from contamination and that the process it goes though
follows quality assurance regulations.

5. List the various types of animal transport vehicles and describe their functions
(15 points)

- The modes of transport include various types of factors or methods to transfer the goods or
product from one place to another place. The modes are:-

 Roadways Transportation. ---> A road is an identifiable route way or path between two

or more places. This mode of transport helps to transfer the goods from one place to another
place by road through various methods like auto, buses, trucks, cargos, and other suitable
factors. In road transport, the chances of an accident are very high and it is also very risky.

 Railways Transportation.---> Rail transport helps to provide administrative facilities to

the government. The public servants and defense forces run their mobility from the railways.

 Water Transportation. ---> It involves the movement of goods through oceans and seas.
There are more than 365 ports in India with Vishakhapatnam contributing to maximum portion
traffic. It can be categorized into three several categories. In water transport, the weights of
goods are very large in comparison to other means of transports. It plays a very crucial role in
the development of exports and imports of goods in the different parts of the world.
 Air Transportation.---> The distinct advantage of air transport is speed and suitability. It is
very useful for less working goods with a high value of the price. Air transport is also known as
aviation. The important characteristic of air transport is that does not need a particular surface
track for its working operations. It is the fastest means of transportation. But the cost of
operations is very high according to other modes.

 Pipelines Transportation. ---> Pipelines transportation is used for sending the liquids and
gases from one place to another place. Through this means of transport, we can also send
chemicals, biofuels, and natural gases.

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