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e-ISSN : 2622-2175
p-ISSN : 2621-0592
JISR 2 (1), November 2019, 21-23
Email : journaljisr@gmail.com

The Effect of Spiritual Intelligence Santri Tirakatan Islamic

Boarding School Jagad ‘Alimussirry to Personal Financial

N D Damayanti1, M Priantini2
Accounting, Faculty of Economy, Surabaya State University
Email: novitadwidamayanti12@gmail.com

Abstract. Frequent discrepancies between income and expenditure by santri caused by a great desire
to continue carrying out excessive consumption activities. Effectiveness and efficiency in financial
management are closely related to the spiritual intelligence of each santri. SQ intelligence in managing
personal finances will have an impact in driving good and right management goals. Allah in his word
also gave an appeal to all his people to be able to manage well so that the realization of the benefit of
life in the world and in the hereafter can be realized. The type of this research is the quantitative
research methods. The research site was centered at the Islamic Boarding School Jagad ‘Alimussirry
Wonokromo Surabaya. In this study shows that spiritual intelligence has no influence on the process of
managing personal finance.

Keywords: spiritual intelligence; managing personal finance

INTRODUCTION finance for santri circles depends on the

effectiveness and efficiency of financial
Finance is important for every individual
management, which is closely related to the
santri. However, money can bring significant
spiritual intelligence of each santri.
problems when there is an error in managing
it. This can lead to an imbalance between Humans are created by Allah SWT by having
income and expenditure. For example in the various kinds of intelligence. These intelligences
phenomenon that occurred in Jagad include intelligence (intelligence quotient/IQ),
'Alimussirry Student Boarding School emotional intelligence (emotional quotient/EQ),
regarding the frequent discrepancies between moral intelligence (moral quotient/MQ), spiritual
the income and expenditure of the santri intelligence (spiritual quotient/SQ) and
caused by a great desire to continue to carry intelligence in overcoming difficulties (adversity
out excessive consumption activities without quotient/AQ).
thinking about financial conditions that were IQ intelligence is the brain's ability to think to
not profitable. So, in an effort to achieve solve problems. EQ intelligence is based on
financial well-being, there is a need for good human ability to manage emotions or feelings.
financial management for every santri [1]. MQ intelligence is more related to how to know
According to Yulius Eka in Faridawati & the true or false values and demands to do the
Silvy [1], financial management is the right thing. SQ intelligence relates to belief in
management of financial functions related to God, in other words belief in God includes belief
how to obtain funds (raising of funds) and how in all creation and power to humans so that the
to use the funds that have been obtained intelligence of SQ is not intended for the atheist
(allocation of funds). The adequacy and lack of group (not believing in God). Furthermore, AQ
Journal Intellectual Sufism Research (JISR) Vol 2, No. 1, November 2019

intelligence is defined as a facto r to determine METHOD

how, so his or walkin and extent of attitudes,
This type of research is the author of
capabilities and performance will be realized.
quantitative research methods. The research
High AQ intelligence will be better able to
site was centered at the Alimussirry
realize its ideals compared to low AQ
Wonokromo Surabaya Student Boarding
intelligence [2].
School. The population of this study is the
SQ intelligence can give meaning to life that santriwan/santriwati of Islamic Boarding
will encourage noble deeds in life. SQ School Students' Alimussirry who either carry
intelligence can be associated with art in out the process of tirakat or riyadhah or not.
managing personal finances that have an Meanwhile, the study sample was chosen
impact on the goals of good and correct randomly or randomly through a percentage of
management and avoiding ways of financial 50% of the students who took part in the tithe
accumulation that are biased. SQ intelligence activities
can also lead to positive attitudes, including
responsibility, independence, honesty and more
optimal financial freedom which results in the
opening of opportunities [3]. The results of this study cannot support the
Spiritual intelligence can be obtained by results of D. Wulandari [4] which states that
humans by conducting ma'rifatullah studies by spiritual intelligence can also influence the
carrying out amaliah tirakat activities or organizational commitment of the PPJA Santri
riyadhah. So, it can be said that students who Executive Board. According to D. Wulandari [4],
follow the tirakatan program will have good the daily place for students and female students
spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence will who take part in BES is under the auspices of
trigger a race and sincere gratitude that results pesantren so that in their daily lives they are
in clarity of mind of a man that will lead to new always accompanied by spiritual activities that
ways of thinking wise in attitude when will train the heart and the self to continue to
managing personal finances. Allah in his word involve God in all matters including in
also gave an appeal to all his people to be able establishing commitment in an organization.
to manage well so that the realization of the However, according to research conducted Based
benefit of life in the world and in the hereafter on the research results of Peter Garlans Sina and
can be realized. Andris Noya [3], the acceptance of the null
Several studies related to this research hypothesis means that spiritual intelligence does
include research conducted by Garlans & Noya not absolutely improve the ability to manage
[3] entitled The Effect of Spiritual Intelligence personal money properly. Or in other words,
on Personal Financial Management with the spiritual intelligence which is intelligence giving
results of research showing that there is a value or interpreting life and contains various
positive but not significant influence between values of wisdom statistically is not always a
spiritual intelligence and personal financial predictor of the success of personal financial
management due to the need for other factors to management. Meanwhile, the results of research
improve art in managing personal finances. by Ririt Faridawati and Mellyza Silvy [1] state
Furthermore, research conducted by Faridawati that spiritual intelligence has a positive but not
& Silvy [2] with the title Influence Intent to significant effect on personal financial
Conduct and Spiritual Intelligence to Manage management. The results of this study indicate
Personal Finances with the results of studies that managing finances indeed requires spiritual
showing that the intention to behave significant intelligence, but to achieve success in managing
positive effect on the financial management of finances that is right on target is not enough.
the family, while the spiritual intelligence
positive effect but not significant family
financial management
Journal Intellectual Sufism Research (JISR) Vol 2, No. 1, November 2019

Prophet Muhammad, including the ability to

divide financial management into consumption,
Table. I T Test shodaqoh and others used for save process of
Unstandardized Standardized
managing personal finance. This is due to the
need for other intelligences that can support
Coefficients Coefficients
success in the process of managing personal
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
finance in accordance with Islamic Shari'a
1 (Constant) 43,434 14,379 3,021 ,006 which is recommended by Allah SWT and the
SQ ,217 ,177 ,253 1,226 ,233 Prophet Muhammad, including the ability to
Based on the results of the tests divide financial management into consumption,
conducted, it indicates that there is shodaqoh and others used for save.
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