Pertes Dans Les Turbines

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Scheme of leakages in a turbine stage Scanned with CamScanner ssid Ae tian, Lorne >) the ‘is i‘ if Cor : Me na detent dann Dn Win Os: vege de blot of Spot » BS dennis de Da mgr F, rte (Me, 4, Com tn pesos chevin = Gs gan At hie | (pette) on a ba dinkhio 1 n we le ve dt On don ry, me diplows bunt aiden mate t bom t gle ja Bane, cot ds fPirenee be nition chee pun kh de dewill ot A note,t Aire tDt dy Aho a be [ee Vee 5 Oy liste | dams tn 7 cosbitins / dneytut) ee A> joo mine Scanned with CamScanner lange IE ins: des As AM, Ni tan a) 451A Oo ¢ Crain ds mins dinschion ,' Linnsond, anc IN tan “ites dyed G2. la dinvetite, Zi La dudctons wl ne lA fo gti aun al AH, , LOI 9-B asin, aan AhLe Ajvindl4 de ree Lan tes di La Casttbpna Z on trims gan Co ot maint de © of qn Me fir de trance! dt d. cas avid ds ey Assit SOA! Mei A pt omint bane hee lL 2905 4 wl - * And gor Vim’ a ey Scanned with CamScanner cy (bl Pig, 3.2%. Interaction of moisture particles with moving blade a velocity triangles for steam (c,, #,) and moisture droplets tre “ima 4 directions of steam flow (w,, ¢2) and moisture drople ‘Nerd * Lomd) relative to the profile of moving blade Scanned with CamScanner M | aban Aacpiatadiion bn’ ben bins, 4 : | I. Peridhna b. Ab fieattnglat cc | Dean. LOO hoe de. Ao aad “ee a Seth awed ta ot | a, prone, te Morn te - ia ees Ate von bas taken Ay ye peapton | (a laak eal shan Ble Mehntin gS Heys dey fe b) ports, ge ports oxtinns, Scanned with CamScanner ce) port, a. A; A. 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