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5.1. Introduction

Optimization problem consists of minimizing or maximizing a real function by

systematically selecting input values from within a permitted set and calculating the
value of the function. Applied mathematics has been used in other formulation of
optimization theory.
Optimization is an automatic technique to make a component or system as good
as possible based on an objective function and subject to certain design constraints.
There are many different methods or algorithms that can be used to optimize a
structure. Altair’s OptiStruct tool works on algorithms based on Gradient Method.

Optimization includes some objective function of finding best available values

given a defined domain and including various types of objective functions and
different domains. Optimization methods differ with respect to its position in the
design phase.
Types of optimization are topology optimization, topography optimization and
free size optimization, fine tuning optimization and shape optimization. The topology
optimization of c-clip is shown in the fig 1.4

Figure 5.1 Optimization process [18]

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering M.E. (Mechanical), (Design Engineering)

Topology Optimization

It is mathematical technique which is used to produce an optimized shape and

material distribution for a structure within a given package space. In this optimization
technique, material properties for each element are calculated by discretizing the
domain into a finite element mesh. To optimize the user-defined objective under
given constraints, the OptiStruct algorithm modifies the material distribution.

By using material homogenization or density technique, OptiStruct solves

topological optimization problems. Material density value of each element should
take o for void or 1 for solid under topology optimization.

Topography Optimization
It is an advanced form of shape optimization and in this optimization process design
region for a given part is defined and using OptiStruct tool a form of shape variable
based reinforcements within that section is generated. Approach used in topography
optimization is like the topology optimization approach, except variables used.

Shape and free-shape Optimization

Shape optimization

OptiStruct tool is able to perform shape optimization. In this type of optimization,

problem is solved by modifying the outer boundary of the structure. With the help of grid
point location shape is defined using finite element models. By changing these grid point
locations shape is modified.

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering M.E. (Mechanical), (Design Engineering)

Free-shape optimization
In the free-shape optimization technique the outer boundary of a structure is altered to
meet with pre-defined objectives and constraints. The main difference between free shape
optimization and shape optimization is that in free shape optimization the allowable
movement of the outer boundary is automatically determined where in shape
optimization user needs to define the shape boundary. Free shape optimization technique
relieving users burden of defining shape boundaries.

Size and free-size Optimization

Size optimization
OptiStruct tool is able to perform size optimization. Size optimization can be
implemented at the same time with the other optimization types. In size optimization, to
solve the optimization problem, the properties of structural elements such as shell
thickness, beam cross-sectional properties, spring stiffness, and mass are modified

Free-size optimization
In the free-shape optimization technique the outer boundary of a structure is altered to
meet with pre-defined objectives and constraints. The main difference between free shape
optimization and shape optimization is that in free shape optimization the allowable
movement of the outer boundary is automatically determined where in shape
optimization user needs to define the shape boundary. Free shape optimization technique
relieving users burden of defining shape boundaries.

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering M.E. (Mechanical), (Design Engineering)

5.2. Steering Knuckle Optimization

5.2.1. Optimization Terminology

The basic terminology associated with optimization plays an important role in

structuring the problem. Each stage represents the respective work associated with
final optimized shape. Following are the important terminologies –

1. Design Variables
The design variables are the structural parameters that are free to be altered during
an optimization. Typical examples include material properties, topology and
geometry of the structure and member sizes. Design variables may be continuous
or discrete, depending upon the type of optimization being performed.

2. Design and Non-DesignSpace

Selected parts which are designable during optimization process. For example,
material in the design space of a topology optimization. Non-design parameters
are those that are pre-specified, and may not be altered during the optimization,
e.g. regions like attachments and brackets. Any element where a force or restraint
is applied must be specified as non-design.

3. Responses
Measurement of the system performance, in simple words – that is what you are
interested in, for instance volume, mass etc.

4. Objective Function
The goal of optimization. The objective function is the function whose least value
is searched for during an optimization. It represents the single most important
property of a design, and its associated response is a function of the design

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering M.E. (Mechanical), (Design Engineering)

variables, e.g. Mass, Stress, Displacement, Moment of Inertia, Frequency, Centre
of Gravity, Buckling Factor etc.
Example: Min. Weight (b, h)

5. Design Constraint Function –

A restriction placed on a problem by limiting the values that selected response
functions of the system can take and that must be satisfied for the design to be
acceptable. For instance, the maximum permissible stress, or a range of
frequencies to avoid. Whilst they can be expressed as equalities, constraints are
usually expressed as inequalities.
Example: σ (b, h) <= 70 MPa

6. Feasible Design –
The design which satisfies all the constraint functions. The motive of every
optimization run is to obtain the same.

7. Infeasible Design –
The design in which at least one of the constraint function violates.

8. Optimum Design –
The optimization result ( design variable values )that satisfies all the constraints
and gives the minimum ( or maximum ) possible value of the objective functions.

9. Response Surface –
Typically, there is not a continuous function that will relate the objective function
that will relate the objective to design variables. Instead numerical experiments
can be used to generate a table of objective-function values vs. design-variable
values. By fitting a surface to this series of points, we create a Response Surface
which is then used to find the optimal locations.

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering M.E. (Mechanical), (Design Engineering)

5.2.2. Optimization Problem Definition –

Figure 5.2 Design and Non-Design Space

Design Space Parameters –

1. Minimum Dimension = 5 mm
2. Maximum Dimension = 15 mm
3. Stress Constraint = 150 MPa

Manufacturing Constraint meters –

1. Draw Type = Single

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering M.E. (Mechanical), (Design Engineering)

2. Pattern Grouping = 2-Plane Symmetry

5.2.3. Responses
The responses will act as a link between the constraints & objective. This problem
definition consists of following responses mentioned.

1. Mass Frac–with an objective function

2. Static Disp– Being a constraint

5.2.4. De-constraints

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering M.E. (Mechanical), (Design Engineering)

The de-constraints will act limiting function on the objective function. The current
problem consists of two constrains.

1. Displacement Constraint – this allows user to control upper & lower

limits of the allowable displacement during the optimization run.

2. Stress Constraint – this allows user to confine the stress values i.e. Upper
& lower, for given optimization

5.2.5. Objective
This generates the objective function for the given problem.

Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering M.E. (Mechanical), (Design Engineering)


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