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San Isidro College


City of Malaybalay
School Year 2021-2022
Name of Leaner: Venze Adrianne D. Macaday_____________
Grade & Section: ABM G11-St. Catherine_______________
Teacher: Mrs. Cipriana P. Flores___
Exercises and Activities
Task 1: Warm Up: A copy of an English song (one stanza only) and to be rewritten– 10 points
One stanza of an English song Rewritten Form

I get drunk, wake up, I'm wasted still I get drunk, wake up, and I'm still wasted I realize
I realize the time that I wasted here how much time I've wasted here I feel like you
I feel like you can't feel the way I feel can't feel the way I feel
Oh, I'll be fucked up if you can't be right here Oh, I'll be screwed if you can't be here right now.

Task 2: Checking for Understanding: page 134 - 15 points

Summarizing Paraphrasing
A paraphrase is a rephrasing
A summary strives to be shorter than A paraphrase is a of a 2–3 sentence part of
the original, but capture the essence summary of what the writing in the student's own
of the main argument of a longer other person has said. words that is also about 2–3
article or chapter or book. It doesn’t sentences long. The
But more line by line
try to be original. So, you might paraphrase is used to simplify
summarize a 300 page book in 2–3 technical jargon or to prevent
sentences or a single paragraph. It plagiarizing the original
typically doesn’t need a citation to Quoting, paraphrasing, and work's phrasing.
avoid plagiarism. summarizing are all similar in that
they allow a writer to incorporate
the work of another author into his
In terms of similarities, quotations or her own. However, they differ
and paraphrasing both serve the in their application approaches.
same goal. They are methods for Quotations are exact replicas of the Both allow a writer to
incorporating outside knowledge original. incorporate another
into your writing. Another
commonality is that they must be
writer's work into his or
followed by some sort of credit her own work.
being provided to the original
speaker or writer of those words,
as failure to do so would constitute
plagiarism. Direct Quoting
And direct quotes can be taken out of
context, or have the emphasis of how
they are pronounced or written altered,
to make them sound or read with a
1 different intent, despite the words being
Task 3: Practice Exercises – 35 points
3.1 Pages 135 & 137 (5 points each)
A) Your paraphrase: Use an Idea Heading Format

D) Your paraphrase: Use a Date Heading Format

E) Your paraphrase: Use an Author Heading Format

3.2 Pages 138 - 139 (5 points each)
Quotation A

Quotation B

Quotation C

Quotation D

Task 4: Let’s Reflect – 10 points

Reflect on the learning that you gained after taking this lesson by completing the chart.
I thought… I learned that …

This lesson is simple but it’s not because there is lot of Summarizing, paraphrasing and direct quoting are
steps that I have to follow. This lesson is challenging that they allow a writer to incorporate another
especially the task 3 because I cannot really recall this writer's work into his or her own work. However,
task but I tried my best to answer it. they are different in the methods of application. I
learn so much about this lesson it gives me
knowledge to learn more about this topic.

San Isidro College
City of Malaybalay


School Year 2021-2022

Grade 11 – St. Catherine of Siena and St. Claire

Teacher: Mrs. Cipriana P. Flores



A. Learning Competencies with Code

 Paraphrases/explains a text using one’s own words
o CS_EN11/12A-EFAPP-Ia-c-6

B. Objectives/Learning Targets:
o Identify the features of paraphrasing and direct quoting
o Differentiate summarizing, paraphrasing, and direct quoting
o Paraphrase various texts
o Apply various formats of in-texts citations in paraphrases and direct quotes
o Evaluate paraphrases and direct quotations

C. Detailed Direction /Instructions

1. Read pages 129 to 145 of your textbook.
2. Tasks 1-4 will be written on the answer sheet provided which may be answered by
3. Indicate your partner in your answer sheet
4. Write legibly and avoid erasures
5. Performance Task: 50 points to be passed via e-mail or as hard copy
 To be done by pair
 Research or read one issue about the pandemic or COVID 19
 Write an informative article about it using no more than 3 short bond papers
 Use direct quotations and paraphrasing to explain the topic
 Cite your sources or references
 Encoded (TNR/fs12) or handwritten, double-spaced
 Observe proper margin
 Write your names and section on the top portion of the first page
 We will decide on the deadline for submission

D. Exercises and Activities

Task 1: Copy 1 stanza of an English song and rewrite it without changing its meaning – 10

Task 2: Checking for Understanding: Compare and contrast summarizing, paraphrasing, and
direct quoting using a Venn diagram. Write 3 similarities in overlapping section and 3
differences for each distinct section. Page 134 of your textbook – 15 points

Task 3: Practice Exercises: 40 points
3.1 Identify the key words or phrases in the given texts pages 135 A and 137 D & E of
your textbook and paraphrase or change into your own words. Use reporting verbs and cite
your source properly.

3.2 Write direct quotations using the texts on pages 138 to 139 (A, B, C, D & E). Use
appropriate reporting verbs and cite source properly.

Task 4: Let’s Reflect – Reflect on the learning that you gained after taking this lesson by
completing the chart. 10 points

E. Values Integration
 Appreciate the importance of giving positive and respectful criticisms, they can help
improve others

Isidran Core Values in Focus:

1. Excellence

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