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Dueling in Dune

A look at dueling examples in Dune 2D20

By: Steve Zaccardi

Zacctastic#2989, u/Zacctastic, @Zacctastic
Dueling? Simple, stick them with the pointy end. Terms Used and Object Legend

There is a little more to dueling con icts than that but once understood, Use an Asset: with this action spend a character does something with the asset
the techniques are not di cult to apply! The following examples are my in the zone it’s currently in.
personal attempts at working out some common dueling scenarios in the
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Roleplaying Game from Modiphius.
Any errors herein are mine alone, and for any you nd, I apologize in Move an Asset: an action spend to move an asset to an adjacent zone or one
advance. Please let me know by the means of your choosing and I will further with a spend of 2 momentum along with the action.
endeavor to keep this guide updated.

One of the wonderful things about the 2D20 system and the application of Incidental: this is the spend of an action for some purpose other than moving or
it to the Dune setting, is that the gamemaster and players have exibility in using an asset. An example would be picking up a fallen knife.
applying what they want to their games from the ruleset. My objective here
is to explore a few of many concepts. Any techniques I employ here can be Defeat Track: the extended task used for notable and major characters to track
thought of as a “toolbox”: use the tools from that box to make the game the points required to defeat that character. Minor characters have no track!
fun and engaging for your group, leave the rest. And most importantly,
develop your own!

Resist Defeat: the number of opportunities a character has to resist defeat

I have split this into a Basic and Advanced sections. I use those terms (unused/used). The number of times characters can perform this will vary.
loosely to separate a “basic” duel, where two opponents face o with only
a single weapon each with no defenses, to some “advanced” duels where
defensive assets and multiple weapons are used.
Reference Number: this is simply a reference notation used for explanatory
In this document I use bold text on rst introduction for terms from the
RAW or Rules As Written. If it’s bold, that means some game play
mechanic of the Dune 2D20 system is attached to the term. Narration is an Zones: zones are di erentiated between personal zones (dark shading) and
important part of roleplaying and that extends to dueling. Terms I use for guard zones (light shading).
narration examples will be in italicized text.

The rst example in Basic Dueling will be a full-scale ght between two Tangible Asset: An asset used by a character for purposes of dueling. Example:
non-minor characters (one major and one notable) which gives the a crysknife.
opportunity to use extended tasks for the characters Defeat Track. (Note:
this is my term for the extended task tracks applied to con icts).
Intangible Asset or Trait: An intangible asset applied to a character, scene or
Got your copy of the Dune Core rulebook handy? Have you unsheathed zone that a ects play.
your crysknife? Yes? Then let’s get started!

Dueling Basics
The Setup - Paul and Jamis

A duel is a speci c form of con ict between two and only two
characters. Since these two characters are ghting against each other,
this con ict becomes a contest and possibly in the case of notable or
major characters, a series of contests.

All basic positioning in Dune 2D20 is simulated by zones. In con icts,

a zone is an abstraction of an area or areas where the action takes
place. The zone or zones for the con ict are de ned by the GM.
L. Guard R. Guard
For dueling, physical zones representing the combatants are used.
The location where the duel takes place, the surrounding terrain, and
the features of that area, can be abstracted into traits. For this duel
they ght on clean at sand, so there are no location traits applied. No
one has the high ground!
These special dueling zones are the personal zone, right guard zone, Jamis Paul Secrets
and left guard zone. Three zones for each combatant.

Paul is a major character while Jamis is a notable one. To defeat either

of these characters, an extended task will be required. In a duel, the
requirement for each defeat track will be equal to their Battle skill.
For purposes of this duel we will use Paul’s attributes from the Dune R. Guard L. Guard
Core book while for Jamis we will use those of the Fremen Warrior

For tangible assets in this duel, both characters will use a crysknife
Quality 1. They both wear stillsuits but these are irrelevant for the ght.

Because of the Talent Resilience (Battle), Jamis

Paul begins the ght with an intangible asset: Fighting Secrets. These can have two opportunities to Resist Defeat
insights into Jamis’s ghting techniques was gained by Paul (from
Chani) before the ght starts. This gives him an advantage in his duel
with Jamis and makes it easier for Paul (-1 Di culty, an advantage)
and harder for Jamis (+1 Di culty, a penalty) in dueling contests. Paul
Momentum Pool = 4
Determination = 1
has 1 Determination point. Note, through these examples, wherever I Threat Pool = 2
reference a bonus or penalty, they will be +/-1 to keep things simple.

Dueling Basics
Round 1

Con ict rounds are made up of character turns. Each character will
have a turn to execute action(s).

The two principal uses of the characters action are to Move an Asset Paul moves his crysknife subtly into
or Use an Asset. In most cases in dueling, this means a tangible Jamis’s Left Guard Zone.

During a turn, the normal 2D20 mechanics of creating and modifying

traits, gaining information, creating or removing traits or complications, L. Guard R. Guard
and so on, can also occur and may consume a character action.

When a character moves an asset it can be done normally, subtly, or

boldly. A normal move represents a straightforward action. A subtle
move would be performing some ancillary activity around the action
that deceives the opponent. A bold move would be performing some Fighting
ancillary activity around the action that provokes an unwise response
Jamis Paul Secrets
by the opponent. Bold and subtle moves require a skill test whereas a
normal move does not.

Paul’s Turn - Action 1

Paul decides to try and distract Jamis with some dazzling hand
R. Guard L. Guard
technique and see if he can get a quick strike on him; he uses his
action to subtly move his crysknife into Jamis’s left guard zone. By
declaring a subtle move, Paul must pass a Di culty 2 skill test to pull
it o in addition to the spend of an action. The GM and the player
decide the skill will be Move (5) and the drive will be Power (5), a
Target Number (TN) of 10. An important thing to note is that in this rst
move, Paul must get through Jamis’s guard zone to strike at his body,
his personal zone. Paul’s Move Focus of Body Control does not apply
in this situation.

Paul’s player really wants to get this rst strike in and so spends 1
momentum to buy 1D20 for 3D20 in total. The results are 15, 10, and Momentum Pool = 4 (-1)
Determination = 1
Threat Pool = 2
10. A total of 2 successes! He passes. The cost to Keep the Initiative
drops to 0.

Dueling Basics
Round 1 Continued

Paul’s player moves the crysknife again given the successful attempt
at subtlety has worked on Jamis.

Paul’s Turn - Action 2 Paul sneaks his knife past Jamis’s guard
and is now posted to strike.
Paul gets a second action this turn because he successfully passed
his skill test to move subtly in the last action. Paul performs a normal
Move and the crysknife slips into Jamis’s personal zone. Keeping the
Initiative increases the Di culty of any subsequent test connected to L. Guard R. Guard
the extra action by 1. Since there is no test associated with this Move
action, that can be ignored.

Jamis Paul Secrets

R. Guard L. Guard

Momentum Pool = 4
Determination = 1
Threat Pool = 2

Dueling Basics
Round 1 Continued

Paul has performed two consecutive actions and is done for this
round. It is Jamis’s turn. Given that Paul’s knife is in Jamis’s personal 1 Jamis uses his free left hand to chop at
zone, Jamis can try to knock it away and potentially disarm Paul.
Paul’s knife hand disarming him.

Jamis’s Turn - Action 1

Jamis uses his free left hand (quality 0) to attempt to knock Paul’s 2 Jamis realizes that Paul somehow
1 knows what his weaknesses are
knife out of his right hand and out of his personal zone. This action is and compensates for it.
considered the use of an asset to target an asset. The target asset is L. Guard R. Guard
Paul’s crysknife which is in the same zone as Jamis’s hand. Normally,
just targeting an asset is a Di culty 2 skill test, but in a duel targeting
an asset in a character’s hand is a contest.

Paul will roll rst to set the di culty with 2D20 using his Battle (6) and
Power (5) giving a TN =11. The rolls are 17 and 6. This results in 1 Fighting
success setting the Di culty to 1. However, recall Paul has the Jamis Paul Secrets

intangible asset Fighting Secrets; this will add one to the resulting total
setting the Di culty for Jamis to 2.

Jamis tries to knock away Paul’s knife using 2D20 at a Di culty of 2.

He will be using Battle (8) and Power (5) for a TN of 13. Jamis has the
Focus Unarmed Combat which applies in the use of his open hand R. Guard L. Guard
attack making the critical success range 1-8. The rolls are 15 and 6.
That is enough, 2 successes, to knock away Paul’s crysknife! In
addition, the GM will spend 2 Threat to cause Paul the loss of the
intangible asset Fighting Secrets; Jamis realizes Paul has somehow
been anticipating him and will now compensate!

End of Round 1

Momentum Pool = 4
Determination = 1
Threat Pool = 2 (-2)

Dueling Basics
Round 2

Paul needs to recover his crysknife quickly, spending any amount of

time unarmed in a duel will quickly end in his demise. Paul will get to
go rst again this round, but rather than the o ensive posture he took Paul must scramble to grab his
in round 1, he is forced onto the defense.
crysknife from the ground
Jamis will use Paul’s loss of his action to strike at him. He has a
problem however: the GM is out of Threat, which makes it more
di cult for Jamis to move into a position to strike at Paul. A spend of L. Guard R. Guard
2 points of Threat would have allowed Jamis’s crysknife to move one
zone further. Without it he will have come up with another way to get
his knife in close.

Paul’s Turn - Action 1

Having been disarmed by Jamis, Paul must use his action to recover
his crysknife. Given that this is not a move of an asset, the options of Jamis Paul
moving boldly or subtly do to not apply. The entirety of Paul’s action
for this round, is expended on recovering that crysknife.

R. Guard L. Guard

Momentum Pool = 4
Determination = 1
Threat Pool = 0

Dueling Basics
Round 2 Continued

Jamis must take a risk here and use the move asset subtly option
such that he has a chance at a free Keep the Initiative. The risk is a 1 Jamis strikes at Paul. In order to
get an attack in, he moves subtly. 3 Paul take advantage of Jamis’s
failure on the test. If the GM had Threat, a spend of 2 points would
error and moves in for the attack.
allow Jamis’s knife to move two zones. As it is empty, the only tactic
available to get to that second zone is the subtle move.

Jamis’s Turn - Action 1

Jamis moves his crysknife asset subtly. His Move Focus, Worm Rider, L. Guard R. Guard
certainly does not apply to this dueling Move test so has no e ect. To
succeed at this he must pass a Di culty 2 skill test. Using 2D20 with
the skill of Move (7) and the Drive of Power (5), Jamis’s TN is 12. The
rolls are a 19 and a 3. Jamis fails! His knife does not move and any
opportunity to Keep the Initiative is lost. Paul also has an opportunity
to move one of his assets one zone due to Jamis’s failure. Narratively, Jamis Paul
Paul was able to react to Jamis’s poor attempt to sneak past his
defense while grabbing his knife. He moves his crysknife into Jamis’s 2
Left Guard zone ready to attack next round.

End of Round 2

R. Guard L. Guard

2 The subtle move fails and the

crysknife remains in its starting

Momentum Pool = 4
Determination = 1
Threat Pool = 0

Dueling Basics
Round 3
1 Paul begins this round ready to
Paul sees his chance to make a con dence shattering strike on Jamis. strike and moves his knife into
attack position!
After the clumsy attempt at subtly moving past Paul’s defenses, Jamis 2 The blade strikes a horrible
is in a precarious position at the beginning of this round.
cut to Jamis and severely
wounds his left leg.
Paul’s Turn - Action 1
Paul moves his crysknife into position for an attack on Jamis. He uses
his action to Move the knife into Jamis’s personal zone.

L. Guard R. Guard
In order to get an attack on Jamis, Paul will have to Keep the Initiative
which he can do by spending 2 Momentum. This will provide that
second action necessary to Use an Asset to attack Jamis.

Jamis gets to do his best to set up a defense using his Battle (8) and,
desperate to protect his sietch from outsiders, Duty (7) for a TN = 15.
With no Threat in his pool and his knife out of position, the best he can Wounded
Leg Jamis Paul
do is 2D20 along with the application of his Dueling Focus for a double
critical range of 1-8. He rolls 11 and 4. For 3 successes. Paul’s
Di culty will be 3.

Paul buys one die with a Momentum and buys a second with two
Threat for a total of 4D20. The skill will again be Battle (6) but with an
evocation of the memory of his father Leto, his Drive will be Faith (7), R. Guard L. Guard
giving him a TN of 13. Since his Faith Drive Statement supports this
action, Paul can use Determination if he feels the need. His Focus of
Short Blades applies making the double critical range 1-6. The rolls
are 13,10, 9, and 1, resulting in 5 successes! That provides him 2
Momentum to bring the pool back up to 3. Paul’s player decides to
spend 2 Momentum points to increase the quality of the crysknife by
+1 for this attack to 2. This plus the 2 points generated naturally from
a successful attack adds up to a total of 4 points to Jamis’s track.

Paul’s player decides to spend his Determination point to create a trait
(Declaration). Jamis has been gravely wounded, the vicious stab from Momentum Pool = 4 (-2)(-1)(+2)(-2)
Determination = 1 (-1)
Paul has severely injured his left thigh and reduced his mobility giving Threat Pool = 0 (+2)
him a penalty (+1 Di culty), and Paul an advantage (-1 Di culty), on
dueling contests.
Dueling Basics
Round 3 Continued

Jamis is now ghting with desperation. The ghting prowess of the

young outworlder has shocked him. This is a ght to the death, there
1 Jamis makes a bold move...
is no yielding. Paul’s blade is poised for another thrust into his body,
Jamis must force Paul to realign his position. It is time for a strong
o ense to put him o balance.

Jamis’s Turn - Action 1

This situation calls for boldness, Jamis Moves his knife boldly for a L. Guard R. Guard
chance at forcing Paul’s knife out of his personal zone. The test also
gives him a chance to gain some momentum from the test. If he does,
he could keep the initiative and attack Paul. It’s worth the risk of

Jamis rst makes the Move boldly test. He will use the normal skill for
this test, Move (7). For his Drive, the GM explains that this ght in
Leg Jamis Paul
Jamis’s mind is now a verdict by Shai-Hulud on whether he is worthy
and uses Justice (6) for his drive giving a TN of 13. The Wounded Leg
trait doesn’t a ect this test either as it only applies to contests.

This is all or nothing for Jamis so the GM decides to spend threat to

buy a die. Jamis rolls 3D20 resulting in a 17, 13, 4, for two successes. R. Guard L. Guard
He passes!
He moves his crysknife into Paul’s Left Guard zone. Then moves Pauls
knife away from his personal zone.

Unfortunately, Jamis did not generate any momentum to Keep the

2 …and causes Paul to react and pull back his knife.

End of Round 3


Momentum Pool = 1
Determination = 0
Threat Pool = 2 (-1)

Dueling Basics
Round 4

Paul pulled back from his attack when Jamis made that threatening
move into his defensive zone. He could attempt to further defend Paul calls upon his self-discipline to
against Jamis knife by moving his own knife and use it defensively ignore Jamis’s knife thrust and moves
against Jamis. But Paul knows he has the upper hand and instead his own crysknife subtly into Jamis’s
makes a split second decision to use Jamis thrust as an over- personal zone.
extension rather than a threat.

Paul’s Turn - Action 1 L. Guard R. Guard

Paul will take a risk here and again attempt to move his crysknife into
Jamis’s personal zone subtly looking for that free Keep the Initiative

For the Move test, Paul’s player petitions the GM to use Discipline for
this skill test rather than the normal Move, they explain Paul must call
upon the power of his self-discipline to ignore Jamis’s boldly placed
Leg Jamis Paul
knife in his Left Guard Zone. The GM agrees. Paul will use his skill of
Discipline (6) along with the drive of Power (5). His Discipline Focus of
Self-Control applies for a critical range of 1-6, with a TN of 11.

Paul rolls 2D20 with results of 6 and 2: 4 successes! He passed and

reduces the cost to Keep the Initiative to 0, as well as adding 2 R. Guard L. Guard
Momentum to the pool.


Momentum Pool = 1 (+2)

Determination = 0
Threat Pool = 1

Dueling Basics
Round 4 Continued

Paul has been able to Keep the Initiative for free in addition to
generating 2 more Momentum.

Paul’s Turn - Action 2 1 Paul slashes Jamis again.

Paul feels that Jamis’s fate is at hand. His advantage in the duel is

Paul uses this action to Use an Asset to attack with his crysknife. L. Guard R. Guard
Jamis rolls to set the di culty. The GM makes this dramatic explaining
that Jamis, knowing his fate hangs on a thread, puts his life into the
hands of Shai-Hulud and his faith in the decision of The Maker. He
uses his Battle (8) skill and drive of Faith (8) for a TN of 16. His Dueling
Focus applies for a critical success range of 1-8.
Leg 1
2D20 are rolled, 16, 8 for 3 successes. Paul’s Di culty will be 3.
Jamis Paul
Paul will be putting everything into this attack and will buy one dice.
While he could buy one more, Paul’s player decides to keep it in Faith 2
reserve. Paul would bene t from the Wounded Leg trait bonus but that
is negated by the Kept the Initiative penalty to Di culty.

With a Battle (6) skill and a Drive of Power (5), Paul’s TN is 11. The R. Guard L. Guard
Short Blades talent applies for a critical success range of 1-6. Paul
rolls 3D2: 6, 6, 1. 6 successes! Against an overall Di culty of 3, this
will put 3 Momentum into Paul’s pool. Paul’s player also decides to
add further to the points against Jamis’s track by spending two 3 … but his faith is severely
shaken. Could this waif be
2 His resilience keeps him
Momentum to add 1 to the crysknife’s Quality for a total of 4 points.
the Mahdi?! ghting…

A normal opponent would fall here, but Jamis is no ordinary opponent.

While the nal box is marked o on Jamis’s track, the GM uses his
Resilience (Battle), Talent to Resist Defeat. Jamis will be able to do
this twice in any scene using the Battle skill. Resisting defeat costs a X X X X X X X X
character 1 Momentum/Threat and a Complication. Note that the X

Momentum Pool = 3 (-1)(+3)(-2)

2 Determination = 0
Threat pool is zero. To compensate for this, the GM increases the Threat Pool = 0
potency of the Complication by an extra point. Shaken Faith 2:
Jamis’s attacks are at +2 Di culty.
Dueling Basics
Round 4 Continued

Through pure willpower Jamis continues the struggle against Paul.

Can he truly be the Lisan al-Gaib?

Jamis’s Turn - Action 1 1 Jamis makes a bold move to

cause Paul to react and pull back
Jamis is low on options. His only real path forward is to continue the his knife.
assault. The time for subtlety is over. He must Move boldly and take
the risk of failure.

L. Guard R. Guard
Narratively, Jamis makes a slashing movement towards Paul’s throat
to force Paul to react. Jamis Moves his crysknife asset boldly.

The GM explains that in this test Jamis is going to call on all of his
knife ghting expertise with a silent prayer to Shai-Hulud to nd him Wounded
worthy to convince Paul he is slashing at his neck. To do this Jamis Leg
will use his Discipline (7) skill and drive of Faith (8) for a TN = 15. The Jamis Paul
Focus of Resolve applies to increase the critical success range to 1-7.
Jamis rolls 2D20 resulting in a 4 and 2. Success with the 2 generated Shaken
Momentum converted to Threat! Those 2 Threat will be spent to Keep Faith 2
the Initiative for Jamis.
R. Guard L. Guard

2 His crysknife is able to move in for

a strike!


Momentum Pool = 3
Determination = 0
Threat Pool = 0 (+2)(-2)

Dueling Basics
Round 4 Continued

Jamis see his chance to draw blood. If he can press this advantage
further, it may be possible to shake Paul’s resolve and unravel the Jamis cuts again but this time Paul
is swift enough to avoid the deadly
myth of this outworlder being the Lisan al-Gaib.
knife tip passing millimeters from
his jugular!
Jamis’s Turn - Action 2
Jamis has kept the initiative and gets another action this round. He will
use it to Use an Asset and try to cut Paul. Once bloodied, perhaps he
will falter.
L. Guard R. Guard

First Paul gets to defend and set the Di culty for Jamis’s upcoming
attack roll. Paul’s player could spend Momentum here to beef up his
defense but decides to hold it since he has still has a full track. He
rolls 2D20 with a skill of Battle (6) and a Drive of Power (5) for a TN =
11 and critical success range of 1-6 (Short Blades). The results: 17 and
17. Setting the base Di culty for Jamis to 0.
Jamis Paul
Jamis bold thrust to Paul’s neck worked as intended, Paul is wide Shaken
open. Jamis will roll 2D20 with Battle (8) and Faith (8) for a TN = 16. Faith 2
The critical success range is 1-8. Results of 8 and 5 for 4 successes.
Recall that Jamis’s Wounded Leg is a penalty against his contests so
the Di culty to overcome Paul’s defense +1; in addition, his Shaken R. Guard L. Guard
Faith adds another +2; he Kept the Initiative for this attack which also
adds +1 for a total nal Di culty of 0+1+2+1 = 4. He barely succeeds.
Jamis cuts Paul but not lethally for the base 2 + 1 (crysknife Quality) =
3 points. End of Round 4


Momentum Pool = 3
Determination = 0
Threat Pool = 0

Dueling Basics
Round 5

Paul feels the rst dint of doubt, will he die here on Arrakis as did his

Paul’s Turn - Action 1

1 Paul moves his blade subtly into
Suddenly, with a few rapid thrusts from an experienced and gritty Jamis’s personal zone.
ghter like Jamis, Paul nds himself in a precarious position.

Paul’s player thinks about the right decisions to make here. Play L. Guard R. Guard
conservative or risk a failed Move test? He decides to go for the Move
subtly approach that has worked before.

Paul will spend his action to attempt to Move subtly into Jamis’s
personal zone. If he succeeds he gets to Keep the Initiative for free. Wounded
The player again suggests Paul’s Discipline as the skill and the GM Leg
agrees given the circumstances, Discipline (6) and Power (5) for a TN = Jamis Paul
11. The critical success range will be 1-6. The results of the 2D20 are
10 and 2 for 3 successes! He will be able to Keep the Initiative now for Shaken
free as well as adding 1 to his Momentum pool. Faith 2

R. Guard L. Guard


Momentum Pool = 3 (+1)

Determination = 0
Threat Pool = 0

Dueling Basics
Round 5 continued

Paul’s success on the subtle move allows him to Keep the Initiative.
He can now strike at Jamis in an attempt to end this ght!

Paul’s Turn - Action 2

1 Paul successfully
Since Paul’s crysknife asset is in Jamis’s personal zone, he can attack strikes at Jamis.
with a Use an Asset spend from his extra action.

Jamis defends again with his Battle (8) skill and drive of Faith (8) for a L. Guard R. Guard
TN of 16. His Dueling Focus applies for a critical success range of 1-8.
He rolls 2D20 resulting in 19 and 8 for 2 successes. Paul’s di culty is
set to 2.
Paul will buy 1 dice for this attack. His total di culty to overcome will
be 2-1+1= 2; the advantage he gets from Jamis’s Wounded Leg is
o set by his Keep the Initiative penalty. He rolls 3D20 with a skill of Shaken
Faith 2 Jamis Paul
Battle (6) and a Drive of Power (5) for a TN = 11 and critical success
range of 1-6 (Short Blades). The results: 17, 11 and 7 for 2 successes, 1
just enough! Jamis would normally be defeated here but can again
invoke his nal use of the Resilience (Battle), Talent to Resist Defeat. Arm 2
Again, Jamis has no Threat to spend for the cost to Resist Defeat. The
GM applies the same approach as before, creating a Complication R. Guard L. Guard
that is doubly potent: Slashed Arm 2 throws o Jamis’s balance and is
a penalty to defense. Paul has a -2 bonus to Di culty on attacks
against Jamis. 3 Paul’s strike causes a vicious
wound to Jamis’s left arm and 2 Jamis’s incredible reservoir
it hang limply by his side. of resilience saves him one
last time!


Momentum Pool = 4 (-1)

2 Determination = 0
Threat Pool = 0

Dueling Basics
Round 5 continued

Jamis is at the brink of death. He stares into the black abyss of his
fate. Whatever comes is the will of Shai-Hulud.

Jamis’s Turn - Action 1 1 Jamis makes a desperate

attack on Paul…
This turn is in all likelihood Jamis’s last. It’s all or nothing. With his
crysknife already in position to attack, and a Move action being
tactically unwise, the best strategy is to attack and hope to generate
enough momentum to be able to Keep the Initiative for a second L. Guard R. Guard

Jamis performs a Use an Asset spend to make an attack. Paul sets up Leg
his defense to set the Di culty for Jamis’s upcoming attack roll. He
rolls 2D20 with a skill of Battle (6) and a Drive of Power (5) for a TN =
11 and critical success range of 1-6 (Short Blades). The results: 14 and Arm
10. Setting the base Di culty for Jamis to 1.

Faith 2 Jamis Paul Wound
Jamis will roll 2D20 using a skill Battle (8) and drive of Faith (8) for a TN
= 16. The critical success range is 1-8 (Focus of Dueling). Results are
17 and 4. Two successes is enough to cut Paul for 3 points, but not Arm 2
enough to generate any Momentum! Jamis can’t Keep the Initiative.

Paul is a hairs breadth away from his own death. He can Resist Defeat R. Guard L. Guard 3 He does succeed in
severely slashing his
only once this scene by spending a Momentum or adding to Threat, knife arm.
and su ering a complication. For the complication: Jamis cuts Paul’s
knife arm severely, giving him a penalty to attacks (+1 Di culty). (Note
that this is less severe than the Wounded Leg complication, it doesn’t 2 …and almost kills him.
give Jamis an advantage on his attacks). Paul’s player wants to keep
Momentum and decides to give 2 Threat to the GM (+1 for Jamis
Quality 1 knife) to pay the other portion of the cost to Resist Defeat.


Momentum Pool = 3
Determination = 0
Threat Pool = 0 (+2)

Dueling Basics
Round 6

Paul has barely survived Jamis’s last attack. This could be his last
opportunity to end the ght. Jamis’s knife is still poised to strike. It’s
do or die.
Paul stills his mind and his nal
thrust strikes true. Jamis drops.
Paul’s Turn - Action 1
Paul will be using this action to Use an Asset to attack. While the
player could buy additional dice by giving Threat to the GM, this would
be a great risk given Paul is one hit away from defeat. Paul’s player L. Guard R. Guard
makes an interesting proposal to the GM: They want to use Paul’s
Duty drive but apply the statement in con ict with his action. Paul, Wounded
feels his belief that people are the true strength of a house is seriously Leg
shaken. His father is dead at the hands of the Harkonnen, the Atreides
are scattered and broken and he and his mother are captives of the
Fremen. He is now on the cusp of being killed in a duel and his death Shaken
Faith 2 Jamis Paul Wound
will mean the end of his house. The GM agrees and o ers a point of
Determination, the player accepts and Challenges this statement,
crossing it out. Paul will have to sort out his belief in the meaning of
Duty later… if he survives.
Arm 2
Paul attacks Jamis, but not in a harried way. With an inhuman
R. Guard L. Guard
calmness he moves his hand and the tip of the crysknife nds its way
to Jamis’s heart. Paul spends that point of Determination to use the
Cool Under Pressure (Battle) Talent to automatically succeed on this
test. No rolling is required here. Jamis is no longer able to Resist
Defeat. Paul’s player spends their nal 2 points of Momentum to in ict
a lasting injury: death. Jamis lies on the ground unmoving. Paul thinks
to himself… I was a friend of Jamis…

End of Duel X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Momentum Pool = 2 (-2)

Determination = 0 (+1)(-1)
Threat Pool = 2

Advanced Dueling
Advanced Dueling
The Setup - Dual-Wielding and Defensive Assets

Wielding two blades has been a favorite element of character design

among RPG players since the beginning of the hobby. The complexity
of dual-wielding has varied over the intervening years and it typically
complicated mechanics. In Dune 2D20 it can simply mean a character
has two blade assets, one in each hand. We will begin this ght in the
ready position: the blades starting in their respective guard zones.

In this example a GM controlled Sardaukar dual-wielding a pair of

L. Guard R. Guard
blades (Quality 1) faces o against a player controlled Fedaykin (using
the Fremen Warrior stat block) with a single crysknife. The Fedaykin
will take rst action.

The situation the Fedaykin is facing is a new one: both of the

Sardaukar’s guard zones contain an asset that can be used as a
defensive asset. In our Basic Duel between Paul and Jamis, the Sardaukar Fedaykin
opposing guard zones were undefended: they contained no defensive
asset. An increase in Di culty is applied to any actions (Move or Use
an Asset) that an opponent attempts in a zone that contains a
defensive asset. That includes both personal and guard zones and
represents the defensive asset protecting that zone.

R. Guard L. Guard

Where’s the Defeat Track? Recall

that to defeat minor characters, no
extended task is required!

Momentum Pool = 6
Because of the Talent Resilience (Battle), Fremen
Threat Pool = 7 Warrior’s have two opportunities to Resist Defeat.

Advanced Dueling
Round 1 - Dual-Wielding and Defensive Assets 1 The Fedaykin feints to the left with
his crysknife thrust attempting to
The Fedaykin wants to dispatch this Sardaukar quickly and move on trick the Sardaukar into reacting.
to the next enemy. They will attempt a feint to get the defensive asset 2 The Sardaukar reacts to what they think will be a
out of the guard zone.
thrust of the Fedaykin’s crysknife to the chest and
their parry swipes at empty air!
Fedaykin’s Turn - Action 1

The Fedaykin Moves an Asset boldly (crysknife) into the left guard zone of
the Sardaukar in an attempt to move the defensive asset of the knife out
of the way. If the guard zone contained no defensive asset, this test would L. Guard 1 R. Guard
be the standard Di culty 2 test required to Move boldly. However, the
Sardaukar’s knife is in the zone and as a defensive asset it imposes a
penalty on this test making it Di culty 3. That knife is also a Quality 1
weapon, further increasing the Di culty to 4. The Fedaykin will use the
skill of Battle (8) and drive of Power (5) for a TN = 13. The Focus of Short
Blades applies making the critical success range 1-8. The roll of 2D20
results in a 3 and 1 for 4 successes! Just enough.
Sardaukar Fedaykin
Given the successful Move boldly result, the Fedaykin’s player decides to 2
move the Sardaukar’s left-hand knife into the right guard zone.

Let’s look back a moment and contrast this Move boldly to an alternative
strategy the Fedaykin could have employed. They could have spent 2
Momentum to simply perform a normal Move and extend the Move an R. Guard L. Guard
Asset action one more zone, taking the crysknife all the way into the
Sardaukar’s personal zone to set up an attack. This would appear to
bypass the defensive asset entirely. However, recall that attempting an
action in a zone that contains a defensive asset will require a test even if
otherwise, no test is called for. In that case the Fedaykin would have had
to pass a Di culty 0 test modi ed by the defensive assets penalty (Quality
1) for a nal Di culty 1. Failure in the test would mean the Move an Asset
action fails and the crysknife would remain in its original position
(Fedaykin right guard zone). A similar result, but with a subtle Move, can
be seen in Paul and Jamis’s duel on page 8.
Momentum Pool = 6

Threat Pool = 7

Advanced Dueling
Round 1 - Dual-Wielding and Defensive Assets Continued

The Fedaykin has succeeded in luring the Sardaukar’s defensive asset

out of the guard zone and moves in to setup for an attack.
1 Succeeding in moving the Sardaukar’s
knife out of his guard zone, the fedaykin
Fedaykin’s Turn - Action 2
crysknife threatens a killing stroke.

The Fedaykin will get a second action with a 2 Momentum Keep the
Initiative spend and with it, Move an Asset, the crysknife, into the
Sardaukar’s personal zone.
L. Guard R. Guard

Sardaukar Fedaykin

R. Guard L. Guard

Momentum Pool = 6 (-2)

Threat Pool = 7

Advanced Dueling
Round 1 - Dual-Wielding and Defensive Assets Continued

The Sardaukar has an opportunity to recover from their error, but what
is the best riposte?
1 The Sardaukar attempts to use their
physical power to push the Fedaykin's
Sardaukar’s Turn - Action 1 blade away but fails.

Dueling as a minor character is inherently more dangerous than as a major

character; one cut will kill you! The Sardaukar has to do something drastic
to prevent the Fedaykin from making an easy attack with the crysknife on
the Fedaykin’s next action, while putting themselves into a position to L. Guard R. Guard

A Move an Asset boldly will give an opportunity to move that crysknife out
of their personal zone. The GM decides to attempt to Move one of the
knives into the Sardaukar’s personal zone boldly. In that zone the 1
Fedaykin already has position with the crysknife so it will be treated as a
defensive asset. You can think of multi-purpose assets like the various Sardaukar Fedaykin
blade types (short, long etc) as o ensive on the characters acting turn,
and defensive when they are not acting. The Fedaykin is not acting as it is
the Sardaukar’s turn, thus the crysknife is now a defensive asset.

This will be a Di culty 2 test modi ed by the base penalty of a defensive

asset in the target zone with the addition of the crysknife being Quality 1
making a nal Di culty of 2+1+1 = 4.
R. Guard L. Guard

The GM will spend a point of Threat to buy one die. The skill will be Battle
(8) along with a drive of Power (6) for a TN = 14. The focus of Short Blades
applies making the critical range 1-8. Rolling 3D20 results in 18, 10, 4.
Three successes are not enough and the attempt to move boldly fails. The
Fedaykin does not waver, blocks the Sardaukar’s move, and the crysknife
stays in its threatening position. Recall, by failing to move here, the
Sardaukar cannot Keep the Initiative.

Momentum Pool = 4

Threat Pool = 6 (-1)

Advanced Dueling
Round 2 - Dual-Wielding and Defensive Assets

The Fedaykin successfully removed the Sardaukar’s defensive knife 1 With the bait taken, the Fedaykin
strikes at the Sardaukar’s heart.
asset from the left guard zone and prevented the Sardaukar from
forcing his knife out of position. Now the attack angle for his crysknife 2 After a magni cent defensive
is clear.
move, the Sardaukar slips in a 3 The Fedaykin’s crysknife strikes home
pool of blood and gore. and the Sardaukar falls to the blade,
Fedaykin’s Turn - Action 1
but the Fedaykin injures an ankle.
With the Sardaukar’s defense out of position, the Fedaykin will execute a
Use an Asset action to attack into the personal zone of his enemy.
L. Guard R. Guard

Knowing that this one attack could defeat them, the GM decides to buy
dice to put up the best defense possible. They will spend all 6 Threat for
three dice to maximize their chance to survive the strike from the 2
Fedaykin. This will use their skill of Battle (8) and the drive of Duty (8) for a 1
TN = 16. The GM invokes Duty to represent the Sardaukar’s desperation
and ful lling their duty to the Lion Throne. The Focus of Short Blades Slippery Sardaukar Fedaykin Twisted
applies making the critical success range 1-8. The result rolls are 9, 8, 7, Ground 2
3, and 2, for 9 successes! The Di culty for the Fedaykin will be 9. The
Sardaukar is back- ipping away from the attack!

Seeing this, the Fedaykin player knows that they must do something
special to overcome that level of defense. They spend 4 Momentum to
create a trait: Slippery Ground 2. The Sardaukar pulls o the miraculous DEFEAT R. Guard L. Guard
move but alights in a pool of blood losing their footing. This trait will
reduce the Di culty of the attack by -2. The Fedaykin player then buys
three dice by giving the GM 6 Threat. Using skill of Battle (8) and drive of
Duty (7) for a TN = 15. The focus of Dueling provides a critical success
range of 1-8. Rolling 5 dice results in 18,16, 8, 8, 6 for 6 successes.
That’s one shy of the 9 - 2 = 7 they need. The GM decides to allow the
Fedaykin to Succeed at Cost in return for a Complication. The Fedaykin
player agrees and the Sardaukar is defeated. The complication on the
Fedaykin is Twisted Ankle. Their ankle turned on the same slippery ground
that was the Sardaukar’s undoing. With 0 Momentum, 6 Threat and a
Twisted Ankle, the Fedaykin is in a vulnerable position! Momentum Pool = 4 (-4)

Threat Pool = 6 (-6)(+6)

Advanced Dueling
The Setup - Long and Short Blades with Shields
This Atreides trooper bears a
partial-body shield.
In this duel we will be adding personal shields to the equipment list as This Sardaukar has a full-body
shield active and wields a long
well as a long blade. Here, an Atreides trooper defends the Arrakeen blade.
Residency with bravery and honor.

The Atreides Trooper will be using the House Soldier/Guard stat block
from the core rulebook. An important thing to note: neither the
Sardaukar nor the Atreides Trooper has the focus Shield Fighting or
the talent The Slow Blade. Without this focus, the personal shields will
L. Guard R. Guard
have an e ect on the duelist who is attempting to attack through them.
Narratively, this can be described as the attacker being required to
adjust the speed of their blade to penetrate the shield to an extent that
it inhibits their attack. It will be up to the GM to determine the penalty
applied to a melee weapon welded by a ghter without expertise in
shield ghting, but for this example, we will apply a penalty to attacks.
The Sardaukar wields a long blade. In dueling, these weapons provide Trooper
a reach advantage over shorter blades, with the downside of a slower
tip speed, that is the speed at which a wielder can reposition the tip of
the blade. For this duel the blades will be Quality 0, while the long
blade will be Quality 1. The Keywords for a variant blade weapon is left
to the GM. Not all must have an e ect on gameplay or dueling for that R. Guard L. Guard
matter. For our example, we will use Long Blade, Melee Weapon,

I am going to have the Long Blade keyword provide a bonus to Move

Boldly and a penalty to Move Subtly. For the Slow keyword, the blade
will not count as a defensive asset.

The Atreides Trooper will be using Momentum, the Sardaukar, Threat.

The trooper has the talent of Unquestionable Loyalty which provides a
point of Determination for actions that are in direct service to their

Momentum Pool = 4
Determination = 1
Threat Pool = 3

Advanced Dueling
Round 1 - Long and Short Blades with Shields 1 This Atreides trooper makes a
quick thrust into the Sardaukar’s
The Atreides will have initiative here and take the rst turn.
left slipping past the long blade.

Trooper’s Turn - Action 1

Looking at the ready positions we can make a few observations: The

strongest defense for the Trooper is on their left guard. Both the shield
and their knife are defensive assets for their respective zones while they
are non-acting. The right guard is lightly defended, only the single knife
asset. Meanwhile the Sardaukar’s lightest defense is on their left guard. L. Guard R. Guard
Only the shield asset in the personal zone counts as a defensive asset.
The long blade has that keyword Slow, and just can’t move fast enough to
defend against a short blade. Bearing this in mind, the Atreides Trooper is
going to try for a quick thrust and slip by the lumbering long blade.

The Trooper uses their action to Move normally with the knife into the left Atreides
guard zone of the Sardaukar. The player will expend 2 Momentum to Sardaukar
continue the move into the personal zone. Remember, if that long blade Trooper
counted as a defensive asset, a test would have to be made here to
continue to move.

The Atreides blade is now in the personal zone of the Sardaukar. They are
fully committed to this attack, a quick killing cut and the invader will go
R. Guard L. Guard
down in a heap. For this they will expend their last 2 Momentum to Keep
the Initiative to Use an Asset for the attack.

Momentum Pool = 4 (-2)(-2)

Determination = 1
Threat Pool = 3

Advanced Dueling
Round 1 - Long and Short Blades with Shields Continued

Now in position for the attack, the Atreides Trooper will ful ll their duty 1 The Atreides trooper attempts to
and protect the Duke and his family. To their dying breath. Atreides! get their blade past the Sardaukar's
shield for a killing cut!
Trooper’s Turn - Action 2
This attack will be a straight up 2D20 a air with a defensive penalty from
the shield. If the trooper had been trained in shield ghting, the slowing of
the blade to penetrate the shield would not be so unnatural, but as it is
this will penalty will be applied to the nal defense.
L. Guard R. Guard
The Sardaukar will roll rst to establish defense as this is a contest. The 1
skill will be Battle (8) and the Drive Power (6) for a TN = 14. One die will be
bought with a point of Threat. Rolling 3D20 results in 14, 12, 6 for three
successes. The nal defense will be 3+1 = 4.

The Atreides will use their skill of Battle (6) and drive of Duty (6) for a TN = Atreides
12. There is no applicable Focus here. They could use the point of
Determination to set one die to a 1 for a double success, but with a
defense of 4, they decide against it. The results are 13, 8 for one success.
The blade did not hit.

R. Guard L. Guard

Momentum Pool = 0
Determination = 1
Threat Pool = 3 (-1)

Advanced Dueling
Round 1 - Long and Short Blades with Shields Continued

The Atreides has spent their futile attack. Now the Sardaukar moves to 1 The Sardaukar threatens a vicious
the o ense! attack with the Long blade.
Sardaukar’s Turn - Action 1
This veteran Sardaukar can see that the young trooper has a half-shield
and that their right guard is unshielded. There is no defense between the
tip of his long blade and Atreides esh.

L. Guard R. Guard
Given the utility of the long blade in moving boldly, the Sardaukar will use
the heft and might of it to coax a reaction from the Atreides and cause
them to pull back their knife.

A Move an Asset boldly attempt is made. This will be a Di culty 2 test as

normal. Recall that the long blade has a bonus to moving boldly, so the
nal Di culty will be 1. Rolling 2D20 with a skill of Move (7) and a drive of Atreides
Power (6) for a TN = 13. There is no applicable Focus here. The results are
12 and 5 for two successes, adding 1 to the Threat pool.

2 Trooper
In reaction to the massive blade entering their guard, the Atreides trooper
reacts and brings their blade back towards them.

R. Guard L. Guard

2 …causing the trooper to

instinctively pull back their blade.

Momentum Pool = 0
Determination = 1
Threat Pool = 2 (+1)

Advanced Dueling
Round 2 - Long and Short Blades with Shields Continued

The Atreides sees what the Sardaukar is doing and attempts to

prepare for a defense.
1 The Atreides repositions their
Trooper’s Turn - Action 1 shield for defense.

The Atreides trooper spends an action to adjust the position of their semi- 2 The Sardaukar pushes the
shield to cover the undefended personal zone behind the right guard.
blade tip towards the troopers
shielded body.
Sardaukar’s Turn - Action 1
L. Guard R. Guard
Slowly, the Sardaukar continues to push his long blade towards the
Atreides personal zone. The use of their action to Move an Asset normally 2
takes the long blade into striking range.


R. Guard L. Guard

Momentum Pool = 0
Determination = 1
Threat Pool = 3

Advanced Dueling
Round 3 - Long and Short Blades with Shields Continued

The Atreides needs to get their knife back into a position for a killing
blow, but how? 3 At the end of the duel,
1 A subtle move of the blade into a the semi-shield ickers
Trooper’s Turn - Action 1 threatening position prepares for and goes out.
a strike…
The trooper decides to go for all or nothing on this turn. Trusting that the
semi-shield will keep the Sardaukar's blade at bay, they put everything 2 Using subtlety, the Atreides
has an opening this needs
into an attack.
to count…and it does!
L. Guard R. Guard
Move an Asset subtly is what’s called for here, that free Keep the Initiative 3
is a must have. This will be the standard Di culty 2 test. Using a skill of 1
Move (5) and a drive of Duty (6) for a TN = 11. The player gives the GM 1
Threat to buy a die. Rolling 3D20 results in 17, 7, 4. Two successes is

Trooper’s Turn - Action 2

With the Sardaukar’s shield active, a penalty will be applied to the attack Trooper
and added on to the defense generated by the contest.

The Sardaukar justi ably thinks that if they successfully defend this
attack, their next one with the long blade in position will defeat the
Atreides. With the Threat pool healthy, they will spend 3 Threat to add two
dice to the roll for a total of 4D20. With a skill of Battle (8) and a drive of DEFEAT R. Guard L. Guard

Power (6) the TN = 14. No Focus applies for this defense. Results are 19,
13, 8 and 5. With the addition of the shield penalty, the total Di culty for
the troopers attack will be 3 + 1 = 4.

All or nothing, the player spends the point of Determination and calls upon
their drive of Duty to the Atreides to overcome this invader. With a skill of
Battle (6) and drive of Duty (6) for a TN = 12. The Battle Focus of Tactics
applies increasing the critical range to 6. The Atreides player will also buy
some dice by giving the GM 6 more Threat for this test for a roll of 4D20s
plus one die set to a “1” result. Results of 20, 16, 16, and 5 provide 2 + 2
successes. Just enough! The Sardaukar goes down in defeat. But one
Momentum Pool = 0
Determination = 1 (-1)
Complication is gained. The GM decides that the semi-shield battery Threat Pool = 3 (+1)(-3)(+6)
wasn’t fully charged and that asset is lost to the trooper. With 7 Threat in
the pool the next ght for this Atreides defender will be much harder!

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