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ISSN 465-009 Surakarta Law And Society Journal E-ISSN 456-890


Merlin Swantamalo Magna

Faculty Of Law, Universitas Surakarta


The industrial revolution 4.0 was marked by the birth of economic globalization supported by
significant technological developments. Rapid progress is evidenced by the increasingly diverse
creative and innovative business ideas, which are in the financial sector. Financial institutions in
Indonesia are also increasingly developing along with the economic growth rate, which can be seen
with a variety of variations of financial instruments circulating in the community, both in the banking
sector and in the non-banking sector. One of them is the emergence of Financial Technology that
makes it easy for the public to conduct banking activities. The facilities offered are not without
problems, because they need a legal umbrella as an effort to provide legal certainty to be able to
support a conducive business climate. This paper tries to analyze the validity of the agreement that
occurs when using various fintech services in Indonesia.

Keywords : Agreement, Civil Code, Financial, Fintech.

INTRODUCTION activities a risky business activity (full risk

Banking provides a major contribution business) because most of their activities rely
to the development of the economy in on deposits from public funds3. Therefore, it is

Indonesia, where its existence aims to support important to find out about the smooth
the implementation of national development receipt of funds from the community and the
in order to improve equity, economic growth provision of credit by banks. At present, the
and national stability towards improving the level of lending in Indonesia is classified as
lives of many people1. As an agent of slowing down4.

development, a bank becomes a financial

intermediary whose activities divert funds
from parties with excess funds or surplus 3
Zaini Zulfi Diane, 2014, Aspek Hukum dan Fungsi
Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, Bandung: Keni Media, Pg.
economic units to those who lack funds or 31
Bank Indonesia (BI) recorded bank credit slowing
deficit economic units2, making banking in June 2019. Credit distribution was recorded at
Rp5,495.9 trillion or grew 9.9%, while in May 2019 it was
recorded at 11.1%. In the Circulated Money Report for
Djoni S. Gazali, Rachmadi Usman, 2016, Hukum the period of June 2019, it was stated that the slowdown
Perbankan, Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, Pg. 39 in lending occurred in both corporate and individual
Pasal 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 debtors. See: Bank Indonesia “Uang Beredar Tumbuh
tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Melambat pada Juni 2019”, Akses
Tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan 05/08/2019, at 07.46 WIB.

ISSN 465-009 Surakarta Law And Society Journal E-ISSN 456-890

The era of big data is a disruptive era financial products7. Fintech comes with
that makes almost everything digitized, which various types of businesses, including
ultimately demands speed, accuracy and Payment Chanel System, Peer to Peer (P2P),
efficiency, leading to the concept of sharing- Lending, Crowdfunding and others. The most

economy, in which capital owners and citizens dominant fintech business performer in
collaborate to create services, production and Indonesia is payment. Payment system is an

production that are cheaper, easier and electronic service that replaces currency and
efficient. This innovation also affects the demand deposits as a means of payment,
financial industry and governance, by bringing such as e-money and bitcoin8. For Indonesia,
up financial technology (fintech) on various the presence of fintech has its own place for
platforms that can be felt by the public5. Bank its users, because there are currently 113

Indonesia explained that financial technology registered and licensed fintech operating
is the result of a combination of financial companies9. This shows that there is an

services and technology that ultimately improvement in the technology system in

changes the business model from service provision compared to the existing

conventional to moderate6. system. The present fintech phenomenon is a

According to The National Digital warning to conventional institutions in the
Research Center (NDRC) in Dublin, Ireland, financial sector in terms of their tasks and
defining fintech as "innovation in financial responsibilities.
services" or innovation in the financial sector The efficiency and effectiveness which

that gets a touch of modern technology. are the selling points of fintech by this startup
Financial transactions through fintech include
payments, investments, money lending, Ernama Budiarto, Hendro S., 2017, “Pengawasan
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Terhadap Financial Technology
transfers, financial plans and comparison of (Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor
77/POJK.01/2016)”, Diponegoro Law Journal, Vol. 6 No.3,
Pg. 1
Alvani Amaerita Harefa, Posma Sariguna Johnson
Elshabyta Auditya Bintaro, “Fintech and Cashless Kennedy, 2018, “Financial Technology, Regulasi dan
Society: Sebuah Revolusi Pendongkrak Ekonomi Adaptasi Perbankan di Indonesia”, Fundamental
Kerakyatan” in Essay Booklet; The Transformative Power Management Journal ISSN: 2540-9220(online) Vol. 3 No.
of Fintech yang dipresentasikan pada 28 September 1, Pg. 2.
2018, FEB UGM, Yogyakarta, Pg. 2. The Financial Services Authority noted that as of
Bank Indonesia explained that financial May 2019, there were a total of 113 companies
technology changed the people who originally had to registered and licensed as fintech providers in Indonesia.
pay face to face and brought some cash, now can make Among them are Dana, Investree, UangTeman,
long-distance transactions by making payments that can Tokomodal. And appealed to the public to use the
be done in seconds. See: Accessed services of fintech that has been registered / licensed
August 5th 2019, at 08.13 WIB from the FSA. See: Accessed August 5th
2019, at 08.26 WIB.

Vol. 2 No. 2, February 2020

will gradually shift various forms of manual Whereas basically, fintech is defined as the
transactions. One of them is an important use of technology in financial industry
element between sellers and buyers as well as services.
between creditors and debtors, namely Globally, fintech has evolved in 3

agreements. As it is known that the legal periods, as can be seen in table 111. The first
relationship between the two parties arises period occurred in the period 1866-1967, for

because of an agreement that directly takes the first time built financial infrastructure and
place. But with fintech as an intermediary, the technology that could facilitate financial
agreement becomes indirect (between the services to be carried out, such as the
debtor and creditor) and issues arise construction of the Transatlantic Cable
regarding the validity of the agreement, as the infrastructure, namely submarine

basis of the legal relationship between the communication cables. The period 1967-2008
two parties. is the second period referred to as the Fintech

DISCUSSION 2.0 era. Several financial innovations

Global Development of Fintech contained in this period were the Automatic

The International Organization of Teller Machine (ATM), SWIFT, which was used
Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in to facilitate overseas transfers, cellular phones,
collaboration with the G20 and Financial and internet banking usage in line with the
Stability Board (FSB) around the world said increasing internet penetration globally. In
that The term Financial Technologies or 2008 until now, according to Douglas W.

"Fintech" is used to describe a variety of Arner, this period is divided into two Fintech
innovative business models and emerging eras, namely 3.0 and 3.5. The increase in the

technologies that have the potential to use of financial services in this era increased
transform the financial services industry10. very sharply due to an increase in the number
of smartphone usage and there was a surge in
IOSCO is the international body that brings start-up companies in the financial services
together the world's securities regulators and is
recognized as the global standard setter for the
The sector is utilizing digital
securities sector. It is an International Organization as a
regulator or regulator of securities throughout the world
and a body that sets global standards for the securities
sector, which then cooperates with the Committee on Accessed August 5th 2019, at
Emerging Risks (CER) which is an international 10.27 WIB.
committee in the field of risk management that provides Departemen Perlindungan Konsumen Otoritas
guidance on management the risk for every country, Jasa Keuangan,2017, “Kajian Perlindungan Konsumen
even for every multinational company, to conduct a Sektor Jasa Keuangan: Perlindungan Konsumen Pada
study of the evolution of fintech in the world. See: Fintech”, Jakarta, Pg. 8.

ISSN 465-009 Surakarta Law And Society Journal E-ISSN 456-890

b. E-aggregator. This fintech collects and

Date 1866-1967 1967- 2008-
2008 Current
processes data that can be used by

Era Fintech 1.0 Fintech Fintech Fintech 3.5

consumers to help decision making. This
2.0 3.0 startup provides product comparisons of
Geogra- Global/ Global/ Develo- Emerging/
prices, features to benefits. Example,
phy ped Developed
Developed Develo
Cekaja, KreditGogo;
c. Risk and Investment Management. This
Key Infrastruct Traditio Mobile/
Elements ure/ nal/ startups/ fintech provides services such as Robo
Internet New
Computeri advisor (software that provides financial
planning services and e-trading and e-
Shift Linkages Digitali- 2008 Last mover
Origin zation financial advantage insurance platforms. Example, Bareksa,
smartph Cekpremi dan Rajapremi;
d. Peer to peer lending (P2P). Fintech brings

together lenders (investors) with loan

Table 1: Period of Fintech Development seekers in one platform. Later investors
The monitoring body and policy will get interest from the funds lent.
recommendations provider regarding the Example, Modalku, Investree.
global financial system, the Financial Stability The United States of America has a
Board (FSB) divides the types of fintech into federal regulator that oversees the national
four categories based on the type of banking system which then issues an initiative
innovation; to start drafting a framework to regulate the
a. Payment, clearing and settlement. This is rapid development of the fintech sector,
fintech which provides payment system namely The Comptroller of the Currency
services, both those provided by the (OCC). Various types of US Federal regulations
banking industry and those carried out by related to fintech, including banking laws,
Bank Indonesia such as Bank Indonesia consumer protection, prohibition of unfair and
Real Time Gross Settlement (BI-RTGS), BI deceptive practices, and anti-money
National Clearing System (SKNBI) to BI laundering.13 The US fintech company must
Scripless Securities Settlement System (BI- first comply with federal banking laws.
SSSS). Example, Kartuku, Doku; Second, financial companies must meet

12 13
See; accessed Departemen Perlindungan Konsumen Otoritas
August 5 2019, at 09.43 WIB. Jasa Keuangan, Op.cit. Pg. 14

Vol. 2 No. 2, February 2020

consumer-disclosure criteria such as, the Development of Fintech in Indonesia

Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Truth in Based on the data, the types of fintech
Lending Act, and others. Third, it must comply developed by start-up companies in Indonesia
with provisions regarding the prohibition of are quite diverse, according to a survey in the

unfair practices. Fourth, meet the anti money AFTECH Annual Member Survey Report
laundering or Anti Money Laundering / AML showing that more than 70% of fintech start-

regulations.14 up focus provides services to segments that

Whereas in the United Kingdom, it has are not served by banks (unbanked and
the nickname into Fintech friendly ’, where the underbanked).16 From these data, OJK has
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) launches an successfully mapped the fintech that
innovation hub that makes businesses, both developed in Indonesia along with the

regulated and who have not yet been able to potential risks that arise in each type of
introduce innovative financial products and fintech that exists.

services to the market. The FCA facilitates the In the type of digital payment, OJK
entry of innovative foreign companies into the said that the risk that arises is the security of

UK, and interprets the company's consumer data, because with the existence of
development efforts, so that the FCA can consumer information in the fintech company
increase innovation competition and database, there are potential risks related to
competition in the UK financial services the privacy of consumer data and transaction
market. In January 2017 it was discovered that data that can be misused by irresponsible

the FCA carried out the first criminal action parties. The next risk that can arise is,
against fintech individual lenders who transaction errors. Where fintech digital

provided unlicensed credit loans, which were payment requires a very strong information
considered to violate the Consumer Credit Act technology infrastructure management
1974 and the Financial Services and Markets system so that it can support the entire
Act 2000, where the perpetrators operated as transaction process properly, this

borrowers for people experiencing difficulties infrastructure system includes software

finance and targeting home guarantees in the management, network and connectivity
hope that the borrower defaults on debt15. management, and security management.

See, Accessed August 5th 2019,
Ibid. at 11.29 WIB.

ISSN 465-009 Surakarta Law And Society Journal E-ISSN 456-890

Fintech financial and investment institutional aspects and risk mitigation. The
companies usually provide crowdfunding and Financial Services Authority (OJK), Bank
peer-to-peer lending (P2P Lending) services, Indonesia (BI) and related ministries need to
with the risk of default due to a risk continue to work together to support the

assessment error on credit borrowers, due to millennial phenomenon that is happening in

the terms and conditions for potential the financial sector. OJK itself in 2016 has

customers who want to use the service very responded to the phenomenon of fintech in
easily and not too complex as in conventional the country, by issuing POJK No. 77 / POJK.01
banks and lending companies. The second risk / 2016 concerning Information Technology-
is the lack of detailed information related to Based Lending and Borrowing Services, also
the parties, such as those who will provide known as P2P Lending POJK, which then has a

loans (investors) are prone to the issue of derivative regulation in the form of OJK
money laundering. Whereas those who will Circular Letter (SEOJK) No. 18 / SEOJK.02 /

borrow funds (consumers) are prone to the 2017. This POJK regulates one type of fintech
issue of applying the principle of knowing service that is increasingly widespread today,

your customer (KYC). namely peer-to-peer lending (P2P Lending).

Unlike the fintech account aggregator, Based on this regulation the parties involved
which provides convenience by offering in it, such as fintech service providers called
services that can accommodate all Other Financial Services Institutions must be
transactions from various banking accounts in the form of a limited liability corporation or

through one platform. This service can pose PT and cooperatives.17 OJK also determines
risks related to data security and misuse, registration procedures that are carried out

because this type of fintech has access to the prior to the commencement of business
banking accounts of consumers or service activities, which are then followed by licensing
users (users) indirectly. So there is the procedures.18
potential for fraud risk, if the company does Bank Indonesia responded to the

not have a strong data security system and development of this financial technology by
becomes vulnerable to banking crime. issuing policies as a form of monitoring to
The development of fintech in

Indonesia requires the readiness of the 17

See, Article 2 Paragraph (2) POJK No.77 /
POJK.01 / 2016 concerning Information Technology
government and regulators in regulating, Based Lending and Borrowing Services (POJK P2P
especially those relating to business activities, 18
See, Pasal 7 – 9 POJK P2P Lending

Vol. 2 No. 2, February 2020

continue to support the creation of monetary BI also mentioned the category of

stability, financial system stability, inclusive financial technology implementation that
and sustainable national economic growth. consisted of 20:
Bank Indonesia as the payment system 1. Payment System,

regulator has issued regulations related to 2. Market Support,

fintech in Indonesia, through Bank Indonesia 3. Investment Management and Risk

Regulation No.18/40/PBI/2016 concerning the Management,

Implementation of Payment Transaction 4. Loans, Financing and Capital Supply; and
Processing, then also published Bank 5. Other Financial Services.
Indonesia Regulation No. 19/12/PBI/2017 The fintech business is much
concerning the Implementation of Financial influenced by the progress of online and e-

Technology (PBI Tekfin), and there is a commerce businesses. Millennials do a lot of

Regulation of the Board of Governors activities using the internet, including

No.19/14/PADG/2017 concerning the shopping at online shops. This activity triggers

Regulatory Sandbox for Financial Technology, the emergence of an electronic wallet

and finally the Regulation of the Members of application (e-wallet) that is easier and more
the Board of Governors No.19/15/PADG/2017 practical when compared to a payment
concerning Registration, Submission of system with money, checks or bank
Information and Monitoring of Financial transfers21.
Technology Providers. In the Tekfin PBI the Fintech services that are rife in

definition used by BI regarding fintech as the Indonesia, the implementation of the

use of technology in the financial system has transaction remains based on the agreement.

produced new products, services, technology The Civil Code (KUH Perdata) as a source of
and / or business models and can have an law in entering into agreements in Indonesia,
impact on monetary stability, financial system in regulations related to fintech, is applied
stability, and / or efficiency, smoothness, analytically, meaning that the provisions of

payment system security and reliability.19 fintech apply the provisions of Book II

Article 3 ayat (1) PBI Tekfin
Citi Rahmati Serfiyani, Adinda Balqis Tegarmas G,
Angela Widjaja Melani, ‘Regulasi dan Perjanian Bisnis
Tekfin Pinjaman’, 2018, artikel yang digunakan untuk
Article 1 Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. mengikuti ALSA Indoensia Legal Review Competition
19/12/PBI/2017 tentang Penyelenggaraan Teknologi (AILRC) 2018. See,
Finansial (PBI Tekfin) perjanjian-bisnis-tekfin-pinjaman-ailrc/

ISSN 465-009 Surakarta Law And Society Journal E-ISSN 456-890

concerning the Law of Engagement and the agreements. Article 1330 of the Civil Code
Commercial Code (KUH Dagang)22. Article stipulates that every person is competent
1320 of the Civil Code (KUH Perdata) states to make an agreement, unless the law
the conditions for validity of the agreement, stipulates that he is incompetent. In

i.e: general, legal subjects deemed incapable

1. Agreement of the Parties. of carrying out legal actions are children

The agreement was born in the and people who are put under curatele
moment of reaching an agreement or like crazy24. When entering into an
agreement between the two parties agreement with the online fintech service,
regarding the main points of what was the the parties are deemed competent if it is
object of the agreement. Mariam Darus found to be different in the future, then it

Badrulzaman described the notion of can be requested for cancellation from a

agreement as a condition of the agreed judge by an incapable party including the

will (overeenstemende wilsverklaring) guardian or his guide.25

between the parties. The statement of the 3. A Certain Matters.

party offering is called the offer (offerte). This shows that in the agreement,
And the statement of the party receiving there must be an object, where the object
the offer is called acceptatie 23. So there is of the agreement is the same as the legal
an offer and acceptance is important for object. So the object must be determined,
determining the birth of the agreement. In both the amount, size, location, type and

addition, agreements can be expressed or price. In the fintech service itself, the
realized through a variety of ways, object of the agreement can be in the

including verbally, in writing, with a sign or form of money lending services if it is

even with a symbol. fintech with P2P Lending services, which
2. Ability to Make Agreements. then displays a thread containing
Ability in law contains two information on terms and conditions for

meanings, namely competent to do legal the use of the service.

actions and have the power to make
In Article 1330 The Civil Code,
Ery Agus Priyono, 2019, ‘Berlindungan Hukum women who are married are classified as incompetent in
Terhadap Konsumen dalam Perjanjian E-Commerce’, making agreements, but later the Supreme Court
Diponegoro Private Law Review Vol. 4 No.1 February through Circular Number 3 of 1963 issued a call for this
(2019), Pg. 431. not to be enforced.
Badrulzaman, Mariam Darus, 1994, Aneka 25
Kuspriatni, Lista. 1998. Hukum Perjanjian (Aspek
Hukum Bisnis, Bandung, Pg. 24. Hukum dalam Ekonomi). Jakarta: Intermasa, Pg. 2

Vol. 2 No. 2, February 2020

4. A Halal cause. Article 1320 of the Civil Code, the agreement

The fourth condition is the purpose is valid.
of the parties to the agreement must be BIBLIOGRAPHY
permitted by law. A reason that is Abdulkadir Muhammad, Rilda Murniati,
(2000), Segi Hukum Lembaga Keuangan
prohibited if prohibited by law, is against
dan Pembiayaan, Citra Aditya Bakti,
morality or against public order. Even Bandung.

strengthened in Article 1335 of the Civil Alvani Amaerita Harefa, Posma Sariguna
Johnson Kennedy, (2018), “Financial
Code, which stipulates that an agreement
Technology, Regulasi dan Adaptasi
without a cause, or that has been made for Perbankan di Indonesia”, Fundamental
Management Journal ISSN: 2540-9220
a false or forbidden reason, has no power.
(online) Vol. 3 No.1
For fintech services, the purpose of the Badrulzaman, Mariam Darus, (1994), Aneka
actual agreement is stated in the thread of Hukum Bisnis, Bandung.

terms and conditions when using the Citi Rahmati Serfiyani, Adinda Balqis Tegarmas
G, Angela Widjaja Melani, (2018),
service. ‘Regulasi dan Perjanian Bisnis Tekfin
Based on the discussion above, if the Pinjaman’, 2018, artikel yang digunakan
untuk mengikuti ALSA Indoensia Legal
four legal conditions of the agreement are Review Competition (AILRC). Lihat,
fulfilled in the fintech service, then an
engagement has taken place resulting from
Departemen Perlindungan Konsumen Otoritas
the agreement between them. And resulting Jasa Keuangan, (2017), “Kajian
in a legal relationship that, is the emergence Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa
Keuangan: Perlindungan Konsumen
of rights and obligations for each party. Pada Fintech”, Jakarta.
CLOSING Elshabyta Auditya Bintaro, (2018), “Fintech and
Cashless Society: Sebuah Revolusi
Basically an online agreement made in
Pendongkrak Ekonomi Kerakyatan”
the use of fintech with a variety of services, is dalam Essay Booklet; The Transformative
Power of Fintech yang dipresentasikan
inseparable from the concept of the
pada 28 September 2018, FEB UGM,
agreement provided for in Article 1320 of the Yogyakarta.
Civil Code. The difference between Ery Agus Priyono, (2019), ‘Berlindungan
Hukum Terhadap Konsumen dalam
conventional and online agreements lies only
Perjanjian E-Commerce’, 2019,
in the use of electronic media in the form of Diponegoro Private Law Review Vol. 4
No.1 February
mobile phones, computers, or tablets as
Ernama Budiarto, Hendro S., (2017),
intermediaries between the two parties. Thus, “Pengawasan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
as long as 4 conditions have been fulfilled in Terhadap Financial Technology

ISSN 465-009 Surakarta Law And Society Journal E-ISSN 456-890

(Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

Nomor 77/POJK.01/2016)”, Diponegoro
Law Journal, Vol. 6 No.3.
Kuspriatni, Lista. (1998). Hukum Perjanjian
(Aspek Hukum dalam Ekonomi). Jakarta:
Normand Edwin Elnizar,
diketahui-lawyer/ Akses pada
06/08/2019, Pukul 08.47 WIB.
Zaini Zulfi Diane, (2014), Aspek Hukum dan
Fungsi Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan,
Keni Media, Bandung.


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