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t D Mass Zeds Cees

Catalogue (mm) (mm) per unit E F L B L

number length
(kg/m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Z/C10010 1 102 1.74 53 49 12.5 51 12.5
Z/C10012 1.2 102 2.07 53 49 12.5 51 12.5
Z/C10015 1.5 102 2.58 53 49 13.5 51 13.5
Z/C10019 1.9 102 3.25 53 49 14.5 51 14.5
Z/C15012 1.2 152 2.84 65 61 15.5 64 14.5
Z/C15015 1.5 152 3.54 65 61 16.5 64 15.5
Z/C15019 1.9 152 4.46 65 61 17.5 64 16.5
Z/C15024 2.4 152 5.62 66 60 19.5 64 18.5
Z/C20015 1.5 203 4.44 79 74 15 76 15.5
Z/C20019 1.9 203 5.68 79 74 18.5 76 19
Z/C20024 2.4 203 7.15 79 73 21.5 76 21
Z/C25019 1.9 254 6.43 79 74 18 76 18.5
Z/C25024 2.4 254 8.1 79 73 21 76 20.5
Z/C30024 2.4 300 10.01 100 93 27 96 27.5
Z/C30030 3 300 12.6 100 93 31 96 31.5
Z/C35030 3 350 15.09 129 121 30 125 30

Purlin Mass Interpolation

D (mm) Mass
Upper Values 152 2.84
Input Value 120.00 3.10 Output Value
Lower Values 102 3.25
Z Sections - Dimensions & Properties:

Mass Second Section Radius of

DIMENSIONS Per Moment Modulus Gyration
Type Unit of Area

D E F L t Area Length 1x 1y Zx Zy rx ry

mm mm mm mm mm mm² kg/m 10mm 10mm 10mm 10mm mm mm

 DSZ 10016 102 53 49 14 1.6 344 2.76 0.571 0.211 11.19 4.03 40.71 24.71
 DSZ 10020 102 53 48 15 2 430 3.44 0.703 0.263 13.77 5..04 40.41 24.71
 DSZ 12516 127 59 55 17 1.6 400 3.15 1.02 0.14 15.75 4.31 49.1 20
 DSZ 12520 127 59 55 18 2 498 3.88 1.25 0.18 19.7 5.53 49.5 20.1
 DSZ 12525 127 59 55 19 2.5 622 4.89 1.58 0.24 24.48 7.15 49.3 20.2
 DSZ 15016 152 65 61 17 1.6 472 3.79 1.702 0.41 22.4 6.38 60.01 29.41
 DSZ 15020 152 65 61 18 2 590 4.72 2.112 0.514 27.78 8.03 59.81 29.51
 DSZ 15025 152 66 60 20 2.5 738 5.88 2.609 0.649 35.4 10.01 59.51 29.61
 DSZ 17516 178 75 72 18 1.6 538 4.28 2.64 0.34 29.9 7.02 70.08 25.4
 DSZ 17520 178 75 72 22 2 680 5.25 3.29 0.44 35.4 9 70.1 25.8
 DSZ 17525 178 75 72 24 2.5 833 6.68 4.03 0.56 45.5 10.9 70.12 25.95
 DSZ 20016 203 78 75 16 1.6 592 4.7 3.862 0.637 38.12 9.54 82.62 33.52

 DSZ 20020 203 78 75 17 2 749 5.74 4.852 0.813 47.82 12.22 84.12 34.42
 DSZ 20025 203 73 75 18 2.5 937 7.03 6.052 1.023 56.62 15.42 85.12 34.92
 DSZ 25020 250 78 72 20 2 840 6.59 7.672 0.852 61.34 11.09 95.55 31.88

 DSZ 25025 250 78 72 21 2.5 1050 8.24 9.522 1.082 76.2 14.03 95.25 32.02

Vc Interpolation Table
100As/bd Vc
Upper Values 127 3.15
Input Value 120.00 3.04 Output Value
Lower Values 102 2.76

E = 50 Btm
F = 56 Top
Wt = 2.81 kg/m
Truss Spacing = 4.8 m
Purlin Spacing = 1.2 m
Span Spacing = 28.338 m
D = 120 mm Therefore D is O.K
Therefore (F+E) is O.K

Consulting Firm: Job No:

Etteh Aro & Partners Date:
Designed By: GNAD
Project: Roof Truss ( Purlin Design) Checked By: ENGR.OJAS


Dead Load
Sheet 0.075 kN/m2
Fixing 0.025 kN/m2
Plaster Board 0.02 kN/m2
Services 0.1 kN/m2
Total 0.22 kN/m2

Imposed Load = 0.75 kN/m2

Truss Spacing 4.8 m

Purlin Spacing 1.2 m
Span Spacing 28.338 m
Purlin Weight 2.81 kg/m = 0.0276 kN/m

Load on Purling
Roofing 1.4 x 0.22 X 4.80 X 1.2 = 1.77kN
Purlin type 1.40 X 4.80 X 0.028 = 0.19kN
Imposed Load 1.6 x 0.75 X 4.80 X 1.2 = 6.91kN
Total = 8.87kN
L/45 < D
Where D = 120 mm
L = 4800 mm
L/45 = 106.6666667 mm
Which is < 120
Therefore D is O.K

L/60 < (F+E)

Where F = 56 ; E = 50 and L = 4800
L/60 = 80 < 106
Therefore (F+E) is O.K
Name of Consultant = Etteh Aro & Partners
Made By = J.O.E
Checked By = M.D.O
Date =

No of Bays = 30 Nos
Truss Spacing = 4.8 m
Truss Span = 28.338 m
Purlin Weight = 0.028 kN/m
Steel sheeting = 0.075 kN/m²
Insulation = 0.02 kN/m²
Fixings = 0.025 kN/m²
Services = 0.1 kN/m²

Designed by Engr. Julius Etuke; + 234 - 8032194157,
Consulting Firm: Job No:

Etteh Aro & Partners Date:
Designed By: J.O.E



No of Bays = 11 Nos
Truss Spacing = 4.8 m
Truss Span = 28.338 m
Purlin Weight = 2.81 kg/m = 0.028 kN/m
Dead load - Steel sheeting = 0.075 kN/m²
Insulation = kN/m²
Fixings = 0.025 kN/m²
Services = 0.100 kN/m²
Total = 0.2 kN/m²

Roof Dead Load 0.20 x 28.34 x 4.8 = 27.20 kN

Allow for purlins 0.028 x 4.80 x 11 = 1.46 kN
Allow for own weight 0.21 x 28.34 x 4.8 = 28.22 kN
Total Load = 56.88 kN

Nodal Load = 56.88 = 5.17 kN

Imposed Load (No access to roof) = 0.4 kN/m²

Nodal Load = 0.400 x 28.34 x 4.8 = 4.95 kN

Ultimate Load on Each Noad
(1.4 x 5.171) + (1.6 x 4.946) = 15.15 kN
Consulting Firm: Job No:

Etteh Aro & Partners Date:
Designed By: J.O.E
Project: INFORMATION CENTRE ROOF TRUSS DESIGN ( Member Forces) Checked By: M.D.O


Member Forces (factored)

Consulting Firm: Job No:

Etteh Aro & Partners Date:
Designed By: J.O.E
Project: INFORMATION CENTRE ROOF TRUSS DESIGN ( Member Forces) Checked By: M.D.O


Member Forces (factored)

Member Dead + Imposed Member Dead + Imposed

Load (kN) Load (kN)
M63 -45.575 M54 -1.319
M64 -45.559 M21 -0.914
M48 -35.421 M23 -0.897
M47 -35.276 M19 -0.44
M50 -34.946 M25 -0.363
M49 -34.785 M12 -0.251
M79 -29.995 M14 -0.226
M76 -27.499 M89 0
M46 -17.083 M1 0.006
M45 -16.992 M88 0.04
M81 -16.791 M16 0.156
M32 -15.669 M10 0.168
M52 -15.597 M6 0.2
M51 -15.541 M17 0.543
M86 -15.189 M62 0.797
M27 -13.018 M61 0.836
M36 -10.35 M8 1.058
M35 -10.317 M3 2.346
M38 -10.151 M5 2.354
M37 -10.142 M22 3.727
M84 -3.547 M13 3.887
M30 -3.282 M20 3.947
M65 -3.199 M24 3.996
M66 -3.131 M11 4.098
M83 -2.939 M15 4.11
M29 -2.626 M18 4.645
M74 -1.466 M9 4.737
M53 -1.377 M4 4.8
M73 -1.327 M2 4.824
Consulting Firm: Job No:

TECHNOVATION Etteh Aro & Partners Date:
Designed By: J.O.E
Project: INFORMATION CENTRE ROOF TRUSS DESIGN ( Member Forces) Checked By: M.D.O


Member Forces (factored)

Member Dead + Imposed Member Dead + Imposed

Load (kN) Load (kN)
M7 5.962 M41 40.95
M34 6.246 M42 40.955
M33 6.366
M40 6.924
M39 6.945
M31 8.57
M82 8.925
M28 9.547
M85 11.441
M44 20.034
M43 20.117
M75 20.425
M80 22.108
M67 22.398
M68 22.513
M26 22.554
M71 23.128
M72 23.269
M87 26.421
M56 27.506
M55 27.614
M60 28.464
M59 28.553
M69 31.148
M70 31.309
M77 32.722
M78 35.788
M58 37.354
M57 37.49
Consulting Firm: Job No:

Etteh Aro & Partners Date:
Designed By: J.O.E
Project: INFORMATION CENTRE ROOF TRUSS DESIGN ( Member Design) Checked By: M.D.O


Member Design
(A) Top Chord - member
Maximum compression force = 259.4 kN 259.4
BS 5950 Part1 Maximum tensile force = 253.7 kN
Table 22 Effective Length Le = 1.00L = 1277 mm
Where L = 1000 mm
Try = 50x50x5 Section Designation
l = Le = 1277 = 550.43
ry 2.32
Table 24(a) Py = 275 N/mm² Ag = 4.91 cm²
Pc = 244 N/mm²
Pc = 4.91 x 10² x 244 x 10-³ = 119.804 kN
Since 119.80kN < 259.40kN 50x50x5
Not OK,Change Section
Equal Angle

(B) Bottom Chord - member

Maximum compression force = kN 300
BS 5950 Part1 Maximum tensile force = 300 kN
Table 22 Effective Length Le = 1.00L = 2500 mm
Where L = 2500 mm
Try = 60x60x6 Section Designation
l = Le = 2500 = 14.20
ry 176
Table 24(a) Py = 275 N/mm² Ag = 1600000 cm²
Pc = 275 N/mm²
Pc = 1600000.00 x 10² x 275 x 10-³ = 44000000 kN
Since 44000000.00kN > 300.00kN 60x60x6
Section is OK
Equal Angle
Consulting Firm: Job No:

Etteh Aro & Partners Date:
Designed By: J.O.E
Project: INFORMATION CENTRE ROOF TRUSS DESIGN ( Member Design) Checked By: M.D.O


(C)Strutts and Ties - member M78 & M79

Maximum compression force = 10 kN 10
BS 5950 Part1 Maximum tensile force = 7 kN
Table 22 Effective Length Le = 1.00L = 500 mm
Where L = 500 mm
Try = 60x60x6 Section Designation
l = Le = 500 = 27.78
ry 18
Table 24(a) Py = 275 N/mm² Ag = 7 cm²
Pc = 267 N/mm²
Pc = 7.00 x 10² x 267 x 10-³ = 186.9 kN
Since 186.90kN > 10.00kN 60x60x6
Section is OK
Equal Angle

(D)Vertical Members M7 & M19

Maximum compression force = 6 kN 10
BS 5950 Part1 Maximum tensile force = 10 kN
Table 22 Effective Length Le = 1.00L = 500 mm
Where L = 500 mm
Try = 60x60x6 Section Designation
l = Le = 500 = 27.78
ry 18
Table 24(a) Py = 275 N/mm² Ag = 7 cm²
Pc = 267 N/mm² Pt = Ag x Py
Pt = 7.00 x 10² x 275 x 10-³ = 192.5 kN
Since 192.50kN > 10.00kN 60x60x6
Section is OK
Equal Angle



Equal Angles


Equal Angles


Equal Angles

Equal Angles
Joists to BS4 Part 1 1993 - Dim
Inside Slope = 8o
Ratios for Local
Thickness Radius Depth
Mass Depth of Width of Buckling
Designation Per Section Section
Web Flange Root Toe fillets Flange Web
D b t T r1 r2 d b/2t d/s
mm x mm x
mm mm mm mm mm mm
254x203x82 82 254 203.2 10.2 19.9 19.6 9.7 166.6 5.11 16.3
203x152x52 52.3 203.2 152.4 8.9 16.5 15.5 7.6 133.2 4.62 15
152x127x37 37.3 152.4 127 10.4 13.2 13.5 6.6 94.3 4.81 9.07
127x114x29 29.3 127 114.3 10.2 11.5 9.9 4.8 79.5 4.97 7.79
127x114x27 26.9 127 114.3 7.4 11.4 9.9 5 79.5 5.01 10.7
102x102x23 23 101.6 101.6 9.5 10.3 11.1 3.2 55.2 4.93 5.81
102x44x7 7.5 101.6 44.5 4.3 6.1 6.9 3.3 74.6 3.65 17.3
89x89x19 19.5 88.9 88.9 9.5 9.9 11.1 3.2 44.2 4.49 4.65
76x76x13 12.8 76.2 76.2 5.1 8.4 9.4 4.6 38.1 4.54 7.47

Beam Sect.
Designation Mass D b t T Ryy Sxx u x
127x114x27 7.5 127 114.3 7.4 11.4 2.63 149 0.868 9.32

Designation Mass D b t T Ryy Sxx u x
127x114x27 7.5 127 114.3 7.4 11.4 2.63 149 0.868 9.32

Equal Angles in accordance with BS4848: Part 4 - Dimensions and Properties

Mass e of Second Moment of Area Radius of Gyration
Designation Per Root Toe centre
metre radius Radius of
gravity Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis

DxBxt r1 r2 Cx & Cy x-x, y-y u-u v-v x-x, y-y u-u v-v

mm x mm x mm kg/m mm mm cm cm4 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm

200x200x24 71.3 18 4.8 5.85 3356 5322 1391 6.08 7.65 3.91
200x200x20 60.1 18 4.8 5.7 2877 4569 1185 6.13 7.72 3.93
200x200x18 54.4 18 4.8 5.62 2627 4174 1080 6.15 7.76 3.95
200x200x16 48.7 18 4.8 5.54 2369 3765 973 6.18 7.79 3.96
150x150x18 40.2 16 4.8 4.38 1060 1680 440 4.55 5.73 2.93
150x150x15 33.9 16 4.8 4.26 909 1442 375 4.59 5.78 2.95
150x150x12 27.5 16 4.8 4.14 748 1187 308 4.62 5.82 2.97
150x150x10 23.1 16 4.8 4.06 635 1008 262 4.64 5.85 2.98
120x120x15 26.7 13 4.8 3.52 448 710 186 3.63 4.57 2.34
120x120x12 21.7 13 4.8 3.41 371 588 153 3.66 4.62 2.35
120x120x10 18.3 13 4.8 3.32 316 502 130 3.69 4.64 2.37
120x120x8 14.8 13 4.8 3.24 259 411 107 3.71 4.67 2.38
100x100x15 21.9 12 4.8 3.02 250 395 105 2.99 3.76 1.94
100x100x12 17.9 12 4.8 2.91 208 330 86.4 3.02 3.81 1.95
100x100x10 15.1 12 4.8 2.83 178 283 73.7 3.05 3.84 1.96
100x100x8 12.2 12 4.8 2.75 146 232 60.5 3.07 3.86 1.97
90x90x12 16 11 4.8 2.66 149 235 62 2.7 3.4 1.75
90x90x10 13.5 11 4.8 2.58 128 202 52.9 2.73 3.43 1.76
90x90x8 10.9 11 4.8 2.5 105 167 43.4 2.75 3.46 1.77
90x90x7 9.6 11 4.8 2.46 93.2 148 38.6 2.76 3.47 1.77
90x90x6 8.3 11 4.8 2.41 81 128 33.6 2.76 3.48 1.78
80x80x10 11.9 11 4.8 2.33 87.7 139 36.5 2.4 3.03 1.55
80x80x8 9.7 11 4.8 2.25 72.4 115 30.1 2.42 3.05 1.56
80x80x6 7.4 11 4.8 2.16 56 88.7 23.3 2.44 3.07 1.58
70x70x10 10.3 11 4.8 2.08 57.1 90.3 24 2.08 2.62 1.35
70x70x8 8.4 11 4.8 2 47.4 75 19.7 2.1 2.65 1.36
70x70x6 6.4 11 4.8 1.92 36.8 58.2 15.4 2.12 2.67 1.37
60x60x10 8.8 11 4.8 1.84 34.7 54.7 14.7 1.76 2.21 1.15
60x60x8 7.2 11 4.8 1.76 28.9 45.7 12.1 1.78 2.24 1.15
60x60x6 5.5 11 4.8 1.67 22.6 35.7 9.45 1.8 2.26 1.16
60x60x5 4.6 11 4.8 1.62 19.2 30.2 8.06 1.8 2.26 1.17
50x50x8 5.9 11 4.8 1.51 16 25.3 6.78 1.46 1.83 0.949
50x50x6 4.6 11 4.8 1.42 12.6 19.9 5.28 1.47 1.85 0.954
50x50x5 3.9 11 4.8 1.37 10.7 16.9 4.51 1.48 1.86 0.958
50x50x4 3.1 11 4.8 1.32 8.72 13.7 3.71 1.48 1.85 0.963
50x50x3 2.4 11 4.8 1.25 6.6 10.3 2.88 1.47 1.83 0.968
45x45x6 4.1 11 4.8 1.3 8.95 14.1 3.76 1.31 1.65 0.851
45x45x5 3.5 11 4.8 1.25 7.63 12 3.21 1.32 1.65 0.853
45x45x4 2.8 11 4.8 1.2 6.22 9.79 2.65 1.31 1.65 0.857
45x45x3 2.2 11 4.8 1.13 4.71 7.37 2.05 1.3 1.63 0.86
40x40x6 3.6 11 4.8 1.18 6.1 9.63 2.57 1.15 1.45 0.747
40x40x5 3.1 11 4.8 1.13 5.21 8.22 2.19 1.15 1.45 0.748
40x40x4 2.5 11 4.8 1.08 4.25 6.7 1.8 1.15 1.45 0.75
40x40x3 1.9 11 4.8 1.01 3.22 5.04 1.4 1.14 1.43 0.752
30x30x5 2.3 11 4.8 0.89 2.02 3.19 0.846 0.832 1.05 0.539
30x30x4 1.9 11 4.8 0.84 1.65 2.61 0.691 0.829 1.04 0.536
30x30x3 1.5 11 4.8 0.78 1.25 1.96 0.53 0.816 1.02 0.532
25x25x5 1.9 11 4.8 0.78 1.09 1.72 0.462 0.673 0.846 0.438
25x25x4 1.6 11 4.8 0.73 0.894 1.42 0.372 0.668 0.841 0.431
25x25x3 1.2 11 4.8 0.67 0.672 1.06 0.281 0.654 0.823 0.423
+ British Standard sections not produced by Corus
Part 1 1993 - Dimensions & Properties
Second Moment Radius of Elastic Plastic
of Area Gyration Modulus Modulus Buckling Torsional Warping Torsional
Parameter Index Constant Constant
Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis

x-x y-y Rx-x Ry-y Sx-x Sy-y Sx-x Sy-y u x H J

cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 dm6 cm4

12020 2280 10.7 4.67 947 224 1077 371 0.89 11 0.312 152
4798 816 8.49 3.5 472 107 541 176 0.891 10.7 0.0711 64.8
1818 378 6.19 2.82 239 59.6 279 99.8 0.866 9.33 0.0183 33.9
979 242 5.12 2.54 154 42.3 181 70.8 0.853 8.76 0.00807 20.8
946 236 5.26 2.63 149 41.3 172 68.2 0.868 9.32 0.00788 16.9
486 154 4.07 2.29 95.6 30.3 113 50.6 0.836 7.43 0.00321 14.2
153 7.82 4.01 0.907 30.1 3.51 35.4 6.03 0.872 14.9 0.000178 1.25
307 101 3.51 2.02 69 22.8 82.7 38 0.83 6.57 0.00158 11.5
158 51.8 3.12 1.79 41.5 13.6 48.7 22.4 0.852 7.22 0.000595 4.59

nd Properties
Modulu Area of
s Section

x-x, y-y A

cm3 cm2
237 90.8
201 76.6 TOP CHORD Not OK,Change Section
183 69.4 5.5 11 4.8 1.67 22.6 35.7 9.45
164 62
99.8 51.2 BOTTOM CHORD Section is OK
84.6 43.2 5.5 11 4.8 1.67 22.6 35.7 9.45
68.9 35
58 29.5 STRUTTS/TIES Section is OK
52.8 34 5.5 11 4.8 1.67 22.6 35.7 9.45
43.1 27.6
36.4 23.3 VERTICAL MEMBER Section is OK
29.5 18.8 6 5.5 11 4.8 1.67 22.6 35.7 9.45
35.8 28
29.3 22.8
24.8 19.2
20.2 15.6
23.5 20.3
19.9 17.2
16.2 13.9
14.2 12.3
12.3 10.6
15.5 15.2
12.6 12.3
9.6 9.4
11.6 13.2
9.49 10.7
7.24 8.2
8.33 11.2
6.82 9.12
5.21 7
4.37 5.91
4.59 7.52
3.52 5.8
2.95 4.91
2.37 4
1.76 3.07
2.8 5.2
2.35 4.41
1.88 3.6
1.4 2.77
2.16 4.6
1.81 3.91
1.45 3.2
1.08 2.47
0.956 2.91
0.764 2.4
0.561 1.87
0.634 2.41
0.504 2
0.367 1.57
Area of


1.8 2.26 1.16 5.21 7 Equal Angles

1.8 2.26 1.16 5.21 7 Equal Angles

1.8 2.26 1.16 5.21 7 Equal Angles
1.8 2.26 1.16 5.21 7 Equal Angles
Table 16 — Bending strength pb (N/mm2) for rolled sections BS5950 Part 1

λLT Steel grade and design strength py (N/mm2)

λLT S 275
Upper Values 20 200
Input Value 16 160
Lower Values 10 100


Output Value
M1 0.006
M10 0.168
M11 4.098
M12 -0.251
M13 3.887
M14 -0.226
M15 4.11
M16 0.156
M17 0.543
M18 4.645
M19 -0.44
M2 4.824
M20 3.947
M21 -0.914
M22 3.727
M23 -0.897
M24 3.996
M25 -0.363
M26 22.554
M27 -13.018
M28 9.547
M29 -2.626
M3 2.346
M30 -3.282
M31 8.57
M32 -15.669
M33 6.366
M34 6.246
M35 -10.317
M36 -10.35
M37 -10.142
M38 -10.151
M39 6.945
M4 4.8
M40 6.924
M41 40.95
M42 40.955
M43 20.117
M44 20.034
M45 -16.992
M46 -17.083
M47 -35.276
M48 -35.421
M49 -34.785
M5 2.354
M50 -34.946
M51 -15.541
M52 -15.597
M53 -1.377
M54 -1.319
M55 27.614
M56 27.506
M57 37.49
M58 37.354
M59 28.553
M6 0.2
M60 28.464
M61 0.836
M62 0.797
M63 -45.575
M64 -45.559
M65 -3.199
M66 -3.131
M67 22.398
M68 22.513
M69 31.148
M7 5.962
M70 31.309
M71 23.128
M72 23.269
M73 -1.327
M74 -1.466
M75 20.425
M76 -27.499
M77 32.722
M78 35.788
M79 -29.995
M8 1.058
M80 22.108
M81 -16.791
M82 8.925
M83 -2.939
M84 -3.547
M85 11.441
M86 -15.189
M87 26.421
M88 0.04
M89 0
M9 4.737

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