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NAME: Cedrick James B. Aresta COURSE & SECTION: BSED Science 3A

1. By the use of graphic organizer, present the elements of the teaching profession.

2. From Bernard Shaw's play: Man and Superman: "Those who can, do; those who
can't, teach."

People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while
people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching.

Based from the discussion of the elements of profession, do you agree with
Bernard Shaw? Explain your answer.

- This statement is like saying that people do not have any choice to do in their
lives but they can simply be a teacher by profession, and it is also saying that
it is easy to teach. Well, teaching is a profession and it requires expertise to
do so. Teachers are people who gave their lives rendering their time and
service to implore knowledge to the students. Becoming a teacher is not that
easy, they go through some rigorous trainings and needs to be equipped with
a lot of confidence and the ability to speak in front of his audience, so with
that alone, teaching is not only a second option and not even include to some
pool of choices for people who cannot do anything. To teach is to touch lives.
It does not mean that if you want to dance you do dancing for your living and
if you cannot dance you do teaching for living, this does not mean anything
for teaching. When teachers teach, they put their hearts on it. They are
passionate in delivering the knowledge that they want for their students to
learn. the best thing to do anything is to teach it. Without teaching someone
cannot do something, unless he learns it by himself.

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