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Anchor Bolt Strength in Tension as per ACI 318 Clause D.5.1 (As per clause 4.8.

4 of SAES-Q-005)

Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Moment

Node L/C Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN Mx kNm My kNm Mz kNm
Max Fx 160 103 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 103 7.715 50.207 -7.854 0.017 2.788 14.619
Min Fx 162 102 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 102 -7.682 28.176 0.103 0.04 0.182 -13.993
Max Fy 159 105 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 105 1.478 68.005 20.581 -0.008 -4.484 18.257
Min Fy 159 6 WIND @ Z -1.602 -18.262 -11.152 -0.01 1.107 1.673
Max Fz 159 105 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 105 1.478 68.005 20.581 -0.008 -4.484 18.257
Min Fz 160 104 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 104 3.602 65.513 -19.654 0.004 3.897 16.427
Max Mx 162 101 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 101 -2.23 33.641 -0.895 0.067 0.244 -18.041
Min Mx 161 101 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 101 -1.713 31.946 -1.176 -0.077 -0.209 -17.729
Max My 160 104 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 104 3.602 65.513 -19.654 0.004 3.897 16.427
Min My 159 105 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 105 1.478 68.005 20.581 -0.008 -4.484 18.257
Max Mz 159 101 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 101 -0.042 58.631 10.879 -0.022 -3.759 23.957
Min Mz 162 101 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 101 -2.23 33.641 -0.895 0.067 0.244 -18.041

The nominal strength of a single anchor or group of anchors in tension, Nsa, shall not exceed


n - number of anchors in a group.

Ase,N - Effective cross sectional area

futa - Specified tensile strength of anchor steel

da = diameter of bolt used

Dia of Bolt = 24 mm

No of Bolt = 1

nt = 9 for M24 bolts

Ase,N = 448.09013 mm2

Fya = 36000 psi

futa = 1.9*Fya

= 68400 psi

= 471.6 N/mm2

Nsa = 211.319305 kN

Maximum moment = 23.957 kNm

Total Tension due to moment 23.957 kN < 211.3193 kN

Per bolt Tension 23.957 kN < 211.3193 kN

Per bolt Compression 58.631 kN

Net Tension 34.674 kN < 211.3193 kN

Hence safe

The provided foundation bolt M24 is OK.

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