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Nigeria, the giant of Africa, a country filled with people of different tribes, and ethnicities,
and lots of resources. But as this country, Nigeria, has lot of potentials to be great among the
countries of the world, lots of things are killing her potent iality, which is the reason all Negerians
need to channel their energy towards the 2023 election to get a good and trust worthy leader.All
Nigerians need to own as a duty , an endeavor for the revival of a new Nigeria, which keeps
worsening from the past fill present Despite the fact that Nigeria is blessed with Natural
resources, it falls among the poorest country in the world.

Corruption has eaten our country from the bone to the marrow. A country where the
ideology of most of its leaders is on how to amass weath from the country's resources, without
putting into consideration the plight of the people is subjected to slow or non development.
Removing corrupt leaders' governance is not always easy, but with the cooperation of people, in
bringing an altruistic person into governance is achievable. Corruption as a hindrance to the
nation's progressiveness does not only occur among the leaders, but also am the individuals,
meaning eradication of it will not come easily, as it is now seen as an ideology passed from
generations to generations. Getting a new corruption free Nigeria should be in our endeavor as a

Imbalance of the economy in Nigeria has ruined lot of things. Many people have their
business closed due to the economy imbalance. This has made many home poorer. Having a
rebirth of our nation would mean a country free of economy imbalance, a country free from
unnecessary hike in price of things.Stability in the economy would reduce poverty rate among the

Unemployment as a need of seeking a positive rebirth of our country is a thing of utmost

importance. Many graduates leave their institution with the hope of getting a good paying job
with what they study, but Nigeria system of governmenance has failed them. A country having
lots of people working with " good pay will have its poverty rate reduced, and when the poverty
rate reduced, theft and other crimes would automatically reduced among the people.

Social amenities are not being adequately provided by the govemment. Good roads,
health care services, security, electrity, good running water, schools etc. Nigeria educational
status is fla wed. The lecturers are not being well paid, lecturers going on strike, drop out of
students as a result of the incessant strike, schools having outdated equipment etc. All these
would not only hinder the country's development, but also create an unsafe environment. The
security and public heath sector of the country are not being functional. The country's security is
too loose. Lots of crime perpetrators fume with their evil doings and still get away with them. The
public health sector is not bein well managed. It is so poorly developed that the elites fly out of
the country for adequate treatment, on coming across a little Sign of illness.
We all need to strive for a New Nigeria that is free of corruption, unemployment, economy
imbalance, and unprovided social amenities. We should all aim at getting a good leader that can
take our mother land, Nigeria, to the promise land.

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