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Unit Structure:

1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition of Research
1.3 Historical context of Research
1.3.1 Strength of Historical Context of Research
1.3.2 Limitations of Historical Context of Research
1.3.3 Perspectives in Social Research
1.4 Scope of Social Research
1.4.1 Knowledge of Building
1.4.2 Study of Social Problems
1.4.3 Theory Making & Policy Making
1.5 Summary
1.6 Check your progress
1.7 References
1.8 Questions


To understand the historical methods which implies the use

of research.
To realize the scope of research and its relevance in social


Research is an essential and powerful tool is leading man

towards progress. Without systematic research there would have
been very little progress. John W. Best has rightly said “The secret
of our cultural development has been research, pushing back the
areas of ignorance by discovering new truths, which in turn, lead to
better ways of doing things and better products.

Scientific research leads to progress in some field of life.

New products, new facts, new concepts and new ways of doing

things are being found due to ever increasing significant research in

the physical, the biological, the social and the psychological fields.
Research today is no longer confined to the science laboratory. The
manufacturers, the agricultural experts and the archeologists are
carrying on research in their respective spheres, besides, the
sociologists, anthropologists, economists and educationists.


1. C.C. Crawford : “Research is simply a systematic and refined

technique of thinking, employing specialized tools, instruments
& procedures in order to obtain a more adequate solution of a
problem than would be possible under ordinary means.”

It starts with a problem, collects data or facts, analyses these

critically based decisions actual evidence. It evolves original
work instead of mere exercise of personal opinion. It is
quantitative, seeking to know not only what but much and
measurement is therefore a central feature of it.

2) Webster Dictionary : “A careful inquiry or examination in

seeking facts or principles, diligent investigation in order to
ascertain something.”

3) Francis Bacon: “Research is a power of suspending judgement

with patience of meditating with pleasures of asserting with
caution, of correcting with readiness of arranging thought with
scrupulous plan.


In modern times, a number of sociologists have made

extensive historical studies of various social institutions. An eminent
example of this type of study is Western mark‟s “History of
Marriage” in which the gradual evolution of the institution of
marriage has been studied historically. The method of historical
study in social sciences has had great impetus from Darwin‟s
studies of biological evolution. Another instance of social study
being done on exclusively historical basis is oppenheimer‟s “The
State” in which it has been shown how the institution of state has
developed in the course of human history. Many famous &
influential social scientists have popularized the historical method of
using it in their social studies, political & cultural development. Karl
Marx, Max Weber, C.Wright Mills, Raymond Aron, to mention are a
few of the stalwarts of Historical method.

What is historical context of research? The social scientists

who have employed this method seem clearly to have been

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