Fin 212

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Southeast university

Name: Najmun sayem

Id: 2019010000031

Monthly Return: The Monthly Return is the period return rescaled to a one-

month period. This allows investors to compare the returns of different
assets owned over different time periods. Method: Monthly return = (closing
price on the last day
of the month / closing price) last day of the previous month)
1 The following formula is often used to convert annual earnings to
monthly earnings. Monthly return = (end price: beginning price)^ (1/12)-1 •
Average Return: Average return is the mathematical average of a set of
returns accumulated over time. Simply put, the average return is the total
return for a period divided by the number of periods. Arithmetic mean return
is calculated by dividing the sum of the numbers by the total number of
numbers in the series, as shown. For example, if the range F1:F20 contains
numbers, Method: Average Return=AVERAGE(H2:H20) returns the average
of these numbers. • Standard Deviation: Standard Deviation is the standard
of the security's returns. The annualized monthly standard deviation is
an approximation of the annual standard deviation. To approximate
annualization, multiply the monthly standard deviation by the square root of
Example: if the range is Stevp(H2) number and down arrow then. Netflix Samsung Coca-Cola Toyota

The average The average The average The average The average
return of return of return of return of return of
monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly
return is -2% return is return is -3% return is -2% return is -2%

-2% is a Same here - -3% is a -2% is a -2 % is a

negative rate 2% is a negative rate negative rate negative rate
for Amazon negative rate for Samsung for Coca- for Toyota.
Com .So A for Netflix. Corporation Cola. So A So A
negative rate So A .So A negative rate negative rate
of return is negative rate negative rate of return is of return is
a loss of the of return is of return is a loss of the a loss of the
principal a loss of the a loss of the principal principal
invested for principal principal invested for invested for
This time invested for invested for This time. This time.
This time. This time.

Five company show the Below :

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