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AREA TABLES 7 Cetus 17
Mantis Shrimp 18
Parrotfish 18
Pepperfish 19
Pufferfish 20
Anglerfish 11
Scylla 20
Archerfish 11
Sea Golem 20
Carpet Shark 11
Snapspitter 21
Chiton 12
Vampire Squid 21
Clown Fish 12
Veiled Starfish 21
Cold Char 12
Cuttlefish 12
Axolotl 22
Flotsam 13
Lady of the Lake 23
Goldfish 13
Sea Horse 24
Hagfish 13
Sea Pen 25
Jetsam 14
Sea Shadow 26
Leafy Sea Dragon 14
Shimmering Scale 26
Medicarp 14
Skeleton Fish 27
Oranda Goldfish 15
Squibling 28
Paraffish 15
Sniffler 28
Sawfish 15
The Box 29
Sea Slug 16
Twin Spirits Malice and Torment 30
Sea Sponge 16
Twin Spirits Destiny and Legacy 30
Squid 16
Wailing Tuna 16



This is a solo gaming supplement to use

alongside your favourite solo Role-Playing
Games to implement a fishing mechanic.
Included in this book are the rules and a
catalogue of the possible fish and finds.

This is a game of patience and concentration.

This game uses a stopwatch:

You will find a suitable stopwatch here at
the app store.

If using a PC, searching stopwatch in

Google gives you an appropriate

Most important is that whatever

stopwatch you use has large buttons that
you can click easily with your eyes
closed. I’ve found using stopwatches with
a computer mouse very easy as you can
hover the cursor over the stop button.


Playing this mini-game is simple. You have to

guess as close as you can to a specific time with
your eyes closed. There are three lengths of time
you can choose from with scaling rewards. The
easiest time is 20 seconds, then a minute for
intermediates and for the hardest rewards, 3
minutes. It is possible that if your timing is off to not
receive any rewards but that is unlikely. The table
with all of the times are on the next page.
Before you begin you not only need to pick the
time you’re aiming for but also the area that the
catches are from. These six areas are on page
number 6. Consider which table matches the EXAMPLE OF PLAY
current area in your game most closely. Once
chosen the table will always represent that area. My dwarf paladin
New areas can be represented by new tables. This has taken the day off
system is meant to encourage exploration as each for a much needed
table has different rewards including two unique mental health break.
legendaries. He spends an hour
by the sea which
Feel free to tweak this to suit your game. If your means I’m choosing
game takes place over a smaller more intimate to stop my stopwatch
area make use of each of the tables. As long as at a minute. He is at
each area is distinct. his home town so I
decide to make his
Each minute represents an hour your character home town the
has spent fishing. This adds a sense of time second area table. I
investment to the game and makes the bigger close my eyes and
catches feel more impactful as the characters are start the stopwatch.
expending their valuable time to catch something When I’ve stopped it
more worthwhile. the time is 1:14.51.
Since this time is
When both of these factors have been decided between 1:14.5 and
close your eyes and start the timer. Try and stop it 1:18.5 I have
at the chosen time while your eyes are closed. captured Number 6
When the timer has stopped compare your result which is an
against the table. uncommon. I go to
the second area
Most boxes in the table are split into two results. table down to the
The first result is under the time and the second sixth result and I find
result is over the time. For example if you are I’ve captured a
aiming for 20 seconds and your result is 23.2 you goldfish. My paladin
would be checking the second box through the list. considers his new
Once you’ve found your time, locate the same row item for a minute,
on the leftmost column to find the rarity of your wondering how the
catch. Then take that number and find the luck of the goldfish
equivalent catch on the area table you have will help him on his
chosen. journey.


20 seconds 1 minute 3 minutes

12.0 – 14.0
1. Common
26.0 – 28.0
14.0 – 15.5
2. Common
24.5 – 26.0
15.5 – 17.7 29.0 – 34.0
3. Common
23.3 – 24.5 1:28.0 – 1:33.0
17.7 – 18.7 34.0 – 39.0
4. Common
22.3 – 23.3 1:23.0 – 1:28.0
18.7 – 19.5 39.0 – 43.5 1:45.0 – 1:57.0
5. Common
21.5 – 22.3 1:18.5 – 1:23.0 4:06.0 – 4:18.0
19.5 – 20.0 43.5 – 47.5 1.57.0 – 2:08.0
6. Uncommon
21.0 – 21.5 1:14.5 – 1:18.5 3:55.0 – 4:06.0
47.5 – 51.0 2:08.0 – 2:18.0
7. Uncommon 20.0 – 21.0
1:11 – 1:14.5 3:45.0 – 3:55.0
51.0 – 54.0 2:18.0 – 2:27.0
8. Uncommon
1:08 – 1:11 3:36.0 – 3:45.0
54.0 – 56.5 2:27.0 – 2:35.0
9. Uncommon
1:05.5 – 1:08 3:28.0 – 3:36.0
56.5 – 58.5 2:35.0 – 2:42.0
10. Uncommon
1:03.5 – 1:05.5 3:21.0 – 3:28.0
58.5 – 1:00.0 2:42.0 – 2:48.0
11. Rare
1:02.0 – 1:03.5 3:15.0 – 3:21.0
2:48.0 – 2:53.0
12. Rare 1:00.0 – 1:02.0
3:10.0 – 3:15.0
2:53.0 – 2: 57.0
13. Rare
3:06.0 – 3:10.0
2:57.0 – 2:00.0
14. Legendary
3:03.0 – 3:06.0

15. Legendary 3:00.0 – 3:03.0


Area One Area Two Area Three

1. Anchovies 1. Tuna 1. Anchovies

2. Cod 2. Trout 2. Haddock
3. Perch 3. Pike 3. Pollock
4. Salmon 4. Salmon 4. Hake
5. Mahi Mahi 5. Branzino 5. Tilapia
6. Clownfish 6. Goldfish 6. Sea Sponge
7. Leafy Sea Dragon 7. Cold Char 7. Archerfish
8. Medicarp 8. Sawfish 8. Wailing Tuna
9. Archerfish 9. Sea Slug 9. Cuttlefish
10. Hagfish 10. Squid 10. Chiton
11. Giant Crab 11. Scylla 11. Cetus
12. Catfish 12. Pufferfish 12. Pepperfish
13. Snapspitter 13. Mantis Shrimp 13. Veiled Starfish
14. Sniffler 14. Sea Pen 14. Malice and Torment
15. Squibling 15. Lady of the Lake 15. Destiny and Legacy

Area Four Area Five Area Six

1. Bass 1. Tuna 1. Sardine

2. Haddock 2. Mackerel 2. Trout
3. Pike 3. Pollock 3. Herring
4. Halibut 4. Brill 4. Hake
5. Branzino 5. Tilapia 5. Flounder
6. Carpet Fish 6. Sea Sponge 6. Cold Char
7. Paraffish 7. Leafy Sea Dragon 7. Anglerfish
8. Flotsam 8. Medicarp 8. Wailing Tuna
9. Jetsam 9. Oranda Goldfish 9. Sawfish
10. Cuttlefish 10. Squid 10. Hagfish
11. Parrotfish 11. Sea Golem 11. Vampire Squid
12. Pepperfish 12. Catfish 12. Pufferfish
13. Mantis Shrimp 13. Veiled Starfish 13. Snapspitter
14. Shimmering Scale 14. Sea Horse 14. Skeleton Fish
15. The Box 15. Axolotl 15. Sea Shadow

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

The sea is home to many creatures. This is a short
guide to some of the more useful creatures you may
be coming across on your journey as an angler.
Some people take �ishing as a hobby, for some it is a
lifelong profession but whether you take it on for
an hour or a decade there is something wonderfully
thrilling about dipping a �ishing rod into an entirely
different world and seeing what comes out.
In this pamphlet I’ve catalogued some of the things
I’ve found or heard about throughout my life, from
basic tuna to mysterious machines there is so much
underneath the sea that inspires wonder and awe.
To help shed light on these wondrous creatures I’ve
been up and down the dock seeking out and
commissioning drawings from many sources. Some
of these artists have been with me on my trips out
to sea while some have come across these creatures
in their own travels or professions.
These catches come in rarities. From common and
uncommon all the way up to rare and legendary.
Legendary catches live up to their name as they are
truly the things legends are made of.
Tales �low down through families and waft through
pubs. Tales of the �ight of Axol, the black market of
the sea and the drowned sailors who became the
transportation of a king. Some of the legends are
longer than others but I have tried to document
them here in this tome.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Each of these �ish are tasty in their own way.
Smoked salmon is an essential ingredient in any
Sunday breakfast. Bass is a good �ish for a stew.
Cod goes fantastic in curries and halibut makes
the best �ish stock. Great tasting �ish comes from
all around the world, fresh water or sea water.
High in protein and great for the gut.

Anchovies Bass Branzino Brill Cod

Flounder Haddock Hake Halibut Herring
Mackerel Mahi Mahi Perch Pike Pollock
Salmon Sardine Tilapia Trout Tuna

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea


Angler�ish Archer�ish
The purveyors of the depths. It’s This long tongued
bright light hanging from it’s head �ish is able to snipe
seeing things no mortal creature insects right off a
was meant to see. So the Gods blade of grass.
cursed it to be ugly. Eating it will Eating it gives you a
grant you that same light grossly long tongue
stemming from your head, but be that you can use to
careful where you look because grab whatever you
the Gods are just as likely to need as long as it’s
bestow their gifts onto you. smaller than your

Carpet Shark
Low to the seabed, this
sneaky shark is a master of
camou�lage. Scurrying it’s
way across the ocean �loor,
jumping out at unsuspecting
victims. Its blood and fat
mixed together make some
of the best cleaning products
available. Just as useful for
housewives as homiciders.
An excellent way to make
sure you’re not leaving any
trace of your mistakes.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

A mollusc with a shell exterior and stones for eyes.
Taking a bite out of this little scurrying creature
turns the eyes of the eater to stone. This caused
some panic in the reaction of the �irst person to eat
a chiton but it reverts after a couple of minutes.
These stone eyes allow the user to see not visible
images, but feel what’s around them. If you think
someone is doing something sneaky behind a wall,
chiton is the friend you need.

Clown Fish Cold Char

Some consider a clown Originating from a body of sea
�ish as valuable as far from ours, these boys are
their own personal used to much colder
court jester, due to temperatures than us resulting
their bright colours in a thick hide and thinner,
and personality. Useful softer scales more akin to hair
for tricking your way or feathers. Discovering these
into high society beauties in my early days was
without the requisite what cemented my love for the
quali�ications. sea. They’re eaten by explorers
of the highest mountains and
the deepest trenches as a way to
stave off the cold.

Eating this allows for some wacky colours as you inherit
the abilities of your meal. The cuttle�ish can change it’s
colours at will, from very mild camou�lage to a strobe
lighting effect to confuse low intelligence enemies. Even
though both of these have their speci�ic uses, cuttle�ish are
mainly eaten as a form of self expression, seeing
shimmering pink men or deep brown barkeeps is very
common in certain parts of the world.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

An amalgamation of
trash and loose debris
that has lost its true
purpose and found its
way into the ocean. Said
to be held together by
it’s need to remember
what it was used for.
Taking a bite of this �ish
requires a strong
constitution as it’s
basically made of trash,
but it grants a sense of
allowing the eater to
jump higher and fall
slower. Side effects may
include a longing for a
purpose that was never

Gold�ish Long cylindrical
Meant to cause good luck and creatures akin to
prosperity. I think the eels. Squeezing it’s
superstition is based on the body shoots a slimy
name. A relatively tame �ish liquid from it’s
who’s unfortunate mouth. Not a
designation as the luck giver dangerous substance
has caused it nothing but but disorienting and
misfortune. But who knows, a real hell to get out
maybe it is lucky. of clothes and

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Jetsam Leafy Sea Dragon

Like it’s sibling construct, Beautiful little creatures
Jetsams are also creatures who do not live up to
strewn together from loose their name whatsoever. I
bits of cargo. The difference remember when I was
being, according to local told we’re going to
�ishermen and certain capture a dragon. Wow, a
wizards, is that the detritus whole dragon! I didn’t
forming this creature never even know how we’d �it
managed to �ind it’s purpose it on the boat. When I
before it was lost to the sea. saw that they were half
This creates a creature with the size of my arm the
a lack of direction, who magic had been lost a
lashes out at whoever comes little. When we had
near it. Similar to it’s sibling, captured our twentieth
the eater of this �ish needs that day the magic had
conviction and drive to force completely disappeared.
trash down their throat, but Chewing on one of these
the payoff is an increased guys’ �ins results in a
physical density, allowing for lack of sound coming
faster falls from much higher from the eater. I’ve used
heights. it myself to slip out of a
pub with the missus.

A �ish used to treat
basic burns and
wounds. The skin
can be used instead
of bandages for an
added cooling
sensation. The
meat has medicinal
properties when
ground and applied
to a damaged or
infected area.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Oranda Gold�ish
Ugly little creatures.
Anybody who still Paraf�ish
thinks Gold�ish are
lucky have not seen These �ish are covered in a
these. A large thin layer of wax, seemingly,
protrusion sits on the as a protection against
top of its head like a predators. This wax, when
cyst. What purpose it harvested, has many uses.
has nobody knows. On top of soap and candles it
Maybe it bumped into a can be drank to coat the
rock too many times. inside of the throat and
Eating it causes a stomach. This offers
mutilation of the protection from most
human skull to form poisons ingested that day. I
into a thicker substance drank it once on a dare and
allowing it to act as a it tastes terrible. Couldn’t
makeshift helmet. taste my missus’ cooking
properly for a straight week
after that.

Named after it’s snout which looks
conspicuously like a saw. The more surprising
ability of the saw�ish is it’s electromagnetic
sensors running down the length of the snout.
Able to detect the faintest of heartbeats below
several centimetres of sand. Eat a little to take
on the saw�ish’s electromagnetic effects. Being
able to detect every heartbeat whether it be
human, bird, bear or mouse you’ll never be
taken advantage of again due to lack of

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Sea Slug Sea Sponge

Eating the humble sea slug allows An underwater
for a form of adhesion to cover the plant covered in
hands and feet. This enables easy holes that holds
capture of small animals, wall air surprisingly
climbing and you can be sure that if well. Hold it to
you don’t want to let something go the mouth for
you never will. basic underwater

“The squid knows every deal under the sea.”
–Bertie at Dockers Delight
The consumption of squid causes bones to lose
their rigidity and for muscles to gain elasticity,
allowing for a man to be able to �it into spaces
usually much too small for a regular human.
Although the loss of the use of �ingers is a
problem, the ability to follow a mouse into it’s
cubbyhole to give it a real talking to, more than
makes up for it.

Wailing Tuna
A scream that can be heard throughout the ocean.
Some animals make themselves look bigger to stave
off predators, this one just makes themself louder.
Known among �ishers as the reason our nets come
up empty, we have a more than adverse reaction to
it’s annoying scream. But keep it in a jar until the
time is right and chuck it in a room. It’s as good at
distracting as it is at disorienting.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

There’s just something about cats that lull you into a sense
of security. It’s the same with cat�ish. It’s a rite of passage
for new sailors to catch one, losing their sense of awareness
becoming mesmerised, then letting it fumble out of their
hands and off the boat. Eating cat�ish gives people that same
ability. It seems to lower the guard of anyone around them.
Great for buttering someone up and getting them talking.
Patrons of high end eateries pay an arm and a leg for some
cat�ish for them and their date.

Looking like a mix between a seal
and someone’s arsecrack these
creatures have two legs and a tail.
Their tail gives them impressive
swimming speeds but is next to
useless on land. Which means they’ll
be chasing you with their two legs,
dragging themselves after you like
the aftermath of Jerry the
Necromancer and Leg Merchant. On
land circling around it and staying in
it’s blind spot is the best chance at
survival. Apparently killing one and
dissecting it grants a unique
knowledge of the sea and it’s
denizens. Maybe even knowledge
over who created them.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Giant Crab
Giant Crabs always come up wanting a �ight and they’ve got
the tools to deliver. Big claws and a hefty exterior. You’ve got
to remember that these things don’t come up dead. That’s
something you’ve got to do yourself. The rewards are worth it
as well. Crab meat is as tasty as anything, and you’re left with
a large carapace to do what you want with. Most fellas fashion
it into a shield the height of them. That only works if you
manage to kill it without breaking the shell though. Happy

Mantis Shrimp
Have you ever met a hamster
with the muscles of a barbarian. Parrot�ish
Now, times that strength by ten
and put it in the ocean. This is a A character created of
nasty creature if you get on the the most vibrant
wrong side of it. Luckily that’s colours. This little
rarely done as the strength creature is quite the
given to it just seems to be a spectacle. Right up
funny gift from God. Eating this until it starts talking
creature guarantees your next back. Nothing worse
punch will knockout, no than dealing with a
question, maybe even a kill? I �ish with a bit of lip.
wouldn’t know, I don’t agree Eating this �ish lets
with violence. you take on the voice
of anyone you’ve
heard in the last hour.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

The pepper�ish is a simple creature. Small amounts are
shaved onto meals to give them a kick. A whole �ish
consumed at once can cause heartburn, stomach burning,
gastroesophageal re�lux and �ire breathing. One of these
side effects is more sought after than the others. I bet Bertie
I could easily eat �ive pepper�ish at once. I couldn’t even
manage three, and now I have to include his stupid quote in
my book.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Infamously hard to prepare and resulting in death if
done incorrectly. This spike covered little puf�ball is
quite the character, as cute as it is deadly. Some people
say you don’t have to sweat the details if you don’t like
the person you’re cooking for. If you catch my drift.

Not as big as a hydra
but cut from the same
cloth. This frightening
creature has six heads
to hack through with
each of them being as
vicious as the next. One
of the �iercest things to
come out of the sea
before seeking a �ight
with the kraken. A
battle with this
creature is hard won.
But worth it for the
bragging rights at
Docker’s Delight.

Sea Golem
A tall creature made from stone defending it’s
territory. Usually the result of a magic user who has
set up shop near the area. As strong as they are
dense. Fighting them is a tough challenge and at the
end what do you get? The knowledge that there is a
powerful magic user nearby. I would just make
myself scarce.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Instability in action.
Cracks, snaps and pops
surround these creatures,
using the turbulent sea to Vampire Squid
generate energy. A deep sea monstrosity.
Eventually they combust Named after two of the
resulting in a large, scariest creatures in the
energy ball frying world. Why has it gotten that
anything around it apart reputation. Well it’s basically
from it’s snapspitter a big umbrella that eats the
brethren who detonate sea’s dandruff. Used by
alongside it. When in certain groups to transport
shoals this can result in a humans as the body of the
chain reaction spanning squid wraps around them.
tens of metres. It’s This prevents the movement
important to not let the of anything above the waist.
snapspitter out of water Good luck seeing where
for too long. Being in air you’re going with your head
seems to detonate them shoved up the mouth of a
resulting in a large and cephalopod.
destructive explosion.
Stuff them in a jar, a
bottle, a helmet or back
in the ocean, just make
sure they’re submerged.

Veiled Star�ish
Like many who span the ocean �loor, this star�ish is a master of
deception. Their camou�lage allows them to be slow and
methodical as they takes down their prey of barnacles and
clams. When placed on the face the veiled star�ish gradually
takes the shape of the person the wearer is thinking of. This
requires concentration not only from the star�ish but also
from the wearer as the image must be maintained mentally
throughout the transformation.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Considered a god of the ocean. Ever youthful and unscathed, even if
they aren’t a god they sure are blessed by one. They’re meant to take to
those who are good of heart. They have extraordinary regeneration
abilities, being able to regrow any of their limbs seemingly at will. A
power they can pass onto a human at the cost of their own life.
The story goes that a young daughter of a �isherman befriended a
small pink frog-�ish (named as such for our young �isher had never
met a �ish with legs like this before) deep in a cave. She tried to bring
the townsfolk down to the shore to share her discovery but whenever
she entered the cave with others the frog-�ish would be nowhere to be
found. Many years later that child had grown into a warrior. On the
night of her most fateful battle, a battle that would free her country
from the claws of an oppressive tyrant, she once again met this pink
frog-�ish on the shore. That frog-�ish gave her reassurance in a trying
time that there was something to �ight for. That frog-�ish sat in her
pocket throughout the �ight. And what a �ight it was, swords clashed
with such strength that onlookers �linched. Over and over again until
one of them hit their mark. Our warrior clutched her stub of an elbow
in shock and collapsed to the ground. The crowd was in dismay. The
fate of their nation was out of their control. Much to everyone’s
amazement the frog-�ish crawled out of the warriors pocket and down
her arm. The mouth of the frog-�ish wrapped around the wound. Using
the strength of the blood seeping from the cut this small �ish-frog
started to shine brilliantly. The crowd and combatants had to avert
their eyes. When the light faded, our warrior was standing, her sword
held tightly in two hands once again. She won back her country that
night. And so the Axolotl was named after that great warrior Alox.
There are many who think that the story is a legend. There are even
more that think the Axolotl is the manifestation of Alox’s �ighting spirit
when she was young, and now Axolotl’s house the spirit of the great
warrior Alox searching for more warriors �ighting the good �ight and
lending them her strength.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Lady of the Lake

Getting the Lady of the Lake is not a test of skill, it isn’t a test
of luck either. You are either chosen or you are not. Legend has
it that she bequeaths upon those who are worthy of the sword
in times of need. The sword smites down those who have evil
in their hearts and malicious intent. If you’re chosen you face
the burden of opposing entire armies, shattering
communities, even dethroning kings. I don’t envy that. You
may be getting a pretty trinket to take with you on your
travels but you’re also getting a responsibility that outweighs
all else.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Sea Horse
I know what a seahorse is. This isn’t a
seahorse. This is a Sea Horse. It’s said that the
King of the Sea, envious of the steeds that
men rode into their battles, fashioned his
own horses out of kelp. His personal tailors
spent weeks moulding it, twisting it into
muscle and sinew. He gave the job of the
muscle placement to his artists and sculptors,
for much the same as his tailors knew how to
sew and manipulate any material, his artists
had a knowledge of anatomy that would
surpass our own doctors. The King of the Sea
went to the bottom of the ocean, and took
two spirits of drowned sailors and the bow of
the ship they died in. He fashioned the bow of
the ship into a chariot and released the spirits
into the bodies of horses he had created. It is
said that he rode his chariot into his battle
with the leviathan.
It’s said now that these two drowned
sailors, separated from their King, search for
lost people to take wherever they need to be.
Even though the legend goes that once
they’re told a destination they will take
whoever summons them there, I wouldn’t be
trusting any creatures made of kelp, sailors
are a cranky bunch as well and I can’t imagine
dying would improve ones humours. If I saw
them I would be turning the other way.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Sea Pen
A cultural icon from
many of the societies
that live off shore.
Resembling a quill and
used as such. Said to be
the only way to write
treaties with certain
societies and tribes
including Merfolk,
Kelpies and the dwellers
of the underwater city
that only a certain few
know the name. As such
these pens are highly
valued by powerful
people who want to
change the world.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Sea Shadow
As a general rule of thumb, you don’t want your �ish to talk.
That’s a bad sign. There are intelligent creatures anywhere in
the world and if you have one at the other end of your �ishing
rod, it’s more likely that it saw the opportunity to ensnare its
prey rather than falling for our cheap tricks. Whether it be a
sea demon who, through conversing, traps you in a contract or
the siren who through her pretty words, pulls you down with
her into the depths. The prize for dealing with talking to sea
creatures is rarely good. I’ve even heard tales of the king of the
sea using sailors for his own amusement.
The sea shadow is the exception. A creature I’ve never
witnessed but tales spread through the taverns and docks
every time a drink is passed around. For some it resulted in
their life turning around, for some, bitterness and resentment.
Bertie swears meeting the sea shadow resulted in the saving
of his marriage. When this mysterious �igure rises to the
surface at the end of the rod it looks deep into the eyes of it’s
captor and they will feel compelled to ask a question. The Sea
Shadow will always give the correct answer. This may not be
the answer you want but it will always be correct. Then it slips
back into into the ocean as if the hook had only been a polite
suggestion. I already know my question for when I meet my
sea shadow.

Shimmering Scale
A thing of pure beauty and grandeur. Nobody knows where
they come from but everyone knows where they end up. In
some queens jewellery collection. Easily the size of my
forearm, even the ones that come in chipped or damaged fetch
a high price. In a one for one trade you can get basically
anything by offering this in return. Some are ardent that they
are a foreboding sign. Any creature that have scales that big
are going to be a magnitude larger than anything we’ve ever
dealt with before.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Skeleton Fish
Sometimes necromancers don’t follow correct disposal
procedures. Instead of getting rid of their latent necrotic
energies at a designated site they just leave it. Letting their
putrid runoff drain into the ocean. This can result in an
undead crime against nature. A skinless, muscleless
underwater dweller using the �inal vestiges of it’s original
form to slip through the murkiest areas of the sea. Pulling this
up on your rod is the same as pulling up a boot or scabbard
for how much pain you’ll be doing to it for I truly do not
believe these creatures are alive. They lost their lives
gradually as they lost their �lesh.
As tools they are surprisingly useful. Detach the bones from
each other and stuff them in a lock to fashion a key that will
always open that lock. Highly illegal due to their use and
connection to necromancy, you don’t want to be caught with
one of these in your pocket.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

This is a �ish you want to keep on a leash. Looking more or
less like a typical �ish it’s de�ining feature is the ability to
easily �loat through the air, something that is necessary given
it’s other talent of locating people. Let the �ish smell an item
associated with a person and this little scamp will follow it’s
nose right to the person’s feet. Whereupon it will quickly fade
away in it’s own satisfaction. A peculiar �ish to say the least
and certainly magical in some way. Some say the land used to
be swarming with �ish just like this but they got overwhelmed
with all the smells that humans created. So they �led to the
deepest depths of the sea and have been living in solitude
there ever since.

There are things under the ocean that have been around
longer than the earth we’re standing on. A squibling is the by-
product of one of those things. Nobody knows whether it’s a
�ish, offspring or just pure latent energy taken form. Nobody
even really knows what it looks like. You just know it when
you see it. A small frightening creature, almost like an ef�igy. It
barely moves but somehow looks deep into your soul. I don’t
even know where I learnt about these little things, I’ve never
had the good fortune to be able to use one. If ever any of my
shipmates had used one I’d be the last to know.
What’s meant to happen is when you’re in a bad situation, you
take a bite out of one of these fellas. Dead or alive it doesn’t
matter, they just have to be in one piece. The situation
completely resets. Back to the beginning. You can start over
with the knowledge of the mistakes you made previously. A
second chance. No wonder that some creatures under the sea
can’t be found when they have a supply of these. No matter
how big you are, when you have the ability to undo your
mistakes you can be the size of all the stars in the sky and
never be found. Premonition is a powerful thing.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

The Box
I don’t truly believe that this exists but I know enough people
that do that it’s worth noting. The box seems to be an underwater
contraption that takes the occupants down to an unknown
location. As the rumours go, the location is a shop. A black
market where you can get whatever your heart desires. If you
need something, and I mean really really need something.
Something you cannot get anywhere else, this is the place to get
it. But the price you pay is heavier than any other shop. I’ve heard
some people leave without their soul. Some people leave cursed.
Some have formed a pact with a god and others have formed a
pact with a devil. The price is never fair. The trade is never worth
it. But what else are you going to do when you need something
you can’t get anywhere else.

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

Twin Spirits Destiny and Twin Spirits

Legacy Malice and
A guaranteed future of Torment
contentment and happiness. A Sometimes when you
legacy that will stretch through �ish you don’t catch
the annals of time and a anything. You just get a
prosperous future for any really bad feeling.
children that might be Sometimes you go to a
conceived. Not without it’s wizard and you �ind
hardships. Not without it’s that your lure went too
struggles, but at the end of the close to a spirit den and
day it will all be worth it. A now you’re cursed.
prize all warriors seek, and Sometimes it turns out
with this spirit that future is somebody else is
secured. With one small cursed as well and now
requirement. There is a person there is a countdown
in this world you need to seek on both of your lives.
out and work for this future Sometimes you need to
together. Wizards can point kill the other person or
you in the right direction but you both die.
you will have as much luck Sometimes you can �ind
feeling for this person in your a way to exorcise the
soul. It is said that the spirits curse so both of you
will guide you together. Your survive. Sometimes you
future will always work out as can’t.
long as you work for it
together. If you do fall out, or
god forbid, become enemies,
nothing but heartache and
misfortune will �ill your future.
Better hope your personalities

Captain Percival’s Guide to the Sea

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