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Lesson 1
Science- is the investigation of the physical world in which experiments are rendered in ordered
to explain matter of concerns.

 Systematized theoretical inquiries

 It seeks for truth about nature.
 It is determined by observation,
hypothesis, measurement, analysis and

 Systematized, organized body of knowledge

based on facts or truths observations.
 A set of logical and empirical methods which
provide for the systematic observation of
 empirical phenomena.
 Source of cognitive authority.
 Concerned with verifiable concepts
 A product of the mind
 It is the variety of knowledge, people, skills,
organizations, facilities, techniques, physical
resources, methods and technologies that taken
together and in relation with one another.


 It is the application of science.

 The practice, description, and terminology of
applied sciences.

 The intelligent organization and manipulation

of materials for useful purposes.

 The means employed to provide for human

needs and wants.

 Focused on inventing new or better tools

and materials or new and better ways of
doing things.


 A way of using findings of science to

produce new things for a better way of

 Search for concrete solutions that work

and give wanted results.

 It is characteristically calculative and

imitative, tends to be dangerously

 Form of human cultural activity

A system of know-how, skills, techniques and

 It is the product of the scientific concept.

 The complex combination of knowledge, materials
and methods.


1. To improve quality of human condition.
2. To provide solution to our practical
3. To establish relevant institutional linkages
and essential mechanisms
4. To develop individual knowledge.
5. To find order in the chaos of nature and
deliver personal and social liberation
6. To give an information and explanation of
the natural world
7. To develop new areas of knowledge
8. To combat irrationality.
9. To maintain the availability of natural


-Technological leadership is vital to the

national interest of any developing and
developed nation.
-Technology is transforming the very basis of
competition-enabling small businesses to
perform high-quality design and
manufacturing work that previously required
the resources of big business, while allowing
big businesses to achieve the speed,
flexibility, and proximity to customers that were
once the sole domain of smaller firms.
-Technology provides the tools for
creating a spectacular array of new
products and new services.
-Technology is the single most important
determining factor in sustained economic
growth, estimated to account for as much
as half a nation’s growth over the past 50

Requirement for technological innovations:

 Research and development

 Cadre of scientists and engineers
 Diverse manufacturing base
 Productive workforce
 Broad and sophisticated service sector
 Climate and culture that encourage
competition, risk taking and entrepreneurship
Lesson 2 Intellectual Revolutions

Two kinds of planetary motion:

1.Orbits of V and Me lay inside E’s orbit
2.Orbits of Ma, S, and J lay outside E’s orbit

-A renaissance men where his ideas were thought
-Had been appointed as a canon at Frombork
Cathedral in Poland.
-Theory of Evolution by means of natural selection
-Developed his interest in natural history
-Joined a 5-year voyage through HMS Beagle on
the Island of Galapagos
-published his book The Origin of Species
(1589/1859) most important work in scientific literature
-The Descent of Man book: introduced the idea of all
organic life, including human beings
-replaced the dominant views of religion
Johnson (2012)- Darwin is a genius
Gribbins (2003)- Father’s library
-Famous figure in the field of psychology
-He is not a traditional thinker.
Rosenfels (1980)- towering literary figure
Weiner (2016)- Effective method in neurological
Lesson 3: Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society

The Challenge of Science

Origin of man?
Is man miraculously created by a supernatural divine being

Four Common Characteristics of Science

1. Focuses on the Natural World- It studies animals, rocks, plants, man, and all other kinds
of matter. Science is not concerned with supernatural.
2. Goes through Experiments- something has to be tested and should arrive at a number of
consistent observations so it could be taken as true.
3. Relies on Evidence- evidence that are relevant to the matter being studied are what
scientists are looking for to confirm something.
4. Passess Through the Scientific Community- a scientist would likely check on different
angles concerning the matter of study and would therefore work with people of
different expertise.
Technology- is a “means to fulfill a human purpose”
Technology- is an “assemblage of practices and components”
Technology- is a “collection of devices and engineering practices available to a culture”
Science and Technology- is almost impossible to be separated from one another.
Chemistry Lec

Lesson 1 Energy Literacy

What is Energy Literacy?

Energy literacy is an understanding of the nature and role of energy in the universe and
in our lives. Energy literacy is also the ability to apply this understanding to answer
questions and solve problems.

Common forms of energy include:

 Kinetic energy of a moving object

 Potential energy stored by an object’s position in a force field (gravitational,
electric or magnetic)

 Elastic energy stored by stretching solid objects

 Chemical energy released when a fuel burn
 Radiant energy carried by light
 Thermal energy due to an object’s temperature

Electrochemical energy is what we normally call “the conversion of chemical energy into
electrical energy and vice versa”.
Electrochemical energy includes reactions transferring electrons, redox reactions

Reduction, when a substance receives one electron.

Oxidation, when a substance gives away one electron.
Example 1:
Balance this reaction in acidic solution
Fe(OH) 3 + OCl -  FeO 4 2- + Cl -
Reduction: OCl - > Cl -
Oxidation: Fe(OH) 3 > FeO 4 2-
Lesson 3 Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear energy, also called atomic energy, energy that is released in significant
amounts in processes that affect atomic nuclei, the dense cores of atoms. It is distinct
from the energy of other atomic phenomena such as ordinary chemical reactions, which
involve only the orbital electrons of atoms.
Nuclear chemistry- is the study of how atomic nuclei can change into new nuclei.

- the emission of particles and electromagnetic rays from the nucleus of an
unstable atom.

The unstable nuclide is called the parent nuclide; the nuclide that results from the
decay is known as the daughter nuclide.

Major Forms of Radioactivity

1. Alpha Particle (α)
2. Beta Particle (β)
3. Gamma Radiation (γ)
4. Positron emission (β + decay)
5. Electron capture

Characteristic Alpha Particles Beta Particles Gamma Rays

Symbols α, 4 β, 0 Y
He e
2 -1
Identity Helium nucleus Electron Electromagnetic
Charge 2+ 1- None
Mass Number 4 0 0
Penetrating Minimal (will not Short (will Deep (will
Power penetrate skin) penetrate skin and penetrate tissues
some tissues deeply)
What are Nuclear Reactions?
Nuclear reactions are processes in which one or more nuclides are produced from the
collisions between two atomic nuclei or one atomic nucleus and a subatomic particle.
The nuclides produced from nuclear reactions are different from the reacting nuclei
(commonly referred to as the parent nuclei).
Nuclear fission refers to the splitting of an atomic nucleus into two or lighter nuclei.
Nuclear fusion, at least two atomic nuclei combine/fuse into a single nucleus.


 235 U + 1 n → 141 Ba + 92 Kr + 3 1 n
 235 U + 1 n → 144 Xe + 90 Sr + 2 1 n
 235 U + 1 n → 146 La + 87 Br + 3 1 n
 235 U + 1 n → 137 Te + 97 Zr + 2 1 n
 235 U + 1 n → 137 Cs + 96 Rb + 3 1 n
Number of protons = Atomic number (Z)
Number of nuetrons = Atomic weight (A)
Lesson 4 Nuclear Fission

Nuclear Fission
-An atomic nucleus breaks apart into smaller pieces in a radioactive process called
spontaneous fission.

Spontaneous fission is found only in large nuclei.

Fission is the radioactive process used in nuclear power plants and one type of nuclear

Radioactive Half Lives

Half-life (t 1/2 ) is the time required for half of the atoms in a sample to decay.
This type of compound is called a radioactive tracer or radioactive label.
Lesson 5 Energy Fuels

refers to any combustible substance, which on combustion reaction releases a huge amount of
heat or power which can be used for several domestic and industrial purposes. It contains
carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, and hydrocarbons as chief combustible elements. While nitrogen, ash,
carbon monoxide, and water vapor are incombustible components in fuel.
The main source of these fuels is the fossil fuels
Fossil fuel is a common term for buried combustible geologic deposits of organic
materials, formed from decayed plants and animals that have been converted to
crude oil, coal, natural gas, or heavy oils by exposure to heat and pressure.

 Renewable source of energy - one which is inexhaustible.

Example: Solar energy.

 Non-renewable source of energy - one which is exhaustible.

Example: Fossil Fuels.

Fuels can be generally classified into two factors:
1. On the basis of their fuels state:
- Solid Fuels
- Liquid Fuels
- Gaseous Fuels
2. On the basis of their occurrence:
- Natural Fuels
- Artificial Fuels
Types of fossil fuels:

 Coal
 Oil
 Natural Gas

 Solar Energy - the primary source of energy is the sun.

 Wind Energy – where wind power is becoming more and more common.
 Geothermal Energy
 Hydrogen Energy
 Tidal Energy
 Wave Energy
 Hydroelectric Energy
 Biomass Energy

Nuclear energy- is one of the biggest sources of renewable energy in the world.
Geothermal- is a clean energy source that uses energy produced from beneath the earth.
Chemistry Lab


What Is Heat Capacity in Chemistry?

Heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a body a
specified amount.
In SI units, heat capacity (symbol: C) is the amount of heat in joules required to raise the
temperature 1 Kelvin.
Heat capacity of a material is affected by the presence of hydrogen bonds. The intermolecular
forces make it more difficult to increase the kinetic energy and thus temperature of a material.
This is why water, ammonia, and ethanol have high heat capacity values. Impurities in a sample
also have a dramatic effect on heat capacity. Heat properties of an alloy can vary dramatically
from that of its component elements. Trace amounts of contaminants in a sample can change
its heat capacity versus that of a pure sample.
One gram of water has a heat capacity of 4.18 J.
One gram of copper has a heat capacity of 0.39.

Heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to change the temperature of a
substance. This example problem demonstrates how to calculate heat capacity.
Problem: Heat Capacity of Water From Freezing to Boiling Point
What is the heat in joules required to raise the temperature of 25 grams of water from 0
degrees C to 100 degrees C? What is the heat in calories?
Useful information: specific heat of water = 4.18 J/g·°C
Part I
Use the formula, q = mcΔT
q = heat energy
m = mass
c = specific heat
ΔT = change in temperature
q = (25 g)x(4.18 J/g·°C)[(100 C - 0 C)]
q = (25 g)x(4.18 J/g·°C)x(100 C)
q = 10450 J

Part II
4.18 J = 1 calorie
x calories = 10450 J x (1 cal/4.18 J)
x calories = 10450/4.18 calories
x calories = 2500 calories
Answer: 10450 J or 2500 calories of heat energy are required to raise the
temperature of 25 grams of water from 0 degrees C to 100 degrees C.

Heat Capacity and Specific Heat

If a swimming pool and wading pool, both full of water at the same temperature, were
subjected to the same input of heat energy, the wading pool would certainly rise in
temperature more quickly than the swimming pool. The heat capacity of an object depends
both on its mass and its chemical composition. Because of its much larger mass, the swimming
pool of water has a larger heat capacity than the wading pool. Different substances respond to
heat in different ways. If a metal chair sits in the bright sun on a hot day, it may become quite
hot to the touch. An equal mass of water under the same sun exposure will not become nearly
as hot. This means that water has a high heat capacity (the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of an object by 1 o C). Water is very resistant to changes in temperature, while
metals generally are not. The specific heat of a substance is the amount of energy required to
raise the temperature of 1 gram of the substance by 1 o C. The table below lists the specific
heats of some common substances. The symbol for specific heat is c p , with the p subscript
referring to the fact that specific heats are measured at constant pressure. The units for specific
heat can either be joules per gram per degree (J/g o C) or calories per gram per degree (cal/g o
Heat capacity or thermal capacity is a physical property of matter, defined as the amount of
heat to be supplied to an object to produce a unit change in its temperature. The SI unit of heat
capacity is joule per kelvin. Heat capacity is an extensive property. heat capacity, ratio of heat
absorbed by a material to the temperature change. It is usually expressed as calories per degree
in terms of the actual amount of material being considered, most commonly a mole (the
molecular weight in grams). The heat capacity in calories per gram is called specific heat.
Specific heat, the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance
by one Celsius degree. The units of specific heat are usually calories or joules per gram per
Celsius degree. For example, the specific heat of water is 1 calorie (or 4.186 joules) per gram
per Celsius degree. The Scottish scientist Joseph Black, in the 18th century, noticed that equal
masses of different substances needed different amounts of heat to raise them through the
same temperature interval, and, from this observation, he founded the concept of specific heat.
In the early 19th century the French physicists Pierre-Louis Dulong and Alexis-Thérèse Petit
demonstrated that measurements of specific heats of substances allow calculation of their
atomic weights
Heat energy is transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in
temperature. If two bodies at different temperatures are brought together, energy is
transferred—i.e., heat flows—from the hotter body to the colder. The effects of this transfer of
energy usually, but not always, is an increase in the temperature of the colder body and a
decrease in the temperature of the hotter body. A substance may absorb heat without an
increase in temperature by changing from one physical state (or phase) to another, as from a
solid to a liquid (melting), from a solid to a vapour (sublimation), from a liquid to a vapour
(boiling), or from one solid form to another (usually called a crystalline transition). The
important distinction between heat and temperature (heat being a form of energy and
temperature a measure of the amount of that energy present in a body) was clarified during
the 18th and 19th centuries. Heat as a form of energy Explore heat transfer and know the
difference between heat and temperature Because all of the many forms of energy, including
heat, can be converted into work, amounts of energy are expressed in units of work, such as
joules, foot-pounds, kilowatt- hours, or calories. Exact relationships exist between the amounts
of heat added to or removed from a body and the magnitude of the effects on the state of the
body. The two units of heat most commonly used are the calorie and the British thermal unit
(BTU). The calorie (or gram-calorie) is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature
of one gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 °C; the BTU is the amount of energy required to raise
the temperature of one pound of water from 63 to 64 °F. One BTU is approximately 252
calories. Both definitions specify that the temperature changes are to be measured at a
constant pressure of one atmosphere, because the amounts of energy involved depend in part
on pressure. The calorie used in measuring the energy content of foods is the large calorie, or
kilogram-calorie, equal to 1,000 gram-calories. In general, the amount of energy required to
raise a unit mass of a substance through a specified temperature interval is called the heat
capacity, or the specific heat, of that substance. The quantity of energy necessary to raise the
temperature of a body one degree varies depending upon the restraints imposed. If heat is
added to a gas confined at constant volume, the amount of heat needed to cause a one-degree
temperature rise is less than if the heat is added to the same gas free to expand (as in a cylinder
fitted with a movable piston) and so do work. In the first case, all the energy goes into raising
the temperature of the gas, but in the second case, the energy not only contributes to the
temperature increase of the gas but also provides the energy necessary for the work done by
the gas on the piston. Consequently, the specific heat of a substance depends on these
conditions. The most commonly determined specific heats are the specific heat at constant
volume and the specific heat at constant pressure. The heat capacities of many solid elements
were shown to be closely related to their atomic weights by the French scientists Pierre-Louis
Dulong and Alexis-Thérèse Petit in 1819. The so-called law of Dulong and Petit was useful in
determining the atomic weights of certain metallic elements, but there are many exceptions to
it; the deviations were later found to be explainable on the basis of quantum mechanics. It is
incorrect to speak of the heat in a body, because heat is restricted to energy being transferred.
Energy stored in a body is not heat (nor is it work, as work is also energy in transit). It is
customary, however, to speak of sensible and latent heat. The latent heat, also called the heat
of vaporization, is the amount of energy necessary to change a liquid to a vapour at constant
temperature and pressure. The energy required to melt a solid to a liquid is called the heat of
fusion, and the heat of sublimation is the energy necessary to change a solid directly to a
vapour, these changes also taking place under conditions of constant temperature and
pressure. Air is a mixture of gases and water vapor, and it is possible for the water present in
the air to change phase; i.e., it may become liquid (rain) or solid (snow). To distinguish between
the energy associated with the phase change (the latent heat) and the energy required for a
temperature change, the concept of sensible heat was introduced. In a mixture of water vapour
and air, the sensible heat is the energy necessary to produce a particular temperature change
excluding any energy required for a phase change.

Heat capacity and calorimetry

Calorimetry is the study of heat and heat energy. A calorie is a unit of heat energy in the British
system of measurement. In the metric system, energy is measured in joules, and one calorie
equals 4.184 joules. When any substance is heated, the amount of heat required to raise its
temperature will depend on the mass of the object, the composition of the object, and the
amount of temperature change desired. It is the temperature change, and not the individual
starting and final temperatures, that matters when considering heat. The equation that relates
these quantities is:
q = m Cp ΔT

where q is the quantity of heat (in joules), m is the mass of the object (usually in grams), Cp is
the heat capacity (usually in joules/gram degree) and ΔT is the change in temperature (in
degrees Celsius). The amount of heat required depends on the mass to be heated (i.e., it takes
more heat energy to warm a large amount of water than a small amount); the identity of the
substance to be heated (water, for example, has a high heat capacity and heats up slowly, while
metals have low heat capacities and heat up quickly); and the temperature change (it requires
more energy to heat up an object by 60 degrees than by 20 degrees).
Heat capacity and the law of conservation of energy
Calculations using heat capacity can be used to determine the temperature change that will
occur if two objects at different temperatures are placed in contact with each other. For
example, if a 50 g piece of aluminum metal (Cp = 0.9 J/g C) at a temperature of 100°C is put in
50 g of water at 20°C, it is possible to calculate the final temperature of the aluminum and
water. The aluminum will cool and the water will warm up until the two objects have reached
the same temperature. The water will gain all of the heat lost by the aluminum as it cools. This
is a result of law of conservation of energy, which states that energy can neither be created nor
destroyed. The heat lost by the metal will be
qlost = (50 grams) x (0.9J/g°C) x (100-T)
and the heat gained by the water will be
qgained = (50 grams) x (4.184J/g°C) x (T-20)
These two equations are equivalent since heat lost equals heat gained; the final temperature of
the mixture will be 27.8°C. This final temperature is much closer to the initial temperature of
the water because water has a high heat capacity and aluminum a low one.

Significance of the high heat capacity of water

Water has one of the highest heat capacities of all substances. It takes a great deal of heat
energy to change the temperature of water compared to metals. The large amount of water on
the Earth means that extreme temperature changes are rare on the Earth compared to other
planets. Were it not for the high heat capacity of water, human bodies (which also contain a
large amount of water) would be subject to a great deal of temperature variation.
Calorimetry and Heat Flow: Worked Chemistry Problems
Coffee Cup and Bomb Calorimetry
CALORIMETRY is the study of heat transfer and changes of state resulting from chemical
reactions, phase transitions, or physical changes. The tool used to measure heat change is the
calorimeter. Two popular types of calorimeters are the coffee cup calorimeter and bomb
calorimeter. These problems demonstrate how to calculate heat transfer and enthalpy change
using calorimeter data. While working these problems, review the sections on coffee cup and
bomb calorimetry and the laws of thermochemistry.
Coffee Cup Calorimetry Problem
The following acid-base reaction is performed in a coffee cup calorimeter:
H + (aq) + OH - (aq) → H 2 O(l)
The temperature of 110 g of water rises from 25.0 C to 26.2 C when 0.10 mol of H + is
reacted with 0.10 mol of OH - .
a. Calculate q water
b. Calculate ΔH for the reaction
c. Calculate ΔH if 1.00 mol OH - reacts with 1.00 mol H +
Use this equation:
q = (specific heat) x m x Δt
Where q is heat flow, m is mass in grams, and Δt is the temperature change. Plugging
in the values given in the problem, you get:

q water = 4.18 (J / g·C;) x 110 g x (26.6 C - 25.0 C)

q water = 550 J
ΔH = -(q water ) = - 550 J
You know that when 0.010 mol of H + or OH - reacts, ΔH is - 550 J: 0.010 mol H + ~ -550 J
Therefore, for 1.00 mol of H + (or OH - ):
ΔH = 1.00 mol H + x (-550 J / 0.010 mol H + )
ΔH = -5.5 x 10 4 J
ΔH = -55 kJ

Answer: 550 J (Be sure to have two significant figures.)

-550 J
-55 kJ

Bomb Calorimetry Problem

When a 1.000 g sample of the rocket fuel hydrazine, N 2 H 4 , is burned in a bomb calorimeter,
which contains 1,200 g of water, the temperature rises from 24.62 C to 28.16 C. If the C for the
bomb is 840 J/C, calculate:
a. q reaction  for combustion of a 1-gram sample
b. q reaction  for combustion of one mole of hydrazine in the bomb calorimeter
For a bomb calorimeter, use this equation:
q reaction = -(qwater + qbomb)
q reaction = -(4.18 J / g·C x mwater x Δt + C x Δt)
q reaction = -(4.18 J / g·C x mwater + C)Δt
Where q is heat flow, m is mass in grams, and Δt is the temperature change. Plugging in the
values given in the problem:
q reaction = -(4.18 J / g·C x 1200 g + 840 J/C)(3.54 C)
q reaction = -20,700 J or -20.7 kJ
You now know that 20.7 kJ of heat is evolved for every gram of hydrazine that is burned. Using
the periodic table to get atomic weights, calculate that one mole of hydrazine, N 2 H 4 , weight
32.0 g. Therefore, for the combustion of one mole of hydrazine:
q reaction  = 32.0 x -20.7 kJ/g
q reaction  = -662 kJ
Answers: -20.7 kJ
-662 kJ

Heat capacity, the ocean, and our weather

Solar radiation is responsible for warming up the Earth, and we rely on the Earth to hold on to
this heat that comes in and regulate the flow. The amount of heat required to increase the
temperature of a substance by 1 degree Celcius is quantified as heat capacity, and this value
determines how well a substance retains the heat. When you heat up a pot of water on the
stove, which one heats up first: the pot or the water? The pot heats up faster! Although you are
putting the same amount of heat on both substances, the pot responds quicker than the water
because water has a high heat capacity. Heat capacity is a measure of the heat required to raise
the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1 Celsius. In this example, water has a very high heat
capacity, which means it requires a lot of heat or energy to change temperature compared to
many other substances like the pot.

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