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SPIRITUAL SELF. From what I know and believe, your religion will
not save you from the sins you have committed to the Lord. But with the right
people surrounding you in the right religion, this will help you be in a closer
relationship with the Lord. As a religious person and a believer in God, I truly
believe that your belief in him depends on your relationship with him. I am born
again Christian and a servant of the Lord. Although I am not good at
communicating or expressing my feelings toward other people, I am very
grateful that there are people who serve God well. The spiritual self covers PHYSICAL SELF. I am an average person, measuring 5’7” and
internal thoughts about one’s values and moral standards. Spirituality is being weighing 49 kilograms. I am a skinny yet athletic person with a fair
connected to self, others, and the divine. It is also a way of seeking and skin tone and complexion. I have black hair as well as black eyes
expressing meaning, and purpose. paired with a charming face and bearded chin. I have huge legs, which
CONTEXTUAL SELF. The area I am currently in is an is a result of the sport I am into, and have broken and cracked teeth,
environment in the hills surrounded by abundant trees and plants which which I got from a bike crash. I just turned 17 last August 08.
in turn, gives off fresh air for me to breathe. I am extremely
appreciative of the calm, orderly, and harmonious environment that I
INTELLECTUAL SELF. I am more of a left-brained person
than a right-brained person. I am more analytical in my thinking and I
am living in and for the freedom to be able to live the way that I want
typically perform well academically. Though I am not really fluent in
to. The green grasses and those breathtaking sceneries help in my way
the English language, I have a wide range of vocabulary and I am able
of living as it brightens up my day and helps me to be more productive.
to understand complex situations. I am also a logical and subjective
The hilly roads in our place are also routes for my running routines as
person. I listen to conversations very well especially involving
well as exercises. However, the only hindrance in our environment is
problems and I am able to come up with precise solutions and
the weather especially on rainy days, as it makes the road slippery and
causes us to postpone our exercise. EMOTIONAL SELF. I am a sympathetic person and can be
emotional especially when I am affected SELF.
NUTRITIONAL by any pitiful situation.
I nourish There
myself by being physically
are times whenactive. I experience mental breakdowns because
Exercise busts stress boosts the mood and elevates of our energy
responsibilities, mylevel, not to mention the heart health benefits. I also Inourish myself by
inability to cope with stress, and the challenges
am facing. I also eating
get these
well.anxiety attacks eating
That means as a result of overthinking
healthily. Another way is by calming
things that are farmybeyond what I can handle. However,
mind. We all have stressors in our lives, being so
we in
should handle them
these negative feelings will get me nowhere, that’s why I changed
calmly. And lastly, by sleeping well. I always aim for a refreshing
myself and developedamountintoofansleep.
I like person, where
fruits, as mostnoofmatter how
their varieties have a sweet
hard life gets, I’m taste
always looking at the positive side of it.
and bring a lot of benefits to our bodies. I also like meat, because
it provides me with iron, zinc, and other vitamins which is vital for me
SENSUAL SELF. We all have our own preferences, and I personally
as an athlete. I dislike vegetables, however, because despite the benefits
think that I am a visual and auditory person as these senses are what I use
it gives to our body, it has a bitter taste that does not suit me.
regularly. I use my eyes to examine and observe things, while I use my ears to
INTERACTIONAL SELF. I am a person that will always be honest listen to other opinions about a certain subject so that I can be open to them. On
and say things directly to the point. I am into someone right now, and I always the other hand, when reading and comprehending things, I like to use my sense
appreciate her whenever I have the opportunity to do so. The strength that my of speaking, to read aloud as it helps me to have a better understanding of a text.
friends and family have noticed is that I am a compassionate and loving I also use my sense of speaking to express ideas to people and have good
person. I always try to understand other people’s situations and comfort them interactions with them. I feel grateful to be able to take in information in
in any way possible. On the other hand, they say that my weakness is my different ways as I can be flexible depending on the situation I am involved in. I
quality of being too selfless, as people can take advantage of it and turn it am able to take in information through my sense of hearing, as I can listen to
against me. Me, I am a caring, dependable and affectionate son and brother to what others have to say and my sense of seeing, as I can see things and make
my siblings. conclusions on them.

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