" Aux + S + V + O?" S+ Said S+ Asked (SB) +if +whether

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 YES- NO QUESTION :câu hỏi không có từ để hỏi
“ Aux + S + V + O?” S+ said
S+ asked (sb) +if
S + V + O ( câu xuôi/ lùi thì/ đổi ngôi/ thời gian và địa điểm)
“ will you come here again?” the old man said to us.
The old man asked us if we would come there again.
Note: ASKED = AUX + ?
“ Had you visited this place before he took you there?” her friend said.
 Her friend asked if she had visited that place before he had taken her there.
 W.H question: câu hỏi có từ để hỏi.
“ W.H + AUX + S + V + O?” S + said
S + asked + W.H + S + V+ O ( câu xuôi/ lùi thì/ đổi ngôi/ thời gian/ địa điểm)
“ Where did you put my car key?” her husband said.
 Her husband asked where she had put his car key.

“ what were you doing when I came?” My sister said.

My sister asked what I had been doing when she had come.
II. Reported speech with To Verbs
1. Commanding: câu mệnh lệnh
“ Vo + O” S + said
“Don’t + Vo + O” S+ said
 S+ told/ asked + sb + (not) + to + Vo…
“ Don’t talk in the class. Listen to me” my teacher said
 My teacher told us not to talk in the class and listen to her.
“ Open your books and read loudly” the man said
 the man asked us to open our books and read loudly.
“ Could you close the door, please?” the lady said
the lady asked me to close the door.
“ S + should + V0 + O” S + said
“ S+ ought to + V0 + O” S+ said
“ S+ had better + V0 + O” S + said
“ Why don’t you + V0 + O?” S + said
“ If I were you, I would ….” S+ said
 S + advised + Sb + (not) + to +V0 + O
“ if I were you I wouldn’t choose that shirt. Its color isn’t suit to you.” My friend said
My friend advised me not to choose that shirt because its color wasn’t suit to me.
“ why doesn’t he tell the truth?” someone said
 someone advised him to tell the truth.
“ Don’t forget to +Vo + O” S+ said
“ Remember to + VO + O” S+ said.
S + reminded SB + to + Vo + O
“ Don’t forget to wake me up at 5 o’clock.” The boy said to his mom.
 the boy reminded his mom to wake him up at 5 o’clock
“ Remember to post this letter for me after work.” The boss said.
 the boss reminded me to post that letter for him after work.
4. Inviting: lời mời
“ would you like + N/ to + Vo ?” S+ Said
S + invited + SB + to + Vo + O/ N.
“would you like some tea?” she said
she invited me some tea.
“ would you like to go to the cinema with us next Saturday?” she said
she invited me to go to the cinema with them the next Saturday.
5. Thread: câu đe dọa
S + threatened + to + Vo + O
“if you don’t pay the ransom, we will kill your son” the kidnapper said
the kidnapper threatened to kill our son if we didn’t pay him the ransom.
6. Promising: hứa làm gì
S + promised + to + Vo + O.
“ I know, I will try my best the next term.” She said to her mother.
she promised to try her best the next term.
“ I’ll collect your children from school” my father said
my father promised to collect our children from school.
7. Encouragement: động viên, khích lệ
S + encouraged + Sb + to + Vo + O
“ Try more. One day you will be a good teacher.” His mother said.
 his mother encouraged him to be a good teacher.
8. Persuading: thuyết phục
S+ persuaded sb + to + Vo + O
“ Invest your money into our company, you will get big profit every year” my friend
My friend persuaded me to invest my money into his/her company.
9. Urging: thúc giục
S + urged sb + to + Vo +O
“ Hurry up! or you will miss the train” my mother said.
My mother urged me to hurry up.

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