CM Report 2016

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SR113 1A



Pilates is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by the Greek
German-born Joseph Pilate. It is especially practiced in the United States (where Pilates
lived, developed and taught his method) and the United Kingdom (where he lived and
taught early stages of his method). As of 2005, there were 11 million people practicing
the discipline regularly and 14,000 instructors in the United States. Pilates called his
method "contrology".

Pilates is a form of exercise which emphasizes the balanced development of the body
through core strength, flexibility and enhance mental awareness in order to support
efficient graceful movement.


Pilates was designed by Joseph Pilates, a physical-culturist from Mönchengladbach,

Germany. His father was a prize-winning gymnast from Greece and his mother a
naturopath. He studied both Eastern and Western forms of exercise including yoga.

During the first half of the twentieth century, he developed a system of exercises which
were intended to strengthen the human mind and body. Pilates believed that mental and
physical health were interrelated.


1. Concentration

Pilates demands intense focus on the promotes the mind body connection.

2. Control

"Contrology" was Joseph Pilates' preferred name for his method, and it was based on the
idea of muscle control. All exercises are done with control, the muscles working to lift
against gravity and the resistance of the springs and thereby control the movement of the
body and the apparatus.

3. Centering
For practitioners to control their bodies, they must have a starting place. Pilates exercise
refer to the group of muscles in the center of the body, encompassing the abdomen, lower
and upper back, hips, buttocks, and inner thighs. All movement in Pilates should begin
from the powerhouse and flow outward to the limbs.

4. Flow or efficiency of movement

Pilates aims for elegant sufficiency of movement, creating flow through the use of
appropriate transitions. Once precision has been achieved, the exercises are intended to
flow within and into each other in order to build strength and stamina.


1. Saw step

2. Single-leg kick

3. Double-leg kick

4. Side band

5. Neck pull

6. Spine stretch


1. Pilates can improved flexibility.

2. increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of abdominal muscles, lower back,
hips and buttocks (the 'core muscles' of the body)

3. balanced muscular strength on both sides of the body

4. enhanced muscular control back and limbs of the body

5. Pilates can improve the body posture and body alignment

Qigong (also spelled Ch'i Kung) is a powerful system of healing and energy medicine
from China. It is the art and science of using breathing techniques, gentle movement, and
meditation to cleanse, strengthen, and circulate the life energy (qi). Qigong practice leads
to better health and vitality and a tranquil state of mind.

In the past qigong was called nei gong (inner work) or dao yin (guiding energy). Today,
the original ancient word for qigong is being revived: yang sheng. Yang sheng means
"nurturing" (yang) "life" (sheng). This beautiful term includes not only healing exercises
and meditations but also any practices that contribute to physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual balance. Nor is yang sheng restricted to personal well-being. To nurture life is to
live in a way that cares for the life around us, all of nature.


The history of qigong, the chinese practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness
for exercise, healing, and martial arts training, extends back more than 4,000 years.
Contemporary qigong is a complex accretion of the ancient chinese meditative practice
xing qi or "circulating qi" and the gymnastic breathing exercise tao yin or "guiding and
pulling", with roots in the I Ching and occult arts, philosophical traditions of
confucianism, taoism, and buddhism, with yoga influences traditional chinese medicine
and martial arts along with influences of contemporary concepts of health, science,
meditation, and exercise.


1. The sun

2. Separating two mountain

3. The water

4. The rock

5. Pushing the clouds

6. The pine tree

7. The turtle

8. The mushroom

9. The craine

10. The deer


There are three techniques or skills to acquire proper postures (regulating the body),
correct breathing (regulating the breath) and calmness regulating the mind).


Qigong includes both dynamic and gentle techniques that can be practiced from standing,
seated, or supine postures, it is suitable for young and old. Practices can be tailored to
individual needs making it an ideal aid to recovery from illness or injury. Qigong is a
form of complementary medicine. It works well with other forms of therapy and should
never be used as a substitute for necessary treatment by a physician. It cam improve
cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic and digestive functions.

Cardio kickboxing is a combination of aerobics, boxing, and martial arts which is one of
the most popular fitness trends to hit gymnasiums in recent years. These workouts, which
are inspired by martial arts, have motivated many people to start a fitness program.

This intense, total-body workout can improve strength, aerobic fitness, flexibility,
coordination, and balance.1 The American Council on Exercise (ACE), which evaluates
exercise products and programs, notes that, during a one-hour kickboxing workout, you
can burn from 500 to 800 calories, which is up to twice the calories you burn during a
one-hour step-aerobics class.


Although the true roots of kickboxing date back to Asia 2,000 years ago, modern
competitive kickboxing actually started in the 1970s, when American karate experts
arranged competitions that allowed full-contact kicks and punches that had been banned
in karate.

Because of health and safety concerns, padding and protective clothing and safety rules
were introduced into the sport over the years, which led to the various forms of
competitive kickboxing practiced in the United States today. The forms differ in the
techniques used and the amount of physical contact that is allowed between the


1. Roundhouse kick:

Stand with the right side of your body facing an imaginary target with your knees bent
and your feet shoulders' width apart. Lift your right knee, pointing it just to the right of
the target and pivoting your body toward the same direction. Kick with your right leg, as
though you are hitting the target. Repeat with your other leg.

2. Front kick:
Stand with feet shoulders' width apart. Bend your knees slightly, and pull your right knee
up toward your chest. Point your knee in the direction of an imaginary target. Then, kick
out with the ball of your foot. Repeat with your other leg.

3. Side kick:

Start with the right side of your body facing a target. Pull your right knee up toward your
left shoulder, and bend your knees slightly as you kick in the direction of your target. The
outside of your foot or heel should be the part that would hit the target. Repeat with your
other leg.


1. Weight Reduction

Cardio kickboxing is an aerobic workout, which increases the heart rate and helps to burn
fat and calories. During a one-hour workout, you can expect to burn as many as 350 to
450 calories, according to the ACE.

2. Coordination

The kicking and punching moves of the exercise help to improve balance and
coordination. Reflexes become sharpened from the workout.

3. Strength Building

Punches made with precision and power in kickboxing help to build upper- and lower-
body muscles. The hamstrings become stronger as you master the art of kicking properly.
Abdominal muscles are strengthened from the various positions required to perform
many of the moves. Core strength is improved as you balance to perform the routines.

4. Stress Reduction

Taking out your frustrations on a punching bag is an effective means of relieving stress,
according to American Fitness Professionals and Associates. High-intensity workouts
such as cardio kickboxing replace endorphins lost when the body becomes stressed.

Zumba is a dance fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer

Alberto "Beto" Perez during the 1990s. Zumba is a trademark owned by Zumba Fitness,

Zumba involves dance and aerobic elements. The choreography incorporates hip-hop,
soca, samba, salsa, merengue and mambo. Squats and lunges are also included. Zumba
Fitness, the owner of the Zumba program, does not charge licensing fees to gyms or
fitness centers. Approximately 15 million people take weekly Zumba classes in over
140,000 locations across more than 185 countries.


1. Salsa

2. Tango

3. Mambo

4. Rumba

5. Merengue

6. Chachaha


1. Clothing – Zumba routines are best performed in clothing you feel comfortable
wearing. You can wear traditional sports clothing, just as you would for yoga or any other
fitness class.

Depending on how confident they feel, some women choose to show off their midriff in a
crop top to keep cool. There’s also a range of colorful clothing available in the
Zumbawear range, released by the creator of Zumba, but it certainly isn’t necessary to
perform the workout.
2. Shoes – Traditional sneakers aren’t always the best choice for Zumba, as they could
slip on the smooth surface of the dance hall when you’re moving around at high speed.

3. Zumba Toning Sticks – Toning Sticks are much like traditional dumbbells, with a few
important differences. Aside from the rounded design, the main difference is that the
Toning Sticks are filled with sand.

4. Zumba Chain Tassels – These chains are more for decoration than anything else. The
fact that they rattle and make noise as you dance will encourage you to stay in time and
literally “feel” the music.

5. Wipe Away Sleeves/ Sweatbands – You’ll find a few different “Wipe Away Sleeves”
in the Zumbawear range. These are designed to be worn over the arms. As you work up a
sweat, use these sleeves to wipe it off your face and keep yourself feeling as comfortable
as possible. Another alternative is to wear a sweatband on your head and wrists.


1. Get healthy skin

Clear and beautiful skin is a sign of a healthy body. Zumba helps you achieve glowing
skin as the strenuous moves burn a lot of energy. Every move is designed to target a
specific area, so you’ll get the most from your workout.

2. Flexibility

Zumba brings together aerobics and dance. Aerobic exercises increase the body’s
flexibility and stretch muscles.

3. Decrease stress

Zumba provides the ultimate way to get the relief you need. When your body is relaxed
and free from stress, you’ll have an easier time getting and staying asleep. Zumba
restores your well-being, reduces worry, lowers high blood pressure and reduces the risk
of other lifestyle diseases so you could lead a long and healthy life.

Hip Hop culture (or Hip-Hop) is a cultural movement that formed during the 1970s
among African American and Latino Americans residing in the South Bronx in New
York City. It is characterized by four distinct elements, all of which represent the
different manifestations of the culture: rap music (oral), turntablism or "DJing" (aural), b-
boying (physical) and graffiti art (visual). Even while it continues to develop globally in
myriad styles, these four foundational elements provide coherence to hip hop culture. The
term is often used in a restrictive fashion as synonymous only with the oral practice of
rap music.


In the 1970s, an underground urban movement known as "Hip Hop" began to develop in
the South Bronx in New York City. It focused on emceeing (or MCing), breakbeats, and
house parties. Jamaican-born DJ Clive "Kool Herc" Campbell was highly influential in
the pioneering stage of hip hop music. Beginning at Kool Herc's home in a high-rise
apartment at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, the movement later spread across the entire
borough. Herc created the blueprint for hip hop music and culture by building upon the
Jamaican tradition of impromptu toasting, boastful poetry and speech over music.


1. Do the Dougie. Learning the whole "My Dougie" dance can be helpful in a pinch, if
the song comes on, but knowing the main moves in the dance, which require you to move
your arms and shoulders from left to right, can also add a nice touch to your dance
moves, because you can incorporate a move from this dance into your hip hop moves at
any time. You don't have to do the whole dance You can just do it for a few seconds
before you transition into another move.

2. Do the stanky leg. This is another fun dance move that makes it look as if one of your
legs doesn't work properly. Hence, the term "stanky." Though these moves are part of a
dance, you can just do the stanky leg any time. All you've got to do is stick one foot out
and lean in the opposite direction, moving the foot that's out in a way that makes it look
"stuck" or stanky. After a few seconds, you can move to the other side and repeat the
move with the other leg.

3. Learn to body pop. Body popping is another classic hip-hop move where you isolate
one part of your body at a time, making it "pop". You can pop your arms, your shoulders,
your chest, or any other part of your body while you're on the dance floor. This is a great
move that you can use from time to time without putting too much emphasis on it.

4. Pop, lock, and drop it. This dance move looks just like it sounds. First, you pop one
part of your body. Then, you lock it all into place. After that, you get low and drop it,
with your feet wide. You can do this any time in the middle of any dance move.


1. Hip-hop dancing helps building up stamina - If you’re struggling to stay the pace in
your running exercise, hip-hop dancing could offer an unexpected form of cross-training,
to build up your stamina and muscular resistance.

2. Hip-hop dancing helps work your heart - With heart disease at an all-time high, there
has never been a better time to exercise your pulmonary muscles. Hip-hop dancing is a
great form of cardiovascular (CV) exercise and really gets the heart pumping.

3. Hip-hop dancing forges a positive mind - With all the doom and gloom surrounding
the credit crunch, it would be easy to lose all faith in the modern world and hide under a
rock somewhere. Don’t lose hope just yet though as help could be at hand in the surprise
form of hip-hop dancing. Exercise is a great way of keeping your mind in shape and the
pleasures of hip-hop dance will soon have you leaping around with aplomb.

4. Burning off calories through hip-hop dancing - With a range of movements required of
its participants, hip-hop dancing will soon burn off those unwanted calories in no time.
Losing weight doesn’t mean trundling on a treadmill until the end of time. Hip-hop
dancing will get you moving, as well as offering an entertaining and highly sociable

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