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I am taking a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English at _________. This

course is a four-year degree program designed for students pursuing teaching in
secondary education. The institution required all college students to take General
Education classes that will equip them with the skills, general knowledge, and literacy
that will serve as a foundation for lifelong learning.

One of the general education classes offered in the institution is the Gec-Rizal class.
This program complies with the provisions of Republic Act 1425. R.A. 1425 or also
known as the Rizal Law, is an act that mandates to include in the curricula of all public
and private schools, colleges, and universities courses on the life, works, and writings of
Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, authorizing
the printing and distribution thereof, and for other purposes.

As a student in this program, the Rizal Law is effective in instilling patriotism among
students and also serves as a commemoration to our Filipino freedom fighters who
risked their lives for our freedom. Through Rizal's literary works, I can manage to look
back at our history in detailed information, and this is one way that we can be able to
gather a better understanding of our history, culture, and the tyranny our forefathers
experienced under these colonizers. One great example of showing patriotism is
through honoring and exercising our right to vote by electing the right leaders in the
country, showing appreciation and support to our veterans who fought in wars,
supporting our national local products, and loving our natural skin, nose, and our identity
as Filipino. Rizal also taught us that freedom cannot always be won through swords
because freedom can be fought in silence but in a powerful way. Rizal's love for our
country is beyond remarkable, and I appreciate how he was able to make me realize
and embrace my own roots even more.

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