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Name: Julius C.

Perlas School: Rosario National High School

Position: Teacher I

Rubrics for Analytic and Holistic Assessment

Rubric for Written Work (Analytic Rubric)

Areas Excellent Good Needs Imp. Unacceptable Scores

(10-7) (6-4) (3-2) (1-0)
Content Specific, Mostly Specific, Somewhat No
comprehensive, comprehensive, Specific, comprehensive,
accurate ideas accurate ideas comprehensive, accurate ideas
and content and content accurate ideas and content
presented presented and content presented

Organization Logically Mostly Logically Somewhat Not Logically

organized and organized and Logically organized and
well-structured well-structured organized and well-structured
displaying a displaying a well-structured displaying a
beginning and a beginning and a displaying a beginning and a
conclusion with conclusion with beginning and a conclusion with
precise words. precise words. conclusion with precise words.
precise words.
Mechanics Has no errors in Has relatively free Has several Has serious and
word selection of errors in word errors in word persistent
and use selection and use selection and errors in word
sentence sentence use sentence selection and
structure, structure, spelling, structure, use sentence
spelling, punctuation and spelling, structure,
punctuation capitalization punctuation spelling,
and and punctuation
capitalization capitalization and

Rubric for Photo Essay (Holistic Rubric)

Score Areas
 Provides Unique and interesting approach to subject in the photography.
20  All story elements relate compelling story.
 Proper structure, grammar, punctuation used to enhance overall message.
 Some unique aspects evident which add to story message
15  Most of the story elements evident which still provide compelling story.
 Technically well written with some interest to support the story
 Interesting elements support to the story message but are not unique
10  While some elements of story evident , they do not support a compelling story
 Writing has technical problems but overall message is supported.
 No evidence of unique or interesting elements that connect to the story
5  Few elements present which do not support a compelling story
 Multiple technical problems.

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