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Title: File Name: Responsibility: MM1.

6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS)

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete

Process Description
When purchasing an item from a specific vendor a Purchase Information Record (PIR) needs to be in place if a price is to be proposed in the purchase order. Therefore when sourcing an item from a new vendor the need to create a PIR will exist. The PIR will also hold other relational data relevant to the material and vendor for which it has been created. This data will default into a purchase order whenever a PIR exists for a particular purchasing relationship. Purchase Information Records can suggest a number of vendors to allow price comparison when multiple sources of supply are available for a Material. Each PIR is updated by the last price paid when invoice processing procedures are completed for a Material + Vendor.

This document will take you through the process required to create a Purchase Information record (PIR) following the steps below.



1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

Required Fields Accessing the Create Info Record screen Creating an Information Record Changing an Information Record Deleting an Information Record Listing Information Records

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Title: File Name: Responsibility: 1.1 MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS)

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete

Required Fields Field Value / Comments Record number on finance system of the vendor Master record number of the material Code of the business defined within the SAP system (UNIV) Code of the location defined within the SAP system (UNIV) Standard is default Description of purchase unit, each, box etc. 1 to 1 is assumed but must be changed for a price division eg 1 box = 12 each Purchasing group responsible for PIR Number of days expected between date of order and delivery VAT code applicable to materials use

Input - Required Fields Vendor Material Purchasing Organization Plant Info category Order unit Conversion factor Purchasing group Planned delivery time in days. Tax Code


Accessing the Create Info record: Initial Screen To access the 'Create Info Record: Initial Screen' follow the SAP standard menu path: Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Master Data > Info Record > Create Or use the transaction code ME11


Creating an Information Record

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Title: File Name: Responsibility: MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS)

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete

Enter data from the table below

Description Field Name Vendor Record number of the vendor on the finance system Master record number of the Material Code representing the University in the SAP System Code representing the University in the SAP System Type of information record


User Action and Values Key in the required data or select from drop down list Key in the required data or select from drop down list Key in the required data UNIV


Material Purchasing Organization Plant Info category


Key in the required data UNIV Set selection to Standard

or key Enter to move to the Create Info Record: General Data screen

On the screen Create Purchasing Info Record: General Data, enter information from the table below

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Title: File Name: Responsibility: MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS)

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete

Field Name Vendor mat.

Description Enter the vendors part

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User Action and Values Key in the required data


Comments Entries may

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Title: File Name: Responsibility: No. MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS) number for this material

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete default in from Vendor master record. Entries may default in from Vendor master record. Entries may default in from Vendor master record.


Enter the name of a specific salesperson at the vendor The vendors telephone number The Vendor master record number of the previous supplier on the SAP system that supplied this item. The order unit of measure for this material with this vendor.

Key in the required data


Key in the required data

Prior vendor

Key in the required data

Order unit


Var. order unit

The conversion factor between firstly the order unit and secondly the base unit of measure as entered in the Material master record Key to activate the ability of ordering with differing order units

Key in the required data. If the order unit is changed from that defaulted from the material master record then the conversion of that unit with the previous will need to be reviewed in the next field Equals. If the order unit above has been changed then an initial 1 to 1 relationship will be assumed which can now be altered if necessary Select from drop down list

Entries may default in from Material master record

Entries may default in from Material master record

Once the above data has been entered press the Purch. org. data 1 screen button to proceed to the Create Purchasing Info Record: Purch Organization Data 1 screen.

On the Create Purchasing Info Record: Purch Organization Data 1 screen enter data from the table below

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Title: File Name: Responsibility: MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS)

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete

Field Name Plnd dely

Description Time in days it takes the

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User Action and Values Key in the required data



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Title: File Name: Responsibility: time MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS)

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete

vendor to supply the items. Minimum of 1 day must be entered Purchasing group of the those responsible for maintaining the PIR or the material. Quantities of the material normally purchased from this vendor Smallest quantity of the material that can be purchased from this vendor. Indicator specifying whether the PIR PO text is to be copied into the purchasing document item instead of the PO text that is stored in the material master R Key in the required data Entries may default in from Material master record

Purch. Group

Standard qty. Minimum qty. No mat. Txt

Key in the required data

Key in the required data

Tick the check box if text has been added in the PIR to that already defaulted from the material master

GR-based IV Tax code Net Price Qty. conversion The default tax code to be used for this vendor/material relationship. Net price of the material from this vendor. Exclusive of VAT The conversion factor between firstly the order unit and secondly the base unit of measure as entered in the Material master record


Leave check box blank Select/Key in the required data Key in the required data If the order unit has been changed then an initial 1 to 1 relation ship will be assumed which can now be altered if necessary Leave check box blank

No cash disc,

Additional data may be required before saving a new record Click on the TEXTS screen button to go to the Create Info Record: Text Overview screen

On the screen Create Purchasing Info Record: Text Overview enter information from the table below

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Page: 7 of 12

Title: File Name: Responsibility: MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS)

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete

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Title: File Name: Responsibility: MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS)

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete

Field Name Info record note Purchase order text

Description Text field to contain notes relevant to the PIR. Not printable on purchase order. Text field that contains the description of the material as described on the PO when this PIR is used. This text area is also where additional text can be added relating to the supplier such as contract number, price or additional descriptive text


User Action and Values Key in the required data


Key in the required data

Initially defaults in from the Material Master but may be altered. To invoke the use of this description select the No mat txt. Indicator on the Purch. Org. Data 1 screen.

Save the PIR record and note a number will be displayed in message band at bottom of screen 1.4 Changing an Information Record To access the Change Info Record transaction follow the SAP standard menu path: Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Master Data > Info Record > Change
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Title: File Name: Responsibility: MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS)

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete

Or use the transaction code ME12 To select the PIR either key in the record number or Key in the Vendor code and material code or key Enter to access the General Data Screen From this screen use screen buttons Purch org data Conditions Texts to move to all other screens Data can be changed on any screen by over typing To change a price select the conditions screen and in a pop up screen select the NEW VALIDITY PERIOD screen button

enter a new time period and the new price Save the changed PIR 1.5 Deleting an Information record To access the Change Info Record transaction' follow the SAP standard menu path: Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Master Data > Info Record > Flag for Deletion
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Title: File Name: Responsibility: MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS)

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: 4.6B Complete

Or use the transaction code ME15 To select the PIR either key in the record number or Key in the Vendor code and material code or key Enter to access the Flag Info Record for Deletion Initial Screen Check that the correct record has been selected Set the deletion flag check box for Complete info record and save the alteration

Note message band at bottom of screen confirming PIR has been changed


Listing Information records To access the Change Info Record transaction follow the SAP standard menu path: Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Master Data > Info Record > List Displays > by Vendor transaction ME1L

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Title: File Name: Responsibility: MM1.6 Doc PIR MM Team (ILS) or by Material

Create Purchase Information Record Materials Management Purchasing

Solution/Release: Status: transaction ME1M 4.6B Complete

Enter data into any combination of search fields Use the execute screen icon o r key F8 to view a display of PIR's that meet the search criteria The drill down facility is available to see any selected line item in the list displayed

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