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Tea N’ Apay
Snack to go Business

A Micro-Business Proposal presented to the

Faculty Members of the College of Business and Accountancy
National University (NU Lipa)
Lipa City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for course
BFBANFIX: Integrated Business Principles


Katigbak, Marc Vincent N.

Labot, Martt Geoffrey P.
Lagota, Francis John H.


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In partial fulfilment of the requirements for course BFBANFIX: Integrated Business

Principles, this micro-business plan entitled “ESTABLISHMENT OF Tea N’ Apay Food Snack to
go Business” prepared and submitted by Katigbak, Marc Vincent N., Labot, Martt Geoffrey P.,
and Lagota, John Francis H. has been examined and hereby recommend for acceptance and
approval for oral presentation.

Dr. Jay-Ar C. Dimaculangan, CHRP, AEPP, AWP, MIEE

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of
Masters in Business Administration Non –Thesis Program.

______________________ ______________________

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Cover Page I
Approval Sheet II
Executive Summary III
Introduction IV
Organizational and Management Plan V
Market Analysis VI

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Executive Summary (This is the synopsis; this should be written last)

Tea N’ Apay, the company name, is an upcoming business that sells snack products like
milk teas and sandwiches. It will be from 4 Macros Drive corner J.P Laurel highway as for its
location address, in the place of region 4A CALABARZON Lipa City Batangas Philippines as for
its place address. There is no telephone number or landline yet since the business will just open
soon, but installation may grant once it is already established. But for communication purposes,
people may reach out for the given cellphone contact numbers that will be stated for each key
person. They are the contributors and holders to be expected. Here are the following people:

 Katigbak, Marc Vincent N. (09175134456)

 Labot, Martt Geoffrey P. (09558223645)
 Lagota, John Francis H. (09281571566)

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Overview of the Business
Tea N’ Apay is a small-growing business created by a group of triads who were first-year
marketing college students who collaborated to build a micro-enterprise shop. It is a private
sector, specifically focusing on the nature of satisfaction of consumer’s need with the provided
products and accommodation services. A part of the tertiary sector wherein it sells or uses the
finished product to provide a service. It is located at 4 Marcos Drive, corner J.P. Laurel
Highway, Lipa City, Batangas, so that it is quite easy to determine where it is. A snack to go
business as it is a food and beverage store, offering their main sellers such as milk tea,
sandwiches, and other specials as their goods, special enough to take a sip and grab a bite
anytime, especially during meryenda or break time.
What makes it apart from the others is that they sell both milk tea and sandwiches,
unlike other milk tea shops which only sell milk tea. Other than that, they also provide some
munchable snacks such as pastries, hamburgers, hotdog buns, etc. The products will have
recipes that consist of foreign ingredients mixed with traditional Filipino flavors. Like with the
milk tea, it is innovated with the use of traditional Filipino ingredients such as kapeng Barako.
And as for the sandwiches, the sauce is a homemade garlic aioli that is specialized and created
by the owners. Overall, Tea N’ Apay focuses more on bringing comforting, energizing, and
tasteful products that would match consumers' satisfaction based on what they want and need.
In addition, the product line focuses on a variety of milk teas and sandwiches as their
main specialties. The products that will be featured are the Ala eh Wintermelon Milk Tea and the
Tea N’ Apay Meat Overload. For the Ala Eh Wintermelon Milk Tea, the product will consist of a
wintermelon milk tea mixed with traditional Kapeng Barako. On the other hand, the Tea N’ Apay
Meat Overload will consist of different types of meat that will be put into the sandwich, such as
bacon, ham, cheese, veggies and spread with a unique condiment like Garlic Aioli that will also
add up to the flavoring. This type of business may not be peculiar; however, it is highly

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recommended because it is a trend that will not fade and will not make the business lose for as
long as it manages not only the business itself but also the marketing process efficiently.
Statement of Business Purpose
Reason for proposing the business is to show the community the inventive ideas of the
owners regarding their products that have not been done before in the city and to follow what is
new today, which is being influenced by other countries in the Philippines. It will also show
something new for the public to see and taste since the location of the store is known to be the
Capital of Barako Coffee, which is one of the main special ingredients that the store will offer.
Furthermore, the owners are also planning to extend its reach not only to the city but also
regional or nationwide when it gains a great reputation with the public and community,
proceeding to having some franchises or branches, and more to partnership with other clients.

Problems that had been the case that opened the opportunity for the business are that it
is new to the community to have advanced flavors and purely different for the people to taste
and taking advantage of the location for it is centered in a busy area that can attract students
and bypass people to see the store of the business. The unmet needs can happen once the
business starts because, once there, the owners may determine some of the disadvantages that
should be improved in order to maintain the requirements of the business. We are sure that we
can meet our targets if we can be wise enough in our plans for our future store. But for now,
focusing on the parts that must have: 4 factors, 4Cs, 4Es, and etcetera.

Chapter 2 – Organizational and Management Plan

Its origin came from the Tagalog word "Tinapay", which means in English, a word for
"Bread" in the Philippines. It covers and fits in with the products that the store is offering, which
are milk teas, sandwiches (their main sellers), and other menus (pastries, hamburgers, hotdog
buns, etc.) that the business would have. To make it mesmerizing, the name has its own
definition, which would make things witty as it is once the customers discover the meaning of it.
As the phrase "Tea N’ Apay" is a combination of milk TEA aNd sandwich tinAPAY, forming a
derived word that can make others amazed. Aside from that, the title can also describe what the
business is about, as tea, in addition to being a hot or cold drink, is also an idiom for something
likeable or interesting, and apay, in addition to being a solid foam/grain, is also an archaic word
for satisfying or pleasing. Put them all together and that is the result, as this is what it takes
once consumers get to try the products. It is to make them feel "Tea" and must experience
"Apay" having their "Snacks in Shocks" when they take the food, same for the business tagline.

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Its logo contains brief details on what to expect from the store, such as milk teas and
sandwiches that will be recommended to the customers. The colors match the vibe of the
business because it is vibrant but relaxing to see, pleasant to check, and aesthetic to look.
Orange represents success while brown represents stability, which is one of the intentions of
the upcoming shop. At first glance, it may be plain, but its creativity gives an aspect that seeks
about the store. They say simplicity is part of beauty, and that is how it makes it special. It is
easy to view and comprehend to read as the type of font is Bebas Neue for text convenience.
For its philosophy, the business motto is that its mission is to seek and provide the
wonderful taste of foreign food with a mixture of traditional Filipino flavors. The product may be
originally based in a different country but adding something that symbolizes nationalism can be
sufficient to make it dissimilar to the other businesses being established. While its vision is to
provide availability and satisfaction to people with delicious spices at affordable prices. The
quality that a customer is searching for is not achievable for its consistency. The owners may
consider this to be long-lasting as it is by the time comes to have this as the rule of the store.
In setting goals and objectives for business, it is important because it will allow the
owners to know what they want to expect for their business before it is established. It also
shows what the business owners prioritize for the development and growth of their business.
Furthermore, there are two types of goals and objectives to be achieved in a business; short-
term for the beginning of the business and long-term once the business is well-done to reach
new heights.
A plan ownership that was formally arranged is through a partnership since there are
only three people who will earn a profit. With the help also in the making, there will be a
minimum of four of the recruited employees for labor and income. It is few because it is small
and just the beginning of business to be held as well because of the preparations of the
products and service is enough for the said amount of people.
The business’ success or failure would depend on the people working on its products.
The people are the most important assets of the company. In order to carry out the business
properly and effectively, it required people in different job positions that would be responsible for
each specific aspect of the business process for the benefit of each other. For the structure,
each person will have their own role based on the skills they have. There are 3 business owners
but will work as 3 managers with various positions (store manager, social manager, finance
manager), 2 to 3 chefs to be hired for making the products (1 for Sandwiches and other snacks,
1-2 for Milk Tea), and 1 cashier to be hired for payment and order services. As per running the
place, before the confirmation will be approved, each individual must set their responsibility
straight based on what is for them. Below are the active partners and their detailed job
descriptions needed in the business:

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 Three owners = managers: store manager, social manager, finance manager.

 Name: Marc Vincent N. Katigbak
Role: Store manager
Description: The person is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of a
store, making sure it runs smoothly and effectively. Also added the job to manage
resources (human, materials). With this, the trait or skill that he has is his experience of
running a store due to helping in their company sell milk to consumers.
 Name: Martt Geoffrey P. Labot
Role: Social manager
Description: The person is responsible for overseeing a company's interactions
with the public by implementing social media platforms' content strategies. Also added
the job to manage promotions (advertising, marketing). With this, the trait or skill that he
has is his experience making standardized ideas for past projects.
 Name: John Francis H. Lagota
Role: Finance manager
Description: The person is responsible for overseeing the financial health of an
organization. Also added the job to manage data's (accounts, reports) With this, the trait
or skill that he has experience in handling monetary budgets, investments, and incomes
that were organized in different situations and types of forecasts being done.

 Two to three chefs who have experience or fast learner in food preparation, food
presentation, and at least have a background in making either milk tea or sandwiches.
 One cashier who has experience accepting cash, check, or charge payments, makes
change for cash, and good service to/from the customers/consumers.
Before things go further, there will be processes in which legal documents are a must-
have in order to make appropriate progress in taking the next steps. It is a type of finalization to
make sure that the new company complies with all its legal responsibilities so they can get back
to focusing on growing the business. The people involved will register so that it will be officially
trademarked and considered as belonging. And here are those five things that were listed:

 Legal requirements in starting a business in Lipa City, Batangas:

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 DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) (Department of Trade and Industry)

(Department of Trade and Industry) and business name registration certificate.
 BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) (Bureau of Internal Revenue) (Bureau of Internal
Revenue) (Bureau of Internal Revenue)
 Barangay/Municipality/Regional clearance permits from Lipa City Hall.
 Municipal mayor’s permit.

Chapter 3 – Market Analysis

As for the segmentation/target of the market, Tea N’ Apay focuses on students and
faculty of De La Salle Lipa, the Reyman Apartment complex located on Marcos Dr, and other
private residents on Marcos Dr. This is because the area is near to the business itself, so it is
easy to identify the public individuals that the store wants to give the product needed by them.
There will be marketing rivalry because of the process of identifying industry competitors
and analyzing their various marketing techniques. Knowing other companies in a business's
area is crucial since it allows a business, especially a recently founded one like Tea N' Apay, to
detect marketing competition that they will confront inside their position, which is on the corner
of Macros Dr and J.P. The Laurel Highway. Furthermore, it will provide business owners with an
idea of what to expect from their competition, which will assist them to uncover ideas that they
can learn from their competitors. Therefore, the search was made to know who are the direct,
and indirect contenders that will have to be faced with as some have the same interests while
the others have the same product shared. Here are some of the businesses:

 Direct Competitors:
 Tea tone Lipa
 Explosive Burger Lipa Branch
 Chambee Premium Milk Tea
 Bubblr Milk Tea
 The Yard Burgers and Sausages

 Indirect Competitors:
 Mukbang Korean Resto/Mini Grocery
 Barcina Feliz Restaurant
 Burnt Gastro Lounge
 El Senior Renato
 Jolly Mae Food Hause
 Calda Pizza
 Kerrimo Stall
 Wholly Cow

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The product of the business that Tea N’ Apay will be putting will focus on a variety of
milk teas and sandwiches that are homemade and created by the business owners and
employees. The output design of the packaging is divided into two factors: one for the Milk Tea
and the other for the sandwiches. First is Milk Tea, where the logo is transparent. This is to
make the traditional vibes of the cups just like the ones consumers always have when buying
the same product. The cup would also benefit the environment because it would be reusable
once the contents were consumed. This will reduce plastic waste in society. Finally, the
packaging of the sandwiches will be a paper container that will allow the sandwiches to be
safely sealed so that they will not stick to the container. This box container would also hold the
sandwiches without damaging them. It would be able to maintain itself from all the absorption of
the oil product. The packaging will be for both dine-in and takeout. The only difference will be
that takeout will have an additional paper bag for the sandwich and paper holders for the cups.
The prices of the business that Tea N’ Apay will be selling are the beverages will range
from Php 70 – Php 155 excluding the additional content that the consumer may want to add; the
sandwiches will range from Php 90 – Php 250 depending on the type of sandwich. The featured
products, Ala Eh Winter Melon Milk Tea and TeaNapay Meat Overload, will cost Php 100 – Php
150, respectively. These prices come with the agreement of the business owners because they
are based on the ingredients that are going to be used in making a certain product. From this
perspective, it may be surprising, but once they get to purchase the product, it will be all worth it
because of the quality and the taste. Many will go back and forth to visit for its affordable cost
The location of the business that Tea N’ Apay will be standing at is at 4 Marcos Dr.
corner J.P. Laurel Highway as a chosen spot with the reason that the lot is empty and available,
plus can decorate the store from the ground until up. It is close to a lot of consumer traffic
because it is near a school and an apartment complex. It may take time because of the building
process, but the structure is on set. The area is not that difficult because people mostly pass by,
and the idea that this is a great option to build a store makes things easy not only for the owners
or the customers but also for the community in terms of adjustment. To illustrate, here are some
photos as proof of the decided Tea N’ Apay’s lot, the map for direction, and the image for the
evidence and to visualize the actual site.

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The promotion of the business that Tea N’ Apay will be marketing is depending on the
amount of time needed because some were in short-term (Flyer, Poster, Brochure, Cards) and
long-term (Slides Commercial, Website, Accounts) ideas before it will be accomplished. This is
one of the important factors for it would allow the business to gain an audience with the use of
attracting them through different kinds of advertising either online or face-to-face. It is not
verified whether all of this or just some of them, but it is already assured that the things being
stated were the strategies in making the hype. There are no proposed sources but there are
references which will be used as inspiration. The following are below:

 Flyers:

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 Poster:
 Brochure:
 Cards (Coupon, Loyalty, Gift Voucher)
 Slides:
 Commercial:
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 Website:




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 Accounts:
 Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok
 Social Communication Platforms: Messenger, Gmail, Google Hangouts,
WhatsApp Business
 Social Courier Platforms: Shopee, Lazada, Food Panda, Grab

Language U - English Idioms Idiom. Facebook. (n.d.). Retrieved
September 24, 2022, from
Apay Definitions | What does apay mean? | Best 1 Definitions of Apay. (n.d.). Retrieved September 24, 2022, from

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