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The Research Process

The research process is a cyclic process.

Most of the time, the conclusion that is
reached at the end of an investigation leads
to other problems which other researches
may undertake in the future. Opportunities for
more inventions and discoveries arise from
the cyclic nature of research. In essence, it
perpetuates the dynamic nature of science
and ensures its continuous growth.

The research process, like any other processes,

is made up of several steps. Each setup leads
logically to the next one. The time it takes for each
of these steps depends on the kind of problem being
investigated, the experience of the researcher, and the
availability of resources needed for the study.
The steps in the research process are essentially the same as those in the scientific method. The
scientific method is a sequence of problem-solving skills that scientists use to answer questions or
problems. Some of these skills include identifying a problem, formulating a hypothesis, doing library
research, observing, performing experiments, analysing data, drawing conclusions, and
communicating results.
Identification of a Research Problem

A problem identified by the researcher keeps him focused throughout the entire research process. It is the
basis of all subsequent research activities he is going to undertake. It guides him to the hypothesis, work
plan, interpretation of findings and finally, to the conclusion. Each of the steps in the process and its
corresponding output is deemed necessary and useful as it relates to the problem. One of the evaluation
criteria used to judge the success of the research is the significance of the identified problem.

It is always useful to refer to some criteria when one has to decide on what research to pursue. A checklist
of guidelines is given in Table 2 to assist you in selecting a topic for research.

Table 2 Checklist of Guidelines in Selecting a Research Topic

Criteria Yes/No
1. Is the problem interesting?
2. Will the research contribute to the solution of socio-economically important
3. Will the research generate new information?
4. Is the research novel?
5. Do I have the skills or knowledge necessary to conduct the research or can I learn
them within the time I have?
6. Is the research feasible in terms of:
a. Time required to finish the research?
b. Expense involved in conducting the research?
c. Availability of materials for experimentation?
d. Accessibility of materials for experimentation?
e. Risks and hazards involved in conducting the experiment?
7. Is the research reproducible?

In the identification of a research problem, several things must be considered. The statement of the
problem must be clear. It must be organized and specific. It must define the scope and set the limits of the
problem to help determine the feasibility of doing the actual investigation.

The statement of the problem identifies or specifies the variables to be measured and observed. Some of
these variables are manipulated by the investigator, some are response variables, and the others are held
constant or controlled. The investigator must be sensitive enough to recognize all other variables that may
influence the result of the investigation.

The statement of the problem sets the objectives or goals of the study. It also states the sub-problems.

Let us consider this problem: Effects of Varying Temperatures and Concentrations on the Index of
Refraction of Sugar Solution. The main objective of the study is to find the effects of temperature and
concentration on the index of refraction of sugar solution. Specifically, this study seeks to find the effects of
(a) varying temperatures on the index of refraction of sugar solution, and (b) varying concentrations on the
index of refraction of sugar solution.

The statement of the problem above is clear, organized, concise, and specific. Its scope and limits are
defined. It also provides the basis for the formulation of a hypothesis.
Formulation of a Hypothesis

After identifying a problem, an investigator proceeds to formulating a hypothesis relevant to the problem.
The hypothesis serves as a tentative solution to the problem prior to any experimentation. More
importantly, it also serves as a guide to the research work plan or design. A hypothesis is tested by
conducting the actual experimentation.

A hypothesis is an educated guess. It is a tentative answer to a research question or problem. It may be

based on factual knowledge, experiences and observations. A hypothesis can be defined as a possible
answer to a problem based on gathered information.

Usually, scientists suggests an answer to a problem they have defined by formulating a hypothesis. The
hypothesis that they have formed is usually based on the information they gathered. They may form more
than one hypothesis from a single information since there are many possible solutions to a problem. Each
possible solution must be tested. Therefore, a hypothesis must be testable. To test whether a hypothesis is
correct or nor, scientists make observations and do experiments to see whether the results of these
observations or experiments support it.

A hypothesis is based on the objectives of the study. It is therefore used as a guide in doing the
experimental design. It may be stated in any of the following forms:

a. The null statement;

b. The alternative statement; and
c. The cause and effect statement

To demonstrate how the three forms are stated, let us consider again the research problem that we
identified earlier: The Effects of Varying Temperatures and Concentrations on the Index Refraction of
Sugar Solution.

In this problem, the question being investigated is “What factors affect the index of refraction of sugar
solution?” There are two suggested factors: temperature and concentration. Hence, two hypotheses are to
be formulated. We can state them in any of the three forms.

Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis Cause and Effect Hypothesis

1. Varying temperatures 1. Varying temperatures 1.If temperature is varied,
have no significant effect have a significant effect then the index of
on the index of refraction on the index of refraction refraction of a sugar
of a sugar solution. of a sugar solution. solution is affected.
2. Varying concentrations 2. Varying concentrations 2. If concentration is varied,
have no significant effect have a significant effect then the index of refraction
on the index of refraction on the index of refraction of a sugar solution is
of a sugar solution. of a sugar solution. affected.

In conducting a research, we need to develop creative strategies for producing the desired results.
Reviewing relevant literature helps in formulating creative procedures for the solving the research problem.
This further survey of scientific literature is more focused than the initial one because the search is now
limited to the information needed for the identified problem.
Review of Related Literature

In some cases, a research problem is not immediately recognized or identified. It requires preliminary
survey of related literature. By reading through various publications and surfing the Internet, we become
aware of the previous works already done. In fact, it could even spur an idea or two that can be the subject
of a research investigation. Experiences researchers also go through this step just to ensure that they are
not duplicating other people’s studies unless there is a need to validate the findings with more advanced
detection and measuring techniques,

Preparation of a Research Design

A research design is necessary because it functions as the work plan for the research investigation. It
specifies not only the resources needed for the study but also indicates how the resources will be utilized to
answer the problem.

A more comprehensive from of research work plan can be prepared. It is called a research proposal.
Professional researchers usually send research proposals to funding agencies to obtain financial support
for their study. The research proposal contains not only the research design but also the timetable for
actual investigation and breakdown of expenses for each phase of the actual experimentation.

The research design is being prepared to systemize the work during actual experimentation. It maximizes
the research output since there is a plan to follow and revise if necessary. The researcher knows what
experiments to do as soon as he steps into the laboratory. Furthermore, only relevant data will be collected
since the research design specifies in detail how and what data should be obtained. A valid research
design is the basis for the validity of the entire research.

Actual Experimentation

Actual experimentation is an implementation of the research work plan or design. An experiment is an

activity that generates observations or data which, upon processing and analysis, result to the solution of
the research problem or generate further studies.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Unorganized and unprocessed data are tedious to look at and deal with. It is also difficult to summarize
them into meaningful statements. Data gathered are organized into tables and graphs before they are
analysed using statistical methods. The statistical conclusions can be explained further in terms of the
research objectives. This explanation is a simpler presentation of the meaning of the statistical conclusions.

Formulation of a Conclusion

A conclusion summarizes the significant results of the experiment. Just like any activity, with a beginning,
research must come to an end, and thus, a conclusion must be stated for each research. In many cases,
the conclusion does not only end the research but also suggests future questions left unanswered in the
course of the investigation. These unresolved questions lead to new researches. Knowing the objectives
and the conclusion, the reader can evaluate the merit of the completed research.
Key Terms

 Problem
 Hypothesis
 Review of Related Literature
 Research Design
 Research proposal
 Experiment
 Data collection
 Analysis
 Interpretation
 Conclusion

Key Concepts

 Research is a multi-step and cyclic process.

 Identification of a research topic is facilitated by reading previous works on a related subject.
 The tentative solution to the identified research problem can be obtained by proposing a hypothesis
prior to the actual experimentation.
 The research methodology used to solve a research problem is guided by the hypothesis.
 During an actual experimentation, the observation or data collected can be processed and analysed
to attain the objectives of the research.
 A conclusion can be stated to summarize the major findings of the research and state their
importance and future application.

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