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Department of Education

Caraga Region


Grade 3

DIRECTIONS: Shade the letter of the correct answer on the provided answer

1. Which sentence below best describes the picture?

A. The boy is kind. C. The boy is helpful.
B. The boy is generous. D. The boy is obedient.

Read the paragraph and answer questions number 2 and 3.

Missing File

Elijah’s mom had told him he was not allowed to touch her computer when she
wasn’t home. “Do you understand me Elijah?”, mom said. But Elijah’s friend Perry,
had told him about this great new game online. “Oh! It is a great game”, Elijah said.
He thought that if he just went online quickly to check it out, it would be no big deal.
After he turned the computer on, he hit a wrong key, and deleted his mom’s work.

2. What do you think would be the ending of the story?

A. Mom was too busy.
B. Mom was very happy.
C. Mom hugged and kissed Elijah.
D. Mom scolded Elijah and he promise not do it again.

3. Which among the given sentence in the story is an example of an

interrogative sentence?
A. “Oh! It is a great game”, Elijah said.
B. “Do you understand me Elijah?”, mom said.
C. After he turned the computer on, he hit a wrong key, and
deleted his mom’s work.
D. Elijah’s mom had told him he was not allowed to touch her computer
when she wasn’t home.

4. Proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, organization,

or thing. Which among the sentences below uses the correct proper
A. The girl is beautiful.
B. The boy is obedient.
C. They are playing in the rain.
D. Mc Steve plays basketball every Saturday.

5. What do you add to a singular noun ending in -s, -sh, ch and

-x to make it plural?
A. s B. r C. es D. er
Department of Education
Caraga Region


Grade 3

6. What is the structure of using plural form of an irregular noun?

A. -s or -es is added
B. The spelling changes.
C. The spelling remains the same.
D. Most irregular nouns change its spelling and some remains the spelling.

7. Which among the choices below follows the CVC pattern?

A. toy B. boat C. cane D. drum

8. Which word in the sentence has 2-syllable word?

Reyes family eats dinner at the restaurant.
A. eats B. dinner C. family D. restaurant

9. Which of the following words is NOT a be-verb?

A. are B. have C. was D. were

10. Sooner or later, people will realize the consequences of their

actions. What is the tense of the verb used in the sentence?
A. Simple Tense B. Simple Present Tense
C. Simple Future Tense D. Simple Past Tense

11. In the word shelf, where is the /sh/ sound located?

A. Beginning B. final C. initial D. medial

Which among the consonant blends complete the word __ __air?
A. ch B. pl C. sh D. tr

13. Possessive pronoun is a pronoun indicating possession.

What pronoun completes the sentence?
The cap on the table is ____________. It has my name on it.
A. his B. mine C. ours D. yours

14. Which of the following sentences expresses a FACT?

A. Horse is our national animal.
B. All the flowers are fragrant.
C. Valentine’s Day is celebrated every 13th of February.
D. Bongbong Marcos is the new president of the Philippines.

15. Marlou helps his elder brother to find a job. What source of information he
will going to read?
Department of Education
Caraga Region


Grade 3

A. Book B. Encyclopedia
C. Newspaper D. Thesaurus

16. What is the correct abbreviation of the word OCTOBER?

A. Oct. B. Occt. C. Octo. D. Octt.

17. Which among the sentences below has homonyms?

A. Sheila is pretty. B. The boy is happy.
C. They went to market. D. I see a fish in the sea.

18. What do we call of each of two or more words spelled the same
but not necessarily pronounced the same and having different
meanings and origins?
A. homographs B. homonyms
C. hyponyms D. synonyms

19. Which is NOT a hyponym of the word “Fruits”?

A. apple B. guava C. orange D. squash

20. Read the problem below. What would be the best solution?
Problem: Nowadays we experience frequent occurrence of flood in the
different areas when it rains even in a short period of time.
A. Continuous illegal logging activity.
B. Throwing of garbage everywhere.
C. Practice proper waste segregation.
D. Stop cutting of trees and start planting new ones.

21. Which among the words has a long /a/ sound?

A. can B. cap C. car D. cape

22. Which word in the sentence does have a long /i/ sound?
The mango is ripe.
A. is B. mango C. ripe D. the

23. The child is impatient. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. angry B. hungry
C. sad D. short tempered

24. There are 3 degrees of comparison – positive, comparative and superlative.

What would be the appropriate word to complete the sentence?
Jessica is the ________ among the Grade 3 class.
A. bright B. brighter
C. brightest D. most bright
Department of Education
Caraga Region


Grade 3

25. What do we call an adverb (such as quickly or slowly) that describes how and
in what way an action, denoted by a verb, is carried out?
A. adverb of frequency B. adverb of manner
C. adverb of place D. adverb of time

26. As Mario gets inside the library, he saw this sign.

What does it mean?
A. be quiet
B. sing loudly
C. be noisy
D. talk to your seatmate

27. Melvin sells apples in the market. The picture graph shows the number of
apples he sold.

How many apples did he sell from Friday to Sunday?

A.1,000 B. 1,100 C. 1,200 D. 1,300

Read the informational text below as your reference in number 28.

Road safety is the protection and prevention of road accidents by following all
the road safety measures. It is very important to know the traffic lights and signals.
Traffic lights and signals for pedestrians should be observed. Red man light means
do not cross. If you see it, you should not walk. Green man light means you are safe
to cross the pedestrian and you can walk. In traffic signals, red means stop. When
the signal turns red, all vehicles have to stop. Green means go. When the signal turns
green, vehicles should move. Yellow means slow down. When the signal turns
yellow, vehicles should slow down.

28. Based from the informational text, when are they going to
cross the road?
A. anytime
B. when traffic light is red
Department of Education
Caraga Region


Grade 3

C. when the traffic light is green

D. when the traffic light is yellow

29. Which of the following is a vowel digraph?

A. ch in cheese B. i as in big
C. oa as in boat D. th as in think

30. Miss Torres assigned her grade three pupils to write a word which
has the same vowel sound as toy. If you were one of the grade
three pupils what word will you write?
A. blow B. coin C. look D. sock


1. B 11. C 21. D
2. D 12. A 22. C
3. B 13. B 23. D
4. D 14. D 24. C
5. C 15. C 25. B
6. D 16. A 26. A
7. A 17. D 27. C
8. B 18. A 28. C
9. B 19. D 29. C
10. C 20. D 30. B

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