How To Write A Very Good Letter

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Preparing for C1 Advanced: how to write a very good letter

Part 2: Email or letter

What to expect in a Part 2 letter
You may need to write to, for example, the editor of a newspaper or magazine, the
director of a company, the principal of a college or an English-speaking friend.
Make sure you write in an appropriate style. To a friend you should write informally;
to the other people mentioned above, write in a more formal style.
A letter question may ask you to write to comment on something that has happened,
give advice, express your feelings about something, describe your own or your
company’s needs, persuade, request, answer questions, etc.
How to do Part 2 Letter
Plan your letter in paragraphs, and include an appropriate beginning and ending.
Do not include any addresses (you’re only wasting time!)
Make sure you deal with all the points that are specified.
Being your letter with the reader’s name if you know it, e.g. Dear Rosalinda to a
friend or Dear Ms Muller to somebody you don’t know personally. In the latter case,
end your letter Yours sincerely. Ms is used when writing to a woman if you don’t
know whether or not she is married.
If you don’t know the reader’s name, begin your letter Dear Sir or Madam when
writing to an organisation and you don’t know who the specific reader is going to be.
In these cases, end with Yours faithfully.
You shouldn’t start a letter Dear friend or use job titles, such as Dear Manager.
Make sure you use a wide range of expressions.
Make sure the purpose of your letter is clear.
Expressive functions
I am writing to complain about the service I received in your hotel last weekend.
If I do not receive a satisfactory response, there I shall have no
alternative/option/choice but to send a full account of the way I was treated to your
Head Office.
It was very upsetting to be spoken to so impolitely by your reception staff.
I feel sure you would regret it if you did not take advantage of this exceptional
There’s no denying the fact that this is a very generous offer.
Surely you must agree/accept/admit/acknowledge/realise that opportunities like this
do not arise very frequently.
If I were in your position/shoes(informal), I wouldn’t hesitate to seize the opportunity
on offer.
In my opinion, the best course of action would be to carry out a survey to discover
how local residents feel about the proposal.
Under no circumstances should you take/make a hasty decision.
Giving reasons
There a number of reasons why I am of this opinion...
I should like to put forward the case for a rather different approach from the one that
has been taken in the past.
The project has been temporarily suspended owing to a lack of funding.
Using a wide range of vocabulary
be not so sure Have doubts, be unsure, unsureness, hesitation, fluctuation,
disadvantage Drawback, downside, limitation, negative side, weakness,
choose Select, go for, opt for, adopt, prefer, embrace
improve Enhance, upgrade, intensify, amplify, strengthen, raise
enjoy Appreciate, get pleasure from, admire, enjoyment, benefit,
gratitude, acknowledge
problem Dilemma, complaint, issue, concern, difficulty, obstacle

Adding extra points

Formal Informal
Firstly, Secondly, thirdly... To begin with,
Finally, Besides,
In addition, Also,
Moreover, Not only,
Furthermore, Another thing (was that...)
What is more, Apart from this/that...
Task Part 2 Writing Exam C1 Advanced 11th September 2021
You have received a letter from John, your English pen friend. In your letter of
response, you have to give your personal opinion about the benefits and the
disadvantages of using social media. You should also say how social media could be
improved in the future.
Write your letter between 220-250 words.

My own example
To make an example, I did this exercise on my own and my teacher did not
find any mistakes.
Exercise 8 page 149 from Complete Advanced Student’s Book
Task: It has recently been announced that your area will receive funding for a range
of new sports and fitness facilities for young people. Your council is inviting
residents from the area to write letters suggesting how the funds should best be
spent. Your letter should explain:
- why this funding is to be welcomed
- what facilities should be provided
- how the new facilities will make a difference to young people in the area
Write your letter.
Dear Mr Parker,
I am writing this letter on behalf of the residents of the area in reference to the funds
received by the government.
Recently there have been many complaints by young people for two reasons: firstly,
as there is not a gym nearby, they are forced to move on more distant areas of the
city; secondly, there is a significant lack of sports facilities (e.g., only a tiny swimming
pool is present). For these two reasons the funding is absolutely welcomed in open
As to what action can be taken, or suggestion is that the funding should be invested
in building a new gym because in the area there is a large space which has remained
empty since 1990. The residents are also considering a possible extension of the
swimming pool with the purpose of attracting new customers from other areas of
the city.
I strongly believe that this plan would improve significantly the reputation of our
area because, if we compare it with other zones of the city, we are more
disadvantaged regarding the sport fitness facilities. All we want is to satisfy the
young people's needs.
We trust that you will reflect on our ideas and it would grateful if you could look into
making the improvements we have suggested as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Content: 5/5
Communicative achievement: 5/5
Organisation: 5/5
Language: 5/5

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