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Part V

(A) We would like to know your relation with your friend’s ln the recent few weeks.
1. Your friends give you the moral support you need.
2. Most other people are closer to their friends than you are.
3. Your friends enjoy hearing about what you think.
4. Certain friends come to you when you have problems or need advice.
5. You rely on your friends for emotional support.
6. If you felt that one or more of your friends were upset with you, you'd just keep it to
7. You feel that you're on the fringe in your circle of friends.
8. There is a friend that you could go to if you were just feeling down, without feeling
funny about it later.
9. Your friends and you are very open about what you think about things.
10. Your friends are sensitive to your personal needs.
11. Your friends come to you for emotional support.
12. Your friends are good at helping you solve problems.
13. You have a deep sharing relationship with your friends.
14. Your friends get good ideas about how to do things or make things from you.
15. When you confide in your friends, it makes you uncomfortable.
16. Your friends seek you out for companionship.
17. You think that your friends feel that you are good at helping them solve problems.
18. You don't have a relationship with your friends that is as close as other people's
relationships with friends.
19. You’ve recently gotten a good idea about how to do something from a friend.
20. You wish your friends were much different.
21. Overall speaking, are you satisfied with the support from your friends?
Very much satisfied
Not Satisfied
Very much Not satisfied

(B) We would like to know your relation with your neighbors in the recent few weeks.
1. Do you know your neighbors?
No (no need to answer this part)

1. Your neighbors give you the moral support you need.

2. Most other people are closer to their neighbors than you are.
3. Your neighbors enjoy hearing about what you think.
4. Certain neighbors come to you when you have problems or need advice.
5. You rely on your neighbors for emotional support.
6. If you felt that one or more of your neighbors were upset with you, you'd Just keep it
to yourself.
7. You feel that you're on the fringe in your circle of neighbors.
8. There is a neighbor that you could go to if you were just feeling down, without feeling
funny about it later.
9. Your neighbors and you are very open about what you think about things. 10. Your
neighbors are sensitive to your personal needs.
11. Your neighbors come to you for emotional support.
12. Your neighbors are good at helping you solve problems.
13. You have a deep sharing relationship with your neighbors.
14. Your neighbors get good ideas about how to do things or make things from you.
15. When you confide in your neighbors, it makes you uncomfortable.
16. Your neighbors seek you out for companionship.
17. You think that your neighbors feel that you are good at helping them solve
19. You've recently gotten a good idea about how to do something from a neighbor.
20. You wish your neighbors were much different.
21.Overall speaking, are you satisfied with the support from your neighbors ?
Very much satisfied
Not Satisfied
Very much Not satisfied

22. Among your friends/neighbors, is there anyone bringing you stress instead of
support ?
Yes (please answer question 23)

23. How many of them ? __ persons

Part VI Being a single parent, what are the sources and degree of stress experienced
by you?
1. Daily attendance to the children
2. Study problem of children
3. Quarrels among children
4. Relation with children
5. Relation with ex-spouse
6. Relation with parents-in-law
7. Finance
8. Household management
9. Personal physical health
10. Personal mental health
11. Social life
12. Sex needs
13. Personal future development
14. Social stigma 15.Others (Please specify : )
Part VII We would like to know your relation with your social worker.
1. Your social worker gives you the moral support you need.
2. You feel that your social worker is not willing to help you.
3. You can confide in your social worker without regret when you feel sad.
4. Your social worker is sensitive to your needs.
5. Your social worker can help you solve your problems.
6. When you confide in your social worker, you feel uncomfortable.
7. You've recently got a good idea about how to do something from your social worker.
8. You wish your social worker were different.
9. Overall speaking, are you satisfied with the support from your social worker?

Very much satisfied

Not Satisfied
Very much Not satisfied

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