MCQ For 5th Week

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MCQ – for 5th Week


1.1 Productivity is a ratio between the output volume and the volume of inputs.
1.2 Operational productivity depends on three things:
a. Activity b. Time c. Result
1.3 Resource management: is the process of pre-planning, scheduling, and allocating your resources
to maximize efficiency.
1.4 Workload management: is a technique that can help keep your team performing at their best,
even when resource numbers are limited, and deadlines are edging closer.
1.5 The procedural steps of resource management are as follows:
1. Define Activities 2. Sequencing Activities 3. Estimate Activity Resources
4. Estimate Activity Duration 5. Develop Schedule 6. Control Schedule

1.6 To find critical path following steps are listed.

1. Make a network diagram by organizing activities.

2. Identify every path of the network diagram
3. Calculate time utilized by each path.
4. The path having longest time is the critical path.
1.7 ES = Earliest Start Time
1.8 LS = Latest Start Time
1.9 EF = Earliest Finish Time
1.10 LF = Latest Finish Time
1.11 Step for the calculation of Float in resource management.
a. Collect Activities b. Identify Dependencies c. Create a Network Diagram
d. Forward Pass, e. Backward Pass, f. Identify the float of each activity.
2.1 ERP is a process of managing all resources and their use in the entire enterprise in a
coordinated manner.
2.2 ERP stand for Enterprise source plan
2.3 ERP is business management system that integrates all facets of the business such as
manufacturing operation, supply chain, customers, human resource and finance.
2.4 In ERP system, Data will be stored in single control database, data will enter in one part of
company can be immediately available in other part of company.
2.5 ERP = Enterprises (Business), Resource (Money, Manpower, Matrial, Machining, Marketing
and Methods), Plan (Effective application & optimization of resources)
2.6 Enterprise Resource Planning should consist of
1. Inventory 2. Production 3. Accounting 4. Human resource 5. Delivery 6. Business
7. Sales 8. Engineering 9. Production Planning & Purchase
2.7 Functional Area of ERP is
Master Data Management, Human Resource, Research & Development, Controlling,
Marketing & Sales, Materials Management, Production, Needs Assessment and Finance &
2.8 There are three stages for ERP Project Progress:
Stage-1 , Projection Preparation: ( Project Objective, Plan & Concept, Team)
Stage-2, ERP Software Selection: (Requirement Catalogue, Marketing Testing,
Requirement/Performance Specification & Procurement)
Stage-3, ERP Implementation: (Data Migration, Key-User Training, Test Phase, Staff
Training and Real Start)
2.9 Enterprise Resource Planning Funnel
2.10 V Model for implementation of ERP system.
2.11 ERP System can also shows data in Line chart, Column Chart, Stock Chart, Area Chart and
Bar Chart
2.12 Modernize Mindset in POF requires Culture Change, Production Setup and IT revolution.
2.13 Culture Aspect : The inter disciplinary nature of modernize mindset can design, engineering and
manufacturing expertise from a wide and diverse range of technical areas including integrated
circuit fabrication technology, mechanical engineering, materials science, electrical engineering,
chemistry and chemical engineering.
2.14 CMM stand for Coordinate measuring machine
2.15 BBRA Base Bleed Rocket Assistance
2.16 APFSDS Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discordering Sabot
2.17 BI stand for Business Intelligent
2.18 MEMs stand for Micro Electro Mechanical System

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