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MCQs- Final Test

1. One brain has 86 billion neuron.

2. SWOT stand for strength, weakness, opportunity, threat
3. Identity is nature + Nurture.
4. Human personality have 20% Nature and 80 % Nurture
5. Three element of communications are
6. (i) Verbal (contents/Words) 7% (ii) Vocal (How it is said/tone/pitch/pace) 38%
(iii) Visual (what is seen/body language) 55%
7. EQ is emotional Quotient = is ability to understand, use and manage your own emotion in
positive way to relieve stress.
8. Time Quadrant system are

9. Quadrant 1 activity is Important and Urgent

10. Quadrant 2 : Important but not Urgent
11. MBTI is Myers-Brigg Type Indicator
12. KLSI is Kolb learning style inventory
13. VARK is Visual, Aural, Reading, Kinesthetic
14. T-Type personality, Thinking: React to new information through logical analysis.
15. F-Type personality, Feeling: React to new information through personal values.
16. The Champion is ENFP type.
17. The Commander is ENTJ TYPE.
18. J-Type Personality is Judging : Organized, Decisive, Plan, Joy of Closure
19. P-Type Personality is Perceiving: Flexible, Curious, Wait (Procrastinate), Joy of Discovery
20. VVV stand for Verbal, Vocal, Visual
21. VAK stand for Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic.
22. Function of left Brain is (i) Evaluation (ii) Judgment (iii) Critical Analysis (iv) Problem
23. Function of Right brain is (i) creativity (ii) innovation (iii) Vision & dreams (iv) Problem Solving
(v) Decision making
24. Fishbone diagram identify 6Ms are
(i) Man (ii) Machine (iii) Mother nature (iv) Method (v) Materials (vi) Measurements
25. RCA stands for Root Cause Analysis. And RCFA stand for root cause failure analysis.
26. 2.5 billions monthly active user of Facebook.
27. The 5 AM Club written by Robin Sharma.
28. Think and grow rich written by Napoleon Hill.
29. 7 Habit of highly effective people Written by Stephen Covel
30. Rich Dad Poor Dad Written by Robert Kivski
31. 21 Laws of leadership written by Johan Maxwell
32. 5Rs of leaderships are Right, Relationship, Results, Reproduction, Respect.
33. Time management refers to the way that we organize and plan how long we spend on specific
34. “Extraverts” are energized by other people and the outside world.( Active, outward, Many, Talk
it out)
35. “Introverts” are energized by time alone. (Reflection, inward, few, Think it through)
36. VMOSA stand for Vision, Mission, Objective, Strategy, Action
37. KSA stand for knowledge skill attitude
38. Vision is a clear, comprehensive ‘photograph’ of a person or organization at some point in the
39. OR it describe the WHAT i.e. what you are trying to achieve in the future.
40. Near Miss 600 time
41. Fishbone diagram identify 6Ms are
(i) Man (ii) Machine (iii) Mother nature (iv) Method (v) Materials (vi) Measurements
42. Utilize 20/20/20 formula i.e. 20 minute exercise 20 minute prayer & 20 minute planning.
43. Stress is a mental condition which occurs when pressure id greater than resources.
44. Presentation Skills are (i) Plan (ii) Prepare (iii) Practice (iv) Present
45. Leadership = to develop the quality of life of others
46. Manager = to manage the plan and execute the work within available resources.
47. 5 level of leadership are Position, Permission, Production, People Development, pinnacle.
48. 6 hats of During meeting (DO) is (i) Objective (White hat), (ii) Intuitive (Red Hat),
(iii) Negative (Black hat) (iv) Positive (Yellow Hat) (v) Creative (Green Hat) and
(vi) Process (Blue Hat)
49. Presentation Skills are (i) Plan (ii) Prepare (iii) Practice (iv) Present
50. The effective meeting process is (i) Before Meeting (Plan) (ii) During meeting (Do)
(iii) After meeting (Review)
51. 4Ds are Delete, Delay, Delegate, do
52. Five categories of processing methods are
1. Casting 2. Forming and shaping 3. Machining 4. Joining 5. finishing
53. Material properties are
54. Batch Production Process is used when
a. There is shorter production run. b. Plant & machinery are flexible.
c. Every batch of production requires changes in the plants and machinery set-up.
55. Elements of Cost in POF are Direct Labour, Direct materials, Indirect Labour, Indirect materials,
Overheads (Fixed Overhead & variable overheads)
56. Prime cost is consisting of Direct Labor + Direct Materials
57. Marginal Cost is consisting of Prime Cost + Variable Overheads (VOH)
58 Full Cost is consisting of Marginal Cost + Fixed Overheads (FOH)
59. Type of maintenance are (i) Corrective / Breakdown Maintenance (ii) Preventive Maintenance
(iii) Predictive Maintenance
60. There are three type of schedule maintenance,
(i) Schedule -A (Minimum 02 x time /year) (ii) Schedule -B (once in a year)
(iii) Schedule -C (Once in 03 Years)
61. 5S are Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain
62. Kind of waste are
1. Solid Wastes: Wastes in solid forms, domestic, commercial & industrial wastes (Plastics,
bottles, cans, papers, scrap iron, and other trash).
2. Liquid Wastes: Wastes in liquid form (Chemicals, oils, waste water from ponds, industries
& other sources).
3.Bio-degradable: can be degraded (paper, wood, fruits etc.)
4.Non-biodegradable: cannot be degraded (plastics, cans, Styrofoam containers etc.)
5. Hazardous Wastes: (Ignitability, Corrosively, Reactivity, Toxicity)
6.Non-hazardous: Substances safe to use commercially, industrially, agriculturally or
economically & do not have any of the properties mentioned above.
63. 5 R’s of Waste Management are Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle
64. Worldwide, waste generated per person per day averages 0.74 kilogram but ranges widely, from
0.11 to 4.54 kilograms
65. DOS stand for Defense Order Supply.
66. OEE stand for Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE= A × P × Q)
67. QA dept was established in 1996 to inspect proof of Export and LEA orders.
68. IDA (Inspection Directorate Armaments) inspect only army orders.
69. ES = Earliest Start Time, LS = Latest Start Time, EF = Earliest Finish Time, LF = Latest Finish Tim
70. ERP stand for Enterprise Resource Plan
71. ERP = Enterprises (Business), Resource (Money, Manpower, Material, Machining, Marketing and
Methods), Plan (Effective application & optimization of resources)
72. APFSDS Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Disordering Sabot
73. BBRA Base Bleed Rocket Assistance
74. Disagreement between people is called conflict.
75. Modernization means procurement of latest Plant, Machines and Technology to improve the
production process.
76. BMRE stand for
Balancing (To sustain existing capacity.)
Modernization (To increase efficiency and productivity)
Replacement ( To replace outlived machines so as to reduce down time and overheads)
Expansion (To enhance production capacity to meet assigned targets and future needs)
77. What is Secrete Act 1923?
The law makes it a criminal offence for current or former government employees to leak certain
types of information considered "damaging". These cover areas including security and
intelligence, defence and international relations.
78. IP stand for Ingress Protection.
79. IP 65 dust tight and protected against moisture.
80. R&D (Research & Development) established ON 4TH Oct’ 1984.
81. Stock Code known as Identification Number of item and consist of 11 digit.
57 – 1016 – 710- 11
Broad Category description/nomenclature indicate size, color concerned Group / M. C
57 1016 710 11
82. PSI stand for Pre-shipment Inspection
83. FAT stand for Final Acceptance Test
84. OEM stand for Original Equipment Manufacture
85. PPRA stand for Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
86. SDF stand for Special Development Fund
87. RD&R stand for Revenue Debt and Remittance

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