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Year 4 Homework Date 8.7.


Reading You need to read at least three times, for 20 minutes, before Friday 15th July 2022.
You should have three signitures in your reading record as evidence.
You will be able to take Accelerated Reader quizzes from home using the following
Numeracy This week you will be required to complete a gig or work towards your next gig on timetables
rockstars Friday 15th July 2022
We expect to see that you have spent approximately 10-20 minutes working on timestable
rockstars across the week.
Timestables are a big focus for year 4 – we would love to see all children extremely confident
with their timestables so we will be giving you focus timestables that have been deemed the most
tricky each week – please use spare minutes, car journeys etc to keep practising and asking these
timestables (alongside your usual practise) and we will also be focusing on these in class. Please
use a combination of questions.
Example: 3 X 4 = 12 … 3X4 =? 4X3= ? 4X? =12 3X ? = 12
This link will also take you to an alternative version of the timestable test so please do use this as
an extra practise.
Focus for this week:
6x7 7x8 7x12 7x11 7x9
If you would like to complete some more maths homework please continue with timetables
rockstars practise.
Literacy This week you will be set one Literacy IXL activity to complete by Friday 15th July 2022. You can,
homework complete more activities if you wish.
Group 1: QQ.1
Group 2: QQ.2
Group 3: QQ.3
Spellings For the children’s spelling homework, we ask that they write all spellings out three times and pick
5 words to turn into sentences in their homework books.
If the children are unsure of the meaning of a word, they should use a dictionary to look it up;
this is a skill we encourage at the Junior School.
The spellings will be tested on Friday 15th July 2022
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
calendar calendar calendar would
caught caught caught everyone
centre centre centre through
century century century things
certain certain certain never
circle circle circle
complete complete
consider consider
Science spellings
Reminders Please remember to ask your child to check their pencil cases to ensure they have all the
equipment they need; this includes having their own glue stick with their name on.
Now the weather is getting warmer, please ensure your child has a hat, a water bottle and
PE kit days next week:
4T – Monday, Tuesday and Friday
4C – Monday and Wednesday
4R – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
4F – Monday and Tuesday
4O – Monday
4N – Monday and Friday
Next week Maths : Length and Weight
Literacy: We will be writing a diary entry based on a character from a video.

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