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Hydraulic Engineering



Dr. Mohd Hafiz Zawawi

Assoc Prof Dr. Ir. Lariyah Mohd. Sidek
Flow in Open Channel

Steady Flow Unsteady Flow

Uniform Flow Non Uniform Flow

Rapidly varied Flow

Gradually Varied Flow
(Hydraulic Jump)
The following classification is made according to
the change in flow depth with respect to time and space.
 The gradually varied flow is the steady flow which
depth varies gradually along the length of the

 This definition signifies two conditions;

 The flow is steady & the hydraulic characteristics

of flow remain constant for the time interval
under consideration

 The streamlines are practically parallel; that

hydrostatic distribution of pressure prevails over
the channel section
 The theories thus developed practically all hinge on
following assumptions:
 The head loss at a section is the same as for a uniform
flow having the velocity and hydraulic radius of the
• The uniform flow formula (Chezy @ Manning) may be used to
evaluate the energy slope of gradually varied flow at a given
channel section and the corresponding coefficient of
roughness developed primarily for uniform flow is applicable to
the varied flow
 The slope of the channel is small so that the depth of
flow is the same whether the vertical or normal (to a
channel bottom) direction is used
 The channel is prismatic; that is, the channel has
constant alignment and shape
 The roughness coefficient is independent of the depth
of flow and constant throughout the channel reach
under consideration
Classification of Open-Channel Flows
 Obstructions cause the flow depth to vary.
 Rapidly varied flow (RVF) occurs over a short distance
near the obstacle.
 Gradually varied flow (GVF) occurs over larger distances
and usually connects UF and RVF.

 In GVF, y and V vary slowly,
and the free surface is
 In contrast to uniform flow, Sf
 S0. Now, flow depth
reflects the dynamic
balance between gravity,
shear force, and inertial
 To derive how the depth
varies with x, consider the
total head
Let’s evaluate H, total energy, as a
function of x.

Take derivative,

Where H = total energy head

z = elevation head,
v2/2g = velocity head
•Given the Froude number, we can simplify and solve
for - dy/dx as a function of measurable parameters

*Note that the eqn blows up when Fr = 1 and goes to

zero if So = S, the case of uniform OCF.

where , Sf = total energy slope Sf = n2Q2 / (Rh4/3A2)

So = bed slope,
dy/dx = water surface slope Fr2 = v2/gy
Classification of Flow Profiles
 This result is important. It permits
classification of liquid surface profiles
as a function of Fr, S0, Sf, and initial
 Bed slope S0 is classified as
 Steep : yo < yc or so>sc
 Critical : yo = yc or so= sc
 Mild : yo > yc or so< sc
 Horizontal : S0 = 0
 Adverse : S0 < 0

 Initial depth is given a zone

 Zone 1 : y > yo
• The space above both critical and
normal depth
 Zone 2 : yc < y < y0
• The region lies between the normal
and critical depth
 Zone 3 : y < yc
• The lowest zone of space that lies
above the channel bed but below
both critical and normal depth lines
Hydraulic Classification of Slopes for Water Surface
Gradually Varied Flow
Gradually Varied Flow

 Typical Open Channel

system involves several
sections of different
slopes, with transitions

 Overall surface profile is

made up of individual
profiles described on
previous slides
Characteristic of Flow Profile
 The dynamic equation of GVF developed expresses
the longitudinal surface slope of the flow with respect
to the channel bottom. It can be used to describe the
characteristics of various flow profile or profile of the
water surface of flow. Assume the channel is prismatic.

 The flow profile represent the surface curve of the

 It will represent a backwater curve if the depth of
flow increases in the direction of flow (dy/dx = +ve)

 and a drawdown curve if the depth of flow

decreases in the direction of flow (dy/dx = - ve) .

dy = so 1- (yc / y)N = so A
dx 1 –(yo / y)M B

Backwater - dy/dx = +ve

y > yo ; A = +ve y < yo < yc (M1)
y > yc ; B = +ve
dy/dx = so A/B = +ve/ +ve = +ve

Drawdown - dy/dx = -ve

yo > y ; A = -ve yo > y > yc (M2)
y > y c; B = +ve
dy/dx = so A/B = -ve/ +ve = -ve

For yo > yc > y , (M3)

yo > y ; A = -ve
yc > y ; B = -ve
dy/dx = so A/B = -ve/ -ve = +ve

Therefore; backwater curve

 From all the equations the derivations show
the changes of water depth (y) for some
distances/lengths (x). By using the
integration method in those equations, we
can know,

 Depth (y) at some distances/lengths (x)

 Distances/lengths from one point to one

point when both depth are known
 There are several method to obtain surface
water profile. There are;

 Direct Integration
 Numerical Integration
 Direct Step Method
 Graphical Integration
 Numerical/Computer Methods
Course Outcomes:

1. Classify water surface profile

(M1, S1 etc.)
2. Calculate the depth of the flow
using Direct step method
3. Calculate the depth of the flow
using Standard step method

Review: A rectangular open channel
has bottom width (Bw) of 5 m and
a slope (S0) of 0.005. The channel
roughness is 0.030. For a flow rate
of 50m3/s, determine
1. the normal depth for the flow (yn)?
2. the critical depth for the flow (yc)?
3. the Froude number?
 3.34m , 2.17m
Specific Energy Equations

1/2/201 28
Review of Normal Depth & RVF
Direct step method
– The direct step method is a simple step
method applicable to prismatic channel.
– In general, a step method is characterized
by dividing the channel into short reaches
and carrying the computation step by step
from one end of the reach to the other.
Direct Step Method
– Equating the total head at the two end section 1 and 2, the
following may be written;

y1 + v²/2g + z1 = y2 + v²/2g + z2 + hL
E1 + (z1 - z2 ) = E2 + hL
E1 + so ∆x = E2 + sf ∆x
∆x (so - sf ) = E2 - E1
∆x = (E2 - E1 )/ (so - sf )
Where E1 = y1+v12/2g
Sf = n2Q2/(A2R4/3 ) = n2v2/R4/3
Sf = (Sf1+Sf2 )/2

Calculation dx start for Backwater is the highest side. dy/dx=+ve

Calculation dx start for Drawdown is the lowest side. dy/dx=-ve
Procedure to use Direct Step Method
1. Find E2 for downstream control point and
given Q
2. Choose depth y1 at the upstream point for
which we want to find x
3. Find V1 and hence E1
4. Find Sf from above for V1 and V2 Compute
average Sf
5. Use to find x
Table: Direct Step Method
1. y = water depth (m)
2. R = A/P = hydraulic radius or y for very wide
3. v = q/y = flow velocity
5. E = y + v²/2g = specific energy
6. ∆E = E2 - E1 = energy loss
7. sf = slope energy grade line = n2v2 = v2
R4/3 C2 R
8. sf1 avg = (sf1 + sf2)/2 = EGL slope average
9. (so – sf avg ) = slope different
10. ∆x = reach = ∆E / (so - sf )
11. L = length of surface water profile which is
calculate from dam
Direct Step Method
– A trapezoidal channel has bed width B=8.0m, side
slope ratio 2:1, The manning’s n is 0.025 and it is laid
on a slope 0.001. if the channels ends in a freefall,
compute the water surface profile for a discharge
of 30m3/s.
– Step1 : Find yn and yc.
 Normal depth of the flow yn=1.7538 m and
– Step 2: Determine profile type
 M2
– Calculation from 1.0298m to 1.7538m
– Calculation from 1.03m, inc 0.01 to 1.745m
Mild: M2

yn=1.754 m
yc=1.03 m
Thank you
 The very wide rectangular channel carry the
water at 2.5 m3/s/m with channel bed slope,
0.001 and n= 0.025.
 Find the length of back water which is
happened from one dam and obtained the
2 m water depth at the dam’s back.
 The calculation must from the dam to
upstream until the water surface is 1% higher
than normal depth.
 Show your calculation until level 4 only.
Numerical Integration
For this method, all equation before can rewrite in
finite diference.
i. For any prismatic channel
dy = ∆y = so 1 – (Ko /K)2
dx ∆x 1- (Q2T/gA3)

∆x = ∆y 1 – (Q2T/gA3)
so 1- (Ko /K)2

ii. For rectangular channel

dy = ∆y = so 1 – (Ko /K)2
dx ∆x 1 – (yc / y)3

∆x = ∆y 1 – (yc / y)3
so 1- (Ko /K)2
iii. For very wide rectangular channel
∆x = ∆y 1- (yc / y)3 Chezy

s 1 –(yo / y)3

∆x = ∆y 1- (yc / y)3 Manning

s 1 – (yo / y)10/3
If the channel length (L) divide by several small
distances /lengths, it can call reach (∆x), therefore

∆x = length for each reache = L / no of reaches

∆y = the change of water depth in each reach yi+1 – yi
y = average for water depth in each reach (yi+1 – yi)/2
1. Find yo and yc
2. Calculate ∆y and α
3. Fill in the table

A B α x A/B

y ybar (average) 1- (yc / ybar)3 1 – (yo / ybar)10/3 ∆x

∑∆x = L
Solution for example

A B 120 x A/B
y (average) 1- (yc / ybar)3 1 – (yo / ybar)10/3 ∆x

2.00 - 1.88 1.94 0.913 0.576 190.270

1.88 - 1.76 1.82 0.894 0.475 225.924

1.76 - 1.64 1.70 0.871 0.341 306.241

1.64 - 1.52 1.58 0.839 0.159 632.893

∑∆x = L 1355.328
Direct Step Method
 In general, a step method is characterized by
dividing the channel into short reaches and
carrying the computation step by step from one
end of the reach to the other. The direct step
method is a simple step method applicable to
prismatic channel.
 Equating the total head at the two end section 1
and 2, the following may be written;

y1 + v²/2g + z1 = y2 + v²/2g + z2 + hL
E1 + (z1 - z2 ) = E2 + hL
E1 + so ∆x = E2 + sf ∆x
∆x (so - sf ) = E2 - E1
E = specific energy at one point = y + v²/2g
sf = slope energy grade line
= n2v2 = v2
R4/3 C2R
1. Find yo and yc
2. Fill in the table

1+4 n2v2
A/P q/y (y+v2/2g) E2 -E1 /R4/3 6/9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
So -
y R v v2/2g E ∆E Sf Sfbar Sfbar ∆x L

- - - - -
1. y = water depth (m)
2. R = A/P = hydraulic radius or y for very wide
3. v = q/y = flow velocity
4. v²/2g = kinetic energy
5. y + v²/2g = E = specific energy
6. E2 - E1 = ∆E = energy loss
7. sf = slope energy grade line = n2v2 = v2
R4/3 C 2R
8. (sf1 – sf2)/2 = EGL slope average

9. (so - sf ) = slope different

10. ∆x = reach = ∆E / (so - sf )
11. L = length of surface water profile which is calculate
from dam
Solution for example

So = 0.001

q= 2.5

n= 0.025

A/P q/y (y+v2/2g) E2 -E1 n2v2 /R4/3 6/9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

y R v v2/2g E ∆E Sf Sfbar So - Sfbar ∆x L

2.00 2.00 1.25 0.08 2.08 - 0.00039 - - - -

1.88 1.88 1.33 0.09 1.97 -0.11 0.00048 0.00043 0.00057 -192.776 -192.776

1.76 1.76 1.42 0.10 1.86 -0.11 0.00059 0.00053 0.00047 -230.676 -423.452

1.64 1.64 1.52 0.12 1.76 -0.10 0.00075 0.00067 0.00033 -318.489 -741.941

1.52 1.52 1.64 0.14 1.66 -0.10 0.00097 0.00086 0.00014 -714.146 -1456.09

L= 1456.09 m
Normal Depth

Q = A.R .S
2/3 1/2 / n

• R = A / Pwetted
Critical Depth
 Q2 / g = A3 / Tsurface

Froude / Critical Depth

 F = Q bsurface / g A
2 2 3

** F = 1  Y is critical depth

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