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Student’s Quarter: 4

School: Week: 3
Date: Subject: English 8

Rhyme, Rhyme Scheme, Metrical Scansion

I. Expectations/Learning Objectives

1. define 'rhyme scheme;

2. Determine the rhyme scheme of a poem; and,
3. Do the metrical scansion.

II. Pre-test

Direction: Give any word that rhymes with the given words. Number 1 is done for you.

3. Hot, cat, fat, bath 1. Butterfly, shy multiply, ________

4. Home, some, ____________ 2. Kite, light, write, _________

5. Funny, money, crazy, __________ 10. Young, tongue,__________

6. Daily, finally, _________

7. Lavish, ________

8. Dream. Team, seam, __________

9. Establish, finish, ________

III. Concept Notes/Learning Discussion

In this module, you will learn about one of the Elements of Poetry, the Rhyme. Rhyme
can help us understand the words that share common sounds and often share common
letters. On the other hand, Rhyme scheme is an integral part of the constitution of a poem,
which includes meter, length of phrase, and rhythm. In fact, rhyme scheme, like other writing
tools, is used to create balance and relieve tension, manage flow, create rhythm, and
highlight important ideas. Its basic function is to form units of sound and suggest units of

Rhyme Example:
 Words sounds alike because Hector the Collector
they have same ending sound Collected bits of string String and ring
 A word always rhymes with Collected dolls with broken heads have the same
itself. And rusty bells that would not ring. ending sounds so
 Not all poems rhyme! they rhyme.

Lamp Both share the short “a” vowel sound.
Stamp Both share the combined “mp” sound

Rhyme Scheme:
-A rhyme scheme is a pattern of rhyme.
-use the letters of the alphabet to represent sounds to be able to visually “see” the pattern.
-always start with “A” and go in alphabetical order.
-the ending words of lines that rhymes with each other get the same letter of the alphabet
The Monster Chef -always label the first line with “A”
Meal gets the letter “A” as its label
The monster chef cooked up a meal, A
The go to the next line and look at the last word. Does Eel sounds like
Of spotted toad and speckled eel. A meal? Yes! because those two words rhyme, then, that’s also gonna
get the Letter “A”
He threw some socks into a pot B
Next line, does “pot” rhyme with “eel” and “meal”? no! so
And boiled buttons piping hot B you’re going to the next letter of the alphabet, so that
going to be “B”

Which ending sound does “hot” rhymes with? That going

to be “pot” so that’s another “B”.
By Ogden Nash
A mighty creature is the germ. A
Though smaller than the pachyderm. A Notice that lines 7 and 8 goes back to rhyme
His customary dwelling place B “A” because one sound or rhyme is equal to
one letter. That would mean you go back to
Is deep within the human race B
the letter of the first rhymes it is similar
His childish pride he often pleases C with.
By giving people strange diseases. C
Do you, my poppet feel infirm? A
You probably contain a germ. A
IV. Learning Exercises/Activities

Activity 1:
Direction: Identify the Rhyme Scheme of the poems

1. The Road Not Taken

By Robert Frost 2.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, ______ Marty smarty went to a party _______
And sorry I could not travel both ______ In her jumbo jet. _______
And be one traveler, long I stood ______
And looked down one as far as I could ______ After tea she jumped in the sea _______
To where it bent in the undergrowth; ______
And got her pants all wet _______
Then took the other, as just as fair, ______
And having perhaps the better claim, ______
Because it was grassy and wanted wear; ______ 3. A farmer’s boy
Though as for that the passing there ______
Had worn them really about the same, ______
They strolled down the lane together ________
And both that morning equally lay ______ The sky was studded with stars ________
In leaves no step had trodden black. ______ They reached the gate in silence ________
Oh, I kept the first for another day! ______
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, ______ And he lifted down the bars ________
I doubted if I should ever come back. ______
She neither smiled nor thanked him _______
I shall be telling this with a sigh ______ Because she knew knot how; ________
Somewhere ages and ages hence: ______ For he was just a farmer’s boy ________
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I ______
I took the one less traveled by, ______ And she was a jersey cow. ________
And that has made all the difference. ______

Activity 2:
Direction: Encircle the letter of the best answer
1. Instead of a paragraph, in poetry we call the chunks...
a. stanzas
b. sections

2. What does it mean for a poem to have an ABAB rhyme scheme?

a. The first and third line of the poem rhyme with each other and the second and fourth
line of the poem also rhyme.
b. The poem only has four-letter words
3. in a rhyme scheme, each letter corresponds to…
a. a single line
b. a specific type of rhyme
4. What is the most logical line to complete the poem?
Mary had a little poodle
All day long she ate a __________
a. noodle
b. lamb

5. What is the rhyme scheme?


Activity 3:
Direction: Create a 2 stanza poem with 5 lines each stanza using the Rhyme Scheme

V. Post-Test

Direction: In 3-4 sentences, complete the statement:

The selection, discussion, and activities in this lesson make me

Great job!

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