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Social Project

Statement of purpose (SOP) and advantages of Social Projects:

1. Provides a platform for experiential learning and critical thinking abilities.

2. Understand the social problem and interact with the respondents.
3. Evaluate the social needs and to provide solutions
4. Enhances students innovative, problem solving and creative thinking skills for
societal problems.
Social Project:

17 Goals to Transform Our World

The sustainable development are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-
income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending
poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range
of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while
tackling climate change and environmental protection.

1. Student can select topic from UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Note: Student can select any social problem apart from the sustainable development
goals topics after the approval from the guide.

I.Quaility Education : Goal 4

Source :
Education for all has always been an integral part of the sustainable development agenda.
There is growing international recognition of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
as an integral element of quality education and a key enabler for sustainable development.
There is growing international recognition of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
as an integral element of quality education and a key enabler for sustainable development.

Introduction -Evidence for action - Source :ASER REPORT

When ordinary people are empowered with knowledge, they can bring about extraordinary change.

Measurement, which is critical to generating knowledge, has been an exclusive domain of experts. We believe

that measurement needs to be rigorous, but easy to understand and to act upon. When ordinary people learn to

measure what affects their lives, they can communicate with each other across villages, states, nations, and

continents, to identify and understand their problems, take steps to resolve them, and change the
world for the better.

II.Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being


“Ensure Healthy lives and promote well being for all at all ages.”

In recent years, there has been increasing acknowledgement of the important role mental
health plays in achieving global development goals, as illustrated by the inclusion of mental
health in the Sustainable Development Goals.

physically and mentally challenged children are made subjects of sympathy. We should
remember that a physically or mentally challenged child has rights too and more than sympathy,
the child requires our empathy. More often than not, physical and mental disability is considered
a curse in society. The families of such children treat them as a burden. But we forget that these
children have special needs which we need to fulfill.

Chapter-1: Introduction
The social project undertaken by us the students of MBA 1st year [2021-2023] was about the kids in a
Zilla Parishad School, a school for children in the area of P.M Palem looked after by the government
body. Each one of us were assigned 2 school students, to interview and fill in the questionnaire; which
tests the knowledge, skills, and abilty of the said students.

Need/significance of the study:

 Need: a questionnaire is a survey method used to find out a specific outcome of the study or
to just understand the state of mind of the sample, based on the objective of the study.
 The study was meant to analyse the level of scholastic knowledge possessed by the students
of the same grade and of different grades of academia.
 The same questionnaire was used by the surveyors(us) for the whole sample in the school.
This helped us determine what the academic ability of these students.
 The responses of the study, helped us triangulate where the students stand in terms of
academic prowess.

Objectives of the study:

 To understand and triangulate the level of academic prowess of the students in the school.
 To scale the lapses of the students, if any.
 To know the family income of the childrem’s family.
 To know if both the parents work or if it is a single income family.
 To know the employment satatus of the kid’s parents.
 To know the living conditions of these children.
 To see how well looked after the kids are at school.
 To know the overall hyfiene of the area the children live in, their homes and their colonies.

Scope of the study:

 The scope of the study goes from the kids, their parents, the school, the teachers and the
school management.
 The academic level of the students.
 The health and hygiene of the students.
 The living conditions of the students.
 The siblings of the students.
 Income level and employment of parents.

Data collection method:

The data was collected by the surveyors from the sample using the questionnaire method, where
the surveyors pose a set of fixed, recorded questions to the sample, for them to answer.

Limitations of the study:

 The survey is limited by the availability of only a few set of students.
 The survey was limited by time.
 Only one ZP school was the sample.

Chapter-2 : Topic Related Concepts:

The selected topic was education of students studying in a government run and aided school.
 To check the academic prowess we made the students identify the alphabet, made
them read sentences in English and Telugu and made them do a few simple
mathematic problems.

Chapter-3: Analysis of the study:

 Upon conducting a survey for 2 kids and filling the questions out, I could analyse that
the level of income, living conditions, anf education of one kid were very poor.
The 2nd kid was bright and has a lot of promise in him, he was very enthusiastic.
Chapter-4: Findings, Suggestions, Implications &
 Despite the kids are being taught by the same teacher with the same infrastreucture.
The grasping and assimilatyion of this knowledge is different from one kid to
 The varying household conditions and nurture coukd be the reasons as to why the
difference between the two kids was so very contrasting.
 Both kids seemed to be on the same plane on grounds of overall intellect, but one was
better than the when it came to academia. One kid needed a little push for him to get
through with the questionnaire whilst the other boy didn’t need so much of a push.

 I would like to suggest tthat ample time be given for the surveyors to finish the survey.
 The questionnaire was generic and the same for all grades. It has to change from one grade to
another in order to be accurate.
 Preparation to be done by the surveyors, regarding the survey and the sample.

 A few students didn’t know much about the background of their parents as they were too
young to know.

 The kids were great, they have a lot of promise, provided they are nurtured and channelized
towards the right path.
 The survey wasn’t complete, as we had to explain to the kids what to do every time they were
posed a question and we didn’t have the luxury of whiling away that much time.

Refernces of Secondary Data:

UNO sustainable development goals.

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