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GITAM (Deemed to be University), Visakhapatnam

GITAM school of business



“School Education-Study Relating to the Performance of School Student”

School: Zilla Parishad School, Chinnagadili, Visakhapatnam



Chapter - 1 Introduction

i. Need/significance of Study

ii. Objectives of the study

iii. Scope of the study

iv. Data collection method

V. Limitations of the study

Chapter 2: Topic-related concepts

Chapter 3: Analysis of Study

Chapter-4: Findings, Suggestions, Implications & Conclusions

Chapter -5: References


Introduction: The social project motto is to change the living conditions of the
children, people, or backward sections. The intention is to improve the lifestyles of
those people by giving awareness which helps them to face their daily challenges in a
better manner. Education is one of the basic rights in this country but even after so
many decades, some kids are not getting their basic rights. Parents can’t afford the
high fees in private schools so they are going to join their kids in government schools
but because lack of monitoring the students are not reaching the mark.

i) Need for the Social Project: On one side of the country people are having all
the facilities for a better life but on the other side many people lack basic needs like
food, shelter, water & basic education. The social project helps people like us
(students & youth) to know about the other side of the country’s own people’s
problems so that we can actively participate in these kinds of programs. The concept
of a social project seeks to maintain the balance between three fundamental points
that give meaning to its existence: the fragility of the individual, which can lead to a
lack, which must be resolved through the responsibility of the social worker.

ii) Objectives of the study: To know about the standards of the Government
schools and the quality of the education they’re providing to the kids who are
studying there.

* To know about the reason for school dropouts.

* To know about the quality of the mid-day meal scheme provided to the kids.

* To know about the kid’s health & hygienic measures they are taking in their
surroundings & at home.

iii) Scope of the study: The scope of the study is important to define as it enables
a surveyor to focus their research within achievable parameters. It means up to what
extent can we research & parameters within the study will be operating. Here I got
the chance to meet & interact with a few students to collect information.

iv) Data Collection Method: In this survey, I collected the data directly from the
students as a primary source for the report which helps me to know about the pros
& cons personally. For secondary data, I referred to some articles & publications
available in the public domain.
v) Limitations of the Study: For each & every study there are some limitations
exist, in the same way, there are some limitations existed in this study as these
responses were collected from kids of age between 7-12, so we can’t come to
accurate conclusions in all parts of the survey & some may vary according to the
respondent’s views.



* School Dropouts: It means students who discontinued their basic education

because of various reasons. The Unified District Information system for Education
Plus (UDISE+) revealed that the annual dropout rate of secondary school students
was 14.6% in the academic year 202-2021 in INDIA.

* Malnutrition: Lack of sufficient nutrients in the body. Malnutrition occurs when

the body doesn't get enough nutrients. Causes include a poor diet, digestive
conditions, or another disease. Symptoms are fatigue, dizziness, and weight loss.
Untreated malnutrition can cause physical or mental disability. According to the
ministry of women & child development of India Malnourishment of children
(stunting, wasting, and underweight) under 5 years has reduced as per NHFS-5
(2019-21) from 38.4% to 35.5%, 21.0% to 19.3% and 35.8% to 32.1% respectively as
compared to NHFS-4 (2015-16).

* Mid-day meal scheme: The CCEA cleared the PM POSHAN

(Poshan Shakti Nirman) Scheme for providing one hot cooked meal in Government
and Government-aided schools from 2021-22 to 2025-26, earlier known as ‘National
Programme for Mid-Day Meal in Schools’ popularly known as Mid-Day Meal Scheme.
This is a Centrally-Sponsored Scheme that covers all school children studying in
Classes I-VIII in Government, Government-Aided Schools.

* Literacy Rate: The ability to Read & write is known as literate. According to the
report published by the National Survey of India, the Literacy Rate of India in 2022
is 77.7%.

* Safe Drinking Water: The provision of water at schools is one of the 'highly
effective practices in increasing access and learning outcomes. In addition to the
necessity of water to maintain personal and environmental hygiene, reducing
student dehydration in schools has been associated with improved cognitive


I went to the Zilla Parishad School, Chinnagadili & I was allotted 2 male students named
Praveen Kumar & Janaki Jaswanth. I collected the data from these students personally as
the primary source & all the analysis depends upon the information collected from the


 Firstly, Praveen Kumar studying class 4 and living with his parents & one sibling. His
parents are illiterates & daily wagers with nominal benefits getting from the Government.
They are consisting of UIDAI (aadhar). He is a regular student of the classwork & according
to him, he’s getting the quality mid-day-meal from his school. He wanted to be a Police
officer in the future.

* Education: He’s good at Reading, recognizing skill words, & Fluency in the reading of
English. He’s excellent in number recognition, good at subtraction, & poor in both divisions
and additions. Shockingly he’s poor at reading letters in his mother tongue. He said that
they don’t have a computer facility & he knows the operating of the computer.

* Health and Hygiene: He’s a healthy child getting time to time vaccines from the school
authorities & irregular health check-ups in school. His parents used to take him to the
hospital in case of fever or any health problems. He used to take the bath daily & getting
safe drinking water. He used to eat leafy vegetables daily & wash his hands before & after
having food. He’s not aware of the causes of malaria, dengue, typhoid, & chikungunya, etc.

* Sanitation: He’s not aware of Swatch Bharat but uses dustbins for disposing of the
wastage. According to him, their streets were unclean. He’s having the toilets at both home
& school with a water connection.

* Sports and Games: He used to play Kabaddi & he’s happy with the playground facility. He’s
getting enough encouragement to spend the time on sports & games.
 Secondly, Janaki Jaswanth studying class 4 and living with his parents & two siblings. His
parents are illiterates & his father is an Auto Driver with nominal benefits getting from the
Government. They are consisting of UIDAI (aadhar). He is a regular student of the classwork
& according to him, he’s not satisfied with the mid-day-meal from his school. He wanted to
be a Police officer in the future.

* Education: He’s good at Reading, recognizing skill words, & Fluency in the reading of
English. He’s poor in mathematics. He’s poor at reading letters in his mother tongue. He said
that they don’t have a computer facility & he doesn’t know the operating of the computer.

* Health and Hygiene: He’s a healthy child getting time to time vaccines from the school
authorities & regular health check-ups in school once a quarter. His parents used to take
him to the hospital in case of fever or any health problems. He used to take the bath daily &
getting safe drinking water. He used to eat leafy vegetables daily & wash his hands before &
after having food. He’s aware of the causes of malaria, dengue, typhoid, & chikungunya, etc
through his teacher.

* Sanitation: He’s not aware of Swatch Bharat but uses dustbins for disposing of the
wastage. According to him, their streets were unclean & having an underground drainage
system. He’s having the toilets at both home & school without a water connection in the

* Sports and Games: He used to play Kabaddi and Kho-Kho & he’s happy with the
playground facility. He’s getting enough encouragement to spend the time on sports &

Note: Both the students were school dropouts in their initial days of schooling which costs
them a lack of basics in their mother tongue & basic mathematics.

Findings, Suggestions, Implications & Conclusions

* Findings: The students are only good in some subjects.

* They’re happy with the kind of infrastructure to them but some students are sitting on
the floor. Not sufficient classrooms & cleaning staff.

* Lack of Teaching Staff.

* Not sufficient toilets in their school, they’re defecation openly.

* Teachers are facing issues with sudden changes from Telugu medium to English

* Suggestions:

* Teachers need to implement new techniques to involve the students more efficiently.

* Students need to be more Discipline.

* Need to improve the infrastructure like sitting benches, computer facilities, toilets &
quality of the education.

* Need to tell the importance of Library & how books can give a better citizen to the
country’s development.

* Need to tell the importance of failure & success at an early stage only to avoid pressuring
themselves from the studies.

* Teachers need to guide them into different types of respected professions (dignity of
labor). Need to talk about the importance of NCC & NSS.

* Sports as a career.
* Implications:

* Teachers need to adapt to the new education policy which was launched on 2020 which
was the biggest challenge to them & they need to prepare themselves accordingly to it.

* Recruiting a sufficient number of Teachers according to the strength of the students.

* Private Schools & Corporate schools are attracting a greater number of students.

* Conclusion:

There are many Government schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Beti Bachao-Beti Padao,
etc to attract students to schools but there is a lack of dedication towards all these schemes
& the ground realities are completely different. Proper interventions are not taken and
followed by the officials or staff at the school level resulting in nullifying the efforts of the
government as a whole. There is a lack of supervision & complete negligence of the officials
in utilizing the funds & many times funds are misguided into various other activities.
Government schools need to ready themselves as competitors of the corporate schools &
need to change the perception of the public that Government schools are meant for poor
people. Irrespective of poor & rich every one need to go to school for a better society.

References of the Secondary Data:
dropout-rates-of-female-school-students/cid/1858585 - for school dropouts
%20children%20(stunting%2C%20wasting,from%2022.9%25%20to%2018.7%25.- for malnutrition - mid-day meal scheme

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