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“Talk Show” script:

(Prepare the set with 3 chairs)

MC enters and says welcome to everyone: “Welcome all of you to our talk show
“AIESEC and Me” today. As you may know, to come up with such a big and meaningful
show like this took us a lot of researches and concerns. We have to make sure our show
present something that is very important to a wide range of audiences, as in the case here
are the students all over Vietnam. Therefore, among many topics that we came across, we
have chosen “student organizations” as our main object. And finally after a lot of
consideration, we have found an organization that is big enough, professional enough and
most importantly interesting enough to begin with our show. Can you guess which one is
that? (stop for a moment and smile) Of course, it’s no other than AEISEC, one of the
biggest student-run organizations not just in Vietnam but actually, all over the world. So
to understand more about this organization, we’ve asked 4 very special people who have
already had some experiences with AIESEC, someone from the “inside”, to come here
today and share their opinion with us. Please let’s give them a round of applause
(everyone claps). Thank you”


MC: The first guest (stop, pretend to check the list and then smile evilly)Hey guys, let’s
get excited cause this is a very beautiful girl. Yeah, I know. I will not make you wait any
longer, let’s welcome to the stage Ms Linda Cường, a candidate of the member
recruitment 2010, AIESEC FTU Hanoi. (everyone claps).
MC: Hi, Linda. How are you doing?
Linda: I’m fine, thanks.
(shake hands and ask the guest to sit down)
MC: Wow, you are even more beautiful than I have thought. Do you have a boyfriend?
Linda: (Smile) No, I’m still looking for the right one (act shy and wink at a male
MC: Liar (laugh). Now tell us Linda, you are a candidate for AIESEC member
recruitment right?
Linda: Yes, I am.
MC: How did you find out about this organization?
Linda: Thanks to my friend, I accidentally know about AIESEC months ago, since then
I’ve gotten attracted to it and search for it in many ways such as: internet, friends,
website, facebook, email … so on.
MC: Well then after researching, what is the most important thing that makes you want to
become an member of AIESEC?
Linda: Initially, I simply thought that I would be so proud to work for such a professional
organization like AIESEC which benefits the students, businesses and also the society as
a whole. Later, when I studied more about it, I found out that this is an ideal working
environment for students who want to gain more experience, to sharpen their skills and
above all, to develop their leadership potential to the fullest. So that is kinda why.
MC: I have heard the recruitment process is very difficult to pass, is that right?
Linda: Uh… maybe yes, maybe no. In my view, it’s a little bit hard but really cool even if
I fail cuz’ I will get memorable time with AIESEC either way. In my opinion, each round
is for the assessor to test a particular type of skill of candidates or maybe they are
designed to reveal traits of candidates step by step, (laugh) just guess, I don’t know .
MC: Wait a minute, “each round”, that means there are more than one or two rounds in
the process right?. So exactly how many rounds are there in total?
Linda: Generally there are 4 challenging rounds we have to pass to become an
AIESECer: Application form, Assessment Center, Group Work, and of course Interview.
Plus, there will be Local training seminar to join if we are new members.
MC: And which round are you currently in?
Linda: I’m preparing for the group work in the third round.
MC: So generally speaking you still have two more to go right?
Linda: Yes.
MC: What was the most difficult thing to you during all the process?
Linda: The most difficult thing, uh … Let me think. Perhaps it is teamwork. When I take
part in a discussion, I have to show my individual potential but at the same time, we all
have to find an agreement cause that what “teamwork” is all about. In fact, I took a
chance with AIESEC before but unfortunately, I was a little nervous, became off-track
and couldn’t pass this 3rd round. Since then, I continuously practice and hope that I can
make it this time.(Smile)
MC: Wow, I have no idea it is that hard. So I’m sure you must have put a lot of time and
energy into this one, huh?
Linda: (Smile)
MC: Well, I admire you for the determination, wish I have that too (sigh). But I guess if
it’s true then we will have to switch seats right now right?(laugh)
Linda: (laugh) you’re so funny But if you are a freshman or a sophomore, you can try,
AIESEC hold member recruitment twice a year. (wink)
MC: (act scare) I’ll think about it (smile). Now, if there is one thing you want to share
with other candidate both now and in the future, what will you say?
Linda: As for me, the selection process lasts for a long time, so candidates should be
firm, durable and determined.
MC: Thank you very much and good luck with your competition (whisper) so many guys
want to have your number, maybe we can meet outside later on (wink and smile evilly).

MC: Our next guest is a very amzing girl. She is still very young but already considered
as a potential leader of our future national economy. Let’s give it up to a member of
AIESEC FTU Hanoi, Ms. Thu Hien.(everyone claps).
(shake hands and ask the guest to sit down)
MC: It’s really great to meet you, Hien.
Hien: The honor is mine.(smile).
MC: We have just listened from Ms. Linda Cuong about the recruitment process, how
can you pass all that, really? And how long have you joined AIESEC?
Hien: Well, I have joined AIESEC for just more than one year, so I quite remember my
first feelings. The recruitment last year fell into my busy time when I had midterm tests.
However, I was really interested in AIESEC, so I tried my best to balance the two works.
MC: That was just so great of you. Now, everyone is curious about what happen inside
this organization. Can you tell me in your perspective, what makes AIESEC outstanding?
Hien: Like other organizations, AIESEC brings you friends and experiences. But most
importantly, AIESEC is the “Big Brother” of prestige, profession, and culture. At
AIESEC, you are inspired and drilled to become a real leader. In short, AIESEC is “a
mine of leaders”.
MC: Woah, it sounds impressive. I bet AIESEC has a lot of positive effect on you. So tell
me, What is your job in the organization? And what have you learned from AIESEC?
Hien: I’m a member of Outgoing Exchange Department. There are many things I have
learned in AIESEC, but the most important are Time Management, Presentation skill, and
working under pressure.
MC: And...English proficiency?(smile)
Hien: Oh, yes. We only use English in communicating about work, so it’s an essential
part of skills, and also an outstanding feature of AIESECers.
MC: Well, besides working for AIESEC, you are a student right/? So you still have to
learn at school, how can you balance the two sides?
Hien: In my opinion, studying at school is very important, but AIESEC also help me a lot
for the future. And thank to Time Management skill I’ve learnt from AIESEC I’m still
being able to complete both tasks so far.(smile).
MC: I can see how successful you are with that plan. What are the advantages and
difficulties that AIESEC is having, from your point of view?
Hien: Well, the biggest advantage of AIESEC is that it has a long history, about 60 years,
and has a lot of professional working experience. You can learn many things from old
members who contribute to AIESEC even after their term. Besides, AIESEC’s culture is
really unique. However, AIESEC Vietnam, especially AIESEC Hanoi, is rather new to
students, so we face a lot of problem in spreading our image all over the country.
MC: But you are absolutely confident that you guys can make that come true, right?
Hien: Yep. Of course.(smile).
MC: Well, to make someone completely in love and say so many good things like that
AIESEC must have some really nice methods of treating members right? (wink)
Hien: Well, I have shared with you a lot about what I know and believe. But the thing we
are talking here is about love. And what I love about AIESEC is its culture, the way we
work together as a family is just a small part of it.
MC: Culture? What is that? I have never heard of a student organization that can have
something like its own culture. (laugh)
Hien: Well, there are still a lot of things about AIESEC’s that can amaze you. Once you
get to know the organization, you will understand. (wink)

MC: That’s great. I will be looking forward to find out more during this show and maybe
even later on. Well thank you so much for your participation.

MC: Now we will welcome to our show not just one but 2 very special guests. Ms Angela
Smiths intern from Iceland and Ms. Tran Hang an Vietnamese student about to go to
England to have a lifetime experience.
(shake hands and ask the guest to sit down)
MC: Hello both of you. You all look so happy today, how are your trips going?
Angela: So far so good, thank you.
Hang: Very excited, yes.
MC (to ICI): How long have you stayed in Vietnam?
Angela: It will be 3 weeks next Monday.
MC (to ICI): Do you like Vietnamese food? What is your favourite?
Angela: (whisper) Yes, of course, I really like spring rolls and I would like to enjoy it
MC (to ICI): Me, too (laugh) we surely should go out to have that sometime. So why did
you choose Vietnam to be the destination for your internship program?
Angela: Because I’ve never been to Asia before and Vietnam is known for its beautiful
nature and kind people so I was really excited about this trip.
MC (to ICI): How did you find out about AIESEC program?
Angela: There are some members of AIESEC in my university joined the lecture and
inform the students about their organization and the opportunities to go abroad.
MC (to ICI): Do the people from AIESEC help you a lot?
Angela: Yes, they find for me a host family and they always try to solve the problems and
take my concerns seriously.
MC (to ICI): What is the most important thing you have learnt from this experience?
Angela: I really can experience a totally different way of living and improve my
communication and teaching skills. Besides, I think going abroad and leaving the
Western world gives a huge contribution to your understanding of the whole world.
MC (to OGI): What about you..? When will you leave Vietnam?
Hang: Well... I’m gonna leave Hanoi this August. I’m really excited about the trip but
also a little bit upset since I won’t be staying here for the next 3 months.
MC (to OGI): You are going to England right? Did you finish your packing?
Hang: Yes, London, to be more detailed! I finished almost everything, just some other
stuff hasn’t got bought yet!
MC (to OGI): What about the legal process, I heard that it is very difficult to get the visa?
You have to do that all alone or what?
Hang: It’s definitely hard to get a visa for UK, but we get the invitation from AIESEC to
submit a visa application so everything’s much easier.
MC (to both): What do you think is the most difficult thing when you go to a brand new
country and actually have to work there? Both things must be very new to you guys right
since you are still university students.
Hang: When we go to a brand new country, especially when we haven’t been to it and we
will stay and work in that country for quite a long time, I suppose that we have to go
through a hard but excited time! We might have culture shock and find things difficult to
manage all by ourselves, but surely we will learn a lot from that.

Angela: The most challenging difficulty to me is to go on your own and especially in

Vietnam to communicate with Vietnamese people and to travel because only a few know
English. Other difficulties are to get used to the food and climate. Problems I am facing at
work are the communication to the high school students and the working organization
with Aiesec. And it’s difficult to set up a fixed planning 1 week before.
MC (to ICI): How is your boss and colleges? Do they treat you well?
Angela: Everyone seems nice to me and I have already made some new friends.
However, there are also some difficulties. I think my boss should have better English skill
because it is very hard to get his messages but he is the leader that means he has to
communicate with the interns all the time. He also tells us that he is too busy to complete
his responsibilities. That’s why the organization is bad. But actually, when he is the
leader of the project, he has to make sure that the planning is clear
MC (to ICI): When was the time that you find most difficult?
Angela: My first week. As I had to deal with my new surrounding for example the food,
the culture and people starring at you all the time, I felt overwhelmed by all the new
MC (to ICI): Did your AIESEC friends help you with that? How?
Madona: One girl from Aiesec makes me laughing all the time and asks me how I am.
Besides, my host helped me to overcome my difficulties.
MC (to OGI): What is the thing you concern most about the trip?
Hang: I’m a little bit worried whether I can get a good result during my intership in UK
but I’m positive that I will try my best!
MC (to OGI): Do you have close contact with the AIESEC team in England?
Hang: Sure. We have exchanged our Y!M IDs and facebooks with each other!
MC (to both): What do your families have to say about this? Do they agree?
Angela: Yes, they appreciate what I’m doing and encouraged me to apply for this
Hang: They are so glad that I can find an international internship and of course, they fully
support me on this internship. But since I’m a girl, a little bit worry is understandable.
MC (to both): So from your own experience do you recommend this program and this
organization with your friend and other students.
Hang: Definitely a big yes!
MC (to both): What about advices?
Madona: I’ll recommend this program to my friends because it is amazing opportunity to
go abroad and improve your professional skills, but I also advice them not to expect too
much from the working organization. Almost everything concerning the workshop is run
by the interns.
Hang: Well, if you intend to take a global internship via AIESEC, you should try your
best to train your language and prepare yourself into a firm, durable and determined one
since you might confront a lot of new things during this big chance!
MC: Thank you two so much for your time and sharing.
MC: After watching our show, we hope that you all have had a great time and understand
more about AIESEC and what this great organization have to offer to students. The last
thing we want to recommend when it comes to AEISEC is this little special thing we
have prepared for you. Enjoy and actually Join if you like.

DANCE and Finish!

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