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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D1

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________




Second Semester / First Quarter / Week 4 / Day 1

What I Need to Know

OBJECTIVE: Describe the clientele and audiences in counseling.

What’s New

DIRECTIONS: Look at the roles of counselors then describe the intended clientele and their
specific need. The first one is given as an example.


Student who needs to resolve personal
School counselor conflicts or stressful situations.

Job hunting coach

Conflict management provider

Human resource personnel

Marriage counselor

Rehabilitation counselor

Bereavement counselor

What is It


Individuals and groups of people who receive service from various counseling professions
constitute the clientele and audience. These individuals and groups vary in their needs and
context where they avail of counseling services.

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D1

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________


The clientele and the audiences of counseling are normal people. They are not in need of clinical
or mental help. They may be the youth in need of guidance at critical moments of their growth,
anyone in need of assistance in realizing a change in behavior or attitude, or simply seeking to
achieve a goal. What the audience normally calls for in counseling is application or development
of social skills, effective communication, spiritual direction, decision-making, and career choices.
Sometimes, people need to cope with crisis. Other clientele and audiences of counseling may
be people in need of premarital and marital counseling, grief and loss (divorce, death, or
amputation), domestic violence, and other types of abuse, or coping with terminal illness, death,
and dying.


1. As a school guidance counselor. These professionals provide the need for personal guidance
by helping students seek more options and find better and more appropriate ones in dealing with
situations of stress or simply decision-making. This may include career options. Sometimes, they
bridge between family and the school in resolving conflicts that affect students and their families
to the extent of becoming a threat to student development and learning.

2. As job-hunting coaches. Counselors provide avenues for people to find necessary information
and get employment that is suitable to them. The services offered may include technical aspects
of how to prepare a curriculum vitae or a resume, how to speak with employers. And how to
present and conduct oneself before employers. These can even cover such details as how to
walk and how to groom oneself to meet expectations of prospective of prospective employers.

3. As conflict management providers. These professionals provide the need for principles and
theory-based approaches to deal with conflict and deescalate it, if not resolve it properly.
Conflicts are everywhere and they are not always that easy to avoid. These professionals provide
ways to manage conflict constructively.

4. As a human resource personnel. These professionals provide the needs common to all
workplaces and they are employed to almost all workplaces to deal with various employee needs
that cover aspects of renumerations, social services, compensations, conflict resolution, and
discipline. There is a wide range of services that employment provide for the work force, which
are not directly related to technical work. They are designed to keep workers happy and cared
for as humans. They form part of human resource management.

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D1

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

5. As marriage counselors. These professionals provide the need for conflict resolution skills to
parties, couples, and children to deal with various stresses and issues that threaten their unity or
peaceful coexistence. Sometimes, their work is to reconcile couples, while at other times, they
work work to help them part ways in the best way possible through available legal instruments
such as separation, divorce, or annulment.

6. As drug abuse and rehabilitation counselors. These professionals meet the need to help
people overcome their problems or mitigate some of the most negative effects of drug abuse.
Their goal is to facilitate client rehabilitation.

7. As bereavement counselors. These professionals respond to the need to be helped to go

through loss, such as death in the family, in a way that will help prevent depression and other
unhealthy ways of dealing and coping with loss such as committing suicide or giving up on life.
Through them, clients are empowered to experience recovery or some form of healing that will
help them cope well with such human tragedies.

8. As abused children caretakers and rehabilitation in government and NGO settings, counselors
meet the need to facilitate processing, and restoration of abused children through recognition
and implementation of existing laws and recovery procedures in coordination with relevant units.


The clientele and audiences of counseling are individuals who need assistance. They may
need help in realizing a change in behavior or attitude or simply seeking directions to achieve a
certain goal in life. This growing number of clients arises due to mental health concerns from mild to
severe cases. This helping process can be beneficial to anyone who experiences stress, depression,
anxiety, and other emotional turmoil. Individuals who are experiencing problems in their personal
relationship, gender, sexuality issues, or any circumstances that matter to a person can be helped
through counseling. This may include development of social skills, effective communication, spiritual
direction, decision-making, and career choices.


The list of problems that counselors deal with every day can go on and on but through the
years, special counselling populations have evolved. The special clientele in groups has been given
increasing attention by the counselling profession to frequent occurrences. Groups exist in
communities, organizations, students in schools, teachers, and departments in workplaces. Such an
entity can undergo group counseling to meet counseling needs on that level. The needs can range
from the desire to reduce or manage conflict, to the goal of becoming more productive as a team by

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D1

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

working together Some of the group processes and procedures resemble those that are applied to
individuals. However, some are incredibly unique to group and organizational context.


Conducting community counseling is essential in times of calamity or natural disasters and

other events that cause stress to people in the community. Experiencing traumatic events is
something that requires collective action in reaching out through therapeutic activities. The
community looks for assistance to combat post traumatic events and counseling empowers them to
go on with their lives. They are also encouraged to release the danger of blocking their own capacity
to move on from distress.

What I Have Learned

Activity 1. Describe at least three types of clientele for counseling and briefly describe their
characteristics. Use the table below.


Activity 2. List down specific needs of the types of clientele you mentioned in Activity 1.


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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D1

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

What I Can Do
Activity 1. Conducting a survey
Direction: Using any form of media application, conduct a simple survey or interview among young
adults (ages 18-21) on problems they encounter during this pandemic and how they cope with it.
Using a survey protocol, get data on the following:

A. Age, gender and educational background, optional to include religious affiliation and socio-
economic status.

B. Problems encountered:

e.g. stress, depression, anxiety, grief, and other emotional turmoil, personal relationship
issues with friends, family and partner, sexuality concerns, and forms of abuse like using illegal
drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sexual, verbal, and different forms of games including virtual or
computer related and gambling.
C. At the end of the survey, include “other problem/s encountered by them that require
counselling and why do they need it”.

Activity 2. Profiling Clients

Direction: Using the result of the survey, present it in graphical or tabulated form, analyze the data
and reflect on the following context:
1. What common problems do young adults encounter during this pandemic? Choose a case
that you think needs counseling and explain why it requires counselling?
2. Read related case about the problem and the corresponding coping mechanism
applied on presented case.
3. Write your own reflective essay about this experience.


Look around you and determine an individual, a group , or a community who needs the
services of a counsellor. Describe the particular situation and why a counselor is needed.
Research on some counsellors and counselling services here in the country. Make an
information packet about the available counselling services.

Prepared by: Mr. Alfredo D. Verceles

Teacher III - PCSHS


Sampa, Elias E. , Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences , Rex Bookstore Inc. 2017

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D2

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________




Second Semester / First Quarter / Week 4 / Day 2

What I Need to Know

OBJECTIVE: Illustrate the different processes and method involved in counselling.

What’s New

Directions: Complete the illustration below by writing words that come in to your mind when you hear
the word counselling.


What is It
Counselling often has a stigma associated with it, given the history of how mental health
issues have been addressed in our society. The reality is, we all struggle with life problems and
anyone can benefit from counselling. We usually have tendencies to find relief when we want to
express our thoughts and feelings when we have problems. But sometimes friends or family
members may not have the skills necessary to help us get deep into an issue. It is not something
that is just for people who want to help others. This human journey in counseling is sometimes
complex that not only it needs to fit in proper settings, processes, and methods but also to use
different tools to cater to whatever is needed.

Counseling process refers to events, characteristics, or conditions that occur during the
interaction between counselor and client. Its process is different for each individual or couple; however,
it may be helpful to get a sense of the style of counselling. Process can refer to what the counselor
does with the client as well as how change occurs within the client. It is a planned, structured dialogue
between a counselor and a client. It is a cooperative process in which a trained professional helps a

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D2

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

person called the client to identify sources of difficulties or concerns that he or she is experiencing.
Together they develop ways to deal with and overcome these problems in order for the client to acquire
new set of skills and increased understanding of him or herself and of others.
Step 1: Needs Assessment
The first step involves building relationship and gaining the trust of the counselee while
establishing the client’s condition at the same time. It focuses on engaging clients to explore issues
that directly affect them. This is the diagnostic procedure that may range from systematic observation
to conducting a formal survey using a questionnaire in order to determine the needs of the client. It is
the heart of the counseling process that serves as the foundation of success. It entails analysis of the
root causes of the problem. The data gathered will be utilized in the formulation of the intervention
Step 2: Designing Intervention Plan
Goals are important because they set the direction of the counseling process. They serve as the
parameter of the intervention program. This step involves the collection and classification of information
about the client’s life situation and reasons for seeking counseling. It also involves setting an agreement
between the counselor and the counselee after formulating goals and program plan.
Step 3: Implementation
This comprises the actual process of the outlined mapping of strategies for intervention that
entails client’s active participation in the process of helping themselves. This is where goals play an
important role in giving direction. It involves making a commitment to achieve the set goals.
Step 4: Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring the counseling process is essential in tracking the record of the helping process. This
step determines the success and failure of the program. It can tell if the goals are met or if challenges
are at stakes that distract the implementing program. This stage can be undertaken with research that
is fundamental part of the evaluation. Result of the research provides a scientific appreciation of the
counseling situation.
Step 5: Follow-Up, Termination or Referral
Counselor are always mindful and careful in dealing with clients to avoid fostering dependency.
It is important that the clients realize their own needs. That is why preparation for termination begins
long before the actual termination period. Terminating the counseling process is also considered when
it seems counseling is not being helpful. Think of this as means of empowering clients and creating an
awareness to review their own progress and to create closure between the client and the counselor.

The most fundamental aspect of any counselling is the relationship between the counsellor and
the client. Several studies have established that the client’s perspective of the quality of therapeutic
relationship is one of the most important factors being considered by clients in achieving the goals of

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D2

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

the therapy. The importance of this relationship far outweighs the importance of the counsellor’s
qualifications or the style of counselling being employed. Therefore, it is vital to find a counsellor who
feels right for you.
The following methods are among the basic counseling approaches commonly used today with
brief descriptions of their meanings:
Adlerian Approach
Adlerian Therapy is an approach pioneered by Alfred Adler, It is also called individual psychology
and it focuses on creating a therapeutic relationship that is co-operative, encouraging and practical. In
this approach, Adlerian counsellors identify obstacles and create effective strategies in working towards
their client’s goals. It is believed that by helping clients gain insight of their lifestyle and personal values,
it helps them understand and question their usual patterns of behavior.
Behavioral Approach
This therapy is based on the belief that behavior is learnt in response to past experiences and
can be unlearnt or reconditioned without analyzing the past to find the reason for such behavior. It
works well for compulsive and obsessive behavior, fears, phobias, and addictions.
Cognitive Analytical Approach
This combines Cognitive Therapy and Psychotherapy and encourages clients to draw on their
own ability to develop the skills to change destructive patterns of behavior. Negative ways of thinking
are explored in structured and directive ways, involving diary-keeping, progress charts, etc.
Cognitive Behavioral Approach
This combines Cognitive and Behavioral techniques. Clients are taught ways to change thoughts
and expectations using relaxation techniques. It has been effective for stress-related ailments, phobias,
obsessions, eating disorders and major depression.

Cognitive Approach
This approach uses the power of the mind to influence behavior. It is based on the theory that
previous experiences can damage self-image and this can affect attitude, emotions, and ability to deal
with certain situations. It works by helping the client to identify, question, and change poor mental
images of themselves, thus altering negative responses and behavior. It can help pessimistic or
depressed people to view things from a more optimistic perspective.
Dialectical Behavioral Approach
DBT was developed from cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). The main aim of CBT is to change
behavior, which is done by applying techniques with a focus on problem-solving, such as homework,
diary cards and behavioral analysis. However, some people felt uncomfortable with the strong focus on
change and felt that their suffering and apparent loss of control over their lives were not understood.
This caused them to become frustrated and even to drop out of treatment. Therapists sought to resolve

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D2

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

this using acceptance strategies. Acceptance strategies are added to the process of CBT which means
that the therapists explore with their clients an acceptance that their behavior (e.g. self-harming,
drinking, etc.), although damaging in the long term, may be the only way they have learned to deal with
intense emotions, and which might have led to positive short-term benefits.
Eclectic Counselling Approach
An Eclectic counsellor selects from several different approaches appropriate to the client’s
needs. This is based on the theory that there is no proof that any one theoretical approach works better
than all others for a specific problem.
Family Counseling Approach
This is used to treat a family system rather than individual members of the family. It is a form of
Systemic Approach that requires specifically trained counsellors.

What I Have Learned

DIRECTIONS: Match the items in column A with items in column B. Write the letter of your
answer before the number.

A. This serves as the window for the counselor
____1. Monitoring and Evaluation to have a thorough appreciation of the client’s

B. This is the heart of the counselling process

____2. Assessment and Diagnosis because it provides the foundation for the
counselling to succeed.

C. It shall serve as the parameter of work and

____3. Relationship Building the client-counselor relationship

D. It determines the review of progress and

____4. Follow-up, termination or referral create closure between the client and the
E. It is essential in tracking the record if whether
____5. Formulation of Counseling Goals the helping process is in progress or not.

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D2

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

What I Can Do
DIRECTIONS: Applying the steps in the processes of counseling, what necessary actions you will do
in dealing with your client.


1. Building Rapport/ Needs
2. Goal Setting / Designing
Intervention Plan
3. Implementation / Problem
Solving Program

4. Counseling Processes
/Monitoring and Evaluation
5. Follow-Up, Termination or

DIRECTIONS: Supply what is asked in the following statements. Write your answer on the space
1. This is based on the theory that there is no proof that any one theoretical approach works better
than all others for a specific problem. ______________________________

2. This is the main aim of CBT is to change behavior which is done by applying techniques with a focus
on problem-solving, such as homework, diary cards and behavioral analysis. ___________________

3. It is also called individual psychology and it focuses on creating a therapeutic relationship that is co-
operative, encouraging and practical. _____________________________________

4. This stage can be undertaken with research that is fundamental part of the evaluation.

5. It is the heart of the counseling process that serves as the foundation of success. -

Prepared by: Mr. Alfredo D. Verceles

Teacher III - PCSHS

Bernardo, 2016.Discipline and Ideas In the Applied Social Sciences, JFS Publishing Services, Manila, Philippines
Elias M. Sampa, 2017, Discipline and Ideas In the Applied Social Sciences, REX Book Store, Inc., Manila, Philippines
Naguit, 2018, Discipline and Ideas In The Applied Social Sciences, Mindshapers Co.,Inc., Manila, Philippines

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D3

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________




Second Semester / First Quarter / Week 4 / Day 3

What I Need to Know

OBJECTIVE: Distinguish the needs of individuals, and groups to counseling.

What’s New

DIRECTIONS: Enumerate some of the common problems of individuals and groups that
need counseling.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

What is It


Individual counseling is a one-on-one counseling between a client and a trained therapist, in a safe,
caring, and confidential environment. The client expresses whatever comes in his mind. The therapist
here knows how to take out more of information from the client by making him comfortable enough to
express his thoughts. By doing so, the client is able to identify those aspects of their lives that they
would like to change. Thus, it helps them to have a better understanding of themselves and others.
After counseling they know what is bothering them, and what they actually want from life. They set
personal goals, and start working towards a desired change for a healthier and happier life The client
here is told to explore, analyze, and understand their feelings, beliefs, and behaviours. This allows them
to identify those aspects of their lives that they would like to change. Thus, it helps them to have a
better understanding of themselves and others, and to set personal goals, and to work towards a
desired change for a healthier and happier life.

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D3

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

How Does Individual Counseling Help?

Individual counseling involves a client to talk about their feelings, thoughts, and behaviours and things
that are troubling them. For e.g. If a person is getting negative thoughts about himself that he is of no
use and he has no meaning in life or feeling of low self-esteem, then in that case therapist helps them
to come out of that negative pattern of thoughts. They might spend time talking about their relationships
with others, the things they are good at and the things they would like to be different.

The counselor or therapist works with them to set goals or identify the things they would like to
accomplish together. They will help the client to develop different strategies which may help to reach
the goals. In some cases, this could mean helping the client to change patterns of thinking, learning
new skills, changing behaviours, or shifting the way they feel and express emotions. For e.g. The client
may be asked to listen to songs and go for walk when they get any negative thoughts. This helps them
to divert their minds and keeps such thoughts away. They may also be told to write down their thoughts
and feelings whenever the client feels stressed or vulnerable. The counselor or therapist might also
give the client homework so that he/she can practice some of the things they are learning outside of
the counseling sessions.

The number of counseling sessions depends on the severity of the problem. The problems could be
any emotional difficulties such as depression, anxiety, harassment, grief, trauma, low self-esteem, guilt,
interpersonal problems, stress reactions, and problems in living. The bottom line is that they are feeling
conflicted internally and are in emotional pain. They know they are in stress or problem but still unable
to figure out the actual reason for that. They feel helpless for not been able to come out of the situation,
which makes them more vulnerable. Although often they attribute their pain to external factors, what
they may not realize is that the deeper source of their pain lies in the defenses formed in childhood.
The very defenses that help children to survive childhood pain become the problem in adult life by
restricting individuals’ pursuit of goals and close attachment.

The goal of counseling is to resolve such emotional difficulties and to make one a healthier self and to
be less conflicted internally. It makes them reflect on their inner self to know who they are and what
they actually goal in life. It helps them to have a clear vision of their own self.

Group counseling is provided by one or more therapists depending on the number of clients that are
attending a session. This is a form of psychotherapy counseling highly recommended and a treatment
that varies according to the client's diagnosis. Although it is used alone at times it may be combined
with a treatment plan that includes both therapy and medication. This can be effective in treating those
who suffer from trauma or behavior disorders because of the interaction that is associated with it. Group
counseling gives people the support that they need from not only a counselor, but a group of people

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D3

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

who are going through some of the same conflicts. The other members of the group often serve as
models if they have overcome some aspects of the treatment.

Goals of Group Counseling

The goal of Group Counseling is to instill hope in clients and bring people together so that they can
benefit from more support throughout the session. It helps clients who feel alone and isolated which
can in turn result in depression and worsening behavioral issues. The goal is to initiate interaction
between one another and help boost self-esteem within the group. When the clients need to start
using a new behavior as a part of their treatment, the group setting is a fitting place to begin because
it is supportive. When a group unites with a similar goal in mind there is a sense of belonging during
the sessions. Group counseling focuses on promoting interpersonal learning with others and
providing feedback so that each client may have a deeper understanding of their own diagnosis.

When is Group Counseling Used?

There are various reasons as to why Group Counseling may be used. It's often chosen over individual
psychotherapy for social reasons. Those who are in the group are there to improve throughout the
treatment by observing others who are dealing with the same areas of health. Although the client
doesn't partake in one-on-one interactions with the counselor there are advantages to the environment.
Group counseling is used when the client is in need of an increased amount of feedback. It may be
provided if the client benefits from modeling and social interaction. When the individual is able to see
others improve they can use the model's coping methods for their own cognitive and behavioral growth.

Benefits of Group Counseling

1. You are not alone. Groups provide support and make you realize that other students experience
similar challenges.
2. Groups provide a sounding board. Groups can offer a different perspective. Receive support and
share your wisdom.
3. Groups can propel you forward. Hearing from others on how they've overcome can be
encouraging. Listening and learning from every member's perspective provides members with greater
insight into your personal growth and development.
4. Groups promote social skills. While it is common for students to feel anxious prior to attending their
first group, most students feel relieved and more comfortable as the sessions progress. Remember, it
takes time to feel comfortable speaking up in a group, adjust to group norms, and experience the
benefits of group.
5. Groups are not limited. There are no session limits on groups and your student fees have already
paid for the service, so its a way to receive more counseling than is possible individually.
6. Groups teach you about yourself. Groups can be a way of uncovering the areas that may be
blocking your ability to overcome your issues. Groups offer a confidential, safe space for students to
gain self awareness and awareness of others. The experience often reduces loneliness, normalizes
your experiences, promotes change
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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D3

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

What I Have Learned

DIRECTIONS: Fill out the diagram the needs of individuals and groups to counseling.
1. ________________________________
O 2. ________________________________
N 3. ________________________________
L 1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

What I Can Do
DIRECTIONS: As a counselor, what would you do to help your client in the following situations:
Chris was experiencing increasing feelings of being stressed, overwhelmed and weighed down by his
commitments in life. He has been particularly concerned about his negative thoughts and attitude at work and
at home and would like to change this.


Mark is 28 and has been married to Sarah for six years. He works for his uncle and they regularly stay back
after work to chat. Sarah has threatened to leave him if he does not spend more time with her, but when they
are together, they spend most of the time arguing, so he avoids her even more. He loves her, but is finding it
hard to put up with her moods. The last few weeks, he has been getting really stressed out and is having
trouble sleeping. He’s made a few mistakes at work and his uncle has warned him to pick up his act.


Jim had come to counselling to seek help with dealing with the sale of his late mother’s estate. He was
experiencing a lot of anger with the issue and also with his brother, Frank, who was joint inheritor. Frank was
facing bankruptcy and needed the proceeds of the sale of the family home to save his business


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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D3

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

DIRECTIONS: Choose and individual and a group to study. Survey the needs of your clientele.
Propose suggestions on how their needs could be better addressed.
1. Individual clientele: _______________________________________________________________
Proposed suggestion: _____________________________________________________________
2. Group clientele: _________________________________________________________________
Proposed suggestion: _____________________________________________________________

Prepared by: Mr. Alfredo D. Verceles

Teacher III - PCSHS


Group therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Howes , R. (2013, May 30). What about group therapy?. Retrieved from

Peta Hartmann :A Case of Stressful Life Change, A Case of Low Self Esteem, A Case of Using a
Person-Centred and Cognitive-Behavioural Approach to Burnout

Jan McIntyre: A Case of Acceptance and Letting Go, A Case of Stress, A Case of Using Logical

David Hayden: A Case of Grief Using an Eclectic Approach, A Person Centred Approach to Grief and
Loss, A Case of Acceptance and Letting Go

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D4

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________




Second Semester / First Quarter / Week 4 / Day 4

What I Need to Know

OBJECTIVE: Distinguish the needs of organizations, and communities to counseling.

What’s New

DIRECTIONS: Select two words from the picture. Construct sentences on how each word is
related to counseling.



What is It

Counseling in organization
Counseling can be useful where people are usually under a great deal of stress due to the work they
do, and the organization wants to help them find ways to better cope with that stress. Counselling can
also help teach organization members skills they need to do a better job. These skills can be indirectly
related to job performance, such as interpersonal skills or they can be skills that are more directly
related to the work they do.

The organization has to be willing to devote resources to member development for counselling to be
worthwhile. Many organizations believe they can get the talent they need through hiring and don’t feel
the resources needed to train and develop members are expenses that will add to their capabilities.
They may feel that if they counsel members, those members will simply leave to go elsewhere.

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D4

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

The decision to offer counselling to organization members is a strategic decision that is based on how
much that organization decides it values the personal development of members. Organizations that
want to retain and develop members are more likely to offer counselling than organizations that have
high turnover.

Importance of implementing counseling in an Organization.

Effective Job Diversification
A workplace councilor will be able to identify the job role of each employee and make a comparison of
the work load of each employee in a similar capacity. The organization will be able to use this to
make sure all the employees are loaded with the same amount of work for each category of position.
Improve the performance of the employees
Counseling will also help the employees to resolve their problems in the work place and will help
identify the personal issues in order to resolve them or to get the necessary help for the counselor so
that they can manage the issues strategically

Help employees in developing their personality

Through the professional advice and guidance from counselors employees will have the chance to
identify the weaknesses of their personality and address them effectively. For example if a person is
overly shy or reserved counseling can help the person to engage with public speaking and provide
the necessary tools to build social relationships in order to progress successfully in their careers.

Help employees have a better work-life balance

Employees must be happy for a company to generate profits. If an employee is facing a lot of
difficulties in maintaining a work life balance it can negatively effect and demotivate them which can
negatively impact the organizational growth. Counseling session help employees organize
themselves and set up a better work life balance through the guidance provided.

To reveal hidden problems of the office

There can be certain occasions where employees may get harassed verbally, sexually, or in other
ways. In such circumstances the impacts can affect the victims being abused and lead them into
depression but also deteriorate the culture at the workplace leading to larger problems in the future.
These types may otherwise be hidden which is both dangerous to the health of the individual
employee as well as to the future of the company. Addressing these problems strategically and timely
through counseling can avoid such situations and the incidents that may occur as a result.

Helps to understand yourself in a more broader way

Counseling does not just provide advice, it helps employees understand or look at the problems they
are facing in a different way. This approach is key to helping employees solve their current issues as
well as prepare themselves to face other challenges in life.

Will help to identify your goals

Counseling also helps to identify employees’ goals in a more effective way. Since counseling creates
an open forum for the employees to discuss the strengths and weaknesses with the counselor, it
automatically opens a path for the employees to create achievable goals which he or she can reach
based on their capabilities.

Why counseling in organization?

Members face through the stress of completing the targets, work-load, meeting deadlines, relations
with subordinates or colleagues, work-life balance, lack of time and higher responsibility.

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D4

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

Counseling helps the members to come out from the problems, gives a new way to deal with the
problems. Counseling shows how much the employer care for the employee.
Counselling may help to identify the members the work related problems and the poor performance.

Benefits of organization counseling

• Helps members to tackle with the problems effectively
• Members/ employees are able to sort their problems
• Helps in decision making
• A new way to look at the perspective.
• May reduce the number of absenteeism of members/ employees.
• It may prevent termination from employer or resignation from
• It reduces the cost of hiring new employee and training new staff.
• Possibility of smooth coordination.
Community counseling is a generic term for any of professional counseling that treats dysfunction
occurring within a group of related people.
Community counseling is a type of counseling that is used to help communities that are suffering from
psychological or social discord, for one reason or another. Professionals in this field will often try to
treat individuals in the community for whatever psychological problem that ails them. They will also
attempt to prevent future problems as well.

In order to begin a community counseling career, individuals must possess a few very important traits.
For instance, they should have excellent communication and leadership skills. Communication skills
enable these professionals to connect with and better understand the problems and causes of problems
that some communities may face. Leadership skills are important, because they help community
members feel more trusting and willing to follow the advice of community psychologists.

The community that individuals function within can have a significant influence on their identity and
connection to others. A community counselor can work with groups of people experiencing an increased
amount of psychological distress to help determine and address the source of the disturbance. Such
interventions are used in communities which are poor and unsupported to improve mental health
resources. Dysfunctional environments can lead individuals to develop social and psychological
impairments. Vulnerable and marginalized populations such as children, minorities, or individuals of a
low socioeconomic status are disproportionately at risk of experiencing psychological impairments.
Through the holistic treatment of a community, counselors can help alleviate mental health issues on
a large scale. Community counseling provides leadership for creating better access to mental health
Everyone wants to live in a relatively peaceful community, and the majority of people prefer to be proud
of their communities rather than ashamed of them. Problems running rampant in a community,
however, can make it difficult to feel this way. Issues and problems suffered by older generations in a
community will also often be adopted by younger generations, making them difficult to put an end to.

Community counseling, however, can help prevent this vicious cycle. Professionals in this field are
experts at treating problems of individuals as well as communities. They are often experts at getting
communities to pull together during tough times and restore order and harmony.

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D4

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

What I Have Learned:

DIRECTIONS: Using the graph below, make a graphic organizer on the needs in an organization and
a community to counseling.

What I Can Do
DIRECTIONS: Read and answer the following:
1. What common problems in an organization and in community encountered during this
pandemic? Give at least two and explain why it requires counseling?
2. Write a related case about the problem and the corresponding coping mechanism
applied on presented case.

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Module Code: PASAY-DIASS 11-S2-Q1-W4-D4

Name: ____________________________________________________ Track/Strand: _______________

Teacher: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______________

3. Write your own reflective essay about this experience.


DIRECTIONS: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
_____1. Community counselors can work in a variety of settings such as private practice, mental
health centres, rehabilitation facilities, or prisons.

_____2. Community counselors do not attempt to solve widespread community problems that are
social or psychological in nature.
_____3. Counseling helps the members to come out from the problems, gives a new way to deal with
the problems.
_____4. Once a community counselor recognizes the root of a problem plaguing a community, they
will often attempt to fix the problem.
_____5. A community counselor cannot work with groups of people experiencing an increased
amount of psychological distress to help determine and address the source of the disturbance.

Prepared by: Mr. Alfredo D. Verceles

Teacher III – PCSHS

David Ford Chief Fun Officer at Sonic Sandbox (2016-present)
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