KC Eapp 2

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Kristie Camille M.

Magno Grade 12 - Matthew

Activity 1
Formal Definition
1. Lockdown
 A system of measures which a restricted action is temporarily prevented a case of
entering or leaving an area where people must stay in their home because of such
hazard and warning.

2. Quarantine
 A severe isolation maintained by the government to prevent contagious disease to

3. Online class
 A learning system was developed for teachers and students to conduct classes
over the internet.

4. Virus
 A microorganism that causes disease that develops only inside the living cell.

5. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

 Equipment designed to protect against safety hazard for front liners or workers.

Activity 2
Instruction: Given issue, stand, and claims, writes a thesis statement
Issue: Implementing K to 12 education system in the Philippines
Stand: Against
Claims: Lack of Facilities, inadequacy of teacher training, increased expenses of parents
Thesis statement: The implementation of K to 12 education system leads only just to worsen
the issue on education system in the Philippines. Firstly is the unavailability of learning materials
and facilities especially textbooks due to the absence of reference materials from DepEd. If the
decision is to have this system then why is that a full facility where not given to the students. The
main reason having to implement this education system is to develop more skills and learning
but teachers are not fully trained to teach the students. It affects a student to have a lot of
confusion; they even not comprehend well what they have been teaching. Lastly, the cost of
additional two years and it gives a burden to the parents, expenses been increased thus, there are
a lot of families that has financial problem. And to conclude, learning for additional 2 years
becomes nothing, it wastes time to learn deeper.
Kristie Camille M. Magno Grade 12 - Matthew
Final Performance Task
Issue: Homosexual marriage should be legalized
Stand: Against
Claims: Against the law of the bible, having no kids, discriminations, sexual health, mental
Thesis statement: Marriage is between one woman and one man, it should be members of
opposite sex or else, the homosexual marriage would be non-traditional. There are also negative
beliefs and actions that can affect the mental but also physical/sexual health in the LGBT
community. According to the bible, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and
shall join to his wife: and they shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:24). God has been specific in all
times just like the gender of a person; man and a woman. In the Philippines only those single
LGBT people or an individual can adopt a child but when they are identified as LGBT domestic
couple, they are not allowed. And also, discrimination is the main problem because there are a
lot of people are against with this issue and it leads to have a higher risk of having
physical/sexual health and bad mental health. Depression and anxiety is everywhere and the most
vulnerable is those who are involve in LGBT community.


Marriage or called as matrimony is a very important event in a family to recognize the
civil union between a couple that regulates the beneficial for both person. It is one of the most
memorable celebrations to a person’s life. To become legal couple to build their own family and
kids. We all know that we are long to have a happy marriage. According to the bible, Therefore
shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall join to his wife: and they shall be one flesh
(Genesis 2:24). God has been specific in all times just like the gender of a person; man and a
woman. So to discuss more, let me introduce the short history of homosexual unions. It is known
in ancient times, some in the region of China and Greece, and other cultures in the world. This
practice has been accepted recognizing same-sex. We all know that having a relationship with
your same sex is abiding the law of the bible. And all that matters is the word of God. He is our
creator and we are His followers then why do we have to do the things that God is not satisfied
with our actions. Being a follower of God, we must do the good things written in the bible. The
things that can make ourselves and the world better.
Typically in our generation today, being homosexual, it is more widely accepted now.
Teenagers are living in a world full of different things. And it makes more people being confused
with their identity. Because issues like this can influence numerous person. There are also a lot
of points that a homosexual marriage must not be legalize. Majority of people believes that
marriage is between one woman and one man, it should be members of opposite sex or else, the
marriage would be non-traditional. Marriage is not just between the couples but it creates as
multiplying, reproduction, to create multiple children in order to care for you both when you are
older. It is very important to have kids to solidify your marriage and it makes grow your love for
each other because there are gays who are unable to form long lasting relationship. Bible says in
Genesis 9:7 “As for you, be fruitful and multiply; populate the earth abundantly and multiply in
it.” And it also talks about the animals in Genesis 1:24 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth
living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their
kind”; and it was so.
All living things here on earth should multiply and it is what the Bible says. When having
same gender marriage, I assure that those couples cannot have children. There is so called
adoption, to assume a child to become their own children but I saw a report in the Philippines
where only those single LGBT people or an individual can adopt a child but when they are
identified as LGBT domestic couple, they are not allowed.
Same sex marriage can now get married across United States and other countries but
there are also countries that do not accept same sex marriage. Other people in some areas are
discriminating those couples because of their identity but for me, in some aspects I just accept
them and pray them to the Lord. Because it’s not me who can help them but it is only God.
Dealing gay friends is not that difficult because they are also just a human and I can also advise
them to change but not forcing to change, it is their decision. There are a lot of discrimination
happens with this issue specially the 2 types of discrimination. First is the direct discrimination,
involves worse act treated to a person for being married to another same gender. Second is the
indirect discrimination, in a workplace there are other existing jobs that includes policy that
might put a same sex couple at a disadvantage.
Considering that between a married couples there are also sexual activities but when a
same sex couple having sexual activity there are a lot of health problems to be consider because
there are negative beliefs and actions can affect the mental but also physical health involves in
the LGBT community. There are many health risks considered, as the medical issues for patients
with same sex couple there are higher risk of having HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
infection specially men to men intercourse which can attack the cells and damages immune
system, making a person vulnerable to other infections. Certain sexually transmitted infections
such as HPV (human papillomavirus), bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis can spread between
women. Oral sex and sexual behavior involving digital-vaginal or digital-anal contact,
particularly with shared penetrative sex toys, can spread infections as well.
The most important thing to have in our daily lives is our mental health. In 2000’s, there
are a lot of youth are accepting and involves in LGBT community and most youth are vulnerable
about their own thoughts. Minors are at a higher risk of depressions and anxiety including family
issue, discrimination, rejection and abuse. The problem might be more severe for sexual minority
women who are not "out" to others and those who lack social support. Then, it leads them to
being rebellious that make their mental health damage.
To conclude, there are lots of evidence that a same sex relationship will not be legalized.
It may or may not be good in the community but certainly not the best when it comes to the
bible. It is just not right to abide from the law of God. And there are things to do change and the
best way to do this is to be closer to Him, pray and seek help. He is always there for change, for
the better and to make good out of you. Change is a difficult job but when you are in to it you
will have it with process all the way to your journey in life, just don’t do it for granted, do it with
your heart and mind. God will help you, just don’t fear change, embrace it.
Same Sex Marriage Discrimination Guide Identify & Prevent Direct and Indirect

Gender and Sexual Health: Same-sex Relationships

Conniff J; - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27731970/

Health Issues For Lesbians and Women Who Have Sex with Women

Mental Health in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (lgbt) Youth

Stephen Russell-Jessica Fish - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4887282/

Minority Stress and Mechanisms Of Risk For Depression and Suicidal Ideation Among
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth
Laura Baams-Arnold Grossman-Stephen Russell -

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