Ict Chapter 1 Reviewer

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Information and Communication Technology - Deals with the use of different

communication technologies to locate, save, send and edit information such as
• Computer
• Mobile phones
• Telephone
• Wireless Networks
• Internet
• Etc.
Components of ICT
1. Software – Execute tasks and run basic programs (Intangible)
• Operating system – (Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc.)
• Application software – (Microsoft edge, Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
An operating system is system software that acts as an interface between the
user and the hardware, whereas application software is a program that
performs a specific task. It is impossible to install the application software on a
computer system without an operating system.
2. Hardware – Refers to the physical parts of a computer for it to function properly.
(Tangible) such as:
• Keyboard
• Mouse
• Headphones
• Speaker
• USB Flash drive
• Etc.
3. Digital Data – Represents other forms of data using specific machine language
system that can be interpreted with the help of various technologies for it cannot
understand human language. It stores our data in a different way to protect our
privacy. (Binary System – 0’s and 1’s (2bits) ASCII- American Standard Code for
Information Interchange – 0’s and 1’s (8bits))
4. Cloud Computing – Refers to the internet. Simply put, cloud computing is the
delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases,
networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”)
to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. (Google
Drive, iCloud, Dropbox, etc.)
5. Internet Access – Process of connecting to the internet using PC, Laptop, or
mobile devices. Some are wired and some uses WIFI which are provided by the
telecommunication companies known as internet service providers. (PLDT,
Converge, Globe, etc.)
6. Transactions – Any smallest unit of activity in a computer technology. (Example:
Sending email, sending messages in group chats, etc.)
7. Communications Technology – Data communication between devices.
Communication technology is the transfer of messages (information) among
people and/or machines through the use of technology. This processing of
information can help people make decisions, solve problems, and control
• Sending devices
• Receiving devices
• Message itself
• Channel
• Protocol
Areas where ICT are Used
1. Personal and Family Life
2. Academe/School
3. Business
4. Engineering
5. Transportation
6. Government and Public Service
7. Police and the Military
8. Medical and Healthcare
9. Broadcasting Media
10. Science and Environment
11. Culture and the Arts
Importance of ICT
• Reduce cost
• Improving Business Processes within your organization
• Boost innovation
• Improves productivity
• Improved communication
World Wide Web (Inspired from an actual web of a spider)
• consists of pages that can be accessed using a Web browser
• Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, invented the World Wide Web in

1. Web 1.0 - Sense that the page is "as is" and cannot be manipulated by the user.
2. Web 2.0 - Allows users to interact with the page; the user may be able to
comment or create a user account.
- Introduced in 2004
- Popularized by Tim O’Reilly and Dale Dougherty in 2004
- Coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999
- Dynamic and interconnected
- Visible for online communities
Features of Web 2.0
1. Folksonomy - allows users to categorize information using freely chosen
keywords. e.g. #hashtag
- “folk” + “taxonomy” --- collaborative tagging social
classification, social indexing, social tagging.
2. Rich user experience - content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s
input, e.g. a website that shows local content.
3. User participation - the website owner is not the only one who is able to put
content e.g. Lazada, Shopee, Amazon etc. It refers to comments and feedbacks.
4. Long tail - services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time
5. Software as a service - user will subscribe to a software only when needed
rather than purchasing them. Allows us to rent services like Canva.
6. Mass participation - diverse information sharing through universal web
access. Content is based on people from various culture.
3. Web 3.0 - Coined by John Markoff of the New York Times in 2006 refers to a
supposed 3rd generation of Internet-based services collectively comprise of what
might be called "THE INTELLIGENT WEB". It saves user’s preferences.
Example: When doing a web search in Web 2.0, the topmost result is based on
the preference of several users who already searched for the item. The search
engine then labels it the most common answer to the search query. Though there
are instances where several preferences are considered like geographic location,
Web 3.0 aims to do better though studying personal preferences of an individual
user and showing results based on those preferences. The Internet is able to
predict the best possible answer to your question by "learning" on your
previous choices.
Semantic Web
• A movement led by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that encourages web
developers to include semantic content in their web pages.
• Coined by Tim Berners-Lee.
W3C - provides a common framework to allow data to be shared and reused across
platform enterprise, and community boundaries.
• According to the W3C, it provides a common framework that allows data to be
shared and reused across applications, enterprise, and community boundaries.
Trends in ICT
These innovations are needed of the people whether it is for business or personal use.
Convergence - the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or
task and it is used in several technologies to accomplish a task conveniently.
Social Media - website, application, or online channel that enables web users to create,
co-edit, create, discuss modify, and exchange user-generated content.
a. Social Networks - allows you to connect with other people with the same interest or
background. User can add profile, add people, create groups, share contents.
b. Bookmarking sites - allows you to store and manage links to various websites and
resources. Allows to create a tag that allows the user and others to easily search or
share them.
c. Social news - allows users to post their own news items or links to other news
sources. Users can comment and those comments can also be ranked. They are also
capable of voting on these news articles of the website.
d. Media sharing - allows you to upload and share media content like images, music,
and video. It has features like liking, commenting, and having user profiles
e. Microblogging - sites that focus on short updates from the user. Ex. Twitter
f. Blogs and Forums - allows users to post their content where other can comment on
the said topic.
Mobile Technologies - smartphones and tablets are capable of using high-speed
Internet. This are electronic equipment such as a mobile phones or small computers
that you can use in different places, and the technology connected with them. Defined
as any device with internet capability that is accessible from anywhere the user is.
Current devices in this category include devices such as smartphones, tablets, some
iPods, and laptops
5G Network - the fastest mobile network in April 2019.
Mobile devices use different operating systems:
a. IOS - used in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad. Latest version is 13.6.
b. Android - an open source operating system primarily used in mobile devices. Written
primarily in Java and based on the Linux operating system, it was initially developed by
Android Inc. and was eventually purchased by Google in 2005. Since it is open
source, several mobile phone companies uses this OS for free.
c. Blackberry OS - used in Blackberry devices
d. Windows Phone OS - closed system and propriety operating system developed by
Microsoft for smartphones as the replacement successor to Windows Mobile and Zune.
e. Symbian - original smartphone OS; used by Nokia. It is mobile operating system (OS)
and computing platform designed for smartphones. Symbian was originally developed
as a closed-source OS for PDAs in 1998 by Symbian Ltd.
f. WebOS - used for smart TVs. Originally used for smartphones but now used for smart
TVs. It is an LG-owned, Linux-based, smart TV operating system that is set up to allow
control and access of LG Smart TV's more advanced features and connected devices
through a graphical user interface (GUI). WebOS was developed by Palm as a mobile
q. Windows Mobile - developed by Microsoft for smartphones and pocket PCS
Assistive Media - nonprofit service to help people who have visual and reading
impairments; dataset of audio recordings is used to read to the user.
• Computer software and hardware, such as voice recognition programs, screen
readers, and screen enlargement applications
• Tools such as automatic page turners, book holders, and adapted pencil
• Closed captioning
• Physical modifications in the built environment, including ramps, grab
bars, and wider doorways
• Lightweight, high-performance mobility devices
• Adaptive switches and utensils
• Devices and features of devices to help perform tasks such as cooking,
dressing, and grooming; specialized handles and grips, devices that extend
reach, and lights on telephones


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