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How To Recognize

A Good Church
by Richard W. De Haan

A Good Church Must Be

Doctrinally Correct (Part 1)

ost unbelievers are confused by the great
number of religions in the world today. All of
them have followers who claim to be right and
who endeavor to win converts to their way of thinking. To
make matters even worse, within Christianity itself there
is a wide divergence of opinion, much division, and strong
Many people are so perplexed over what is the true
way that they don’t make any choice at all! Even believers
are often uncertain about which church teaches the truth
and is worthy of their support. In this booklet, therefore,
I would like to tell you how to recognize a good church.
Let me begin by saying that you will never find a
perfect church. In fact, you may never find a church with
which you agree on every belief and practice. So let me
point out some basic elements that will assure you that a
particular church is a good church. If they are present, you
can confidently identify with it, work in it, and worship
there with enthusiasm and joy. But if these fundamentals

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are missing or denied, reporters Friday, after
beware! Be extremely ordaining the [professor] as
careful not to lend your bishop, ‘is that it has always
assistance or support to any allowed many different
group that rejects the clear shades of opinion within
teaching of God’s Word. it.’ The appointment has
How, then, can created one of the fiercest
you recognize a good controversies in decades.
church? The place to begin The new bishop has said he
answering that question is believes that some central
to examine what a church elements of the Christian
believes. Are its doctrines creed—such as the virgin
scriptural? Does it have a birth and resurrection of
clear statement of faith? Jesus—are symbolic rather
Or does it operate by the than literal truths. [He]
philosophy, “Anything goes”? also said in a television
Sorry to say, that is interview that while he
exactly the case in some believes Jesus was both God
churches. To show you what and man, other Christians
I mean, let me quote from are not obliged to do so.”
an article that appeared in No doubt those
The Grand Rapids Press: theologians thought
“A former theology professor it commendable to be
who said he does not believe broadminded. But they
that Jesus physically arose were wrong, dead wrong, in
from the dead has been being so wishy-washy about
ordained as one of the biblical essentials. It does
highest-ranking bishops make a difference what we
in the church. ‘One of the believe about the person of
glories of [our] church,’ Christ, His work, and other
[the] archbishop . . . told scriptural basics. Make sure,
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therefore, that the church BIBLIOLOGY—Beliefs
you attend or are looking for About The Bible
takes a stand, and a firm A good church will be
one, on all such matters. correct, first of all, in its
In determining how to beliefs about the Bible. It
recognize a good church, will believe and teach that
the starting point should the Bible is the inspired
be an examination of what Word of the living God. God
that church believes. Is it has spoken. He has not left
sound in its teachings? A us to grope helplessly in a
good church is correct in blind search for truth. The
these areas: Lord has given us the
• Bibliology (beliefs Scriptures, His infallible
about the Bible) written revelation to man.
• Theology (beliefs All Scripture is given
about God) by inspiration of God,
• Christology (beliefs and is profitable for
about Christ) doctrine, for reproof, for
• Soteriology (beliefs correction, for instruction
about salvation) in righteousness, that the
• Pneumatology (beliefs man of God may be
about the Spirit) complete, thoroughly
• Ecclesiology (beliefs equipped for every good
about the church) work (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
• Eschatology (beliefs The expression
about the endtimes) “inspiration of God” in
In these first two Bible verse 16 is a translation of
lessons, I would like to a Greek word that might be
consider with you each of rendered “God-breathed.” It
these vital areas of church can therefore be said that all
doctrine. Scripture is breathed of God.
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As the human authors plenary inspiration, we
penned the Bible are declaring that the Bible
manuscripts, the Lord from Genesis to Revelation
Himself was breathing is inspired of God.
(revealing His message) One of the best
through them. definitions of inspiration
Yes, we believe that I have ever found was
“all Scripture is given by given by the Greek scholar
inspiration of God.” In fact, Gaussen: “Inspiration is
we hold to verbal plenary that inexplicable power
inspiration. But what does which the divine Spirit put
that mean? forth of old on the authors
When we speak of verbal of Holy Scriptures, in order
inspiration, we mean that to guide them, even in the
the Holy Spirit led the employment of the words
authors of Scripture so they used, and to preserve
meticulously that even them alike from all error
the words they used were and all omission.”
controlled by Him. He so One mark of a good
guided them that they never church is its belief that
made a wrong choice. This the Bible is the inspired,
assures us that the Bible is infallible, inerrant Word
true in every minute detail. of God.
When we say we believe
in the plenary inspiration THEOLOGY—
of the Scriptures, we mean Beliefs About God
that all 66 Bible books are The second way to recognize
equally inspired. The word a good church is to examine
plenary comes from a Latin its theology; that is, its
word meaning “full.” When belief about God. No church
we affirm our belief in can possibly be sound in
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doctrine if it rejects what we also recognize the fact
the Bible says about God! that He is the Triune God:
We are told in 1 John 1:5 Father, Son, and Holy
that “God is light.” This is a Spirit—three distinct
reference to His absolute Persons yet one God. The
holiness. The words “God is Father is God. The Son,
love” in 1 John 4:8 explain Jesus Christ, is God. The
the reason He gives of Holy Spirit is God. And each
Himself for the welfare of these three members of
of His creatures. And the the Trinity is a Person. They
declaration in Hebrews have always existed. They
12:29 that “our God is a are equal in power and
consuming fire” reveals Him knowledge. Yet they are so
as One who punishes the unified in their essence that
evildoer. No teaching about they are not three gods but
God can be called biblical if one God.
it fails to recognize His
holiness as well as His CHRISTOLOGY—
love. It must acknowledge Beliefs About Christ
His hatred and judgment of The third key to knowing
sin as well as His pleasure how to recognize a good
of righteousness. A minister church is found in what it
who preaches God’s love believes about Christ. An
without ever mentioning important guideline for
God’s wrath is not identifying a church that
presenting the whole truth. is deserving of your loyalty
The Bible also tells its and support is what it
readers that God is one (Dt. teaches about the Lord
6:4). He is without rival or Jesus Christ. I’m thinking
equal. There is no other like especially about the church’s
Him. Although God is one, statement of faith regarding
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the deity and humanity it is not telling the truth
of Christ. about Christ and is not
The Bible teaches that worthy of your trust.
Christ is truly God and truly A church that is correct
man. The deity of Christ, for in its Christology will also
example, is explicitly stated believe in the virgin birth
in the opening verse of the of Jesus. It will teach that
gospel of John: “In the Mary was a virgin when
beginning was the Word, Christ was born. After the
and the Word was with God, angel announced to Mary
and the Word was God” (Jn. that she was going to “bring
1:1). The Lord Jesus claimed forth a Son,” she said, “How
deity for Himself. He said, can this be, since I do not
“Before Abraham was, I am” know a man?” (Lk. 1:31-34).
(Jn. 8:58). It was then that “the angel
Jesus is not only God, He answered and said to her,
is also man. The fact of our ‘The Holy Spirit will come
Lord’s deity and humanity upon you, and the power of
is clearly indicated in the Highest will overshadow
Philippians 2:5-8. He you; therefore, also, that
was born of the virgin Holy One who is to be born
Mary. During His earthly will be called the Son of
sojourn, He as a man God’ ” (v.35).
became weary, He was Now, I realize that
hungry, and He suffered some theologians will tell
physically. Nevertheless, He you the virgin birth is of
was truly God. A mystery? small importance in
Yes! But a truth we accept Christian theology. But I
by faith. If a church denies strongly disagree! To reject
the Lord’s absolute deity the reality of the virgin
and His genuine humanity, birth of Christ involves not
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only a contradiction of God’s Lord Jesus is also
Word but also a denial of indispensable to His sinless
the deity of Christ and His humanity. If Jesus had been
sinlessness. conceived in the normal
When a minister says manner, inheriting man’s
that Jesus was not virgin- sinful nature, He could never
born, he is implicitly have been our Savior. Every
declaring that Christ was human being born into this
just another human being. world (except for Christ)
But the Bible makes it clear enters it as a sinner, guilty
that the eternal, preexistent and depraved. We all receive
Second Person of the Trinity a sinful nature from our
was born of a human parents, they from theirs,
mother. God the Holy Spirit those parents from their
supernaturally implanted parents, and on and on, all
that life. When Jesus was the way back to father
conceived, the eternal Word Adam. Every human being
began a new mode of being. born into this world since
He entered Mary’s body. He the Fall is depraved and
allowed Himself to be born guilty by virtue of his or her
as a helpless baby. But He relationship to Adam. We all
did so without in any way enter this world as members
surrendering His deity. of a sinful and fallen race.
Such a miracle could never Therefore, if the Lord
have taken place through Jesus had been conceived
normal, human generation! in the normal manner, He
That is why the doctrine of would have inherited the
the virgin birth of Christ is depravity and guilt of Adam.
essential to a proper concept He Himself would have been
of His deity. a sinner and could not have
The virgin birth of the qualified to be our Savior. But
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the Bible describes the Lord stripes you were healed.”
Jesus as being totally without Christ died for us. He took
sin. Peter spoke of Him as “a our place at Calvary. That’s
lamb without blemish and what we mean when we
without spot” (1 Pet. 1:19). say we believe in His
And Paul indicated the substitutionary death.
sinlessness of Christ when he A church that is correct
wrote that God “made Him in its Christology will also
who knew no sin to be sin for believe that Christ literally
us, that we might become the arose from the dead. This
righteousness of God in Him” belief is based on the Bible.
(2 Cor. 5:21). To be our sin- “Christ died for our sins
bearer, He had to be sinless. according to the Scriptures,
The virgin birth is what . . . He was buried, and . . .
made that possible. He rose again the third day
A church that is correct according to the Scriptures”
in its Christology will also (1 Cor. 15:3-4).
believe in the atoning death Remember, a good
of Christ. It will teach that church will be correct in
Jesus, the sinless One, died its Christology. One way to
on the cross for sinners. Yes, recognize a church that is
He died as our substitute. worthy of your attendance
According to Romans 4:25, and fellowship, therefore, is
Christ was “delivered up to investigate its teachings
because of our offenses.” And about Christ. Does it believe
in 1 Peter 2:24 we are told in His deity? His humanity?
that Jesus “Himself bore His virgin birth? His sinless
our sins in His own body life? His atoning death? His
on the tree, that we, having resurrection from the dead?
died to sins, might live for And His personal coming
righteousness—by whose again? So basic are these
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truths to genuine attend. Others come at the
Christianity that anyone invitation of a friend.
who denies them cannot As meaningful as these
really be called a Christian! things may be, however,
the most important
A Good consideration should be the
Church Must doctrine of the church. In
other words, what does it
Be Doctrinally believe and teach? That’s
Correct (Part 2) the bottom line. I’d rather

any people who be in a church that meets
are looking for a in an old broken-down
church home have building with no choir, an
the wrong priorities. Some out-of-tune piano, and a
are drawn to a church by stammering preacher who
the beauty of its buildings. teaches the Word of God
Others are more interested than attend a church that’s
in its size. Still others are proud of its beautiful
attracted by an outstanding buildings, magnificent choir,
musical program or by the or eloquent minister yet
pastor with the most denies or ignores the clear
impressive appearance, teaching of Scripture and
personality, and speaking lacks the presence and
ability. Some look for a power of the Spirit of God.
church with an order of What is believed and
service that appeals to preached in a church is
them. Then too, there all-important!
are those who are drawn So, in this lesson I would
to a church because of like to consider with you
denominational loyalty, its several doctrinal emphases
location, or the people who upon which there can be no
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compromise whatever. In denying the importance of
the previous lesson we saw baptism, church attendance,
how to recognize a good or living a good life in
church by its beliefs about obedience to the commands
the Bible, God, and Christ. found in God’s Word. Not at
Let’s look at the following all! All of these things are
additional key doctrines of vitally important. But they
a good church: are not done in order to be
• Soteriology (beliefs saved. Rather, they follow
about salvation) as the fruit, the result,
• Pneumatology (beliefs the evidence of a genuine
about the Spirit) conversion experience. Paul
• Ecclesiology (beliefs wrote in Ephesians 2:
about the church) For we are His
• Eschatology (beliefs workmanship, created
about the endtimes) in Christ Jesus for good
works, which God
SOTERIOLOGY— prepared beforehand
Beliefs About Salvation that we should walk in
A good church will be them (v.10).
correct in its soteriology; The Second Person of the
that is, in what it believes eternal Trinity, Christ the
about the way of salvation. Son of God, became a
It will proclaim the message member of the human
of salvation by grace family through the virgin
through faith in Christ birth. He lived a perfect life,
alone (Eph. 2:8-9). died on the cross to pay the
In stating our conviction price for our sins, and arose
that salvation is by grace— from the dead. And now,
completely apart from because of what He did by
human effort—we are not dying in our place, salvation
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is offered to us as a gift. It about the Holy Spirit. The
is received by faith. Church Holy Spirit has sometimes
membership, baptism, a been called the “neglected
moral life, or works of Person of the Godhead,” and
charity—good as all these rightly so in many circles.
things are—can do nothing He is also perhaps the least
to save us from our sins. understood Person of the
Salvation can be three members of the
experienced only on the Trinity.
basis of what the Lord A good church will
Jesus Christ did for us as recognize the Holy Spirit
our substitute in life and both for who He is and for
death. And faith is the link what He does. Some people
by which the blessings of think of the Spirit as being
His provision are received. impersonal. They claim He’s
One poet has written: merely an influence who
Upon a life I did not live, guides man’s conscience.
Upon a death I did not die, Others view Him as some
Another’s life, kind of force programmed
Another’s death, into man to give him signals
I stake my whole eternity. from God. But the Holy
Spirit is a Person. He is
PNEUMATOLOGY— God. And since He is God,
Beliefs About He is also co-equal and co-
The Spirit eternal with the Father and
In answering the question, the Son. So beware of those
“How can I recognize a good who deny the personality
church?” I would emphasize and deity of the Holy Spirit.
that it must be correct in its As God, the Third
pneumatology; that is, in Person of the Trinity, the
what it believes and teaches Holy Spirit is involved in a
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number of important ECCLESIOLOGY—
activities. In fact, the work Beliefs About
of the Holy Spirit played The Church
such a vital role in the early A good church will be
church that the book of Acts correct in its ecclesiology;
has been called by some that is, in what it believes
“The Acts of the Holy Spirit and teaches about the
Through the Apostles.” church itself. The word
The Spirit of God brings church may refer to either
conviction of sin (Jn. 16:8). the invisible church or to a
He imparts the new birth local assembly of believers.
(Jn. 3:5). He baptizes When I speak about the
believers into the body invisible church, I have in
of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). mind the body of Christ,
He indwells individual which consists of all who
Christians (1 Cor. 6:19). He have received Him as
restrains sin (2 Th. 2:7). And Savior, regardless of
He equips believers for color, race, standing, or
effective service (Eph. 5:18). denominational label. It’s
Yes, the Holy Spirit makes the one true church. The
His home within every apostle Paul had this in
Christian. He dwells within mind when he wrote the
to comfort, guide, sustain, following words about God’s
and strengthen us, and to exaltation of Christ:
bear witness to the truth. [Christ was seated] far
Because of His indwelling above all principality
presence, we can have and power and might
victory over sin and we and dominion, and every
can successfully serve name that is named, not
the Lord. only in this age but also
in that which is to come.
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And He put all things members of His body, the
under His feet, and gave one true church. They will
Him to be head over all accept them as brothers
things to the church, and sisters in Christ.
which is His body, the Before moving on, I
fullness of Him who fills would like to emphasize the
all in all (Eph. 1:21-23). importance of attending and
When I speak of supporting a Bible-believing
the visible church, I’m local church. It isn’t enough
referring to local assemblies just to be a member of the
of believers—groups of invisible church. We must
Christians who meet also be identified with a
regularly for worship, local congregation. We have
instruction, fellowship, a responsibility to gather on
evangelism, and the a regular basis with other
observance of the Christians for worship,
ordinances. A good exhortation, encouragement,
church will recognize the and edification (Heb. 10:24-
distinction between a local 25). The faithful preaching
and the invisible church. Its of the Word, along with the
members will acknowledge fellowship of other believers,
that their assembly or can do wonders for our
denomination is not the only spiritual lives.
true church. They will not I am aware, as you are,
exclude from the body of that local churches are not
Christ those believers in perfect. I know it’s possible
Him who don’t have their for you as a believer to make
particular ecclesiastical some spiritual progress
label. Rather, they will see without church attendance.
all who have placed their You can study the Bible for
trust in Christ as fellow yourself. You can pray alone.
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You can grow from reading about the endtimes and
good Christian literature. the coming of Christ.
But that’s not enough. It’s The most momentous
certainly no excuse to and far-reaching event in
neglect the church. human history was the birth
If you have been born of the Lord Jesus Christ
again and you are not nearly 2,000 years ago.
identified with a local There is much more to the
church, I urge you, if at all story of Jesus, however, than
possible, to find a church His first coming. His virgin
home. When you do, make birth, His sinless life, His
sure that the one you choose bodily resurrection, and His
accepts the Bible as the ascension into heaven are
infallible Word of God, and all facts of history—but they
that it preaches salvation by are not the end of the story.
grace through faith in Jesus There’s much more. That
Christ the Son of God. which lies ahead is glorious!
Then, unless it’s impossible The Bible tells us that Jesus
because of poor health or Christ is coming again.
some other valid reason, When He does, we shall see
attend that church. Serve in the complete unfolding of
it. Give to it. And pray for it! God’s great plan of the ages.
Then at the name of
ESCHATOLOGY— Jesus every knee will bow
Beliefs About and every tongue will
The Endtimes “confess that Jesus Christ
The final point in helping is Lord, to the glory of God
you to recognize a good the Father” (Phil. 2:11).
church is that it will be It is then, as the prophet
correct in its eschatology; Habakkuk envisioned, that
that is, in what it believes “the earth will be filled with
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the knowledge of the glory One who placed His
of the Lord, as the waters hand on the eyes of a
cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14). man born blind, removing
It is then, as Paul told his perpetual night and
us, that “the dead in Christ revealing the light of day.
will rise first” (1 Th. 4:16), We shall see Him, the
and “we who are alive and One who hung on that
remain shall be caught up cruel cross, and when all
together with them in the was fulfilled cried out in
clouds to meet the Lord in triumph, “It is finished!”
the air” (v.17). At His coming again, we
When Christ comes shall behold Him and enjoy
again, we shall behold the presence of our Savior,
Him—the One who loved us our Redeemer and King, the
and gave Himself for us. Lord Jesus Christ—forever!
We shall see Him, the I realize that even
mighty Creator. within evangelical circles,
We shall see Him, the people disagree about
One who nearly 2,000 years the endtimes. But our
ago came into this world as differences must never
a baby, born in poverty in a become occasions for
stable in Bethlehem. division and strife. Rather,
We shall see Him, the let’s remember that in spite
One who had angels, people, of our various convictions,
demons, and all nature at as brothers and sisters in
His command. Christ we can love one
We shall see Him, the another just the same. The
One who broke up a funeral important thing is this: We
procession by giving life to a agree that Jesus Christ is
man who was dead. coming again. Any church
We shall see Him, the that denies His personal
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return as an actual, future And He gave this word
event falls short of the of warning:
standards for measuring Do not be afraid of those
a good church. who kill the body, and
In addition to its belief after that have no more
in the second coming of that they can do. But I
Christ, a good church will will show you whom you
also recognize the reality of should fear: Fear Him
both heaven and hell. who, after He has killed,
Bible-believing has power to cast into
Christians are looking hell; yes, I say to you,
forward to a beautiful place fear Him! (Lk. 12:4-5).
called heaven. Based on If you believe the Bible,
their faith in God’s Word, you simply cannot avoid the
they anticipate with delight fact that there is a heaven
the joys that await them in to be gained and a hell to be
their eternal home. And this shunned. One of the marks
hope brings healing to the of a good church is its belief
wounds of their earthly in and its scriptural
existence and quenches teaching about both places.
their sorrows. Are you a member
A good church not only of a good church? Are you
believes in a place called faithful in attendance? Do
heaven, but it also warns you give it your support? If
unbelievers of a real place you are a Christian, you
called hell. should.
The loving, gentle Lord
Jesus Himself spoke of that
place “where their worm
does not die, and the fire is
not quenched” (Mk. 9:48).
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Church Must EMPHASIS
A good church will recognize
Be Evangelistic the importance of bringing
In Spirit lost souls to Christ. The Lord
Jesus Himself announced

n looking for a good that “the Son of Man has
church home, you come to seek and to save
should make doctrine that which was lost” (Lk.
a matter of primary 19:10). The very fact that the
concern. But you should earthly ministry of Christ
look for some other things culminated in His death and
as well. So, as we continue resurrection, which made
our study on how to possible our redemption,
recognize a good church, indicates the great necessity
I would like to call your of leading men, women,
attention to several boys, and girls to Christ for
additional marks that salvation. A good church will
identify the right kind of have an evangelistic mission.
church. It will have: It might also have a deep
• An Evangelistic social concern for the
Emphasis physical and material needs
• A Missionary Outreach of people; but if that becomes
• A Regenerated its primary mission, and
Membership evangelism is given a back
• A Biblical Message seat, then its priorities have
Let’s examine each of been confused. A sure sign of
these qualities in detail. a good church is a burden for
lost souls.
Now, I’m not saying that
the right kind of church has
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to have an “altar call” the same, but the means of
at every service without presenting it may vary from
exception, or that it must church to church.
schedule week-long
evangelistic crusades at A MISSIONARY
least once a year. Please OUTREACH
don’t misunderstand. I Closely related to
agree that these things evangelism is missions.
are commendable, but I also A good church will have a
feel that the evangelistic strong missionary outreach.
burden of a church can be It will have a global concern.
demonstrated in other ways. Jesus told His followers to
This need may be filled “go into all the world and
through home Bible studies, preach the gospel to every
the personal witness of its creature” (Mk. 16:15).
members, radio and As followers of Christ, we
television outreaches, home are to spread the glorious
visitation programs, and news of redemption to men
other ministries that may and women everywhere. The
be appropriate to a church last words of the Lord Jesus
in its own community. before His ascension were
In a rapidly changing these:
world, we must always be You shall receive power
alert to new methods and when the Holy Spirit has
means of reaching the come upon you; and you
unsaved where they are. shall be witnesses to Me
In the most effective in Jerusalem, and in all
manner possible, we must Judea and Samaria, and
communicate to them the to the end of the earth
good news of the gospel. Our (Acts 1:8).
basic message must remain A good church will be
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missionary-minded. If it misunderstand. We should
isn’t—if it is so self-centeredencourage the unsaved to
that it’s occupied exclusively come to church, to hear the
with its own interests—it Word, and to be confronted
will fail in doing its part in with the good news of God’s
reaching the world with the saving grace. But to receive
gospel. them as members before
they are saved and to give
A REGENERATED them a voice in the affairs
MEMBERSHIP of the church is to stain its
In addition to being purity, compromise its
evangelistic and having principles, and diminish
a global perspective, a its power.
good church will have a Paul commanded:
regenerated membership. Do not be unequally yoked
The membership roll of a together with unbelievers.
church provides a helpful For what fellowship has
clue as to whether or not it’s righteousness with
worthy of your identification lawlessness? And what
with it. If a church communion has light
membership includes with darkness? And what
unsaved people (good as accord has Christ with
they may be, and of the Belial? Or what part
highest reputation and has a believer with an
respect in the community), unbeliever? And what
beware! If it welcomes into agreement has the temple
its membership men and of God with idols? For
women who have never you are the temple of the
been born again, it is not living God. As God has
a good church. said: “I will dwell in them
Again, please don’t and walk among them. I
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will be their God, and Having said that, I would
they shall be My people.” underscore the point that the
Therefore “Come out leadership of a church must
from among them and be possess certain spiritual
separate, says the Lord. qualities. That’s why Paul,
Do not touch what is writing to Timothy, his young
unclean, and I will receive son in the faith, gave certain
you” (2 Cor. 6:14-17). qualifications for elders and
Even though unbelievers deacons (1 Tim. 3:8-13).
are to have no involvement
with believers in the work A BIBLICAL
of the church, it is well to MESSAGE
remember that churches are Finally, a good church will
not exclusive “spiritual clubs” have a biblical message. It
for perfect Christians. If will be a place where the
they were, they would all be Bible is believed and
empty! I like the little slogan, faithfully preached. Paul
“Please be patient with me, wrote to Timothy:
God is not finished with me I charge you therefore
yet.” In fact, that’s why every before God and the Lord
one of us needs the church. Jesus Christ, who will
A church is not a mutual judge the living and the
admiration society for dead at His appearing
sanctified saints. Rather, and His kingdom: Preach
it’s a place where spiritual the Word! Be ready in
babies can grow, where the season and out of season.
weak can become strong, Convince, rebuke, exhort,
and where we mature as with all longsuffering
believers through worship, and teaching. For the
instruction, fellowship, and time will come when they
service. will not endure sound
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
doctrine, but according to for those who have
their own desires, because matured in the faith?
they have itching ears, Paul said, “Preach the Word!”
they will heap up for And that’s exactly what is
themselves teachers; and done in a good church.
they will turn their ears In some areas, a church
away from the truth, and like that is hard to find. The
be turned aside to fables. time has come when, as
But you be watchful Paul predicted, people “will
in all things, endure not endure sound doctrine,
afflictions, do the work of but according to their own
an evangelist, fulfill your desires, because they have
ministry (2 Tim. 4:1-5). itching ears, they will heap
Paul said, “Preach the up for themselves teachers;
Word!” And that’s one of the and they will turn their ears
first things you should listen away from the truth, and
for when looking for a church be turned aside to fables”
home. Is this a place where (2 Tim. 4:3-4). In many
the Word of God is preached churches today, preachers
and practiced? Or are the are giving their people what
messages from the pulpit they want to hear rather
mere moral sermonettes than what they need to hear.
intended to tickle the ears Sorry to say, this is
of fickle Christians? Are the happening not only in
messages mere expressions churches but in some para-
of the preacher’s opinion, or church ministries as well.
are they proclaimed with the Their spokesmen studiously
authority of the Scriptures avoid offending anyone. They
behind them? Is there not capitalize on popular themes.
only “milk” for spiritual They endeavor to make their
infants but also “solid food” audiences feel good about
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
themselves. Those who 2. The members of an
look to them for spiritual ideal church are caring.
guidance are pacified with In his first letter to the
pleasant thoughts, but Corinthian church, Paul
they are failing to receive compared individual
instruction and correction believers to parts of the
from the Word of God. human body and expressed
Before I conclude this desire:
this lesson, let me give That there should be no
you five qualities that schism in the body, but
are characteristic of the that the members should
members of an ideal church: have the same care for
1. The members of an one another. And if one
ideal church are loving. member suffers, all the
Speaking to His disciples, members suffer with it; or
Jesus said: if one member is honored,
A new commandment I all the members rejoice
give to you, that you love with it (1 Cor. 12:25-26).
one another; as I have Caring includes such
loved you, that you also activities as praying for one
love one another. By this another, visiting the lonely,
all will know that you ministering to the sick, and
are My disciples, if you comforting the bereaved.
have love for one another Through prayer and the
(Jn. 13:34-35). practical demonstrations of
True fellowship involves loving and caring, we fulfill
loving with a selfless desire the biblical admonition,
for the good of others. It’s “Bear one another’s
reaching out to those who burdens, and so fulfill the
need the encouragement of law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2).
genuine love. Sorrows are lessened and
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
joys are increased when 4. The members of
others share them. It’s an ideal church are
encouraging for a believer forbearing. The apostle
to know that his brothers Paul, writing to the
and sisters in Christ are Ephesians, indicated to
praying for him. How believers that they were
wonderful it would be if to walk “with all lowliness
every member of the church and gentleness, with
really felt cared for! longsuffering, bearing with
3. The members of one another in love” (Eph.
an ideal church are 4:2). If we are really
forgiving. This is an “bearing with one another
important element of in love,” we are patiently
Christian fellowship. making allowance for the
Believers in Christ should weaknesses of others.
be ready at all times to Irritability and impatience
forgive those who have are selfish responses, totally
wronged them. out of keeping with
Be kind to one another, Christian character.
tenderhearted, forgiving Oh, I know that some
one another, even as God church members like to
in Christ forgave you be in the limelight. I’m
(Eph. 4:32). aware that some folks are
To forgive is desirable overbearing. I realize that
in all of our relationships. some always need a pat on
But within the circle of the back and that others
believers, it is especially wear their feelings on their
important. An unforgiving sleeve. Rather than losing
attitude can kill the spirit patience, mature Christians
and stunt the growth of a will help them overcome
church. their weaknesses.
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
5. The members of or conceit, but in
an ideal church are lowliness of mind let
submitting. We often like each esteem others better
to quote Ephesians 5:22, than himself (v.3).
which says, “Wives, submit No one, regardless of
to your own husbands.” But his position, should ever
we fail to note the preceding think himself to be above
verse, which indicates that accepting advice from
we all should be “submitting others. No matter what a
to one another in the fear of person’s authority may be,
God” (v.21). he should manifest a spirit
We recognize, of course, of humility, a willingness to
the proper line of authority respond graciously, and an
in the home and in the openness to receive wise
church. Wives must submit counsel. If a spirit of mutual
to their husbands (v.22), submission were practiced
and members of the church in our churches, what a
must submit to their difference it would make!
leaders (Heb. 13:17). The If you are not in a good
key to successful mutual church, I urge you to do
submission, I believe, can something about it—and
be found in the last part of the sooner the better! You
1 Peter 5:5, which tells us to need the fellowship, the
“be clothed with humility.” instruction, the worship,
We must adopt the attitude and the opportunities for
of Romans 12:10, “In honor service that the church
giving preference to one alone affords. Don’t miss
another.” Philippians 2 out on the blessing!
exhorts us:
Let nothing be done
through selfish ambition
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
The Marks Of As God’s revelation to man,
A False Church it tells us what to believe
and how to live. It gives us a

n some circles, the mere measuring stick by which we
mention of the phrase can judge the accuracy and
religious truth is reliability of all religious
certain to arouse a variety statements. And when it
of responses. Some people comes to the question of my
feel so strongly about their eternal destiny—whether I
beliefs that they would abide with God forever in
rather die than change heaven or apart from Him
their minds. To the opposite in everlasting judgment—I
extreme, you often hear want to know the truth with
comments like this: “It absolute certainty!
really doesn’t make any Yes, I believe with all my
difference what you believe, heart that the truth can and
just so long as you believe must be discovered in the
something.” Some say it’s Word of God. The Bible is
a private matter and that the final authority for the
everyone’s entitled to his Christian, the one who
own belief. Others claim knows the Lord Jesus Christ
that you can’t be sure of as his personal Savior.
anything when it comes to I would warn you,
religious truth anyway. however, that not everyone
But is that really the who calls himself a
case? Definitely not! You Christian is genuine. A
can tell the truth! You can number of groups have
rightfully maintain that appeared on the scene
some religious ideas are true representing themselves as
and others are false—on the having new, final religious
basis of what the Bible says. truth. But they don’t. These
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
groups are a distortion of opinions and groups, it is
historic Christianity and essential for us to know how
pose a great threat to all to tell the genuine from the
who would place their counterfeit. Treasury agents
confidence in them. are given intensive training
These groups often attack in preparation for their
the church for some failure work. As part of their
or error even while they instruction, they are taught
themselves are leading to be on the lookout for
people astray. And unless counterfeit money. To help
you are careful and them do so, they make a
discerning, it’s possible for thorough study of the
you to be fooled by them. genuine bills, not of the
They often use the same phony ones! This is done so
terminology that Christians that when a fake is seen, it
use. They believe in some of will be recognized at once
the same things. They often because of its contrast to
meet in churchlike buildings the real thing.
and carry Bibles. As a result, We can learn a lesson
they have misled many. from this. It is helpful, of
Their false teaching has course, to be knowledgeable
been accepted as truth by about the cults and to be
their undiscerning followers. aware of their false and
That’s a tragedy, because dangerous dogmas. But
contrary to what some we should also be so well
may say, what we believe acquainted with the truth as
is vitally important—as we find it in God’s Word that
important as the destiny when we encounter that
of our eternal soul. which is not genuine, we
Faced as we are with will detect it immediately.
so many different religious We must study the Bible
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
and become so familiar with the personal return of
the real thing that we will the Lord Jesus. Let’s be so
perceive anything familiar with the real thing
counterfeit at once. that we can detect the
Many unsuspecting souls counterfeit at a glance!
are being led astray into the Just as there are both
cults and isms because they genuine and counterfeit
are not aware of what they currencies, so also there are
are getting into. The only both the real and the false
way to prevent this is to within Christendom. Just as
indoctrinate them so the best way to identify
completely with the truth counterfeit money is to be
that they will automatically thoroughly familiar with that
recognize the false when which is genuine, so also one
they hear it. of the best ways to guard
For example, if a person against counterfeit religion
really understands salvation is to be as knowledgeable as
by grace, he won’t fall for possible about the truth of
the teachings of those who God’s Word.
inject human works into the With that in mind,
plan of salvation. If he is we have been focusing on
well instructed concerning biblical doctrine—the
the person of Christ, he teachings that are basic to
won’t be led astray by those evangelical Christianity. Any
who proclaim Him to be less believer who is thoroughly
than God. If he knows the familiar with Christian
truth about His second belief will recognize the
coming, he won’t be taken in counterfeit at once.
by those who distort “that Even though this is
blessed hope” and make it true, before I conclude this
mean something other than booklet on how to recognize
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
a good church, I want to tell that everyone should follow
you how to recognize a cult. them. They somehow forget
Together with an awareness the nearly 1,900 years
of the marks of genuine of church history that
Christianity, a review of preceded them. Claiming a
some characteristics of false monopoly on spiritual light,
religions will make you even they imply that the church
more sensitive to error. has been stumbling along in
Here then are five darkness all this time. But
characteristics of cults, five that’s not the case! There
beliefs that are at odds with has always been the right
the historic Christian faith: person at the right time to
• A Lack Of Historical safeguard the truth and
Perspective purify the church. Great
• A Distorted View Of theologians and reformers
Scripture like Luther, Tyndale, the
• A Desire To Cause Wesleys, Calvin, and others
Division have given of themselves
• A Tendency To Major to preserve the faith and
On Minors uphold the Scriptures. In
• A Return To Past spite of that fact of history,
Errors some false teachers today
discount the work of
A LACK OF yesterday’s theologians and
HISTORICAL assert that they alone have
PERSPECTIVE finally discovered the truth.
Some groups have appeared
on the scene within the A DISTORTED VIEW
recent past and made the OF SCRIPTURE
bold assertion that they We come now to a second
alone know the truth and characteristic of cults. Their
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
followers often distort the recently discovered, or that
Scriptures. Although they it was translated from some
purport to believe in the unknown, ancient source—
Bible as God’s Word to watch out! The Bible was
man, some groups refuse given to everyone, and all
to accept the Bible as it is. can understand its basic
They add something to it message. It has been tested
and claim a new divine and tried in the crucible of
revelation. They place history and experience, and
alongside the Bible some it has been proven true. It
other work that they assert does not need someone’s
is equally authoritative. additional revelation or
Some of these secret interpretation!
groups publish a special
interpretation of the Bible. A DESIRE TO
They then instruct their CAUSE DIVISION
followers never to read the A third mark of a cult is a
Bible by itself but to spirit of divisiveness. True
interpret it by their own Christians who are walking
literature. This suggests, of in obedience to the Lord
course, that the Bible is too Jesus feel a bond of unity
deep or ambiguous to be with their fellow believers—
understood by the average regardless of minor
person, and that it needs differences in interpretation
the explanation their group or religious practice. They
alone has to offer. may argue about certain
When someone tells you issues, but they still
he has a special formula to recognize that they
unveil the secrets of the are brothers and sisters
Scriptures, that he has some in Christ. Off-brand
new revelation from God religionists, however, often
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
attack or try to discredit the doctrine which you
Bible-believing, gospel- learned, and avoid them.
preaching churches and For those who are such
ministers. If a church do not serve our Lord
member accepts their Jesus Christ, but their
criticism, he is then own belly, and by
encouraged to leave his smooth words and
church, even though it’s one flattering speech deceive
that adheres faithfully to the the hearts of the simple
fundamentals of the faith. (Rom. 16:17-18).
Christian friend, I So whenever you hear
warn you against those someone spewing out
who promote discord and accusations against Bible-
division within the body believing, gospel-preaching
of Christ. The apostle Paul churches or ministers, be
spoke against false teachers, on your guard.
referring to them as “savage
wolves” who “rise up, A TENDENCY TO
speaking perverse things, MAJOR ON MINORS
to draw away the disciples Some groups that do
after themselves” (Acts not represent historic
20:29-30). In Ephesians 4, Christianity are so busy
Paul urged believers to riding some religious
“keep the unity of the Spirit hobbyhorse, trying to prove
in the bond of peace” (v.3). that they are right and
And writing to fellow everyone else is wrong, that
believers in Rome about they lose sight of the overall
false teachers, Paul said: perspective of biblical
I urge you, brethren, note revelation. The apostle Paul
those who cause divisions indicated to Timothy that
and offenses, contrary to we should not “give heed to
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
fables and endless Arian controversy that
genealogies, which cause claims Jesus is not an
disputes rather than godly eternal but a created being.
edification which is in faith” Or they may revert to the
(1 Tim. 1:4). legalists and say that
Beware of a person salvation must be partly
who gets “hung up” on earned. Or they might
minor matters, who tries return to the old heresies
to impress you with his that distort the truth about
superior knowledge, or who the Trinity or question the
attempts to convince you true humanity of Christ.
that you must add some These issues were settled
work to your faith in order long ago by the church. The
to be saved. If some minor early leaders met in special
point of belief or religious councils to work them out,
practice is more important and there is no reason to
to him than the major doubt their decisions. To
doctrines such as the deity revive these things is
of Christ, the Trinity, or the unnecessary. To make
second coming of the Lord matters even worse, it
Jesus, be sure to turn a deaf adds to the confusion
ear to what he has to say. already existing in the
minds of the untaught.
A RETURN TO Yes, the proliferation
PAST ERRORS of religious ideas being
Many false teachers revive presented to the public today
doctrinal errors that have is cause for being on guard.
long ago been repudiated by It may come by radio or
the church and mix them television, through the
with their beliefs. They may, distribution of literature,
for example, reopen the old or from people knocking on
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
your door. They will all claim Accept what the Bible says
to have the truth. Review about Him—that through
the five marks of a cult. the shedding of His blood
They serve as a good test on Calvary’s cross He paid
by which you can measure for your sins, and that He
the credibility of those who arose from the dead—and
approach you with their receive Jesus Christ as
religious beliefs. Along with your Savior. He said:
a clear understanding of the Come to Me, all you
truth itself, keep these five who labor and are heavy
errors in mind and you will laden, and I will give you
recognize the counterfeit rest (Mt. 11:28).
when you see it. He also promised:
What you believe is He who hears My word
of vital importance. This and believes in Him who
is especially true when sent Me has everlasting
it comes to the way of life (Jn. 5:24).
salvation. The Bible says: That life can be yours today!
By grace you have been
This booklet is taken from messages
saved through faith, and taught by Richard W. De Haan on
that not of yourselves; the Day Of Discovery television
it is the gift of God, not of program. Richard was president
works, lest anyone should and teacher of RBC Ministries from
boast (Eph. 2:8-9). 1964 to 1984. He went home to be
with the Lord on July 16, 2002.
Salvation is received
Managing Editor: David Sper
through faith. And that faith
Cover: W. Pote/H. Armstrong Roberts Inc.
must be in the Lord Jesus
Scripture quotations are from the New
Christ. It’s not enough just King James Version. Copyright © 1982
by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by
to believe something—you permission. All rights reserved.
must believe in a person:
© 1984, 1995, 2002 RBC Ministries,
Christ Jesus the Lord. Grand Rapids, MI. Printed in USA.

© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
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