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Activity #1

Explain what the famous people mean about their comments or definition about history.


- “History is not just a catalogue of events put in the right order like a railway timetable.”
( A.J.P. Taylor)
History is not about the sequence of events that need to categorize according to their
timeline. History is not just the storytelling of events where we narrate what happened. It
is much more complex and complicated because we also need to find out how and why
that kind of scenario happens and its cause and effect. Moreover, history is not just
about documenting the past; it also involves researching it, determining the v alidity of
events, and gathering trustworthy testimony and evidence.

- “History is written by the winners.” (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Everybody can write and create a history. However, according to Napoleon, history is
sometimes a one-sided story. The victors can control history according to their
perspective because they have the power to oppress skilled journalists to bloom their
legacies. History control by the winners because of the force obtained after winning.

- “If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t
know it is a part of a tree. (Michael Crichton)
If you are ignorant of history, you are also illiterate about history's ancestors.
Henceforth, making you a person who is uneducated of one's heritage. History teaches
us about the twigs, branches, trunks, and roots of life in addition to the leaves of
existence. And by keeping oneself grounded in historical teachings, we may better
appreciate what it is to be human and realize that truth is much more than simply the

- “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.”
(George Santayana)
George's quotation about history reminds me of this Filipino motto: "A person who does
not look back at where he came from will not get to his destination" Our world must
remember the lessons from the past if it is to advance in the future. After all,
advancement is not the same as change. We need to look back from where we started
so we can move forward and learn some improvements.

- “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child.”
(Marcus Tullius Cicero)
It demonstrates how ignorance in the past may lead to prejudice in the present. Cicero
wants to explain to us that we need to be curious in our lives to try something new and
don't be afraid to experience failure because we need it to improve. Our forefathers'
choices, accomplishments, and mistakes teach us many important lessons and inspire
anybody who studies history. History gives us a sense of identity.

- “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own
understanding of their history.” (George Orwell)
This quotation by Orwell reminds us how history impacts our lives and how it became
our trademarks and identity. If you remove a people's past, you also remove their
culture and the bridge that unites their society. Someone's history is crucial because it
makes people who they are.

- “Study the past if you would define the future.”(Confucius)

Studying history will help you predict how the future will turn out because the outcome
will depend on the progress from the past.

- “History is a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging. What has
happened before will perforce happen again.” (George R.R. Martin)
The comment of George R.R. Martin regarding history expresses his belief that human
nature is constant. Historical events that have molded the world will unavoidably occur
again in the future. The phrase says that although we are going forward in the future,
man will always remain the same in elements like personalities and human attributes
since man is inherently unchangeable. This passage demonstrates Martin's belief that
any historical occurrence, including genocide and war, will happen in the future.

- “He who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from hand to mouth.”
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
According to Goethe's quote, those who lack the knowledge to account for themselves
over the course of three thousand years risk being ignorant, inexperienced, and living
day to day.

- “A generation which ignores history has no past- and no future.” (Robert A. Heinlein)
According to a proverb, individuals who don't consider their origins before moving
forward can not reach their objective. The same is true for this statement: just because
you were born in this generation doesn't imply you can't look back on previous ones.
Since our origins are in the past, moving forward is impossible without it.

- “If we are to make progress, we must not repeat history but make new history. We
must add to inheritance left by our ancestors.” (Mahatma Gandhi)
Past events make people more knowledgeable about different things. Our ancestors,
who try new things to move forward and be our guide in the present, are valuable to
give credit for what they have done before. Before we create progress in any
innovations today, we should know the history so we can assess their mistakes and
have a better plan to not end up with the same outcome as before. However, in creating
a new history, we must add the old ideas from our ancestors giving importance to their

- “We are not makers of history. We are made by history. “(Martin Luther King, Jr.)
The phrase can be implying that society is dependent on earlier innovations and that
fresh ideas are scarce in the contemporary environment. The remark can also imply that
we build on the lessons learned from earlier generations and that history has had a
significant impact on our choices.

- “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” (Karl Marx)
Every change in society's structure, in political institutions, and in history itself is the
result of a process of communal struggle by groups of individuals in comparable
economic circumstances to advance their material or economic interests.

- “Let us study things that are no more. It is necessary to understand them, if only to
avoid them.” (Victor Hugo)
It is crucial to understand things from the past that is an extinct or no longer practice
today because we need to know why those things are no longer living or not continue to
practice in our era. For example, in the medical field, there are a lot of methods that
they believe cure an ill person until they discover that it has side effects or is ineffective
to be a cure. To avoid this kind of misconception today, we need to study past
misbeliefs so we don't repeat their actions.
- “History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we
are the way we are.” (David McCullough)
You can choose the best course of action to get out of a pickle by researching the
historical circumstances that resulted in the current "hazardous" position, as well as the
actions are taken and results of situations that were similarly perilous in the past.

- “The lack of a sense of history is the damnation of the modern world.”

(Robert Penn Warren)
A life today without looking back on past events will lead us to nowhere. We need
historical understanding because it will lead us to how our life started before we come
up to this life. Innovations begin at the starting point, not in the middle ages. If we don't
value our history, our future will be messed up because we lack understanding.

- “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree
without roots.” (Marcus Garvey)
People who are knowledgeable about their cultures and history will have a solid basis
on which to grow. It ensures that the entire tree will remain stable since the group can
grasp onto the ground and resist being uprooted by storms or strong winds.

- “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” (Winston S. Churchchill)

Churchill was expressing his desire to leave a positive legacy by doing his utmost to
improve the world. He was aware of his mission and his destiny, just as I am aware of
my purpose and my future.

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