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Meaning of democracy:

The word democracy comes from TWO GREEKwords DEMOS means PEOPLE and KRATOS
meansPOWER or RULE,
That means. “rule of the people’’
Some times we referredas:

 Popular sovereignty
 Direct sovereignty
 Representativesovereignty
Definition of Democracy:
“A form of government in which people choose leaders by
Greek philosopher (CLEON):
“That shall be democratic which shall be of the people by
the people for the people.”
“Democracy is a government in which everyone has a share.”
“Democracy is a system of government in which every
adult citizen is equally free to express his views.”

1. Popular Sovereignty:

 The adult citizens of the country exercise power and civic responsibility in the
democracy by using their direct votes or with the help of their freely elected

2. Majority Rules And Individual Rights:

 Democracy follows the decision-making approach of majority rule. It focuses

 On individual rights within the same. All levels of the government within
 Democracies are accessible to the people and are responsive as well.

 The legislature is responsible for passing the laws by the majority.

3. Political And Civil Liberty:

 The primary objective of democracies is to protect the human rights of every


 These include:

 Freedom of speech

 Equality

 Freedom to choose their religion

 Freedom to participate and organize cultural, economic, and political events in

the society
4. Free And Fair Elections:
 All adult citizens have the right to vote for their representatives.
 The election process is free and fair and is held at regular intervals.
 Opposition parties and candidates need to enjoy the freedom of assembly,
speech, and movement
 Elections need to be periodic in a democracy
5. Right To Contest In Elections:
 People with the right ages should be allowed to contest in the elections if
they wish to do so.
 Democracies decide an age limit after which any citizen fulfilling
specific criteria can participate in the election.
6. Equality:
 The principle of justice focuses on the fact that no two people are unequal.
 Every individual is treated as an equal, without any discrimination.
 The cornerstones of democracy include political as well as social equality.

7. Judiciary:
 Judiciary is regarded as the protector and the guardian of the Constitution as
well as the fundamental rights of the citizens. It is also the interpreter of the
 It is crucial to keep it separate from the controls of the executive and the
legislature so that it can perform its role
 Efficiently without any tampering.

1. Direct Democracy:
Citizens get vote for a policy without intermediate representative.
e.g. Switzerland
2. Representative Democracy:
The people elect officials to create and vote on laws,policies and other matters.
e.g.France, Australia, Canada
3. People Democracy:
Used in communist state,
In which power is regarded as being invested in the people.
e.g. China
4. Social Democracy:
It aims at social equality and walfare of the people.
5. Economic Democracy:
Economic equality in society
Rights to buying and selling in market
6. Industrial Democracy:
The involvement of employees in the running of an industry, factory, company, etc.
7. Presidential democracy:
A presidential democracy is the opposite of a parliamentary democracy. In a
presidential democracy, the executive branch has the power.
The people elect a president to head the government. However, the president is
kept in check by the legislative branch.e.g. US, and SUDAN
8. Parliametry Democracy:
In a parliamentary democracy, the power is given to the legislative branch of the
Through the parliament and the prime minister. These governments also have an
executive branch but with less power.
9. Authoritarian Democracy:
Authoritarian democracy is a form of democracy directed by a ruling elite of an
authoritarian state that
Seeks to represent the different interests of society.
e.g. Russia
10. Participatory Democracy:
Participatory democracy tends to advocate greater citizen participation and more direct
Than traditional representative democracy.
11. Islamic democracy:
Seek to apply Islamic law to public policy
e.g. Afghanistan, Iran


Historical background:

 In 1950s we saw a controlled democracy.

 In 1960s a basic democracy.
 In 1970s a socialist democracy.
 In 1980s a guided democracy.
 In 1990s we had a shame democracy.
Causes Of Failure Of Democracy Of Pakistan:

 Historic as well as present

 Lack of accountability
 Rigging in election
 Dynastic politics
 Lack of mass awareness
 Poor role of civil societies
 Wings were separated
 Lack of competent political leadership
 Rampant corruption
Strengthen Democracy in Pakistan:

 Reforms in political parties

 Constitutional amendment according to need of time
 Election reforms
 Independent judiciary
 Reforms in bureaucracy
 Mass awareness
 Vibrant society
 Vibrant media

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