Question No. 1

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What is Business Research?
Business Research is systematic investigation about specific problems that encounter in
workplace. Business research can be performed for two different purposes. One of the
purposes is to solve the current problem faced by manager, which is known as applied
research. The other purpose is to generate knowledge on various concerns to understand how
such concerns can be solved. This kind of research is known as basic research. This process
involves various steps such as problem identification, information gathering, data or content
analysis, making interpretations or insights or conclusions and then finally takes corrective
measures to resolve the problem.

Why is the project that Paul Thomas Anderson is doing for The Laroche Candy
Company a research project?
In this scenario, Mr. Anderson made a research considering the Mr. Davy's business issue
which he is facing and then find out the solutions to solve his problems through research. Mr.
Davy's issue was that he was really concerned about his business that either will be able to
grow that business? Will he be able to keep business strong enough to continue or will it
affect his family relationships. Research is all about analyzing and examining the overall the
position of the company and issues it is going through with the company as a whole.

Which steps will Paul take now that he has clearly defined the problem that
needs attention?
After analyzing all the collected data he will come out with his suggestion and findings of
this particular issue. After all of these things he will write down his findings and probable
solutions and will publish it to Luc Laroche and whole company if required. The basis of his
problem statement Paul will design the research, later he will collect the aggregate data which
is required for complete understanding of this issue.

Luc Laroche has decided to hire an external consultant to investigate the
problem. Do you think that this is a wise decision or would it have been better
to ask his son Davy or an internal consultant to do the research project?
It is a wise decision by Luc Laroche, he did the right thing by hiring a professional person.
Luc Laroche himself wasn't able to identify the problem, Davy pointed out the issues. But as
Davy’s abilities are restricted to accounts department only. He wasn't sure about taking over
the company at that moment. McKinsey Consultant. As his elder son Davy, is basically a
field person of accounting. So he would be only able to point out and look after this
department particularly. On the other hand, an internal consultant will only be able to
examine the company at micro level. Whereas an external professional consultant 'Paul
Thomas Addison' is able to examine the company on macro level as well. He did thorough
research and after that he was able to identify all issues such as financing related issues, legal
government regulations for the family business and the overall performance and productivity
of the company.

What can (or should) Luc do to assist Paul to yield valuable research results?
As well as he should cooperate and try his best to provide Paul with the information he
required with accuracy. Although the external data is easily accessible for Paul but internal
data is quite vulnerable hence, difficult to gather. So Luc can help him out in that manner. As
Luc has established this company and he is there from the beginning till now. So he knows
everything related to this company. By using his experience Luc can provide Paul with all the
information that he believes is important for him to know.

How can basic or fundamental research help Paul to solve the specific
problem of The Laroche Candy Company?
The basic research is depend upon the problem that will occur in future so Paul used basic
research and become familiar with statistics about the failure rate of family transitions and
triggered that main problem of Laroche candy company was familyism which state that
family values are important but sometimes it give negative impact on development of
company so Luc was only promoting his family members in company. So basically he was
not hiring the fit person for job and that was making the company weak.

Try to find relevant books, articles, and research reports relating to this issue.
Use, among others, electronic resources of your library and/or the Internet.
A consultant can supplement the staff. Sometimes a business discovers it can save thousands
of dollars a week by hiring consultants when they are needed rather than hiring full-time
employees. They also can save additional money because they don't have to pay benefits to
the consultants they hire. External consultants are hired for the sole purpose of their expertise
and ability to create change for a specific business problem. This brings more clarity and
focus to the role and helps concentrate efforts on the project at hand, and often, helps ensure
client buy-in. Even though a consultant's fees are generally higher than an employee's salary,
over the long haul it makes good economic sense to hire a consultant. Maybe one family
member’s poor performance is being detrimental, or maybe an inter-familial power struggle
is causing the company to lack a unified strategy. A neutral and objective consultant will be
able to speak openly about these problems without fear of reprisals. Family-held businesses
often suffer from their relationship dynamics such that it can be difficult for family members
themselves to speak openly and honestly about problems dragging the company down.

-----------------------------The END-----------------------------
 Interview (or talking) to some of the middle-level managers.
 Plausibe findings: The CIO finds that many of them have very little idea as to what
MIS is all about.
 CIO may use the internet (review of literature) to explore additional information on
the lack of use of MIS in organizations.
 Plausible findings: The search indicates that many middle-level managers especially
the old-timers are not familiar with operating personal computers and experience
‘computer anxiety’; Lack of knowledge about what MIS offers is found to be another
main reason why some managers do not use MIS.
From such a theory, the CIO generates various Problem Statement, one among them being:
 Develops a theory incorporating all the relevant factors contributing to the lack of
access of the MIS by managers in the organization.
From such a theory, the CIO generates various hypotheses for testing, one among them being:
 Knowledge of the usefulness of MIS would help managers to put the MIS to greater
The CIO then develops a short questionnaire on the various factors theorized to influence the
use of the MIS by managers, such as the extent of knowledge of what MIS is, what kinds of
information MIS provides, how to access the information, and the level of comfort felt by
managers in using computers in general and finally, how often managers have accessed the
MIS in the preceding three months.
 The CIO then analyzes the data obtained through the questionnaire to determine what
factors prevent the managers from using the system.
 He may use a statistical software package to analyze his data.
 Based on the results, the CIO deduces or concludes that managers do not use MIS
owing to certain factors.
 These deduction help the CIO to take necessary action to rectify the situation, which
might include, among other things, seminars for training managers on the use of
computers, and MIS and its usefulness.

-----------------------------The END-----------------------------

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