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1. After watching the whole video, what have you learned from the students sharing their ideas
about the topic?
Research gives an opportunity to contribute some new knowledge that has never really been
discovered before. It must have evidence to support it and be able to find answers or hypothesis
really quickly to identify the concept of something. In conducting research, it is important to have a
mentor to make course work easier and turn things out efficiently. It helps you find yourself without
direction. Research fits into what you can do, forces yourself to do more, and the most important
thing is that you are learning from the process.

2. Why is this important in your course?

For me, research is something you are interested in. That is why we ask questions and
immerse ourselves in learning everything we can. Without curiosity, there would be no research.
Research allows you to pursue your interests, learn something new, and it challenge yourself in new
ways. It improves mathematical skills and helps to restore and protect memory. Through research a
person's learning capacity improves, and they can perform better than those who are reluctant to
research. As a result, it prepares the mind for a better understanding of concepts and theories.

Educational research is the systematic application of a family of methods that are employed to
provide trustworthy information about educational problems (Gay and Airsian 2000).

Understanding and comprehending human perspective is important to qualitative research. It is

concerned with how people interpret things and how they see reality, whereas quantitative is
concerned with comparing or creating correlations concerning population features and looking for
the potential to generalize to the entire population. Quantitative also makes predictions, inferences,
or calculations. Qualitative, on the other hand, is rich in descriptions, uses small samples, and
establishes procedures that are adequately documented, whereas quantitative is numerical
summaries that use numbers and quantities. It includes more persons and respondents, and it
establishes the reliability, validity, and trustworthiness of all findings.

Reading more about the literature, identifying the gap, or it could be rooted in the challenges you
encountered in the field is a good beginning point for undertaking research. Upon the identification
of problems, you proceed to pose a research question. Once you've determined why you need to
undertake a study, you must determine what you want to accomplish from the research problem that
you have. The hypothesis is an important step in the quantitative research method. This will aid in
identifying the important variables, and the abstract and variables must be measurable in this area.
Select a research design and methods. This allows you to select the best research design method to
test the hypothesis. The conclusion is the final step in conducting research.

In conducting research, you will use three types of questions: descriptive, relational, and causal.
Your hypothesis will be constructed across research questions.

The most important aspect in which you will design and create a situation is the research design.
First thing to do is to isolate the variables and making sure that they are not affecting your results
and this is done to ensure the relationships being tested by the ones that really studying. The two
research designs that you can conduct and a very common is the experimental design it is called as a
control group wherein there is no treatment given to this group and the quasi-experimental designs
that is not a true just like experimental design but it’s not really an experimental.

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