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Throughout the tables, certain numerical figures have been marked as red- as these identify
anomalies throughout the data collection process.

: Showing the relationship between an increase in the concentration of

Cytokinin/ppm and the average rate of growth during 12 days (mm/day)

It was predicted within the hypothesis that increasing the concentration of cytokinin will result in an
increase in the growth of Lens Culinaris seeds, thus indicating an increase in cell division and cell
growth. The results gathered by this experiment clearly support the hypothesis as depicted by the
general trend of the results, answering the research question of “How does the altering the
concentration (0,100, 200, 300 and 400 mg/ litre) of the harmon- Cytokinins when added to Lens
Culinaris (lentil) seed affect its germination and growth over the time period of 14 days through
measuring the length of the stem from the root to the top of the plant through using a ruler? (±0.1
cm),” as this trend displays a rough positive correlation between the independent and dependent
variables, in that increasing the concentration of cytokinin (ppm (±10.0%)) caused an increase in
the growth of Lens Culinaris seeds (±1mm). This trend is relatively consistent throughout the
quantitative data presented in Graph 1 as well as the qualitative data observations.

Quantitative Data-

The first section of the graph provides support for the positive correlation between the variables.
Increasing the temperature of the beetroot sample from 4°C to 20°C (+/- 0.1°C) caused the average
absorbance of light at 450 nm (+/- 0.001 nm) to increase from an average of 0.232 to 0.291 - an
increase of 0.059. Standard deviation bars in this section are the smallest in the graph.

The first section of the graph displays that across all of the concentrations of the cytokinins solution
used upon the Lens Culinaris seeds had no effect until the third day. Although focusing on the
concentration of 0ppm where pure water was used to water the seeds, it had the least effect on the
growth. Throughout the 12 days, the seeds had grown an average of 9 mm/day. The standard
deviation bars in this section are grow to be increased in size between the 8th- 12th day, potentially
indicating room for variation amongst the results.

Within the second section of the graph, increasing the concentration of the cytokinin upon Lens
Culinaris to 100ppm resulted in a greater growth rate than the concentration of 0ppm. This was
evident as the average growth of using this specific concentration displayed that the average growth
across the 12 days was 30mm/day. This change, in which is notably larger in comparison to the first
section of the graph, further underlines the positive correlation between the variables. Furthermore,
the standard deviation bars here relatively the same size to the previous section of the graph, once
again indicating a spread of results.

Furthermore, the third section of the graph continues to display the overall trend of positive
correlation, although it is a relatively weak positive correlation at this point. This is due to the fact
that at the concentration of 200ppm, it had resulted in a significantly smaller greater growth rate
than the concentration of 100ppm, due to the average growth of using this specific concentration
across 12 days was 31mm/day. This change is not large, especially in comparison to the previous
values. The standard deviation bars are significantly smaller than the previous section of the graph,
suggesting a smaller room for variation amongst the collected results.

Moreover, in the fourth section of the graph which displays the effect of using 300 ppm of cytokinin
has the same impact as the concentration of 200ppm. With slightly greater values than the previous
section, the average growth rate of the seeds remains at the average growth rate of 31mm per day.
The standard deviation bars in this section are similar to the previous section, proving that there is a
small room of variation across these results.

Lastly, within the fifth section of the graph, it displays the effect of using 400ppm of cytokinin. At
this point, the average growth rate of using this concentration is 32mm per day. It can be seen that
according to the previous section of the graph, there is a minor difference in the growth rate-
although nothing significant, as there has been only a 1mm increase. The error bars within this
section of the graph are the smallest displayed amongst the graph of various results, proposing that
this set of data under the specific concentration of 400ppm has the least variation.

There were no significant outliers displayed across the results other than that 300ppm and 200ppm
both grew at the same average growth rate. This could perhaps be due to the fact that they are the
median values across the different concentrations used, ultimately leading to those values producing
the same results and rate of growth of 31mm/day.

It can be deduced that the data collected supports the hypothesis of “the use of the highest
concentration- 400mg will have the greatest effect upon the growth of the length of the stem.” This
was clearly seen as the growth of using the concentration of 400ppm had the greatest impact upon
the average growth rate of the Lens Culinaris seeds within an average growth rate of 32mm per day.
It was further hypothesized that, “the use of the concentration 300mg will have a relatively high
effect but less than 400mg, followed by 300mg, 200mg, 100mg and 0mg having the least effect.”
Although, according to the results, 300ppm and 200ppm of the cytokinin concentration had the
same average growth rate of 31mm per day, followed by the 100ppm having an average growth rate
of 30mm per day, and lastly 0ppm having 9mm of growth per day. Through the use of varying
concentrations and its effect upon the seeds of Lens Culinaris seeds, the rate of growth increased
alongside the increase in concentration due to the fact that the harmone of cytokinin is most
abundant in growing tissues: roots, embryos and fruits in which cell division (process of mitosis)
occurs. It aims in delaying the senescence in leaf tissues through the promotion of mitosis which
consequently stimulates differentiation of developmental events: the meristem in both shoots and
roots, bud formation and leaf expansion. Hence, the clear correlation between the two variables.


After completing the experiment, numerous strengths and errors were determined, and as a result
solutions and improvements have been identified to ensure that if this test was to be completed
again, it would to a high degree of accuracy attempting to any significant errors which had perhaps
been the reason to the alteration of the collected results and anomalies recognized. Firstly, the
experiment was completed under the time constraint, as all needed data was collected within in the
limited 1 hour time span. Furthermore, within the materials, there were specific details as to the
equipment that had to be used throughout the experiment, therefore the correct number and
particular materials that were required to complete this test were used constantly. With the
uncertainty of the equipment recognised throughout the earlier stages, it allowed for a smaller
variation in the collected results as displays in the error bars in Graph 1, clearly indicating the
accuracy and reliability of the data collected. In addition, the range of the values used throughout
within independent variable included: 0, 100,200,300 and 400 ppm. As the concentration was
increasing by equal increments throughout the test, the range used provided for a clear
understanding between the correlation across the independent and dependant variables. Moreover,
there were 3 trials recorded for each one of the 5 concentrations, in order to minimise the impacts of
errors done, in order to gain accurate results.

Despite the numerous strengths through the experiment, there were many evident weaknesses and
uncertainties that possibly affected the accuracy of our results, and that can be improved within the
Potential Extensions-

A potential extension towards the experiment that could be tested upon in the future is that the use
of varying concentrations of cytokinins can be tested upon blooming flowers or trees. Furthermore,
the maximum and minimum concentrations could also be potentially investigated, in regard to
providing helpful insight towards gardeners in order to determine what concentrations produce the
same height.

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