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Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)13:39:03 No.13747742


/med/ - Medicine general

Last thread -> >>13725049 → #

We discuss research, DO NOT offer

advice (just fucking go see your doctor)
make fun of gunner premeds and
3.35 MB PNG shitpost. Please keep
vaccination/clamping/vitamin K etc. out of
this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of
>inb4 not science
>inb4 circumcision
>inb4 schizo-posting
>inb4 clamping

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)13:50:19 No.13747782


>>13747742 (OP) #
>picture of retinal vasculature
I looked at my erect penis today and the vascular network
is so wacky and convoluted
Why can't the stupid vessels just grow in a grid lmao

>>13747788 # >>13748066 #

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)13:51:36 No.13747788


>>13747782 #
Just get a gridplastic anastomosis

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)13:58:58 No.13747814


>>13746974 → #
Who's 'you'? Practices depend heavily on patient
specifics, and local protocols/personal preference of the
However, normally IV agents are used for induction - a
sequence of fentanyl(or a variant like sufentanyl,
remifentanyl), propofol(or thiopental, etomidate) and a
neuromuscular blocker, usually rocuronium or
atracurium(if intubation is planned); afterwards
anesthesia can proceed either as TIVA or switch to
inhalation(gas) anesthetics.
The only case where inhalation induction is
recommended is in pediatric anesthesia, because kids
are little bitches and will cry when you try to place an IV;
so you knock them out with sevoflurane or N2O, then the
nurse places an IV and you get more options
>from what I remember from my surgery
So you were either a kid then, or, if not, the
anesthesiologist was simply preoxygenating you with the
mask and at some point signalled the nurse to start
injecting induction drugs

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)14:00:54 No.13747825


>anon comes in with suicidal ideations

>give him a lethal dose of morphine

675 KB JPG

>>13747864 # >>13748005 #

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)14:13:50 No.13747864


>>13747825 #
Thanks doc

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)15:10:54 No.13748005


>>13747825 #
Noice done.

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)15:18:06 No.13748024


What does the medical community think

about the profitable trade in
dismembered human body parts?
115 KB PNG Does using cash money as means of
transaction in the dismembered human body parts trade
pose an ethical risk to the medical community?

>>13748056 # >>13748081 # >>13748122 # >>13748133 #

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)15:19:43 No.13748027


>>13747742 (OP) #
thought on paramedic diploma ?

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)15:27:54 No.13748056


>>13748024 #
only 500 bucks for a foreskin?? that's a steal

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)15:34:22 No.13748066


>>13747782 #
Let me do a penis inspection on you

>>13748170 #

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)15:41:06 No.13748081


>>13748024 # this what happened to my foreskin?

>>13749685 #

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)16:03:25 No.13748122


>>13748024 #
>dismembered human body parts

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)16:05:59 No.13748133


>>13748024 #
I think it's great that the American people are providing
their foreskins for the global biomedical industry

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)16:08:07 No.13748145


>>13747742 (OP) #
Is this Diabetic Retinopathy?

>>13748162 #

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)16:12:38 No.13748162


>>13748145 #
Yep, there are some hard exsudates in
the right edge of the picture.

2.05 MB PNG

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)16:14:29 No.13748170


>>13748066 #
sorry i need you to provide imagery that would elicit
erection first

>>13748190 #

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)16:19:37 No.13748190


>>13748170 #
Hope this works

2.8 MB PNG

>>13748353 # >>13748359 #

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)17:11:54 No.13748353


>>13748190 #
Thats a very small width.

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)17:14:02 No.13748359


>>13748190 #
is that a peepee cross section?
imagine having your dead peepee sliced into a thousand
transverse sections

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)18:31:26 No.13748608


> be a doctor
> prescribe a class I carcinogen

>>13748613 #

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)18:33:17 No.13748613


>>13748608 #


Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)20:03:56 No.13748841


I am interested in Urology, but in the cunt I'm studying I

don't have a chance to actually go into a urology rotation
during my medical studies so I have nobody to ask this
question to.
This is more of a general question about minimal invasive
procedures: [Open]
(minute 1-2)
When introducing the guidewire, the Urologists check the
position of it through X-Ray. Don't they get a lot of
radiation exposure?
I understand that they have lead shielding, but doing this
stuff every day for hours can't be healthy right?
I don't want to get into a specialty that will expose me to
daily radiation.

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)20:21:44 No.13748898


>tfw you fell for the med meme when the

job market is absolute dogshit
>forced to become a chief resident
instead to look good
just fucking end me bros

>>13748909 # >>13750506 #

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)20:26:28 No.13748909


>>13748898 #
>chief resident
Emergency medicine?

Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)20:39:26 No.13748943


>thinking about how much money the

health system would save and how much
more satisfying it'd be to practice
medicine if there weren't any brown

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)01:48:21 No.13749678


117 KB JPG

>>13749809 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)01:51:13 No.13749685


>>13748081 #
you didn't even get a penny of the $500


Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)02:55:45 No.13749809


>>13749678 #
>Noooo my untreated hypertension is healthy!!!!!!
>*aneurysm snaps*

>>13749874 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)03:30:36 No.13749874


>>13749809 #
Why is a long life something humanity should strive for?

>>13749956 # >>13750512 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)04:24:43 No.13749956


>>13749874 #
A conscious entity must decide on its own when it’s time
to succumb to entropy.

>>13749961 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)04:26:20 No.13749958


>medscape and other sources say alcoholic steatosis

reverts to normal within 2-8 weeks of abstinance
>friend with grad 3 steatosis says the doctors told him it
takes up to a year
which is it

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)04:27:36 No.13749961


>>13749956 #
based immortalist

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)05:36:07 No.13750048


>>13747742 (OP) #
What kind of path is left for a final year med who fucking
hates medicine after dealing with toxic consultants during
his clinical years? I like computers btw but was forced
into med

>>13750141 # >>13750228 # >>13750516 # >>13752587 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)06:39:44 No.13750141


>>13750048 #
Path of sudoku

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)07:37:00 No.13750228


>>13750048 #
Pathology, insurance

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)08:48:32 No.13750363


Is ophthalmology the most cucked medicine specialty?

Every year it seems these optometrists were gaining
more and more rights and scope expansion.

>>13750504 # >>13750569 # >>13751596 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)09:49:52 No.13750504


>>13750363 #
>Great salary (still)
>Great work-life balance
>Bonus points if you're interested in eyes
I dont know dude, you tell me

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)09:50:54 No.13750506


>>13748898 #
Ameribro or Eurocuck?

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)09:51:55 No.13750512


>>13749874 #
Not everybody hates his life like you do

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)09:53:18 No.13750516


>>13750048 #
Do the MD/DDS program and become based OMFS
dabbing on your opponents

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)10:16:37 No.13750569


>>13750363 #
Are you in med? Doesn't sound like it. For those doing
med in Australia, how's it looking? Have to pick between
medicine, dentistry, gardener and law. I can't bring myself
to the level of becoming a dentist so medicine seems like
the only option for me.

>>13750670 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)10:49:10 No.13750662


>>13747742 (OP) #
Can any docs here weigh in? I want to do
something really hard for once in my life.
Medicine never really appealed to me
because I didn’t have the foundation for it
24 KB JPG out of high school (took bare minimum math
and science requirements). I like helping people and hate
being in front of the computer all day.

If I haven’t been aspiring towards medicine as a

profession my entire life should I even bother, or would
getting into school be too much of a hassle?

I’m 26, Canadian, went to college for a while, stopped

going, failed at least two classes while I was there.

>>13750730 # >>13750789 # >>13750828 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)10:50:56 No.13750670


>>13750569 #
How is that in the running along with dentistry and law?

>>13750674 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)10:51:52 No.13750674


>>13750670 #
My real passion is in mowing lawns and digging stuff for

>>13750693 # >>13750730 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)10:59:00 No.13750693


>>13750674 #
Kinda based. If money is a concern, I work at my father’s
law firm as a clerk. You’re chained to a desk more often
than not, I wouldn’t be able to do it if I thought it was
forever. We have quite a few clients who built up a
landscaping business and have a good amount of money
from it - but you’ll more be managing people than actually
digging. I’m the same way. Love the mud. But my plan is
to make a ton of money and then retire early with some

What do you mean when you say:

>I can't bring myself to the level of becoming a dentist so
medicine seems like the only option for me.
Is one better or worse? I would say doctors are slightly
more prestigious in Canada but dentists tend to have less
debt and a better work-life balance. That’s just from
observing, though.

>>13750710 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)11:05:36 No.13750710


>>13750693 #
Yeah it would be a nice hobby later I suppose. I've been
fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study stuff
that could, ideally, make a difference so I should be
grateful but I still want to do part time gardening or
something. It's nothing like that, dentists are important
and a great professional. I just have a personal grudge
against them that began after I faced a all dentist team on
a futsal match and they acted like cjnts. I'm doing a
nothing year but had an opportunity to do dentistry
interstate so taking it this year kinda feels like I've made
no progress as well. Med just seems more exciting but
not as much as building a beautiful front yard.

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)11:12:37 No.13750730


>>13750662 #
Go for dentistry, it'll be hard the first 2 years due to
sharing modules with medicine but after that it's a lot of
hands on work.
>>13750674 #
If your passion is gardening (hence working with your
hands) I'll advice to do dentistry

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)11:13:59 No.13750736


>>13747742 (OP) #
PhD here, taking MCAT next year. will my PhD + high
MCAT overcome low undergrad GPA? I graduated
undergrad years ago.

>>13750987 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)11:29:33 No.13750789


>>13750662 #
Nigger you failed 2 (two) classes of non-medicine.
Switching to a allegedly harder caeer isn't going to fix
your lack of motivation. Implying you could slip through
the university, you would die during your first night shift.

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)11:40:53 No.13750828


>>13750662 #
Third year here.

> Never liked biology

> Always liked helping people
> After graduating decide to go to the army to become an
> Fail multiple times
> Finally get in
> Hate it and quit
> Decide to try medicine because why not
> Fail multiple times to get in because exams are ass and
i'm not giving it my all
> Finally get in
> Love it
> Love everything about it
> Get to help people out a lot
> Probably in the top 5 of my class
> Multiple teachers have already asked me to come study
under them

Don't give up anon. Give it a shot and don't worry about


>>13750837 # >>13750967 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)11:43:19 No.13750837


>>13750828 #
How old were you when you got into medicine? Moreover
how can you be good at med school when you hate

>>13750967 # >>13752518 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)11:48:58 No.13750861


What is it about specialties like ortho that attracts chads?

>>13750928 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)12:06:50 No.13750928


>>13750861 #
The virgin “we must be careful not to hit any small
vessels or nerves in this peculiar operation” general


*THUD*” orthopedic surgeon

>>13751277 # >>13752461 # >>13752524 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)12:14:57 No.13750967


>>13750828 #
>>13750837 #
I actually really liked biology (though I am a vegan so I
had a great deal of trouble sitting through dissections).
I'm glad to hear the other side of the issue. But how did
you actually *get in* to the school? That's my main
concern right now.

>>13752518 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)12:19:01 No.13750987


>>13750736 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)13:34:05 No.13751277


>>13750928 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)14:26:54 No.13751451


Should I get the vaccine? Please indicate whether or not

you are a Redditor so I can factor that into my decision.

>>13751510 # >>13751630 # >>13751700 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)14:43:22 No.13751510


>>13751451 #
I am a redditor

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)15:10:09 No.13751596


>>13750363 #
ophthalmology is BASED, you get to look at the optic
nerve, ophthalmic artery, see how much intraocular
tension there is, etc.

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)15:19:36 No.13751630


>>13751451 #
Literally doesnt matter if you dont have major
comorbidities. Do what you want.

t. no redditor

>>13752022 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)15:44:46 No.13751700


>>13751451 #
Kys for all I care.
T. Redditor

>>13752022 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)16:19:57 No.13751830


redpill me on pediatrics

>>13751837 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)16:22:44 No.13751837


>>13751830 #
pediatric gynecology

>>13751847 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)16:27:12 No.13751847


>>13751837 #
i hope you die

>>13752198 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)17:13:13 No.13752022


>>13751630 #
This was what I thought

>>13751630 #
>>13751700 #
Are either of you doctors? I will weigh this as well but not
nearly as strongly as whether or not you’re a Redditor

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)17:55:16 No.13752198


>>13751847 #
pediatric palliative care

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)18:54:51 No.13752461


>>13750928 #
how is emergency laparotomy not the
most based operation there could be?

324 KB PNG

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)19:15:45 No.13752518


>>13750837 #
26. I guess i grew to like it because it's actually usefull to
me now and i get to practice a lot.

>>13750967 #
Where are you from?

>>13752633 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)19:16:47 No.13752524


>>13750928 #
>uhhhhhh go rheumathology

Fucking orthofags

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)19:39:26 No.13752587


>>13750048 #
Anesthesiology. I’m M3 and in the same position as you.

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)19:55:44 No.13752633


>>13752518 #
>Where are you from?
Canada. BC to be specific.

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)20:34:20 No.13752719


Can any veterinary anon redpill me on the reality if the


>>13752788 #

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)21:15:39 No.13752788


>>13752719 #
You 'll get tons of pussy

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)23:06:51 No.13753029


>Crigler-Najjar syndrome can be remembered as worse

than Gilbert syndrome because it sounds like a Disney
What did he mean by this?

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