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Kardan Academic Center

English Department


Submitted in a partial fulfilment of the requirement for the DEL English diploma



Approved by

Abdul-Samad Wesal

(August 2022)

Letter of Approval

This is to certify that the academic work of Mr. Ali Reza Haidari, under the title of “ First

Listen Then Speak ” at Kardan Academic Center (English Department) is approved by

lecturer Mr. Abdul-Samad Wesal, one of the instructors of English Department.

Advisor: …………………………. Advisor: ……………………………

General Manager of Kardan Academic Center

Eng. Abulfazl Rasooli: ………………………


I am so grateful to my wonderful father ever for all your guidance, support and

encouragement during journey of my life. Since you have sacrificed your whole young hood

just to make me feel happy and fortunate. I really do not know how to grate and make up for

all these facilities and the ease that I have today. From this distance, but with your close heart,

my respect and degree of appreciation are expressed to you. Dear father, hope for the day when

we are sitting in the park talking together and advise me, for the day to go on a trip and smile

to the world, and for the day we are tightly hugged and together to put this burst life behind. I

know there is no way to repay all what you had mercy to me, but I hope to achieve a position

one day that cause a life given smile on your lips.

A special thank you to my dear teacher and my instructor teacher Abdul-Samad Wesal. The

one how guided me on working this project joyfully and generously. Thank you for working

hard days and nights to bring our class to where we are today.

Thank you also to all members of exam committee that did not hesitate to advance my talents

from any kind of efforts, and always seek to update the curriculum to get me introduce whit

different parts of English language from different valves. Thank you for guiding and inspiring

me when I was in needed.

Particular thanks to my classmates for my companionship during this course.

Finally, special thanks to Eng. Abulfazl Rasooli. High posits manager of KARDAN for paving

the way for better improving of talents and skills of young generation of Ghazni city.


The purpose of this monograph is to explore two main skills of English (listening and speaking)

and the impacts of listening and speaking on learners in the context of language learning and

teaching as well as awareness about ways to develop and biggest challenges of English

language learners. This research was done by gathering information from printed and none

printed reliable and updated sources. In addition, interviewing with expert students and

teachers in this field. Therefore, my recommendation about this monograph is for intermediate,

advance students as well as teachers whom which has English instructing profession to study

this monograph and use the content presented for better result.

Table of Content
Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................................. I
Abstract............................................................................................................................................. II
Table of figures ................................................................................................................................. V
List of tables ..................................................................................................................................... VI
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................... 3
A brief history of English .............................................................................................................. 3
Old English 450/500-1100 ......................................................................................................... 4
Middle English 1100-1500 ......................................................................................................... 6
Early Modern English 1500-1800 .............................................................................................. 7
Late modern English 1800-Now................................................................................................. 7
The difference between Talent & Skill ........................................................................................... 9
Definition of Talent ................................................................................................................... 9
Definition of Skill .................................................................................................................... 10
Skills of English language............................................................................................................ 10
CAHPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 12
Listening skill.................................................................................................................................. 12
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 12
Stage 1. Receiving of the information................................................................................. 13
Stage 2. Understanding the information .............................................................................. 13
Stage 3. Remembering the information............................................................................... 14
Stage 4. Evaluating the information .................................................................................... 14
Stage 5. Feedback the information...................................................................................... 14
Importance of listening ................................................................................................................ 15
Kinds of listening ........................................................................................................................ 15
1. Appreciative listening ...................................................................................................... 16
2. Empathetic listening ......................................................................................................... 16
3. Comprehensive listening .................................................................................................. 17
4. Critical listening ............................................................................................................... 17
5. Relationship listening ....................................................................................................... 17
6. Selective listening ............................................................................................................ 18
7. Full listening .................................................................................................................... 18
How to improve listening skill ..................................................................................................... 18
 Surround yourself with the language................................................................................. 19
 Listening for purpose ....................................................................................................... 19
 Listening for gist .............................................................................................................. 19
 Listening to different materials ......................................................................................... 19
 Listening to English in the media ..................................................................................... 19
Problems and difficulties of listening skill.................................................................................... 20
1. Accent ............................................................................................................................. 20
2. Cultural differences .......................................................................................................... 21
3. Words similarity or homophones ...................................................................................... 21
4. Fluency ............................................................................................................................ 21
CHAPTER THREE ......................................................................................................................... 24
Speaking skill .................................................................................................................................. 24
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 24
Importance of speaking skill ........................................................................................................ 24
Why do we study this skill (speaking skill) in schools, academies or special classes? ................... 25
Types (situations) of speaking skill .............................................................................................. 26
The advantages of speaking skills ................................................................................................ 27
Problems of speaking skill ........................................................................................................... 28
Vocabulary .............................................................................................................................. 28
Insufficient exercises ............................................................................................................... 28
Pronunciation .......................................................................................................................... 29
How to improve the speaking skill ............................................................................................... 29
Update materials ...................................................................................................................... 29
Group or pair works ................................................................................................................. 30
Introducing fun games ............................................................................................................. 30
Explaining and giving example ................................................................................................ 31
Talking about different titles .................................................................................................... 32
Brainstorming technique .......................................................................................................... 32
Conversations and discussions ................................................................................................. 33
Role-Play................................................................................................................................. 33
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Teacher’s point of view about pupils’ problems ............................................................................... 37
References....................................................................................................................................... 41

Table of figures
FIGURE 1 INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGE FAMILY ........................................................................................................... 3
FIGURE 2 MAP OF THREE TRIBES OF THE GERMAN INVADERS TO BRITAIN ............................................................................ 4
FIGURE 3 AN EXAMPLE OF A OLD ENGLISH SCRIPT ......................................................................................................... 5
FIGURE 4 A PAGE OF BOOK FROM MIDDLE ENGLISH PERIOD ............................................................................................. 6
FIGURE 5 A SAMPLE TEXT OF MIDDLE ENGLISH ............................................................................................................. 6
FIGURE 6 A BOOK PAGE FROM EARLY MODERN ENGLISH .................................................................................................. 7
FIGURE 7 SAMPLE TEXT OF EARLY MODERN ENGLISH ...................................................................................................... 7
FIGURE 8 SAMUEL JOHNSON'S DICIONARY ................................................................................................................... 7
FIGURE 9 ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
FIGURE 10 RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE SKILLS........................................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 11 PROCESS OF LISTENING .......................................................................................................................... 13

List of tables
TABLE 1 AN EXAMPLE OF OLD ENGLISH TEXT ................................................................................................................ 5
TABLE 2 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TALENT AND SKILL ......................................................................................................... 9
TABLE 3 CHART OF CATEGORIZING THE RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE SKILLS ........................................................................ 11
TABLE 4 TYPE OF LISTENING ................................................................................................................................... 16
TABLE 5 ACRONYMS WITH THE MOST USED BY NATIVES................................................................................................. 22
TABLE 6 SURVEY RESULT ....................................................................................................................................... 23
TABLE 7 SURVEY RESULT ....................................................................................................................................... 23
TABLE 8 KINDS OF SPEAKING .................................................................................................................................. 26
TABLE 9 SURVEY RESULT ....................................................................................................................................... 36
TABLE 10 SURVEY RESULT ..................................................................................................................................... 36


In the name of wise and unique Allah

Searching, investing, learning, risking, challenging nature/others, playing with uncontrollable

beings and machineries … are all part of human life. All of them are inherent characteristics of

a humankind. More than any of mentioned characteristics, investigating and learning are the

two main factors for the humankind improvement in the level that we are witness today.

Investigating about unknown things for a person and learning of that can help a lot a person on

the way to his/her improvement. But despite all of this, learning, understanding, speaking and

feeling comfortable with a completely different language in the broad society of today.,

undoubtedly plays a very important rule for paving the way for better developing and

improving of mentally and psychologically for each person.

As English is and international language which have its speakers all over the globe, learning

of this language is also something necessary. In this language, listening and speaking are two

most important skills, which is obligatory for all learners to do perfect on them. In this

monograph, I have collected all necessary topics for both beginner to intermediate and

intermediate to advance students. With the magnitude of different sources around this subject,

I am going to start this monograph firstly by discussing about history of English, some basic

information like, spread of English all over the globe, different periods/kinds of English,

difference between skill and talent, and finally the four main skills of English with basic

information which is necessary for all learners. Then, in the second chapter we will introduce

with listening skill and its importance, types, problems and solutions for all main problems in

this skill, and finally we will conclude this monograph by talking about speaking skill, types

of speaking, problems and answer of interviewees about this skill and finally, general problems

of students and their unsolved questions in general parts of learning a language, specifically

English language. I have done my best to collect the best topics and details for you all readers

in order to solve your problems in the listening and speaking skills of English language.


A brief history of English

Figure 1 INDO-European language family

There are generally eight language families with the highest number of speakers around the

world. They are: INDO-European with 48.00%, Sino-Tibetan with 26.00%, Niger-Congo with

3.00%, Afro-Asiatic with 6.00%, Austronesian with 5.00%, Dravidian with 4.00%, Altaic with

3.00%, Japanese with 2.00% and 3.00% is other language families. The biggest language

family among all is INDO-European language that contain speakers from east to west. English

language is a part of INDO-European family (Cole, 2022).

The history of English began during the 5th century AD when three German tribes invaded

Britain. The Saxons, Angles and Jutes tribes crossed the North Sea, where Denmark and north-

west Germany are today. Then, British residents were using Celtic language for

communicating. However, many were taken east and north by the attackers, who are currently

Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The word Angles come from Englaland and their language was

Englisc, the word England and English derived from that.

As general, history of English is contain four period

1. Old English 450/500-1100

2. Middle English 1100-1500

3. Early modern English 1500-1800

4. Late modern English 1800-Now

Old English 450/500-1100

The invading German tribes spoke the same language, which today in Britain is referred to as

old English. Old English is not like

modern English, Indigenous English

speakers today find old English hard to

understand. However, almost half of

most English words today have old

English roots: words like strong and

water for example, are derived from

old English. Old English used to speak

Figure 2 Map of three tribes of the German invaders to Britain

up to about 1100. In addition, linguists call old English as Anglo-Saxon as well. (M.Mijwil,


Figure 3 An example of a Old English script

Table 1 An example of Old English text

Example of old English

The Lord's Prayer (Our Father)

Fæder ure
ðu ðe eart on heofenum
si ðin nama gehalgod
to-becume ðin rice
geweorþe ðin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofenum.
Urne ge dæghwamlican hlaf syle us to-deag
and forgyf us ure gyltas
swa swa we forgifaþ urum gyltendum
ane ne gelæde ðu us on costnunge
ac alys us of yfle. (Nordquist, 2019)

Middle English 1100-1500

In 1066 William, the conqueror of Duke of Normandy, part of present-day France, invaded

conquered England. The new conquerors, called Normans, brought with them a kind of French

that became the language of the Royal Court and the classes of commerce and legislators.

In a period, there was a division of language classes where

lower classes spoke English and higher classes spoke

French, and in the 14th century, England again prevailed

over Britain, but many French words were added to it,

which is referred to as Middle English.

Figure 5 A sample text of Middle English

Figure 4 A page of book from Middle English period

Early Modern English 1500-1800

At the end of Middle English, a sudden and marked change happened that caused for shorter

and shorter pronunciations

In the 16th century, Britain was in touch with many people around the world. Classical learning

meant that many new words and phrases entered the language. The invention of printing

machine also meant that there was a common language in printing, as well as standards in

English, were entered into spelling and fixed grammar, and the London dialect became


Figure 7 Sample text of early modern English Figure 6 a book page from early modern English

Figure 8 Samuel Johnson's dicionary

Late modern English 1800-Now

Samuel Johnson published the first

English language dictionary in the

late 18th century. Meanwhile, lowth,

Murray, Priestly, and many other

English grammar texts were prepared to standardized English language

rules. (M.Mijwil, 2018)

Modern-day English has many keywords stemming from the Industrial

Revolutions and technologies that require new words as well as the

development of a global language. Britain was an empire for 200 years

between the 18th and 20th centuries, and as the British Empire reached

the other side of the world (America, Australia, New Zealand, India,

Asia and African), the English language continued to change. Britain

Figure 9
sent people to live in conquered lands, and these people interacted with

natives, adding new words to English. (M.Mijwil, 2018)

With hundreds of words added to English every year, this language continues to change and

expand today. (M.Mijwil, 2018)

The main difference between early and late modern English is words and wordage. Recent

modern English has many more words that arise from two factors: the first industrial revolution

and technology produced that required new words, the second British Empire covered a quarter

of the earth's surface, and English had accepted many foreign words from many countries.

(M.Mijwil, 2018)

The difference between Talent & Skill

Table 2 Difference between talent and skill


Meaning Talent is an inherent ability of a Skill is the expertise to do a

person to do something. particular task efficiently.

What is it? It is something God gifted. It is something you develop.

Possessed by Few people only. Anyone can possess it through


Requires Recognition Development

Guidance Coaching Training

Definition of Talent

By the term talent, we mean a special ability to do something possessed by a person naturally.

It is something, which you do the best without putting extra efforts into it.

Talent is an inborn quality within the person. It is often hidden and raw, which needs

recognition at the right time. It can be improved over time if efforts are made in the right


Every one of us is born with a special quality; that is talent. Not only in the field of study, a

person may possess talent in dancing, singing, cooking, gaming, acting, swimming,

counselling, influencing, painting, etc. (S, 2017)

Definition of Skill

Skills refer to an ability or an expertise in performing a task, obtained by a person through

systematic learning, practice or experience. It is the outcome of continuous efforts and

improvements made to gain proficiency.

Skill enables you to perform a task efficiently. As there are no criteria for acquiring skills, any

person can practice it, but it requires lots of hard work, time and other resources of the person

to develop it.

Skills of English language

It can be general or specific. General skills refer to the skills, which are commonly acquired by

the people like leadership skills, teamwork and so on. On the other hand, specific skills are

those, which are related to performing a particular task or job. (S, 2017)

English language has four main skills, which are

1. Listening skill

2. Speaking skill

3. Reading skill

4. Writing skill

All these four skills of English divided in two categories in general:

language skills
Receptive (Passive) Skills Productive (Active) Skills

Receptive (Passive) Skills

listening Reading

Productive (Active) Skills

Speaking Writting
Table 3 Chart of categorizing the receptive and productive skills
Figure 10 Receptive and productive skills

In this point, students may be facing a question that, then, what is the difference between

receptive skills and productive skills?

The major difference as its obvious from their name, one of them is receptive it means that you

catch that from environment and the next one is productive it means that you say from yourself.

Receptive skills are listening and reading. In both activities, you pay close attention to a source

and try to catch as much information as you can. For instance, we can mention the TV

programs, movies, social Medias and online broadcasting channels, reading books, magazine,

newspaper, listening to audios and unlimited other sources like... In this receptive skill, you

don’t have the right and don’t have anything to say form yourself. You just catch.

On the other hand, we have productive skills that we do not catch anything from other sources.

You say your own idea and whatever you have. For instance, writing a book, making poetry,

speaking, giving presentations, talking about a topic and giving your idea about it so on…

English productive skills are speaking and writing skill. In both conditions, you provide your

own idea, though.


Listening skill


Listening is the easiest skill among all English skills. Because, for understanding of listening

you do not need to know complex grammatical structures. You just need to pay a close attention

to the audio and keep listening (Kakar, 2022).

As mentioned above, listening is a receptive skill, which means you should listen more than

speak in order to became professional in this skill. When we speak of listening, what we

actually mean is hearing and comprehending. When we hear our mother tongue or first

language being spoken, we have all the skills and background knowledge to understand what

we hear; so we probably are not even aware of how complex a process it is (Sharma, 2021).

Try to listen as much as you can because when you listen, you can learn so many words that

can help you while you want to speak (Kakar, 2022). Listening may have different definition

dependent to different points of view but as general we can say that, Listening is the ability of

getting information from a simple or complex conversation between two people, lecture or

speaking. In other word, the process of receiving and interpreting the messages in the

communication that can easily misunderstood.

Listening is the key of a powerful and effective academic, business or social communication.

However, it seems to be one of the most difficult and challenging skills for all learners.

Just listening to word is not enough for a good listener, a good listener has to pay attention to

the non-verbal communication of the speaker.

Listening have some steps that needs to be complete before responding them.

Figure 11 Process of listening

Stage 1. Receiving of the information

Suppose it is your turn for presenting a presentation about annual performance of your

company. What do you do to present an agreement or compliance of the customers?

Typically, you will ask the customers some related questions and listen to them for

getting exact answers. In order to get or receive the information that you want.

Stage 2. Understanding the information

Have you been in my place? Or, What would you do if you were?

Most of the time, when you talk to someone, the speaker would use these above

questions. The speaker use the above questions in order to emphasize on understanding

what the speaker just said. To make you understand better and more about the attitude

of speaker. In listening understanding is important and in speaking courage (Salihi,


Stage 3. Remembering the information

When you listen carefully, you can have a better answer for the questions being asked.

However, when you cannot present any effective answer, it means, you have not

listened in a more effective way. How can you have a complete answer, when you did

not listened carefully? Even sometimes, when you listen more attentively, you would

not be able to catch some points or ideas. Because of their huge amount of details or

even complex words.

Stage 4. Evaluating the information

In the fourth level of listening process, you will face with evaluating the information

that you just had. This level can be something completely different because, evaluating

of the same information can be vary widely from one listener to another. You should

listen to that much carefully so that would be able to distinct the title from subtitle and

from details and examples. The above second, third including fourth steps are totally

represented by the brain because it is the primary tool involved with these stages of the

listening process.

Stage 5. Feedback the information

Feedback referred to responding sometimes. This can be the final stage of the listening

process because you respond to questions, in other word, you react and present your

reaction to the message. Your respond can be emotional and intellectual.

For more clarification you can consider as an example of giving positive feedback to

your instructor in the end of class, you stay behind to finish a sentence in your notes or

approach the instructor to ask for clarification (Gulam, 2020).

For presenting this stage, generally we use our lips (Gulam, 2020).

Importance of listening

Listening is considered to be a sort of difficult skill in English. Most of the freshman (even

teachers and instructors) do not pay enough attention on this skill, instead, they focus more on

the reading, writing and speaking skills. In using listening, it play an integral role. This skill

determines the understanding, content and attitude of the speaker to the listeners. Listening

calls for active participation in the communication between the participants and a receptive

skill is involved in understanding the massage (Neri Permata, 2019). Unfortunately, this skill

is a kind of passive skill in most of classrooms in the second language country users. Like

mostly prefer to have reading, writing or speaking instead of listening. Learners are mostly

silent in the classes rather than being active to talk and listen together.

It is suggested that listening is considered to be an increasingly relevant language skill,

emphasizing the need for this skill, thereby devising appropriate strategies to develop it (Yen,


Kinds of listening

As listening, have steps and levels for processing the information we get from other sources

(lecture, speaking, video …), it have different types as well.

As general, we have seven main types of listening.

Table 4 Type of listening



Types Of English listening Skill


Critical Listening


Selective Listening

Full Listening

1. Appreciative listening

Mostly use when we want to appreciate someone’s work or seeking for some specific

information to appreciate. For example, the information that helps meet our needs and

goals. Most of time, we use appreciative listening, when we listen to a good music,

poems, anthems or even when we listen to a great speaker or a great leader.

2. Empathetic listening

There is an old expression, which says, “If you want more friends or deeper friendship,

learn to listen more effectively (Lyon, 2018)” This kind of listening is to empathize with

the speaker. Generally, we use this kind of listening, when we are talking to a friend or

family. When we use this kind of listening, in fact, we are trying to connect, and listen

to the emotions of the people. In addition, we are searching for some hidden goals to

give the emotional aim of the speaker. Obviously, this kind of listening can be so

effective if you are searching for a way to make more and more friend for yourself or

talk to family or friend.

3. Comprehensive listening

This kind of listening is generally for getting the over view. This is while we are

listening to a coach, instructor or a teacher you are listening to comprehend. One of the

most confusing part of this kind of listening is being able to separate the main idea from

sub point from the details. This may be challenging for most of the students especially

for college and university student while they are talking to their instructors.

4. Critical listening

Most of time this listening is use to criticize between ideas that someone is telling to

us. This type of the listening need a lot of focus and attention while the speaker is talking

to you. Because, you need to evaluate the right and the wrong points or opinions the

speaker may notice. In fact, you are judging the person in this kind of listening. For

instance, one of the most obvious sample of this type of listening is the process of

people’s investigation and research during election campaigns. Every candidate claim

and promise great idea, but a voter, before voting, listen to the conferences and to the

candidates and evaluate their opinions with their own opinions, there believes with their

own believes.

5. Relationship listening

Sometimes the most important factor in listening is in order to develop a relationship.

This is why in lovers’ talks for hours and hours despite of all the works they may have

already says, they may have to say the same words and repat them for several times.

While these words may seems boring for them if someone else repat them.

But notice, that this kind of listening can be so effective on your activates like

negotiation and sales, when a person likes you and trusts you.

6. Selective listening

Selective listening is mostly use to figure out the specific point or option that we are

looking for. If sometimes you need to answer to a specific and clear question, you

probably use selective listening to find the answer of the question and leave the rest of

the lecture or dialog. Most of the times you need this kind of listening in listening

quizzes or when you are asking a question from a personality as an interviewer or


7. Full listening

Full listening can be consider as the most sensitive and completed listening skill.

Because, in this kind of listening you pay closer and completed attention to the speaker

and trying not lose a word for understanding them all. Most of time this kind of listening

is use during the contracts, judgment and sentences of the court, business deals and so


How to improve listening skill

According to Dr. David J. Mendelsohn from the faculty of linguistics, literature and linguistics,

York University, he pointed out that total amount of time spend communicating and listening

accounts for 40-50%, speaking 25-30%, reading from 11-16% and time spend on writing only

9% (Yen, 2020). So learning of any language needs efforts and problems, listening a lot can

help the learners in an efficient way. English is not an exception as well.

Different ways from different sources published for improving the listening skill. For better

understanding and realizing the information you receive, you need to improve your listening


 Surround yourself with the language

Imagine that you are interested in computer lessons or engineering. If you use all the

books, videos and clips, you need for you studies in the targeted language, at the same

time that you are reviewing your studies, your practicing targeted language as well.

 Listening for purpose

Listening with aim or purpose can help you a lot in this skill. When you listen to some

episodes or audio tracks, you search for some specific details of ideas. Therefore, you

pay a complete attention to catch the information you need in the entire track. Try to

write down each possible answer, note or main point during the listening (Pauline

Cullen, April 2014).

 Listening for gist is another way for improving the listening skill.

Most of the time this strategy used by teachers. Like when they tent to describe a lesson,

before they start, they give some questions and take some questions for students. To

search for answer of those questions in the listening.

 Listening to different materials.

A good speaker is a good listener (Azizi, English Listening and Speaking skills survay,

2022). English have variety of different accents depend on the origin and area. Learners

can listen to English immediately such as YouTube, CNN videos, BBC news… listen

wherever you are, wherever you have free time, making listening to English a daily

task is indispensable, which is the general secret of good English learners (Yen, 2020).

 Listening to English in the media

Always try to listen to as much as you can, either inside or out of class in any portable

possible format repeatedly, like, a website, a podcast, a video clip, or a DVD. A good

way of getting the most out of it is:

o For the first time, listen for getting the main idea of the speaker and listening.

o In the second step, to make sure you got the main idea or not, you can listen

again by stopping and pausing the audio.

o Then to figure out better what you learned from listening (maybe because of the

speaker’s accent, fluency or vocabulary bank), listen to it with subtitle or script

if available. (Christina Latham-Koenig, American English File 5, 2018)

Problems and difficulties of listening skill

Listening is a process that needs lots of focus and attention in order to get the idea or main

topic of the conversation. Listening is a process that needs other process to develop. Somehow,

this skill have some components that needs to be complete for becoming a professional in this

skill. Most of learners supposed to get the full details and content of the speaking in English

for the first time, while they cannot do the same progress between different accents in their

own language. Every skills have some parts to be completed. In this case, we have the same

challenge in English listening skill. Learners must complete three level: message, grammar,

vocabulary and lastly the sound system (Yen, 2020).

Most of the time, if you ask this question from learners, the major problems you may here:

1. Accent

When a learner listen to a music, podcast or speaking for the first time, they naturally

find it difficult to understand the whole movie or clip. Because of their expectation from

the accent that they think, and the real one. Learners always expect the accents to be

pronounce in the way that they expect, not in a natural way. They expect the accent of

the audio like their own accent, but when they hear the real one, they feel a kind of

upset and unwilling because, they immediately compare their listening with the accent

of speaker. Absolutely, English is not a language with a single accent overseas.

Different English countries’, different nations and cultures, and different people have

their own way of accents. However, the accent of the speaker can have direct effect on

the listeners hope and willingness. Even sometimes, the native speakers face the same

problem. For instance, if we tend to compare American accent with British, we will

find out more and more factors to take them apart.

2. Cultural differences

In my point of view, culture is and can be the base of the entire phenomenon, which

can influence on us and on our activities. Absolutely, when someone is trying to learn

or achieve something from other nations, they will face with the intense resistance of

that culture. Absolutely, culture is unique to each other country so it has a great

influence on the language (Yen, 2020).

3. Words similarity or homophones

Similar words always face me with trouble in listening (Rahimi, 2022). It is obvious

for all learners and directors that English is far-reaching language with quite range of

different words. For instance, the easiest samples for better illustration of this case can

be the words: “bat” and “bat”, “son” and “sun”, “wait” and “weight” and so on . If a

listener do not pay close attention to the whole sentence, despite of fast fluency of native

speakers, he/she will not be able to differentiate the meaning according to the condition.

4. Fluency

While listening, most of learners’ expect the audios and the clips in the same way as

they speak, in all parts including grammar structure of the sentences, words which is

used in the paragraph and fluency. Americans speak so fast sometimes, they connect

several words and seems to be one, but when I check them in dictionary, the dictionary

don’t answer me and cannot translate them for me (Kakar, 2022). Most of the native

speakers, even some professional ESL/EFL learners’ try to use phrasal verbs. Hard part

of listening is pronunciations of abbreviation (Jamal, 2022) In addition, native speaker

try to use contractions and abbreviations. For better illustrations, here are some simple


Native speakers like to use:

o I’ll instead of I will: I’ll be there in a minute.

o Ain’t instead of I am not: You ain't gonna like this.

o Mustn’t instead of must not: he mustn't be without a stepmother either.

o ASAP instead of as soon as possible: fill in your form and send it asap.

o BTW instead of by the way: btw, how’s your new apartment?

Like this example, we have a lot. Some other examples in the table below:

Table 5 Acronyms with the most used by natives

IRL In real life We’ll We will

BRB Be right back We’d We would

TBH To be honest We’d We had

IMO In my opinion She’s She is

LMK Let me know She’s She has

IMHO In my humble opinion We’re We are

NSFW Not safe for work We’ve We have

DM Direct massage Isn’t Is not

FTFY Fixed that for you Let’s Let us

Wanna Want to Gonna Going to

Interview with English language learners in intermediate and advance level.

According to my research on listening and speaking skills, most of the interviewers have higher

hand in speaking while they prefer listening and give more importance to listening. Most of

interviewers think, listening has more priority effect on our English fluency.

Totally 18 learners contributed in this interview research and the result is as follow:

Table 6 Survey result

Participated pupils in the

18 pupil Result in percent %

Number of pupils skilled in

6 pupil 33.33%

Number of pupils with

10 pupil 55.55%
listening priority

Some interviewers mentioned the key of their success in listening skill as below:

Table 7 Survey result

Strategy Pupils number Percent %

Watching TV shows with/without subtitle 2 11.11%

Listening to audios with/without script and

2 11.11%
repeat after every word and sentence

Listening to English songs 1 5.5%

Not contributed 13 72.22 %


Speaking skill


In the modern world that we are living today, communication plays a vital role for grapping

success in all majors and fields, either academic or business. Nowadays, speaking forms the

base of communication all over the world. Furthermore, Speaking is a productive skill, which

seems to be easy. While, it consider as one of the toughest skill among four skills of English.

It may seem like a vibration to the vocal cords of the larynx, but it is a more complicated

process. Speaking is not just providing some sounds by using of trout and larynx. Providing

default sounds, waives and making specific words and sentences for communication and

understanding each other is speaking. In other words, speaking is a spontaneous ability, which

means that it typically takes place in real time, with little time for planning (MUÑOZ

BASTÍAS, ELIZABETH ELENA, 2011). The main purpose of speaking is communicating

among people from different cultures, nations and countries’ by sharing information,

viewpoints or ideas.

Importance of speaking skill

Brown and Yuke (1983) say, “Speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most

in real life situations (Rao, 2019)”. Speaking skill is the most important skill among all four

main skills of English language for ESL1/EFL2 learners. In addition, English is the language of

opportunities for different classes of the society. For instance, the students’ with academic

purposes, workers’ with business aims or experts’ with exploring attitudes. Always remember,

speaking has power, but the one who broadcast these lifeless words into a powerful weapon is

English as Second Language
English as Foreign Language

the speaker. While you are speaking, you may change someone’s mind or there behaviour.

When you speak, you may start or finish a war. However, most of people despite having this

skill, they cannot use it in an accurate way. However, there are people, which is using this skill

for useful purposes.

As mentioned, speaking skill is one of the productive skills that the students’ or directors must

provide form their knowledge. It is obvious that the speaker always have something in mind to

present when it needs to provide. So here, you may face a question. If English-speaking skill

is one of the productive skills, which needs knowledge of the speaker to provide and say

something, why should we study that in the special places?

Why do we study this skill (speaking skill) in schools, academies or special


In the modern world that we are living today, the same of us, other people lives around the

world. All of these people have some needs and targets to grab them. Since whole humankind

do not speak in one mono language, they need to have one as international. In addition, we

practice this skill to emphasize on importance of this language and this skill. The native English

language countries do not need to practise the speaking skill in English or listening to different

kinds of podcasts with different accents to understand better while someone is talking, because

they already know the language and they do not need to practice. However, for the EFL/ESL

language learners the case is completely different. Most of the language learners’ study English

with commercial and business purposes. One of the most important skill that employers

consider while having job interview with an applicant, is there proficiency in the field of

communication and speaking. Absolutely, the applicants, which can present and offer new

ideas clearly and fluently, can grab a better position among all the applicants. In addition to

this, the speaking skill is more useful for the employees those who are working in business

organizations to promote their businesses (Rao, 2019).It is also a known fact that excellent,

outstanding and inspiring speakers highly motivate and win the heat of audience (Rao, 2019).

Types (situations) of speaking skill

Table 8 Kinds of speaking

English speaking

Interactive Non-Interactive

The speakers expressed their opinion in a thoughtful, convincing and passionate way through

speaking skill (Rao, 2019). As general, there are three kinds of speaking situations such as

interactive, partially-interactive and non-interactive. Telephone calls and face-to-face

conversations are included in interactive speaking situations where speaking and listening are

alternatives in English. In the interactive speaking situations, there will be a chance to ask for

repetition, clarification or request for a slower speech from the conversation partner. Therefore,

interactive speaking conditions are more useful situations both for the speaker and for the

listener, as they can understand the matter without having any further doubts. Whereas in

partially-interactive situations, a speech is given to the live audience and the audience does not

interrupt the speaker's speech. Like when you are presenting a speech or a presentation for a

group in context of informational presentations (Vilagran, 2008). In partially interactive

conversations, the speaker can directly see the audience and also judge from their facial

expressions and gestures whether the participants have understood his/her speech or not. Here

the audience can clarify their doubts through the question and answer session that generally

takes place at the end of the speech presentation. On contrary to these two, in non-interactive

speaking situations, there will not be any interaction of the audience where speakers have to

just record their speech for a radio broadcast. In all these situations, speaking is a major problem

for the ELL1s

As it involves many things and it is not so simple to acquire good speaking skill in a day or

two. Moreover, the ELLs have to do continue practice and allot more time on speaking skills,

as they are quite difficult to acquire without proper practice. Therefore, the best way to improve

the ELLs speaking skills is by giving more emphasis on practicing the speaking skills both in

and outside the classrooms (Rao, 2019).

The advantages of speaking skills

Even if we have four main skills in English language, absolutely, speaking skill is the most

important one. It is really important to have perfect skill and talent in all of listening, speaking,

reading and writing skills, but we should not forget that speaking and speech is the most usage

and most common way of communication in the world. The ability to speak skilfully provides

the speakers with distinct advantages (Rao, 2019). The main advantages of English speaking

skills can be like:

 To participate actively in pair or group activities in the classrooms.

 To participate actively in debates and group discussions.

 To continue your studies for higher degrees abroad.

 To get better work opportunities.

English Language Learners

 To make use of the internet effectively (Rao, 2019).

 To get better career with higher income.

 To perform well in job interviews.

 To travel overseas.

 To communicate world wildly by using international language.

 To do perfect in international market.

 To know different cultures of the world.

 To get friends globally.

 To increase the ability of problem solving (Rao, 2019).

 To get in touch with modern world of technology.

 To communicate with other nationals and find out more about their history.

 To be aware of science world.

Problems of speaking skill


Most important problem for majority of speakers especially in beginner and intermediate level

learners have, is lack of vocabulary. When they want to start speaking, on the first steps they

perform excellent, but after some sentences and expressing a limited amount of ideas, they do

not know what word they should use. Because, as they speak more, they find it out that they

want more. So, they need new words to say new ideas and sentences. In such condition that

they have idea and sentences but do not have the words, they feel a bit shy. They think that my

classmates will start laughing on me right now and I will be shameful.

Insufficient exercises

Most of the students do not practice speaking out of a limited time and a limited place. Majority

of students do not practice speaking of English out of academies by any reason. Less frequent

of students' practice short conversations among themselves and this leads them to be in low

level of speaking skill (Samer Al Zoubi, Fadi Maher Saleh Al-Khasawneh, 2016). Learners

habited to specialize learning of everything not just English speaking to a specific time in the

day, week or month. For instance, if you ask from a learner of English language that why you

do not study your lessons in the afternoon? They will replay: my time is 8-10 am and now I am

free. Luck of time and material is also another important problem most of the learners face



One of the biggest problems all the English language learners handle with is the correct/wrong

pronunciation of word while speaking. There is different types of pronunciations in English

that American and British accents can be notice as the major once. While students try to speak

they face with this problem over and over.

Do not limited your language and skill in the class, because everybody may make mistakes

inside the class in pronunciation, spelling or grammar. But you must recognise that class and

teacher is just to show you the way, the real chance of improving is outside.

How to improve the speaking skill

English speaking skill is the most important oral skill for all English language learners.

Speaking is the first and the most difficult skill for all beginners, which is tent to learn speaking

skill for better communication with the world of outside especially international

communications. Here are some ways for improving the speaking skill.

Update materials

In the international market, the most effective possible weapon that you have is the oral skill

of speaking. It means that you should convince the customers by speaking and making a feel

for them by use proper words in accurate places. Since everything from satisfying the customer

and listener up to colleagues and employers depends on motivating of them, speaking skill

occupy a major place in all aspects. That is why; both learners and teachers should try to use

the latest available techniques to for improving of their speaking skill. In this connection,

teachers’ should do their best to replace the old-fashioned teaching methods with modern and

new methods of teaching that grab the attention of students, and give them this motivation to

participate actively in all class activities. In addition, we should notice that only updating the

materials are not important. What is more important is changing the class role from teacher-

centered to learner-centered. It leads them to think and work on their own to complete the given

tasks magnificently.

Group or pair works

Group working is an effective way not just for learning of a foreign language like English but

in all fields. According to my researches, most of the students’ in advance and intermediate

level took advantages from pair work especially conversations, presentation and so on. Most

of time I try to speak in English not in my mother language in academy with my classmates,

on the way and in the environment of school with my collages (Sultani, 2022). When the

teacher give the students topics to talk and have conversations, debates and speaking, teacher

should pay a close attention to the students. Teacher should stay focus on the students and find

out the interests and allergies of students to different titles. While selecting the topics, the

teachers have to take into consideration of the learners' needs and interests that lead the learners

to work more on the given topics with interest and enthusiasm (Rao, 2019).

Introducing fun games

When an English instructor enter in a class, he/she must not rely just on one method. A teacher

must take a teaching method according to each pupil's talent. Inside a class, there are students,

which has a really good talent in listening but cannot improve their vocabulary, or another pupil

who can speak well but is ashamed to stand in front of all on the stage. In this situation,

teachers’ can introduce some fun activities in the class. These fun activities can be in the form

of language games to get the learners to speak in the classroom. (Rao, 2019) As fun activities

during studies are enjoyable for both students and teachers, the learners will ask for more and

more games. When learners practice these activities in a fun environment, they well be

encouraged to talk more and the fun activities demand will increase by the students’ from

teacher. At the preliminary stage, the teacher have to introduce fun games like guessing the

item that is held in their wrists (Rao, 2019).

For example, the teacher keep something in his wrists or hand and keep it as a secret. At the

same time, the students’ try to simply guess and win the game. While students’ suppose that,

they are guessing something in the wrist of their teacher and having fun, in fact they are

working on two main strategies in speaking skill. The first, they came out of their comfort zone

and become familiar with the classroom environment. Then they can freely take part in class

activities and participate in all fields because they found the courage and now he/she can

communicate with their classmates easier. While in other hand, they are exercising on their

courage and expressing their idea. Because they say anything which came to their mind just in

that second to find the missing object. So, the result of this class activity well be just fun and

sweet time but in the background and behind the curtain they’ve worked one their speaking,

idea expressing, courage, communicating with classmates and getting familiar with new words.

Explaining and giving example

Explaining of new titles and subjects is important for better improving of learners speaking

skill. When students wants to say something confusing, he/she start describing and explaining

the case for others while he/she is use examples too. Every time he/she wants to explain the

subject, he/she try to bring a new explanation or description of the case alongside of new

examples. Therefore, every time he/she speaks in a different way than before. In fact, by using

this strategy in addition that the learners’ explain in a different way, the learner get introduce

with their audience and new/simple ways of understanding the people as well.

Talking about different titles

One of the best ways that students’ can improve their speaking skill is to talk about various

types of titles. For example, one the most common and primary levels of speaking for learners

is to speak about themselves. Because, when you ask them to talk about themselves, they can

speak for longer time rather than speaking about a title that they are not even familiar with.

Learners can speak a lot when they speak about themselves because they have enough

information storage in their mind and the only thing they need is a bit courage form a classmate

and teacher. In this condition, teacher play an important role. The role of motivator for the

students’, to inspire them and persuade them to speak more and more. Then the teacher may

extend this activity by asking the learners to say something about their holidays and vocations,

the best book they have ever read or their suggestion for others to read, a funny memory or

accident, their favourite TV serious or show, about their decision for next vocation, about their

favourite field of study and so on. Everything which seems interesting for the learners’.

absolutely, such kinds of activities give learners a chance to acquire speaking skill in a pleasant


Brainstorming technique

Teachers can also introduce brainstorming technique in their classrooms as it encourages the

learners to produce more sentences and also try to think of themselves for getting new ideas

about the topic given to them. In this technique, the leaners have complete freedom to express

any point that came to their mind related to the topic. As there is no rule in expressing their

ideas, automatically the learners will be motivated a lot and try to produce as many ideas as

possible. Therefore, all the learners will participate in order to involve their skill in activities

and to develop their speaking skills unconsciously.

Conversations and discussions

Talking about a wide range of information that we have, always compel us to talk more and

more. Because, conversations and discussions teach us natural English, while we study

academic English in grammatical context in academies, speaking with friends and classmates

can show us the natural and colloquial English (Alokozay, 2022).


Another activity that is more useful for learners to improve their speaking skill is introducing

role-play activities in the classroom (Rao, 2019). Teacher can divide in pair all the students and

give them specific topics to get their preparation. This activity can be as a class activity. In the

class, after teacher got the topics to the students’, the teacher may give them time for less or

more than ten minutes to prepare themselves. While they are preparing themselves, teacher

should inspire them and give them motivation in order to do their best. In such condition, each

students’ try to have the best presentation and speak more grammatically in the class. The

English classrooms will be the best platforms for the ELLs to improve their speaking skills

through role-plays as the learners play the roles related to their daily life situations that take

place in contemporary society (Rao, 2019).


For a person how wants to know English language professionally and speak in this language

fluently, it is important to be completely familiar with two basic skills of this language, which

is listening and speaking. These are the most primary skills of all languages including English

language. If you could understand while listening and express what you have in speaking, so it

would not be necessary to spend a lot of money in national or international organisations to

learn the language. However, before hanging around with any work we should take a look to

its background. Like the history of English language. Most of pupils may think that English

language and the word England are originally from UK1 or from England 2 itself, but in fact, it

is wrong. Because the word English and England are actually derived from the word Englaland.

The main establisher of today’s international English language is a tribe, which used to call

themselves and Angles, the people who attacked todays UK. Whole period of English history

is divided in to four parts which starts form old English to middle English, from middle to early

modern English and finally from early modern English to late modern English up to now. Each

one of these periods have histories and cause that already been mentioned above3. After we got

introduced with background of English, we jumped on the first basic skill of this language,

which was listening skill. Listening is the ability to catch and understanding. In listening skill

of English, we had some steps to pass in order to understand the audios and conversations

effectively. The steps were Receiving, Understanding, Remembering, Evaluating and

Feedback. Students have problems and difficulties while studding any skill of this language

and listening is not exception as well. In listening skill, accent is the biggest problem of students

in learning of that. The best way to develop and overcame on this problem is to listen as much

as you can to any audio, movie, song, conversations, lecture or anything that natives have

United Kingdome, Britain
A part of United Kingdome
Brief history of English page 2-6

contribution with. English listening skill also have some types, like, Appreciative listening,

Empathetic listening, Comprehensive listening, Critical listening, Relationship listening,

Selective listening and Full listening. Every type of listening have specific usage. For instance,

we do not use appreciative listening while listening to an election companies, or we do not use

full listening for getting the main idea. Every type have their own way of using form them,

which is necessary to learn.

While in the other hand, we have speaking as second important skill of English language.

Listening is for getting and collecting the information and data. But, speaking is expressing of

those ideas and information from our point of view. Speaking seems to be so hard for most of

English learners, because, most of the ELLs think that if they do not understand the grammar

rules, they would not be able to speak and make sentences. Even if they know enough grammar

and use them accurately, they will face another problem, which is fluency. Fluency is the

biggest problem not just for students in beginner or intermediate level of our city and our

country, but it is one of those unsolved problems for international ESL learners. Most of the

professors and PH.Ds suggested to listen a lot to native speakers and repeat after them in order

to improve your listening and speaking skills. Nevertheless, for most of the students, the

strategy of working with themselves had a better result. In a survey that I have done, most of

students selected conversation and discussion as the best ways to develop the speaking skill.

Interview with English language learners in intermediate and advance level.

In the research conducted, majority of participants claimed that they have a good skill in

speaking, but most of them preferred listening as more important skill in English learning.

Especially for speaking fluency.

Totally 18 learners contributed in this interview research and the result is as follow:

Table 9 Survey result

Participated pupils in the

18 pupil Result in percent %

Number of pupils skilled in

12 pupil 66.66%

Number of pupils with

9 pupil 50.00%
speaking priority

Some interviewers mentioned the key of their success in speaking skill as below:

Table 10 Survey result

Strategy Pupils number Percent %

Talking with friends and family everywhere 4 pupils 22.22%

Interviewing from friends 1 pupil 5.55%

Conversation and discussion in the classroom 3 pupils 16.66%

Speaking with myself whenever I’m alone 2 pupils 11.11%

Not contributed 8 Pupils 44.44%

As a final result of research in the Kardan academic center in the 20th and 21st of July 2022,

according to importance and problems of listening and speaking skill, the result of research

show that speaking is more popular and common skill among all four skills of English and in

the second position listening has priority.

Total amount of interested students in listening skill is about (27.7777777778%) and total

amount of interested students in speaking skill is about (72.2222222222%).

Teacher’s point of view about pupils’ problems

The most important case is remembering. Most of

learners cannot remember the rules in grammar and

it is completely normal, because we don’t know

grammar rules even in Dari. This important case

cause weakness for most of English learners.

Why speaking grammatically is so hard?
(Wesal, 2022). Speaking exactly don’t related

mostly in grammar, as we think. Native speakers

speak fluently but don’t know grammar. While

speaking thinking about grammar will case breaks

on speaking (Walizada, 2022)

Because you don’t focus on the main question or

part that is asked from you, and you should tack note

while listening in order to separate it into lists.

Why we cannot separate the subtitles form details/examples (Malik, 2022) The most important problem is, that

in listening? students’ start from a high level like movies and

they expect to know and catch that completely

which is so wrong. Movies are colloquial English

mostly and it is so hard to understand, instead I can

suggest the cartoon because of its fluency and its

easy used words inside the context. (Wesal, 2022)

Learning a native language requires special time

during the human life that starts from age 2-6 year

old of our childhood. Of course, most of us learn

second language when we lost this age (Walizada,

Why we cannot speak like natives? 2022). We are not natives that is why we cannot be

perfect in that. (Malik, 2022) It is impossible to be

exactly like natives, because we are not in the

environment. If we try hard we can be near to them

but not exactly like them. (Wesal, 2022)

One of the reasons can be lake of practice on

What is the reason that I understand while listening but
speaking and it may seems like challenging. (Malik,
cannot speak?

Using of grammar in real situation and practically

can improve your grammar in significant way.

(Malik, 2022) Grammar is like mathematics, the

What is your suggestion for improving of my grammar?
rules in grammar is not for memorising the same as

mathematics, grammar also made for practicing and

using not for memorising. (Wesal, 2022)

Use them in the sentences (Wesal, 2022) and find

out parts of speech of that word to make a story from

How can I improve my vocabulary?
leaned words. (Malik, 2022) The best way of

learning a new word and remembering of that is to,

learn it from the inside context of a reading passage,

not memorizing from bilingual language.

Listen to podcast and audios all the time and repeat

it. (Malik, 2022) The only way is to listen to

How can I improve my listening? anything you can. Watching movies, listening to

audios, whtching news … no matter how much you

understand, just listen. (Walizada, 2022)

Maybe the instructions are not clear for the students

(Wesal, 2022) or maybe the teachers accent have

Some time I cannot understand teacher, when he explain
problem, or its also possible that students are not in
something in the class. Why?
the class when teacher teaches and they don’t

understand the lesson. (Malik, 2022)

Specially English by practicing more and being

motivated to the targeted language. (Malik, 2022)

Make the environment, we live in a country with

Dari language, all people speak Dari. Therefore, you

must make and English environment for yourself.

How can we learn a language faster and more effective?
(Wesal, 2022) Learning of a language faster and

more effective depends on the level of usage of that

language. In the area you speak, if you speak more

every day the targeted language, your level of skill

will grow faster. (Walizada, 2022)

Listening is a bit tough then speaking and speaking

Between listening and speaking, which one is tough and
is easier, but we should not forget that a good
which one is easier to learn and improve.
speaker is a good listener. (Wesal, 2022)

Listen to them a lot and get accustomed with

contractions and liking words. (Malik, 2022)

How can we familiar our hearing with native speakers? Fighting with difficulties is on way to overcame and

Like they connect the words together. success, it means, if you have problems with

understanding native speakers speech, listen to them

more and regularly. (Walizada, 2022)

Knowing the rules cannot be the reason of speaking

fluently. Language is acquire from environment. If

our environment surrounded by Dari or our native

language, absolutely we will not improve. (Wesal,

We know almost all-English grammar while native speakers
2022) Natives just speak and don’t mind about
do not know even about the basics. So why we cannot speak
grammar while we are always worry about
fluent like them?
grammar. Language will requires whom it

communicate every time and every where and that

is why those who go on with natives, can understand

and learn the language sooner. (Walizada, 2022)


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