Ten Practical Lessons Learnt From Systems Thinking Class.

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Ten Practical lessons learnt from systems thinking class.

The System Thinking For Changing Agriculture course is one that I thought about many times
before I finally decided to join the class, even after careful thought I still had a double mind as to
whether I wanted to join or not. I attended the first three lectures and as the topics of the lessons
were unfolded by the lecturer I discovered there was so much the course would offer that I could
apply practically to my life. After a few more lectures I want to discuss ten lessons learned from
the Systems Thinking class which I can apply to bring change in my work and personal life.

The concept of system thinking has taught me about our thinking flaws and the inefficiency
of our habitual thinking. This lesson becomes so real to me as I began to probe into them, I found
that we are normally thought to think logically thus to break events to pieces and then re-assemble
them. This mode of thinking sometimes succeeds but our attempt to apply it indiscriminately only
leads to problems. The reason for this challenge is because this kind of thinking does not work
with systems .systems are not governed by rules and are not easily predictable. The enlightenment
of this topic has helped me to understand the concept of analyzing a situation and critically thinking
issues. I think this would go a long way to enrich my life because I have applied these lessons
when I was faced with challenges like fixing pipes at home, machines, and discussing issues with
my parents at home. I have mostly succeeded because my approach of thinking about the solutions
to these problems has been systemic and therefore I can look at the various component and points
where exactly the problem is coming from bringing out the best possible solution. I think its also
going to help me write out a good business idea in agriculture which is practical and workable
because every business is a system and all the components need critical attention to producing
success and sustenance.

Another lesson that has fascinated me and is bringing about a massive change in my work
and personal life is the topic, Systems involve prioritizing. Since a system has been established to
involve so many other components. it then becomes a necessity to rank which component is going
to come first or work first for other components to be able to function too. For example, the human
body prioritizes all its functions. Breathing takes the topmost positions like vehicles also prioritizes
all its functions. The ignition system begins its work first followed by other components and the
other way round. This lesson has taught me that I must also learn to prioritize effectively in my
work this is because some work might have a closer deadline than the other. Also in writing a
thesis, it applies because one cannot write the conclusion before the introduction.
This will also help me in making choices, we must all admit that we wake up to multi choices
every day but it's obvious that some choices will be beneficial than the others as other may need
to be made before others, I am optimistic that this lesson will help in the planning and ordering of
various aspects my life for effective living.

One of the characteristics of a system that is going to help me as part of the lessons is the
fact that systems change in response to feedback. Many thinkers have found that feedback plays a
central role in systems thinking. Feedback is the information that returns to its original transmitter
such that it influences that transmitter’s subsequent action. It is typical in Ghana for many people
to misinterpret the purpose of feedback. Most Logical thinkers have usually concluded that
feedbacks are from critics who do not want them to succeed. This lesson is going to help me
understand how and when to make changes in my life and my work. The majority of successful
businesses have responded to feedback and made certain changes, this has led to many customers
appreciating their businesses and patronizing it. Feedback is also one way I am going to appreciate
the corrections, suggestions, and pitfalls others to identify my work and make appropriate changes.

Besides, the system as a holistic entity has taught me so much which is applicable in my
work and daily life. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, a system as a holistic entity refers
to relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of,
treatment of, or dissection into parts. This means that a system is defined as an entity that maintains
its existence and functions as a whole through the interactions of its parts. This lesson can bring
about a change in my work in a sense that I often have to work on various projects in teams, the
understanding that the emergent properties of the team will be based on the individual in the team
contributing their best since I am part of the team then I understand my behavior could lead to the
progress of the team or downfall of the team. My family can also be considered as a holistic entity
and therefore my actions and inactions can go a long way to affect my family and therefore making
the best of choices.

Complexity and Change is a definite lesson that comes with system thinking that one must
study to appreciate the course in its fullness. According to dave pollard, “There are four main
purposes for learning about complexity and systems thinking: To appreciate how organic
(complex) systems (bodies, organizations, cultures, ecosystems work, To appreciate why
mechanical, analytical approaches to change in organizations usually fail, to be able to anticipate
how complex systems might respond to interventions and to be able to embrace complexity in all
its ‘unknowability’, instead of fearing it as most people instinctively do”. This lesson will help me
in my work especially in the place leadership to improve the quality of interaction with all other
leaders who may be above me or beneath in the hierarchy. Its also going to change my personal
life because its by applying my understanding of the complexity and change it's going to help me
adapt when I should and make changes easily without complicating a situation I am confronted

Families have difficult times now and then .some families can stand and make it through
the troubled time while others collapse and become a shadow of what it was after that. Many
people just like myself have wondered what made a particular family make and the other to
collapse. The lesson on stability and resistance has taught me a few things which I think applying
them can help me become stabilize my family in troubled times and also help give a bit of advice
to friends who might be having stability challenges in their family. This lesson has made me
understand that some systems are quite stable and do not change easily. Others are very unstable,
changing state and position very easily. A system is stable or unstable depending on some factors
like size, number, variety of subsystems, and types and degrees interconnections among the
subsystems. Stability is the ability of the system to remain functional even though some parts may
not be functioning properly. My work is going to change because I have learned that in any social
system that I am part we can capitalize on the good part of that system even if they are some
problems until there is a change. After all, it won't collapse as long as it is stable.
I find leverage as one of the lessons of the system thinking class that is going to bring a
change in my work and personal life. Every person is going to apply the principle of leverage at a
point in life. This is very important and as such one needs to understand what leverage means and
how to apply it. The concept of leverage is one of the most powerful in all of science. Archimedes
proved the Law of the Lever and applied the law in a variety of inventions. Writing in the 12th
century, historian John Tzetzes wrote that Archimedes said: "Give me a place to stand, and I will
move the world with a lever." In systems thinking a leverage point is a place in a system's structure
where a solution element can be applied. It's a low leverage point if a small amount of change
force causes a small change in system behavior. It's a high leverage point if a small amount of
change force causes a large change in system behavior. This principle can help me identify what
circumstances can be changed if the right connection is identified. For example, leverage can help
me manage anger challenges with colleagues and also help motivate myself and others to bring
out their best in any given situation.

An important principle of systems thinking is that one must “expect side-effects”. Side
effects can be termed as the consequences of the actions of objects. Although all systems have
craved outputs, they also have an unwanted output, often called side effects. For example, the
desired output of a car is motion yet three of the side effects of using vehicles are noise emissions,
air pollution, and traffic congestion. On the other hand, System thinking involves how part of the
system works together. It also trying to understand how systems affect people, the environment,
and organisms. Side effects may be pleasant, unpleasant, or surprising. This awareness would help
me make positive improvements to my life and personal work in a way that I can foresee the
potential side effects when making a social or personal change by knowing it. With this foresight,
I can then apply the leverage principle to design the change I want with little adverse effects on
my desired performance.

In furtherance, I learned that the attitudes needed for system thinking include curiosity,
versatility, independence, integrity, patience, independent thinking, openness, trust, acceptance of
ambiguity, uncertainty, and wide-ranging interest. These attitudes I believe are not only needed
for excelling in systems thinking but may also be needed in building self-confidence as a 21st-
century farmer who is set out to contribute my quota to the agricultural sector of Ghana and the
world at large. I also think that with this attitudes which am still learning from system thinking my
sense of patriotism and passion to help build a better nation has now become more realistic since
I now know that key attitudes that can make it happen thanks to these lesson learned from the

The last lesson I want to discuss which I learned from the systems thinking class is the
topic: Developmental stages in systems thinking. Systems thought skills are built through a variety
of related stages both consciously and unconsciously in our everyday lives. One may work at the
level of the other depending on the context as well as the specific capabilities of the individual.
The following developmental stages can be seen in the actions of people who are developing
structures which are dualism, multiplicity, relativism, and commitment in relativism respectively.
In stage one, an individual believes that knowledge is the collection of facts without any attempt
to modify or challenge or form ideas of information. I stage two the learner begins to recognize
that conflicting doctrines or opinions are independent and legitimate. In stage three, individuals
begin to bear responsibilities for their ideas and information and in the final stage, the individual
must take a position and defend the position. This lesson is a very important lesson for me because
it can bring a change in my academics and my career. Although I have realized that unconsciously
stage one was my best as I can walk to the other stages once in a while. I see myself getting to the
point where I take a position on my ideas and defend it as an original work,

In conclusion, these are some lesson that I have learned in my systems thinking class which
I am optimistic has started to bring a change in every phase my life which includes my work and
personal matters,
Anshults, A.(2018). Relationship between Side Effects and System Thinking.Retrieved May 10,
2020, from https://brainly.in/question/6191236
Mensah, O. A. (2020). Systems thinking for changing agriculture. Pg 1-18
Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Holistic. In Merriam-Webster.com dictionary. Retrieved May 8, 2020,
from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/holistic
Pollard, D.(2014). Systems Thinking And Complexity 101. Retrieved May 10, 2020, from
Thwink.org (2014). Leverage Point.Retrieved May 10, 2020, from

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