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San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Nueva Ecija
San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija





Hanilette Ngitit
Shirley Mae Gaffud
Mary Grace Magno
Trisha Mae Bautista
Gia Valencia
Faith Atasha Dela Cruz
Ryan Gonzales
Ezekiel Elis Cruz
John Immanuel Ortiz
John Rommer Valdez

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research I
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

Accountancy, Business and Management

Mrs. Donalyn M. Bautista

Research Adviser
S.Y 2022-2023



The Department of Education (DepEd) has authorized schools to include other grade

levels in the progressive expansion phase of face-to-face classes for public and private schools.

Assistant Secretary Malcolm Garma emphasized, however, that the inclusion of more grade

levels should be based on the capacity of the participating qualified schools to ensure adherence

to health and safety protocols. And based on DepEd’s recent data, 304 schools in Alert Level 1

or 2 areas are qualified to commence face-to-face classes, 12 of which in region 2, 106 in region

3, 54 in region 4A, and 123 in the NCR. In addition, 59 pilot public and private schools in region

4A, 8, 10, and NCR are continuing the implementation of limited physical classes.

Coping skills help you tolerate, minimize, and deal with stressful situations in life.

Managing stress well can help you feel better physically and psychologically and it can impact

your ability to perform your best. It is important to establish healthy coping skills that will help

you reduce your emotional distress or rid yourself of the stressful situations you face. With the

reimplementation of face-to-face class during pandemic Senior High School Students is no

exemption in dealing with challenges as they go to face to face class amidst pandemic.
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

With the reimplementation of face-to-face classes while we are still dealing with

pandemic, Senior High School Students should learn to cope with the challenges in every

situation and make sure to handle their emotions well.

According to Lazarus’s the Coping strategies are defined as “constantly changing

cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external or internal demands that are far

beyond the existing resources of the person” (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). In another words,

coping includes those efforts to deal with the new occasions that are potentially threatening and

challenging. The type of strategy adopted by each person to cope with stress is considered to be

part of the vulnerable profile of that person. Cognitive-behavioral coping among student is an

important issue of investigation due to the reported high prevalence of anxiety associated with

the COVID-19 pandemic. Whereas several studies have assessed COVID-19 awareness of

individuals as a predictor of anxiety, the moderating role of awareness in anxiety and coping

mechanisms remains unclear. The study primarily examined the nexus between awareness of

COVID-19 and (a) anxiety and (b) coping strategies, including the interaction effect of COVID-

19-related awareness in the link between anxiety and coping strategies among senior high school


While the Emotional intelligence is one of the essential components of leadership and an

inbuilt ability of an individual to perceive the emotions and feelings of other people. It is also

known as emotional quotient or EQ. To discern between different feelings and to use the

appropriate emotional guide to label each feeling and emotion in the correct way forms a part of

emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is commonly divided into four attributes which
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

include self attributes in which a person can control his impulsive feelings and behaviour and

manage his or her emotions in healthy ways. The second attribute is self-awareness, where the

person gets to recognize his emotions and the thoughts that affect his behaviour. The third

attribute of emotional intelligence is social awareness. The person has empathy and can

understand emotions, needs and concerns of other people. The last attribute is the aspect of

relationship management. This attribute helps to develop and maintain good relationships and to

communicate early and manage a conflict.

Emotional intelligence helps students better analyze situations. It not only helps students

interact with others better but also helps them tackle academic issues with greater panache. The

better a student is able to come-up to grips with a situation, the more in control they are of it.

Students with higher levels of emotional intelligence are able to keep a check on their emotions

better and be empathetic to others around them. This can help them develop improved self-

motivation and more effective communication skills-essential skills to helping students become

more confident learners.

In the study of “Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence of Senior High School

Students towards Reimplementation of Face-to-Face Classes during Pandemic”. It is aimed to

explore the factors that influence anxiety and depression among senior high school students. The

researchers will focus on the factors that may trigger the students in their mental conditions and

emotional status due to the broad impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic that has presented many

challenges in their life and academic performance. In line with this, the researchers will also take

consideration on how the students have been consistently become persistent and kept under
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

control due to the vast amount of pressure that they have been perceiving in their academic

challenges. To conclude this study explored many factors influencing students' mental health and

their coping strategies, providing reasonable school management suggestions.

The one of major target of this study is to prevent the pupils from struggling on some

things that they encounter on how to handle various feelings. Since how many we have been

with the pandemic, The students have already accustomed to the virtual class as how many years

passed by, there may be a lot of adjustments for us students from virtually turned into sudden

reimplementation of face-to-face classes during pandemic. At some point, there are some

students who are disrupted on sudden change, they have to intake ways on how they can possibly

overcome it. Most students are extrovert before the pandemic began and they now turned into

introvert person which can lead them to fear of something undefined, that there are no words to

express how much thoughts they have running throughout their minds all day which can be the

result of anxiety. It is strongly advised that learners who participate in interactions adopt a

positive outlook during disruptions. Learners who have a good attitude on life are more likely to

be resilient in the face of adversity. To face and re-act to COVID-19 situations bravely and

flexibly, one should use their experience viewpoint to change cognition and lessen their

judgments of COVID-19 scenario severity. They no longer perceive COVID-19-induced

depression as a terrible danger, but rather as a reminder that their lives are out of control and a

caution to overcome their obstacles and pursue a new path of meaning and purpose.
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

Statement of the Problem:

1. How many the Demographic Profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Strand and Section

1.4 Position in the family

2. How may the Coping Strategies of the respondents be described in terms of Component

Analysis of Component by Naughton (1997)

2.1 Biological/Physiological Component

2.2 Cognitive Component

2.3 Learned Component

3. How may the Emotional Intelligence of the respondents be described in terms of Emotional

Intelligence Quadrant by Goleman (2002)

3.1 Self Awareness

3.2 Self-Management

3.3 Social Awareness

3.4 Relationship Management

San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

4. Is there a significant relationship between the Demographic Profile and Coping Strategies of

Senior High School Students in Zaragoza National High School?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the Demographic Profile and Emotional Intelligence

of Senior High School Students in Zaragoza National High School?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence of

Senior High School Students in Zaragoza National High School?

Null Hypothesis:

1. There is no significant relationship between the Demographic Profile and Coping Strategies of

Senior High School Students in Zaragoza National High School.

2. There is no significant relationship between the Demographic Profile and Emotional

Intelligence of Senior High School Students in Zaragoza National High School.

3. There is no significant relationship between the Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence

of Senior High School Students in Zaragoza National High School.

Conceptual Framework:

This study entitled “Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence of Senior High School

Students towards Reimplementation of Face-to-Face Classes during Pandemic”.

San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

According to Naughton, 1997, the study of coping has evolved to encompass large variety of

disciplines. Dissecting coping strategies into three broad components, 1.)

Biological/physiological, the body has its own way of coping with stress. Any threat or challenge

that an individual perceives in the environment triggers a chain of neuroendocrine events. These

events can be conceptualized as two separate responses, sympathetic/adrenal and

pituitary/pituitary (Frankanhauser,1986); 2.) Cognitive, it is based on a mental process of how

the individual appraises the situation. Where the level of appraisal determines the level of stress

and the unique coping strategies that the individual partakes. (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984); and 3.)

Learned, it includes everything from various social learning theories to learned helplessness

phenomena. Implications of the particular culture or society that the stress at hand is affected by

can also be included in this component, as well as implications of the individual's own

personality. These will provide a better understanding of what the seemingly immense area is

about. The effects of stress are directly linked to coping.

According to Goleman (2002), Emotional Intelligence refers to the capacity to recognize

and manage our own feelings and respond effectively to those of others. Daniel Goleman's model

uses four domains: 1.) Self-awareness, it is a basic understanding of how we feel and why we

feel that way. It can be defined as the ability to read and understand your emotions as well as

recognize their impact on others; 2.) Self-management, it contributes to a sense of well-being,

self-efficacy and connectedness to others. The goal is for a self-regulating individual to be able

to take his or her emotional responses as cues for both action and coping effectively in

relationships; 3.) Social awareness, it is the ability to accurately notice the emotions of others
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

and “read” situations appropriately. It is about sensing what other people are thinking and feeling

to be able to take their perspective using your capacity for empathy; and

4.) Relationship management, it is the ability to take one's own emotions, the emotions of others,

and the context to manage social interactions. This quadrant pulls together the other 3

dimensions and creates the final product – relationship management. Often if we have the other

three dimensions figured out, this will flow more naturally.

Significance of the study:

This study entitled “Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence of Senior High School

Students towards reimplementation of face-to-face classes during pandemic” seeks its

importance to the following group of people and can be beneficial to the following:

 To the Community: This will serve as a guide for the community to know the struggle of a

students who already experienced anxiety and also to maintain emotional intelligence which

understand, use, and manage our own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress,

communicate effectively, emphasize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict.

 To the Teachers: This will help the teachers to know the different kind of emotion and

struggles that their students undergo. Teachers may help them by understanding how stress

affects learning and may help them build their students emotional intelligence.

 To the Parents: The findings of this study wilwill serve as a guide for the parents to be

aware of their children's reactions regarding reimplementation of face-to-face during

San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

pandemic and may help them with ideas on how to deal with their family's issues with the

help of Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence of their children and family.

 To the Students: This will help them be able to identify the different profiles of students

according to their level of Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence. And will also give

them an idea and knowledge on how they should act and what are the findings that they

would need if ever they've encounter this kind of issues.

 To the Future Researchers: They may use this study as a source of both conceptual and

research literature when they conduct their own studies related to the topic of our present

study. They can extend the scope of the present investigation to formulate a more

generalized conclusion.

Scope and Delimitation:

This study is to focus on the students' Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence at

Zaragoza National High School. It limited its coverage of the learners' health, which may aid in

identifying common problems that they face and proposing potential solutions to these problems.

This study was carried out to describe the Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence of

Senior High School Students towards Reimplementation of Face-to-Face Classes during

Pandemic. It seeks high school students' opinions and personal experiences regarding the risks of

anxiety as a result of reimplementation of face-to-face classes, which may also be affecting their

academic performance. As a researcher, creating an action plan for students to manage their

coping strategies and emotional intelligence with the help of their parents and themselves would

be extremely beneficial.
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

Furthermore, we will define the scope of the study as follows:

 To determine the Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence of Senior High School


 Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence of Senior High School Students

 Their methods of Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence, reimplementation of

face-to-face classes during pandemic, problems and proposed solutions to the problems.

 Senior High School Students

 Zaragoza National High School

 April 2022

This study would be done through the utilization of questionnaires to students as a survey

and reference tool. The researchers' strategy will allow them to learn about the Coping Strategies

and Emotional Intelligence of senior high school students.

San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

Research Paradigm

How may the Demographic

Profile of the respondents be 3. How may the Emotional
described in terms of: Intelligence of the respondents
Age be described in terms of
Sex Emotional Intelligence
Strand & Section Quadrant by Goleman (2002)
Proposed action plan
Position in the family to enhance the
Self Awareness
Self Management
Intelligence of Senior
Social Awareness
High School students
Relationship Management
in Zaragoza National
High School and to
know how they cope
up with the
reimplementation of
face-to-face classes
2. How may the Coping Strategies during pandemic.
of the respondents be described in
terms of Component Analysis of
Coping by Naughton (1997):
Cognitive Component
Learned Component
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

The figure above shows the insight of our study. It described the following: the

demographic profile, the independent variable and its components, the dependent variable and its

components, and the proposed action plan. The first box is composed of the demographic profile

of the respondents in terms of age, sex, strand & section, and monthly family income. In the

second box is the independent variable, which is composed of the components of Coping

Strategies. In the third box is the dependent variables which is composed of the components of

Emotional Intelligence. Lastly, the fourth box contains the proposed action whose goal is to

enhance the Emotional Intelligence of Senior High School students in Zaragoza National High

School and to know how they cope up with the reimplementation of face-to-face classes during


Definition of Terms:

For better and accurate understanding of the study and of the terms used in this study, the

researchers further defined the terms either operationally and conceptually:

Biological psychology - also called physiological psychology, is the study of the biology of

behavior; it focuses on the nervous system, hormones and genetics. Biological psychology

examines the relationship between mind and body, neural mechanisms, and the influence of

heredity on behavior.
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

Cognitive component – the attitudes refers to the beliefs, thoughts, and attributes that we would

associate with an object. It is the opinion or belief segment of an attitude. It refers to that part of

attitude which is related in general knowledge of a person.

Coping Strategies - an action, a series of actions, or a thought process used in meeting a

stressful or unpleasant situation or in modifying one's reaction to such a situation. Coping

strategies typically involve a conscious and direct approach to problems, in contrast to defense


Emotional intelligence - refers to the capability of a person to manage and control his or her

emotions and possess the ability to control the emotions of others as well. In other words, they

can influence the emotions of other people also.

Self-awareness - is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions

do or don't align with your internal standards.

Self-management - which is also referred to as “self-control” or “self-regulation,” is the ability

to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations.


Research Design:
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

This study entitled “Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence of Senior High School

Students towards Reimplementation of Face-to-Face Classes during Pandemic”, examines the

coping strategies and emotional intelligence of Senior High School Students in Zaragoza

National High School in order to prevent the learners from struggling on some things that they

encounter on how to handle various feelings.

The researchers utilize descriptive-correlational design. According to Quaranta (2016),

descriptive research is a study in which the researcher is primarily interested in describing

relationships among variables, without seeking to establish a causal connection while correlation

research is type of nonexperimental research in which the researcher measures two variables and

assesses the statistical relationship (i.e., the correlation) between them with little or no effort to

control extraneous variables.

Research Locale and Sampling Procedure:

This study will be conducted at Zaragoza National High School, which is located at San

Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija. It is composed of 616 grade 11 students with 13 section and grade 12 has

518 students with 11 section. This area was selected to learn about the coping strategies and emotional

intelligence of senior high school students towards reimplementation of face-to-face classes during

pandemic at Zaragoza National High School. The researchers implemented this study on students from
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

Grade 11 to 12. This study tested the coping strategies and emotional intelligence on senior high school

students. The research study was implemented within the Zaragoza National High School area. The

rooms were clean, well-ventilated, and there were enough seats for each student participating in the


Data Gathering Procedure:

Before gathering data, the researchers will present the study to the research adviser for

correction and approval. Once approved by the adviser, the letter will be sent to the principal to

request permission to conduct the study and have senior high school students from Zaragoza

National High School participate in the research study.

After obtaining the permit, the researchers will approach the students and politely ask

them if it is okay for them to answer the questionnaires. To adhere to the norms of conducting

research ethically, the prescribed standards and necessary protocols are strictly followed. Upon

obtaining informed consent from survey respondents, researchers will personally explain the

study's purpose and benefits, as well as how they should answer the questions.
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

In gathering these data, a survey on google form is employed for the convenience and

safety of the participants because of the impossibility of close physical interaction due to Covid-

19. Furthermore, participants' anonymity is protected by the information they provide, and they

will be assured that the data obtained was used solely for research purposes.

Data Gathering Analysis:

In analyzing the data, descriptive statistical analysis is employed. It is a type of

quantitative data analysis that is used to describe or present data in a quantitative format that is

easily accessible (James and Simister, 2020). In other words, this analytical procedure assists

researchers in illustrating and summarizing an observation.

“Coping Strategies and Emotional Intelligence of Senior High School Students towards

Reimplementation of Face-to-Face Classes during Pandemic”

Dear Respondents,
Blessed day! We, the researchers, Hanilette Ngitit, Shirley Mae Gaffud, Trisha Bautista,
Mary Grace Magno, Faith Atasha Dela Cruz, Gia Valencia, Ezekiel Elis Cruz, John Immanuel
Ortiz, John Rommer Valdez, and Ryan Gonzales of Grade 11 students of Zaragoza National
High School under the Academic Track, Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM).
We are hoping and requesting your cooperation to answer our questionnaires for our
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija


CLASSES DURING PANDEMIC” your knowledge, concerns, and responses are a sure help for
us to achieve our goal. Rest assured that all the information we would gather will remain
confidential and will only be used for academic purposes only.
We are hoping that this request would merit your positive response. Again, thank you for
accepting and considering our concern. God bless and have a good day!
Respectfully yours,

Kindly fill-out and supply the necessities by putting a check (/) in the box provided the
corresponds to your answer.
NAME (Optional):
16-18 years old
20-23 years old
24years old and above
SEX: Female Male
Kindly express your opinion by checking the number that corresponds to your answer. The
following codes are used in answering:
4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

1. I’m concerned what other
people think of me.
2. I generally pay attention to my
inner feelings.
3. I am good at managing my
moods and try not to bring
negative emotions to school.
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

4. I know the way my mind

works when I work through a
5. I can usually identify the
emotion I am feeling when an
event occurs.
1. If I need to solve a problem
quickly, I get help from other
student, the teachers or other help
2. I have difficulty concentrating
while doing my homework.
3. My marks tends to suffer
because of my last-minute
4. I regularly use a day planner to
plan my activities.
5. I have a hard time deciding
just what school work I should be
doing outside of class.
1. I’m comfortable expressing
my viewpoints without being
2. People generally like me, even
if they don’t always agree with
3. I believe that people can find
common ground and work out
problems together.
4. I can deal calmly and
sensitively with others when they
are in an emotional state.
5. I can engage with a person in a
way that helps me “Size up” that
person's mood based on non-
verbal signals.

1. I tell my team members what

has to be done and how to do it.
2. I do not consider any
suggestions made by my
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

members as I do not have the

time for them.
3. I retain the final decision-
making authority within my
4. Helping others in need.
5. I ask for ideas and input on
upcoming plans or activities.


1.Sometimes i have a
psychological stress.
2.I usually have mood disorders.
3.I believe that I can go through all
the paths even though I have anger
4.I feel so lonely sometimes.
5.When my depression attacks, I
always try to calm myself.
1. I usually stay emotional
detached when watching a film.
2. It is hard for me to see why
some thing's upset so much.
3. I get very upset when I see
someone cry.
4. It affects me very much when
one of my friends seem upset.
5.I can usually appreciate the
other person's viewpoint.even if i
do not agree with it.
1.I learn to spell better by
repeating words out loud than by
writing the words on paper.
2.I would rather listen to a good
lecture or speech that read about
the same material.
3.I prefer obtaining information
San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

about an interesting subject by

reading about it.
4.I can remember best by
listening to a lecture that inlouds
information,explanation and
5.I am skillful with and enjoy
developing making graph and

Thank you for your participation! God bless you!


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San Rafael, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija

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